ESK :: Volume #32

#3167: Desolate Martial Great Emperor

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Medium Thousandfold World of this, no one sees Great Emperor to act radically, can be what kind of scene. 这一世的中千世界,根本没有人见过大帝出手,会是何等景象。 Although Martial Dao main body has seen Great Emperor expert, has not actually fought with Great Emperor , not the clear Great Emperor expert strength, actually will go to what situation. 武道本尊虽然见过大帝强者,却并未与大帝交过手,也不清楚大帝强者的力量,究竟会达到什么地步。 Until this moment, he feels this starry sky to tremble, various heaven is shocked, the strength of Great Emperor myriad clans submits to! 直到这一刻,他才感受到这股星空战栗,诸天震动,万族臣服的大帝之力! Very strong! 很强! Great strength of unprecedented! 前所未见的强大! Even makes him feel the tremendous pressure! 甚至让他都感受到巨大的压力! If more than 100 years ago, facing this palm, without using Martial Origin Paradise, he cannot resist absolutely. 若是在一百多年前,面对这一掌,在不动用元武洞天的情况下,他绝对抵挡不住。 But today, different in the past! 可今日,不同往昔! More than 100 years, Dié Yue is progressive. 一百多年的时间,蝶月进步巨大。 Martial Dao main body is also transforming! 武道本尊也在蜕变! Great Desolation is after the first fight, Martial Dao main body Martial Origin Paradise, steps into Emperor Realm, the exuviate turns into Martial Origin World. 大荒一战后,武道本尊元武洞天,就踏入帝境,蜕变成元武世界 Martial Origin World, is the body of his Martial Dao! 元武世界,就是他的武道之体! Even if not use Martial Origin World, but relies on fleshly body power of bloodline, he can still suppress numerous Pinnacle Emperor with ease, destroys perfect world! 就算不动用元武世界,只是凭借肉身血脉之力,他也可以轻松镇压众多巅峰帝君,打碎圆满世界 After two great true bodies meets, Martial Dao main body integrates within the body Azure Lotus True Body three dao fire, causes martial dao's furnace and Martial Refining Cosmos might, has been greatly promoted! 两大真身碰面之后,武道本尊青莲真身的三种道火融入体内,使得武道烘炉武炼乾坤的威力,都得到巨大提升! In the war, Martial Dao main body great killing in four directions, including three Patrol Angel, was just killed by his 32 boxing. 刚刚大战中,武道本尊大杀四方,连三位巡天使,都被他三两拳击杀。 But in fact, he still had retained, has not released the full power. 但实际上,他仍有所保留,并未释放出全力。 At the beginning of war, Martial Dao main body guessed, this fights is very likely to alarm Heavenly Court Great Emperor! 大战之初,武道本尊就猜测到,这一战极有可能会惊动天庭大帝 He needs retain. 他必须要有所保留。 But this all subsequent hands, for at this moment! 而这所有的后手,都是为了此刻! Facing suppressing shrouding the sky great hand, Martial Dao main body face upwards the long and loud cry, stimulates to movement the limit qi and blood directly, within the body spreads the sound of thundering. 面对镇压下来的遮天大手,武道本尊仰天长啸,直接将气血催动到极限,体内传出轰鸣之音。 The next quarter, a giant raging flames furnace appears in between Heaven and Earth, stands erect above starry sky! 下一刻,一尊巨大的烈焰熔炉浮现在天地之间,屹立在星空之上! bloodline phenomenon, martial dao's furnace! 血脉异象,武道烘炉 This giant raging flames furnace, even the vault of heaven arrives at that only shrouding the sky great hand to cover, nine dao fire flame flaming combustion, must refine this only shrouding the sky great hand! 这尊巨大的烈焰熔炉,甚至将苍穹上降临下来那只遮天大手笼罩进去,九道火焰熊熊燃烧,要将这只遮天大手炼化! Snort!” “哼!” Above Heavenly Court, transmits cold snort/hum, the tone disdains. 天庭之上,传来一声冷哼,语气不屑。 On this only shrouding the sky great hand suddenly becomes blood red, huge qi and blood fills the air, covers entirely the entire furnace, collides with nine dao fire flame, makes the sound! 这只遮天大手上突然变得血红,庞大的气血弥漫,布满整个熔炉,与九道火焰碰撞,发出‘呲呲’的声响! Under the suppression of this blood red big hand, nine dao fire flame are unceasingly feeble, has the trend of extinguishment unexpectedly! 在这只血红大手的镇压之下,九道火焰不断衰弱,竟有熄灭的趋势! martial dao's furnace cannot block shrouding the sky great hand, instead sways unceasingly, must be made the fragment by shrouding the sky great hand! 武道烘炉根本挡不住遮天大手,反而不断摇晃,要被遮天大手拍成碎片! ! 呼! Martial Dao main body stimulates to movement divine consciousness, the release a side world, Martial Refining Cosmos! 武道本尊催动神识,释放出一方世界,武炼乾坤 Netherworld Ghost Fire, Red Lotus Karmic Fire, Tribulation Fire and Vermilion Bird dao fire, Fire of Hell and immortal sect(s) dao fire, buddha sect(s) dao fire, demon sect(s) dao fire and Fire of Martial Soul, nine great flames condenses in the universe, transforms nine fire dragons, face upwards to roar to shout! 幽冥鬼火红莲业火劫火朱雀道火地狱之火仙门道火佛门道火魔门道火武魂之火,九大火焰在乾坤之间凝聚,幻化成九条火龙,仰天咆哮嘶吼! Nine fire dragons surround around martial dao's furnace, making the nine dao fire flame aura in martial dao's furnace rise sharply, the fire intensity burns again! 九条火龙环绕在武道烘炉周围,使得武道烘炉中的九道火焰气息大涨,火势再燃! This Furnace of Heaven and Earth, under burning down of inside and outside divine fire, was burnt red bright, on that only shrouding the sky great hand, raised the billowing light smoke! 这尊天地熔炉,在内外神火的焚烧之下,被烧得通红剔透,就连那只遮天大手上,都升起了滚滚青烟! Martial Refining Cosmos coordinates martial dao's furnace, displays the pinnacle power of martial dao! 武炼乾坤配合武道烘炉,将武道之力发挥到极致! Medium Thousandfold World myriad clans all living things look at this, is dumbfounded, the whole face is startled to accommodate. 中千世界万族众生看着这一幕,都是目瞪口呆,满脸惊容。 Sword World Elder Ironcrown and on Heavenly Desolate World the face of numerous position Emperor expert, emerges the inconceivable color. 就连剑界铁冠老者天荒界的众位帝君强者的脸上,都涌现出不可思议之色。 Emperor Huang Wu's battle strength, is this level unexpectedly, is forming to confront to refuse to compromise with Great Emperor! 荒武帝君的战力,竟达到这个层次,在与大帝形成对峙僵持! Under starry sky, that only shrouding the sky great hand as if eats the pain, is unable to continue to suppress, instead wants the withdrawing palm. 星空之下,那只遮天大手似乎吃痛,无法继续镇压下来,反而想要抽回手掌。 But Martial Dao main body has not given him this opportunity, after Martial Refining Cosmos and martial dao's furnace, in starry sky transmits a loud sound again! 武道本尊并未给他这个机会,在武炼乾坤武道烘炉之后,星空中再度传来一声巨响! Ten giant ancient gateways arrive, the pressure is billowing, in the thought of Martial Dao main body, simultaneously strength emission, toward that only shrouding the sky great hand suppression in the past! 十座巨大的古老门户降临,威压滚滚,在武道本尊的意念之中,同时发力,朝着那只遮天大手镇压过去! Bang! 轰! A deafening loud sound, Heaven and Earth shivers! 一声震耳欲聋的巨响,天地颤抖! Hell's ten gates pounds layer on layer/heavily on that only shrouding the sky great hand. 地狱十门重重砸在那只遮天大手上。 The next quarter, in the sky bloody mist fills the air, the blood rain of big piece, sprinkles! 下一刻,天空中血雾弥漫,大片的血雨,洒落下来! The blood of Great Emperor! 大帝之血! Medium Thousandfold World myriad clans all living things, changes countenance in an uproar! 中千世界万族众生,哗然变色! Three Thousand Worlds vibrates! 三千界震动! In the Heavenly Desolate main hall, Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor stare the big eyes, unbelievable is looking at the big piece blood rain in vault of heaven, the mind big quake. 天荒大殿中,北鲲帝君南鹏帝君瞪大双眼,难以置信的望着苍穹上的大片血雨,心神大震。 Two people how didn’t expect, after Heavenly Court Great Emperor acts, can be such result! 两人怎么都没想到,天庭大帝出手之后,会是这样的结果! Palm of that only Great Emperor, unexpectedly by Emperor Huang Wu destroying! 那只大帝的手掌,竟被荒武帝君给打碎了! This Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) perhaps already......” “这荒武恐怕已经……” The Northern Kun Emperor lip hemmed and hawed, swallowed under the saliva, muttered: Has become Great Emperor......” 北鲲帝君嘴唇嚅嗫,咽了下口水,喃喃道:“已经成了大帝……” Others could not completely understand that Martial Dao main body cultivation realm, does not know, he just stepped into Emperor Realm. 旁人看不透武道本尊修为境界,并不知道,他只是刚刚踏入帝境 But at present this, almost can show, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) is Great Emperor! 但眼前这一幕,几乎可以证明,荒武就是大帝 If not has Great Emperor battle strength, who can injure Heavenly Court Great Emperor? 若非拥有大帝战力,谁能将天庭大帝打伤? This, this is Great Emperor!” “这,这是大帝啊!” The Elder Ironcrown look is excited, the sound has one to shiver. 铁冠老者神色激动,声音都带着一丝颤抖。 He thinks, Sword World and Heavenly Desolate World must perish, Emperor Huang Wu also body dies and Dao disappears. 他原本以为,剑界天荒界必亡,荒武帝君也将身死道消 But didn’t expect, after Emperor Huang Wu acts, instead injures Heavenly Court Great Emperor! 没想到,荒武帝君出手之后,反将天庭大帝打伤! don’t tell me this war, favorable turn? 难道这一战,还有转机? Great Emperor, he is Great Emperor! Desolate Martial Great Emperor!” 大帝,他是大帝荒武大帝!” Heavenly Court Emperor Xuan Shen frightens really heavily, is pale, calls out in alarm one suddenly. 天庭玄参帝君吓得着实不轻,脸色苍白,突然惊呼一声。 Only has Great Emperor expert, can resist with Heavenly Court Great Emperor! 只有大帝强者,才能与天庭大帝对抗! Desolate Martial Great Emperor, these four characters resound, immediately in the Sword World battlefield, triggering one to move restlessly. 荒武大帝,这四个字响起,顿时在剑界战场上,引发一阵躁动。 Desolate Martial Great Emperor!” 荒武大帝!” In Sword World, does not know that which calls loudly. 剑界之中,不知哪一位高声喊道。 After this sound, more and more sword cultivator one's blood bubbles up to the brim, cried out loudly: Desolate Martial Great Emperor, Desolate Martial Great Emperor!” 在这道声音之后,越来越多的剑修热血沸腾,大声呐喊:“荒武大帝,荒武大帝!” The voice is billowing, spreads over the four directions! 声浪滚滚,传遍四方! In the Sword World battlefield, Heavenly Eye World, Stone World and Golden Crow World cultivator army morale reduces greatly, the look is panic-stricken, already somewhat helpless. 剑界战场上,天眼界石界金乌界修士大军士气大减,神色惊恐,已经有些不知所措。 Heavenly Desolate World. 天荒界 Radiance World and more than 100 planes Emperor cultivator, whole faces are shocking, suddenly is unable to get strength back. 光明界和一百多个界面的帝君修士,一个个都满脸震惊,一时间无法缓过劲来。 That more than 100 planes cultivator, in the heart regrets. 那一百多个界面修士,心中懊悔不已。 They follow Heavenly Court this crowd of Human Murdering to Heavenly Desolate World, this thinks that is the steamroll aspect and one slaughters the grand feast, who can think, annoys Great Emperor unexpectedly! 他们跟着天庭这群人杀天荒界,本以为是碾压局面和一场杀戮盛宴,谁能想到,竟惹出一尊大帝 Heavenly Desolate World numerous lives see this, then becomes extremely excited, follows to shout loudly. 天荒界的众多生灵看到这一幕,则变得极为兴奋,也跟着大声嘶吼。 Desolate Martial Great Emperor!” 荒武大帝!” Desolate Martial Great Emperor!” 荒武大帝!” The numerous position Heavenly Desolate World life, thought Heavenly Desolate World, but Immortal King establishes. 众位天荒界的生灵,原本以为天荒界,只是一位仙王创立。 But didn’t expect, Heavenly Desolate World back, what assumed personal command is Human Race Great Emperor! 没想到,天荒界的背后,坐镇的是一位人族大帝 Not only in Sword World, Heavenly Desolate World, Dragon World, Kunpeng World and numerous planes Emperor expert sees this, mind Central Capital flashes through the similar thought. 不只是在剑界,天荒界龙界鲲鹏界、众多界面的帝君强者看到这一幕,脑海中都闪过同样的念头。 Desolate Martial Great Emperor! 荒武大帝 Great Emperor of Medium Thousandfold World this was born! 中千世界这一世的大帝诞生了! After Longevity Great Emperor falls from the sky, this epoch, had the ownership finally. 长生大帝陨落之后,这个纪元,终于有了归属。 Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) epoch! 荒武纪元 The emperors think of here, in the heart is filled with emotion. 众位帝君想到这里,心中感慨万千。 Looking like the fate is ordinary, Medium Thousandfold World this epoch Great Emperor, still chose resisted Heavenly Court! 就像是宿命一般,中千世界这个纪元大帝,依然选择了对抗天庭 Emperors many doubts. 只是,众位帝君又有诸多疑惑。 According to ancient book records, Medium Thousandfold World every proved the Dao Great Emperor, must make vibration of Heaven and Earth, resonate with Grand Dao. 按照古籍记载,中千世界证道大帝,必会引起天地震动,大道共鸣 At that moment, Three Thousand Worlds myriad clans all living things will detect! 那一刻,三千界万族众生都会有所察觉! But from beginning to end, Medium Thousandfold World has not had such change. 可从始至终,中千世界并未发生过这样的异动。
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