In recent years, Su Zimotravelsoutside, sensationHeaven and Earth, comprehendsdao law, fivegreat paradisecultivationeven morepowerful, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.
这些年来,苏子墨在外游历,感知天地,参悟道法,五大洞天修炼得越发强大,坚不可摧。Wantsfivegreat paradisefusions, musthave the sufficientstrength, destroysit, brokenthenstands, fusesagain.
想要将五大洞天融合,必须要有足够的力量,将其摧毁,破而后立,再度融合。ButatSu Zimoownstrength, is unable to achievethis point.
而以苏子墨自己的力量,根本无法做到这一点。EvenFengdu, is unable to destroyhisfivegreat paradise!
甚至就连酆都,都无法将他的五大洞天摧毁!Only thenGreat Emperorexpert, has the absolute strength.
只有大帝强者,才拥有绝对力量。Linglong (exquisite)Immortal Emperorguesseswell.玲珑仙帝猜得不错。Su Zimothatwords, toenrageLord of Hella moment ago.苏子墨刚才那番话,就是为了激怒地狱之主。Avici Great Hellhad been pierced, is unable to imprisonLord of Hell.阿鼻大地狱已经被洞穿,根本无法囚禁地狱之主。ButhearsSeamless Great Emperor, Avici Great Hell, the pain that the Lord of Hellinevitablerecollectiontwoepochsuffersuffers, falls into the violent anger.
但听到无间大帝,阿鼻大地狱,地狱之主不可避免的回想起两个纪元来遭受到的痛苦折磨,陷入暴怒之中。Su Zimoalsodraws support fromLord of Hell, the breakthroughbottleneck, steps intoEmperor Realmat one fell swoop!苏子墨也借助地狱之主,一举突破瓶颈,踏入帝境!Infivegreat paradisefusions, condensesa side world the time, inhismind, emergessomeoff and onmemoryfragmentsagain.
就在五大洞天融合,凝聚一方世界的时候,他的脑海中,再度涌现出一些断断续续的记忆碎片。Steps intoTrue Oneness Realmtimethesememoryfragmentswithhim, the places of many superpositions.
与他踏入真一境时候那些记忆碎片,有很多重合之处。Everywhereis the blood and bone.
到处都是血与骨。All living thingswail, the myriad thingsare on the wane.
众生哀嚎,万物凋零。In addition, but alsoemergessomenewshatterpictures.
除此之外,还涌现出一些新的破碎画面。HasYin-Yangandthunder, to slaughter, flame......
有阴阳、雷霆、杀戮、火焰……Thesegraduallyvanishdo not see, finallybelongs topiece of primal chaos (hun dun)gradually.
这些逐渐消失不见,最终渐渐归于一片混沌。Dusky, slurred.
灰蒙蒙,模糊不清。Without the light, does not have the darkness.
没有光明,也没有黑暗。WithoutFive Elements, cannot feel the spaceexist(ence), evencould not detect that the timepasses!
没有五行,也感受不到空间的存在,甚至察觉不到时间流逝!Afterward, thispiece of primal chaos (hun dun)blasts opensuddenly, changes intoblack, gold/metal, redandazurefourbrilliance, sprinklesin the voidend, vanishesdoes not see.
随后,这片混沌突然炸裂,化为黑、金、红、青四道光华,洒落在虚空尽头,消失不见。Butazurethatsaidbrilliance, as ifdropped from the clouds, the penetrationwas numerous, breaks throughlayer upon layer the barrier, crashedin the Su Zimo'stop of the head!
The nextquarter, the Su Zimowhole bodybig quake, awakenssuddenly!
下一刻,苏子墨浑身大震,豁然惊醒!Justallmemoryfragments, the off and onpicture, has vanishedat this momentdoes not see.
刚刚的所有记忆碎片,断断续续的画面,此刻已经消失不见。Buthisa side world, has condensed!
而他的一方世界,已经凝聚而成!Inthisworld, likeall rivers run into the sea, fusesfivegreat paradisealldao and law, hasimmortal, buddha and demonandmonster, there isuniverseHeaven and EarthandYin-YangFive Elements and wind and rainthunder and lightning and life and deathups and downs......
这个世界中,如同海纳百川,融合五大洞天所有的道与法,有仙、佛、魔、妖,也有乾坤天地、阴阳五行、风雨雷电、生死枯荣……myriad laws return to one.万法归一。Thesedao law, taboo secret scripture, becameSu Zimo'sgood fortunefinally, integratesina side world.
The Su Zimoitself/Benthinks, after stepping intoEmperor Realm, hewill condensesideGood Fortune World.苏子墨本以为,踏入帝境之后,他将凝聚出一方造化世界。Butat this moment, hefeelsfaintly, thea side world that hecondenses, as if is not only power of good fortune!
但此刻,他隐隐感觉到,他凝聚出来的这一方世界,似乎不仅仅是造化之力!Orgood fortuneis onlypart.
„ primal chaos (hun dun)...... „
“混沌……“In the Su Zimo'smind the miraculous glowflashes, suddenlythinks ofthesetwocharacters.苏子墨的脑海中灵光一闪,突然想到这两个字。
The view of relatedprimal chaos (hun dun), inHeavenly Desolate Continent, hehad once contacted.
有关混沌的说法,在天荒大陆的时候,他就曾接触过。Onceat that timewithhisbecome enemyDi Yin, onceinGold Core Realm, comprehendedtwogold core phenomenon, Sea of ChaosandWorld Cleansing Azure Lotus.
当时曾与他为敌的帝胤,曾在金丹境,领悟出两道金丹异象,混沌之海和净世青莲。Hefusesthesetwogold core phenomenon, derivesnewphenomenon, was bornazure lotusinSea of Chaos.
他将这两道金丹异象融合,衍生出一道新的异象,一株生于混沌之海中的青莲。Just, Su Zimo'sGood Fortune Azure Lotus, is notWorld Cleansing Azure Lotuscancompare.
只不过,苏子墨的造化青莲,远不是净世青莲所能比拟。Butappears, inheremembers‚primal chaos (hun dun)’, is notSea of Chaos that Di Yincomprehends.
而出现在他记忆中的‘混沌’,也并非帝胤所领悟的混沌之海。primal chaos (hun dun) in thesememoryfragments, the genesis, is more ancient, is more mystical.
那些记忆碎片中的混沌,更加元始,更加古老,更加神秘。Thispiece of primal chaos (hun dun), as ifcanexhaustworld's mysteries, not onlysomematerial.
这片混沌,仿佛可以穷尽天地奥秘,不只是某种物质。ButGood Fortune Azure Lotuswiththispiece of primal chaos (hun dun), as ifalsohas the complicatedrelation.
而造化青莲与这片混沌,似乎也有着千丝万缕的联系。At this momentis faced with an archenemy, not being able to allowhimto think.
只是,此刻大敌当前,容不得他多想。Su Zimoplanstemporarilybehindworld, calls it‚Primal Chaos World’.苏子墨打算暂时将身后的世界,称之为‘混沌世界’。Lord of Hell of not far awaycalms downat this moment, realizedoneselfwere just used, the visionis cloudier.
不远处的地狱之主此刻冷静下来,也意识到自己刚刚被人利用了,目光更加阴沉。Helooks atthatworld that Su Zimois condensingbehind, narrows the eyeslightly.
他望着苏子墨身后凝聚出来的那个世界,微微眯眼。Justmadehimfeel the stabbing pain, isthisworld!
刚刚让他感到刺痛的,就是这座世界!Naturally, makeshimfeel the stabbing pain.
To contendwithhimtruly, but alsofalls far short!
想要真正与他抗衡,还差得远!Heafter all is Great Emperor.
他毕竟是大帝。Even ifSu Zimosteps intoEmperor Realm, both sidesstilldifferedbigrealmfully.
就算苏子墨踏入帝境,双方也整整相差了一个大境界。Great Emperorcondensesdao imprint, the strengthhas risentoanotherlevel!大帝凝聚道印,力量已经上升到另一个层次!„Zimosteps intoEmperor Realm, it seems likeMedium Thousandfold Worldwas likelyto crossthistribulation.”
“子墨踏入帝境,看来中千世界有望渡过此劫。”Feng Cantianseesthis, the spiritinspiresgreatly.风残天看到这一幕,精神大振。„Not necessarily.”
“未见得。”Elder Ironcrown was still the lookanxiety, saidin a soft voice: „When pastHuang Wu (Desolate Martial), enteredEmperor Realminitially, facingbesieging of Lord of the Luminous Heaven and Lord of the Luminous Heaven liangs positionexpert , can only supportreluctantly, evenbroke an arm.”铁冠老者仍是神色忧虑,轻声道:“当年的荒武,初入帝境之时,面对皓天之主位强者的围攻,也只能勉强支撑,甚至断去一臂。”Numerouspositionexperthearing this, recalledpastone, secretnod.
众位强者闻言,也回想起当年的一幕,暗暗点头。At that time, facingbesieging of Lord of the Luminous HeavenandFengdu, Martial Dao main bodytrulycaused heavy losses, reveals the defeat.
当时,面对皓天之主和酆都的围攻,武道本尊确实遭到重创,露出败相。Because ofDié Yueproved the DaoGreat Emperor, joins the battlefield, withHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)shoulder to shoulder, changes the situationthoroughly.
After War of Slaying the Heavensopening, whydoes not know, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)battle strengthrises sharplysuddenly, evencanrely onone's effort, resistswithseveralGreat Emperor, butalsoincurs the total destructionlater.伐天之战开启后,不知为何,荒武突然战力大涨,甚至可以凭借一己之力,与数位大帝对抗,可随后也招致灭顶之灾。Immortal King Linglongnods, said: „ZimothatMartial Dao True Body, isanomaly, jumps out ofthree worlds, outside of the Five Elements. Alsobecause of this, after hereleasessomesecret techniques, battle strengthcanbreak through the Medium Thousandfold Worldstrengthto suppress, onagain a level.”玲珑仙王点点头,道:“子墨的那具武道真身,乃是异数,跳出三界,不在五行。也正因为如此,他释放某种秘法之后,战力才能突破中千世界的力量压制,再上一个层次。”„ZimotheAzure Lotus True Body, althoughisonly one in Heaven and Earth, is actually notanomaly, stillinHeavenly Dao Rules.”
众位强者露出一丝恍然。In other words, Su Zimosteps intoEmperor Realm, evenhisbattle strengthis strong, stillhas an upper limit, mostandLord of Hellis close!
也就是说,苏子墨踏入帝境,就算他的战力再强,也有一个上限,最多与地狱之主相近!ButLord of Hell, Fengduclose toGreat Emperorbattle strength!
The joy that the peoplejustemergedagainlater, cameworriesto wash out.
众人刚刚涌现出来的喜悦,再度被随后而来的担忧冲散。Situation that at presentSu Zimofaces, unexpectedlybeforetwothousand yearsis quite similar!
眼下苏子墨面对的局势,竟然与两千年前极为相似!As beforeisSu Zimofacingcollaboration of Great EmperorandFengdu.
依旧是苏子墨面对一尊大帝和酆都的联手。Just, thistime, Su Zimois notanomaly, Martial Daothattypecannotbreak throughRules of Heaven and Earthsecret techniques.
只不过,这一次,苏子墨并非异数,也不会武道那种可以突破天地规则的秘法。Hisside, did not haveBlood ButterflyGreat Emperor.
他的身边,也没有了血蝶大帝。„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), thistimeyoursidethatBlood Butterfly, Ihad not only looked that alsowhocanhelpyou!”
“荒武,这次你身边没有那只血蝶,我看还有谁能来帮你!”Fengdualsothinks ofthis point, loudly shouted.酆都也想到这一点,大喝一声。„Suppressesyourtwopeople, why must others help.”
“镇压你二人,何须他人相帮。”Su Zimovisiongreatly rises, holding upa side world, eruptsfight within the past and presentsecret techniques, foot treadsLong River of Time, reverseon!苏子墨目光大盛,撑起一方世界,爆发斗战古今秘法,脚踏岁月长河,逆流而上!FacingLord of HellandFengdu, firstlaunches the offensiveunexpectedly, onestepcrosseslayer on layer/heavilystar sea, arrivesbefore the Lord of Hellbody!
面对地狱之主和酆都,竟抢先发动攻势,一步跨越重重星海,降临在地狱之主身前!„Courts death!”
“找死!”Lord of Hellwearswhite bonesbattle armor, grasps the white boneslong blade, darkgloomya side hell, emergesmountain of corpses and sea of blood, the fishy smellsoars to the heavens, suppressestowardSu Zimo.地狱之主身披白骨战甲,手持白骨长刀,身后幽暗阴森的一方地狱,涌现出尸山血海,腥气冲天,朝着苏子墨镇压下来。Meanwhile, FengduwithUnderworld, coversto kill.
轰!a side world that Su Zimo'scondenses, collides in Hell Realmtogether, erupts a shaking the heavens and earthloud sound!苏子墨的凝聚的一方世界,与地狱界碰撞在一起,爆发出一声惊天动地的巨响!Underworldalsoarriveslater, causesPrimal Chaos Worldto shiverunceasingly, Good Fortune Azure Lotus in the world , incontinualswaying, bloomsbunch of brilliance!地府世界也随后降临,引得混沌世界不断颤抖,世界中的造化青莲,也在连续的摇晃,绽放出一团团光华!Withthreeexpertoutbreak of battle, battle in Heavenly Worldbattlefield, opensagain.
More and more planesparticipate, more and more expert, rush to the Heavenly Worldbattlefield, fightswithHeavenly Desolate WorldandSword Worldnumerouscultivatorshoulder to shoulder!
越来越多的界面参加进来,越来越多的强者,赶赴天界战场,与天荒界、剑界众多修士并肩而战!Even ifthere is a life that in the Hellabysscrawlscontinuously, even ifthere isBlood World, Tomb Worldand othermajor planeto collaborate, Heavenly Desolate Worldgradually still has stabilized the situation.
就算有地狱深渊中爬出来的生灵源源不断,即便有血界、墓界等五大界面联手,天荒界这边也已经逐渐稳住局势。Whatis most essentialisbetween Heaven and Earth, the war of thatGreat Emperor!
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