Medium Thousandfold World, a boundlessstarry skycorner/horn.中千世界,茫茫星空的一角。White eyebrowsold manrickets the body, is sittingon a blanktombstone, looks at the Sword Worldbattlefielddirection, softly mutteredwas saying: „Thistimesoundwas too big, must alarmHeavenly Courtthatseveral.”
一位白眉老者佝偻着身躯,坐在一处空白墓碑上,望着剑界战场的方向,轻喃道:“这次的动静太大了,恐怕要惊动天庭那几位。”Instarry skyanotherend, a figurefraillittle girlalsostopsto look atSword World, suddenlyasked: „Ifthatseveralmake a move, wedo wantto help?”
在星空的另一端,一位身形单薄的小女孩也驻足望着剑界,忽然问道:“若那几位出手,我们要不要帮忙?”Two peopleare separated bytrillionli (0.5 km)star sea, butas if no impediment, close, talkedat will.
两人相隔亿万里星海,但却仿佛毫无阻隔,近在咫尺,随意交谈。Inanotherstarry skydarkness, appearsslowlytogether the form, the old woman who probablyis leaning on the walking stick, saidslowly: „Wemake a move, resistHeavenly Court, means that opensWar of Slaying the Heavens.”
在另一处星空的黑暗之中,缓缓浮现出一道身影,像是一位拄着拐杖的老妪,缓缓说道:“我们出手,对抗天庭,就意味着开启伐天之战。”„Medium Thousandfold World, but alsodoes not haveGreat Emperor born, nowcuts down the day, the timeis not right. Moreover, Fengduhas not trod the laststep.”
The white eyebrowsold manhas not spoken, as iftacitly approves the word of old woman.
The little girlvisionrotation, fallson the Heavenly Worlddirection, narrowed the eye, the soundis passingice-cold, said: „Hedidextremely!”
小女孩目光转动,落在天界的方向,眯了眯眼,声音透着一丝冰冷,道:“他做得太过了!”„Healsotocut downday, tohelpusreturns toGreat Thousandfold.”
“他也是为了伐天,为了助我们重返大千。”Old womanlightsaying, thinks little.
The little girlsare silent, but the complexionwas still passing a chill in the air.
……InSword Worldbattlefield.剑界战场上。
The secondfist of Martial Dao main bodyarrives, two peoplecoversLuminous HeavenPatrol AngelandEmperor Bai Yu is completely one of them!武道本尊的第二拳降临下来,将皓天巡天使和白宇帝君两人全部笼罩在其中!Bang!
A loud sound!
一声巨响!Luminous HeavenPatrol Angelcannot supportfinally, the bodyreaches the limit that canwithstand, fought with the fiststo explode, primordial spiritdies out!皓天巡天使终于支撑不住,身躯达到所能承受的极限,被一拳打爆,元神寂灭!Butin the critical moment, Emperor Bai Yutears into shredstogethertalismanfinally.
而在最后紧要关头,白宇帝君撕碎一道符箓。Thistalismanbursts outstartleddaykilling intent, innumerabledao lawrunes, coveron the body of Emperor Bai Yu, leadinghimto escapeto the Heavenly Courtdirection!
这道符箓迸发出一股惊天杀意,无数道法符文,笼罩在白宇帝君的身上,带着他逃向天庭的方向!„Thistimealsowantsto escape?”
“这次还想逃?”Martial Dao main bodysneersslightly, changing the fistis the palm, graspedtowardEmperor Bai Yutop of the headdirectly!武道本尊微微冷笑,变拳为掌,直接朝着白宇帝君的天灵盖抓了下去!Emperor Bai Yudao lawrunes, swiftlycondenses, transforms the long sword that killing intentsoars to the heavens, cutsto falltoward the palm of Martial Dao main body!白宇帝君身上的道法符文,迅速凝聚,幻化成一柄杀意冲天的长剑,朝着武道本尊的手掌斩落下去!
The Martial Dao main bodysensationobtains, thesedao lawrunes, are the methods that Great Emperorleaves behind.武道本尊感知得到,这些道法符文,乃是大帝留下的手段。If more than 100years ago, maybecometoother partytroubles.
但现在……Martial Dao main bodydivine thoughtmoves, moves back todirectlyHell Suppressing Cauldron, suppressestowardthiskilling intentlong sword!武道本尊神念一动,直接将镇狱鼎搬回过来,朝着这道杀意长剑镇压下去!
The loud sound of bang!
轰的一声巨响!Thiskilling intentlong sword, was brokenbyHell Suppressing Cauldron!
The palm of Martial Dao main body, fallsonEmperor Bai Yutop of the headdirectly.武道本尊的手掌,直接落在白宇帝君的天灵盖上。„Youcannotkillme......”
“你不能杀我……”Emperor Bai Yuscreamedone.白宇帝君尖叫一声。Pā!啪!Martial Dao main bodytohimhad not said that the opportunity of secondwords, palmstrength emission, shakespiece of bloody misthisheadinstantaneously, the soul flies away and scatters, body dies and Dao disappears!武道本尊都没给他说第二句话的机会,掌心发力,瞬间将他的脑袋震成一片血雾,魂飞魄散,身死道消!NumerouspositionEmperorexpertlooks atthis, in the innermost feelingssurges a deepfear.
众位帝君强者看着这一幕,内心中涌起一阵深深的恐惧。Sincewar, thisEmperor Huang Wuhas killed more than 100Emperorexpert!
大战至今,这位荒武帝君已经杀了一百多位帝君强者!Except for the Realm of the Mandate of HeavensEmperor, but alsoincludingHeavenly CourtthreePatrol Angel, Heavenly Courtyoung master!
A Great Desolationwar, in addition a war, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens is almost given the dozento be remnantbyEmperor Huang Wuonepersontoday!大荒一战,再加上今日一战,奉天界几乎被荒武帝君一人给打残了!Even ifHeavenly Courtarrives atseveralPatrol Angel, butlooks atthissituation, perhapscannot blockEmperor Huang Wu'sto murder.
就算天庭又降临下来几位巡天使,但看这个形势,恐怕也挡不住荒武帝君的杀伐。Thiswar, is a focus of public attention.
这一战,万众瞩目。InThree Thousand Worlds, does not know that many expertare paying attention tothiswar, waits for a result.三千界中,不知有多少强者都在关注此战,等待一个结果。Butat this time, is not only Heavenly Eye World, Stone World, Golden Crow Worldand otherplanes, the Realm of the Mandate of Heavensremainingemperors, haveto draw backintent.
而此时,不光是天眼界、石界、金乌界等界面,就连奉天界剩下的众位帝君,都已心生退意。Heavenly Courtlossalreadypresently, without the extremity, is unlikely hardto recall!天庭败势已现,若没有非常手段,恐怕难以挽回!In the meantime, inthatcrack in sky, arrives ataura that suddenlymade the personpalpitation.
The terrifying of thisaura, evenletsin the battlefieldboth sides that slaughter the war, calls a haltin abundance, the lookis panic-stricken, raises headto look!
The invisibleandtremendouspressure, coversonMedium Thousandfold World!
无形而巨大的压力,笼罩在中千世界上!Inthis moment, Three Thousand Worldsmyriad clansall living things, regardless of the cultivation baseheight, regardless of being where, was awakened, raised the headto look up to the starry skyvault of heaven.
在这一刻,三千界万族众生,不论修为高低,不论身在何处,都被惊醒,抬头仰望星空苍穹。myriad clansall living thingsconcentrate all one's attention on, uneasy, has a being faced with imminent disasterfeeling, as ifthispiece of Heaven and Earth, will soon welcome an end!万族众生屏气凝神,惴惴不安,有种大难临头之感,仿佛这片天地,即将迎来一个末日!Not onlyin the Sword Worldbattlefield, Heavenly Desolate Worldherewar, stoppedgradually.
“这道威压……”Onface of Dié Yue, rarereveals a dignity.蝶月的脸上,少见的流露出一丝凝重。CanmakeThree Thousand Worldsmyriad clansall living thingsfeel such tremendouspressure, perhapsonly hasGreat Emperor!
“蝼蚁!”In the meantime, in the vault of heavencrack, hearsoneto drinksuddenlyseverely.
就在此时,苍穹裂缝之中,突然传来一声厉喝。FallsonMedium Thousandfold World, just likethunderclapcrack, bursts out the endlessdignitytogether, lingering on faintly!
落在中千世界,宛如一道惊雷炸响,迸发出无尽的威严,不绝于耳!Let aloneisrealmmeancultivator, Emperoron the scene, underthisdrinksseverely, almostkneels down, near the earbuzz the crymakes noise, inmind a blank.
别说是境界低微的修士,就连在场的众位帝君,在这声厉喝之下,都差点跪倒在地,耳边嗡鸣作响,脑海中一片空白。As ifthisants, are scoldingthem!
仿佛这声蝼蚁,就是在呵斥他们!Elder Ironcrownis pale.铁冠老者脸色苍白。Thiswar, alarmsGreat Emperor, not onlySword WorldandHeavenly Desolate Worldmustbe removed, perhapsevenEmperor Huang Wualso......
这一战,惊动大帝,不但剑界、天荒界要被除名,恐怕连荒武帝君也……UnlikeSword WorldandHeavenly Desolate WorldnumerouspositionEmperorexpert, Heavenly CourtEmperorexperthearsthissound, softly sigh of relief.
与剑界、天荒界的众位帝君强者不同,天庭的帝君强者听到这个声音,都轻舒一口气。SeveralPatrol Angelalsofeel relieved.
几位巡天使也都如释重负。LetthemfacingEmperor Huang Wu, theydo not have the least bitassurance!
From Luminous HeavenEmperorlookis excited, somegrief and indignation.
A Luminous HeavenEmperorcannot bearsadsoundshout: „reporting toHigh Lord, Patrol Angelandyoung masterwere just killedbythisHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)!”
一位皓天帝君忍不住悲声喊道:“启禀主上,巡天使和少主刚刚被这个荒武杀了!”„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)......”
“荒武,荒武……”In the vault of heavencrack, reverberateslow and deeplightto recite the sound.
苍穹裂缝之中,回荡着一道道低沉的轻吟声。No onedaresto speak, for fear thatalarmsin to Heavenly Court.
The between Heaven and Earthatmosphere, constrained the extreme!天地间的气氛,压抑到了极点!At this time, Martial Dao main bodytreads the skystands, butraises headslightly.
此时,武道本尊踏空而立,只是微微仰头。BecausehewearsMoluo Mask, no onecanseehiscomplexion.
由于他戴着摩罗面具,也没有人能看到他的脸色。Ifsomepeoplecancompletely understand, will then discoverwith amazement, the Martial Dao main bodylook, is much tranquiler than the peopleimaginationin!
若是有人能看透,便会惊讶的发现,武道本尊的神色,比众人想象中要平静得多!„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)......”
The low and deepsound, reverberatesunceasingly.
低沉的声音,不断回荡。Afterward, stops suddenly!
“你好大的胆子!”AboveVault Heavenresoundsoneto drinkgreatly, along withvastboundlesspressure, big handbyvault of heavencrack, in the Emperor Huang Wurackettowardstarry skyfalls!苍天之上响起一声大喝,伴随着浩瀚磅礴的威压,一只大手透过苍穹裂缝,朝着星空中的荒武帝君拍落下来!Thisbig handcovering the sky and blocking the sun, contains the destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earthaura, justarrived atMedium Thousandfold World, the surroundinginnumerablestarsare disillusionedinstantaneously, change into the fragmentpowder!
这只大手遮天蔽日,蕴藏着毁天灭地的气息,刚刚来到中千世界,周围的无数星辰瞬间破灭,化为齑粉!starry skyshivers, gloomy!星空颤抖,天昏地暗!Great Emperoracts!大帝出手!Sword Worldnumerouspositionsword cultivator, somecannot shoulderthispressure, kneels downin abundance.剑界的众位剑修,有的扛不住这种压力,纷纷跪倒在地。Thisonlyshrouding the sky great hand, not only need pat the Martial Dao main bodysuppression, coversaboveentireSword World, must the Sword Worlddestructionunder the palm!
这只遮天大手,不仅仅要将武道本尊镇压拍死,也笼罩在整个剑界之上,要将剑界覆灭于掌下!Even the Emperoroutsidebattlefield, feelsthisaura, is the mindtrembles.
The disparitywas too big!
差距太大了!This is the Great Emperorstrength!
这便是大帝的力量!Definitelyis unable to contend!
完全无法抗衡!Heavenly Desolate World.天荒界。Northern Kun EmperorandSouthern Peng Emperortwo peopleseethis, sighedonelightly.北鲲帝君、南鹏帝君两人看到这一幕,也轻叹一声。Theyhave not lent a handto helpHeavenly Desolate World, was worried that thiswar, will alarmGreat Emperor.
他们始终没有出手帮助天荒界,就是担心这一战,会惊动大帝。Great Emperoracts, stillsallsufficiently!大帝出手,足以平定一切!
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