Medium Thousandfold World of this, no oneseesGreat Emperorto actradically, canbewhat kind ofscene.
这一世的中千世界,根本没有人见过大帝出手,会是何等景象。AlthoughMartial Dao main bodyhas seenGreat Emperorexpert, has not actually foughtwithGreat Emperor , not the clearGreat Emperorexpertstrength, actuallywill go towhatsituation.武道本尊虽然见过大帝强者,却并未与大帝交过手,也不清楚大帝强者的力量,究竟会达到什么地步。Untilthis moment, hefeelsthisstarry skyto tremble, variousheavenis shocked, the strength of Great Emperormyriad clanssubmits to!
很强!Great strength of unprecedented!
前所未见的强大!Evenmakeshimfeel the tremendouspressure!
甚至让他都感受到巨大的压力!If more than 100years ago, facingthispalm, withoutusingMartial Origin Paradise, hecannot resistabsolutely.
若是在一百多年前,面对这一掌,在不动用元武洞天的情况下,他绝对抵挡不住。Buttoday, differentin the past!
More than 100years, Dié Yueis progressive.
一百多年的时间,蝶月进步巨大。Martial Dao main bodyis also transforming!武道本尊也在蜕变!Great Desolationis after the first fight, Martial Dao main bodyMartial Origin Paradise, steps intoEmperor Realm, the exuviateturns intoMartial Origin World.大荒一战后,武道本尊的元武洞天,就踏入帝境,蜕变成元武世界。Martial Origin World, is the body of hisMartial Dao!元武世界,就是他的武道之体!Even if not useMartial Origin World, butrelies onfleshly bodypower of bloodline, he can still suppressnumerousPinnacle Emperorwith ease, destroysperfect world!
After two great true bodiesmeets, Martial Dao main bodyintegrateswithin the bodyAzure Lotus True Bodythreedao fire, causesmartial dao's furnace and Martial Refining Cosmosmight, has been greatly promoted!两大真身碰面之后,武道本尊将青莲真身的三种道火融入体内,使得武道烘炉和武炼乾坤的威力,都得到巨大提升!In the war, Martial Dao main bodygreat killing in four directions, includingthreePatrol Angel, was just killedbyhis32boxing.
刚刚大战中,武道本尊大杀四方,连三位巡天使,都被他三两拳击杀。Butin fact, he still had retained, has not released the full power.
但实际上,他仍有所保留,并未释放出全力。At the beginning ofwar, Martial Dao main bodyguessed,thisfightsis very likelyto alarmHeavenly CourtGreat Emperor!
他必须要有所保留。Butthisallsubsequent hands, forat this moment!
而这所有的后手,都是为了此刻!Facingsuppressingshrouding the sky great hand, Martial Dao main bodyface upwards the long and loud cry, stimulates to movement the limitqi and blooddirectly, within the bodyspreads the sound of thundering.
The nextquarter, a giantraging flamesfurnaceappearsinbetween Heaven and Earth, stands erectabovestarry sky!
下一刻,一尊巨大的烈焰熔炉浮现在天地之间,屹立在星空之上!bloodline phenomenon, martial dao's furnace!血脉异象,武道烘炉!Thisgiantraging flamesfurnace, even the vault of heavenarrives atthatonlyshrouding the sky great handto cover, ninedao fireflameflamingcombustion, mustrefinethisonlyshrouding the sky great hand!
“哼!”AboveHeavenly Court, transmitscoldsnort/hum, the tonedisdains.天庭之上,传来一声冷哼,语气不屑。Onthisonlyshrouding the sky great handsuddenlybecomesblood red, hugeqi and bloodfills the air, covers entirely the entirefurnace, collideswithninedao fireflame, makes‚cī’ the sound!
这只遮天大手上突然变得血红,庞大的气血弥漫,布满整个熔炉,与九道火焰碰撞,发出‘呲呲’的声响!Under the suppression of thisblood redbig hand, ninedao fireflameare unceasingly feeble, has the trend of extinguishmentunexpectedly!
在这只血红大手的镇压之下,九道火焰不断衰弱,竟有熄灭的趋势!martial dao's furnacecannot blockshrouding the sky great hand, insteadswaysunceasingly, mustbe made the fragmentbyshrouding the sky great hand!武道烘炉根本挡不住遮天大手,反而不断摇晃,要被遮天大手拍成碎片!Hū!
呼!Martial Dao main bodystimulates to movementdivine consciousness, the releasea side world, Martial Refining Cosmos!武道本尊催动神识,释放出一方世界,武炼乾坤!Netherworld Ghost Fire, Red Lotus Karmic Fire, Tribulation FireandVermilion Birddao fire, Fire of Hellandimmortal sect(s)dao fire, buddha sect(s)dao fire, demon sect(s)dao fireandFire of Martial Soul, nine great flamescondensesin the universe, transformsninefire dragons, face upwardsto roarto shout!幽冥鬼火、红莲业火、劫火、朱雀道火、地狱之火、仙门道火、佛门道火、魔门道火、武魂之火,九大火焰在乾坤之间凝聚,幻化成九条火龙,仰天咆哮嘶吼!Ninefire dragonssurroundaroundmartial dao's furnace, making the ninedao fireflameaura in martial dao's furnacerise sharply, the fire intensityburnsagain!
九条火龙环绕在武道烘炉周围,使得武道烘炉中的九道火焰气息大涨,火势再燃!ThisFurnace of Heaven and Earth, underburning down of inside and outsidedivine fire, was burntredbright, onthatonlyshrouding the sky great hand, raised the billowinglight smoke!
这尊天地熔炉,在内外神火的焚烧之下,被烧得通红剔透,就连那只遮天大手上,都升起了滚滚青烟!Martial Refining Cosmoscoordinatesmartial dao's furnace, displays the pinnaclepower of martial dao!武炼乾坤配合武道烘炉,将武道之力发挥到极致!Medium Thousandfold Worldmyriad clansall living thingslook atthis, isdumbfounded, the whole faceis startledto accommodate.中千世界的万族众生看着这一幕,都是目瞪口呆,满脸惊容。Sword WorldElder IroncrownandonHeavenly Desolate World the face of numerouspositionEmperorexpert, emerges the inconceivablecolor.
就连剑界的铁冠老者、天荒界的众位帝君强者的脸上,都涌现出不可思议之色。Emperor Huang Wu'sbattle strength, isthislevelunexpectedly, is formingto confrontto refuse to compromisewithGreat Emperor!荒武帝君的战力,竟达到这个层次,在与大帝形成对峙僵持!Understarry sky, thatonlyshrouding the sky great handas ifeats the pain, is unable to continueto suppress, insteadwants the withdrawingpalm.星空之下,那只遮天大手似乎吃痛,无法继续镇压下来,反而想要抽回手掌。ButMartial Dao main bodyhas not givenhimthisopportunity, afterMartial Refining Cosmosandmartial dao's furnace, instarry skytransmits a loud soundagain!
但武道本尊并未给他这个机会,在武炼乾坤和武道烘炉之后,星空中再度传来一声巨响!Tengiantancientgatewaysarrive, the pressureis billowing, in the thought of Martial Dao main body, simultaneouslystrength emission, towardthatonlyshrouding the sky great handsuppressionin the past!
A deafeningloud sound, Heaven and Earthshivers!
一声震耳欲聋的巨响,天地颤抖!Hell's ten gatespoundslayer on layer/heavilyonthatonlyshrouding the sky great hand.地狱十门重重砸在那只遮天大手上。
The nextquarter, in the skybloody mistfills the air, the bloodrain of bigpiece, sprinkles!
The blood of Great Emperor!大帝之血!Medium Thousandfold Worldmyriad clansall living things, changes countenancein an uproar!中千世界的万族众生,哗然变色!Three Thousand Worldsvibrates!三千界震动!In the Heavenly Desolatemain hall, Northern Kun EmperorandSouthern Peng Emperorstare the bigeyes, unbelievableis looking at the bigpiecebloodrain in vault of heaven, the mindbig quake.天荒大殿中,北鲲帝君、南鹏帝君瞪大双眼,难以置信的望着苍穹上的大片血雨,心神大震。Two peoplehowdidn’t expect, after Heavenly CourtGreat Emperoracts, canbesuchresult!
两人怎么都没想到,天庭大帝出手之后,会是这样的结果!Palm of thatonlyGreat Emperor, unexpectedlybyEmperor Huang Wudestroying!
那只大帝的手掌,竟被荒武帝君给打碎了!„ThisHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)perhapsalready......”
The Northern Kun Emperorliphemmed and hawed, swallowedunder the saliva, muttered: „Has becomeGreat Emperor......”北鲲帝君嘴唇嚅嗫,咽了下口水,喃喃道:“已经成了大帝……”
Others could not completely understand that Martial Dao main bodycultivation realm, does not know, hejuststepped intoEmperor Realm.
旁人看不透武道本尊的修为境界,并不知道,他只是刚刚踏入帝境。Butat presentthis, almostcanshow,Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)isGreat Emperor!
但眼前这一幕,几乎可以证明,荒武就是大帝!If nothasGreat Emperorbattle strength, whocaninjureHeavenly CourtGreat Emperor?
若非拥有大帝的战力,谁能将天庭大帝打伤?„This, thisisGreat Emperor!”
The Elder Ironcrownlookis excited, the soundhasoneto shiver.铁冠老者神色激动,声音都带着一丝颤抖。Hethinks,Sword WorldandHeavenly Desolate Worldmustperish, Emperor Huang Wualsobody dies and Dao disappears.
他原本以为,剑界和天荒界必亡,荒武帝君也将身死道消。Butdidn’t expect, after Emperor Huang Wuacts, insteadinjuresHeavenly CourtGreat Emperor!
可没想到,荒武帝君出手之后,反将天庭大帝打伤!don’t tell methiswar, favorable turn?难道这一战,还有转机?„Great Emperor, heisGreat Emperor! Desolate Martial Great Emperor!”
“大帝,他是大帝!荒武大帝!”Heavenly CourtEmperor Xuan Shenfrightensreallyheavily, is pale, calls out in alarmonesuddenly.天庭的玄参帝君吓得着实不轻,脸色苍白,突然惊呼一声。Only hasGreat Emperorexpert, canresistwithHeavenly CourtGreat Emperor!
只有大帝强者,才能与天庭大帝对抗!Desolate Martial Great Emperor, thesefourcharactersresound, immediatelyin the Sword Worldbattlefield, triggeringoneto move restlessly.荒武大帝,这四个字响起,顿时在剑界战场上,引发一阵躁动。„Desolate Martial Great Emperor!”
“荒武大帝!”InSword World, does not know that whichcalls loudly.剑界之中,不知哪一位高声喊道。Afterthissound, more and more sword cultivatorone's blood bubbles up to the brim, cried outloudly: „Desolate Martial Great Emperor, Desolate Martial Great Emperor!”
The voiceis billowing, spreads over the four directions!
声浪滚滚,传遍四方!In the Sword Worldbattlefield, Heavenly Eye World, Stone World and Golden Crow Worldcultivatorarmymoralereducesgreatly, the lookis panic-stricken, alreadysomewhathelpless.剑界战场上,天眼界、石界、金乌界的修士大军士气大减,神色惊恐,已经有些不知所措。Heavenly Desolate World.天荒界。Radiance Worldand more than 100planesEmperorcultivator, whole facesare shocking, suddenlyis unable to get strength back.光明界和一百多个界面的帝君修士,一个个都满脸震惊,一时间无法缓过劲来。That more than 100planescultivator, in the heartregrets.
那一百多个界面的修士,心中懊悔不已。TheyfollowHeavenly Courtthiscrowd of Human MurderingtoHeavenly Desolate World, thisthinks that is the steamrollaspectandoneslaughters the grand feast, whocanthink,annoysGreat Emperorunexpectedly!
他们跟着天庭这群人杀到天荒界,本以为是碾压局面和一场杀戮盛宴,谁能想到,竟惹出一尊大帝!Heavenly Desolate Worldnumerouslivesseethis, thenbecomesextremelyexcited, followsto shoutloudly.天荒界的众多生灵看到这一幕,则变得极为兴奋,也跟着大声嘶吼。„Desolate Martial Great Emperor!”
“荒武大帝!”„Desolate Martial Great Emperor!”
The numerouspositionHeavenly Desolate Worldlife, thoughtHeavenly Desolate World, butImmortal Kingestablishes.
众位天荒界的生灵,原本以为天荒界,只是一位仙王创立。Butdidn’t expect, Heavenly Desolate Worldback, whatassumed personal commandisHuman RaceGreat Emperor!
可没想到,天荒界的背后,坐镇的是一位人族大帝!Not onlyinSword World, Heavenly Desolate World, Dragon World, Kunpeng WorldandnumerousplanesEmperorexpertseesthis, mindCentral Capitalflashes through the similarthought.
不只是在剑界,天荒界、龙界、鲲鹏界、众多界面的帝君强者看到这一幕,脑海中都闪过同样的念头。Desolate Martial Great Emperor!荒武大帝!Great Emperor of Medium Thousandfold Worldthiswas born!中千世界这一世的大帝诞生了!AfterLongevity Great Emperorfalls from the sky, thisepoch, had the ownershipfinally.
在长生大帝陨落之后,这个纪元,终于有了归属。Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)epoch!荒武纪元!
The emperorsthink ofhere, in the heartis filled with emotion.
众位帝君想到这里,心中感慨万千。Looking like the fateis ordinary, Medium Thousandfold WorldthisepochGreat Emperor, stillchoseresistedHeavenly Court!
只是,众位帝君又有诸多疑惑。According toancient bookrecords, Medium Thousandfold Worldeveryproved the DaoGreat Emperor, must make vibration of Heaven and Earth, resonate with Grand Dao.
按照古籍记载,中千世界凡证道大帝,必会引起天地震动,大道共鸣。At that moment, Three Thousand Worldsmyriad clansall living thingswill detect!
那一刻,三千界的万族众生都会有所察觉!Butfrom beginning to end, Medium Thousandfold Worldhas not hadsuchchange.
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