ESK :: Volume #32

#3165: Interception

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This crowd from the Hell's life, to Medium Thousandfold World cultivator, has the natural hatred and dislike. 这群来自地狱的生灵,对中千世界修士,有着天然的仇恨和厌恶。 Also this, has Martial Dao main body to assume Hell luckily, with the help of Concubine Yu, surrenders the domestication Hell Army of this savage bloodthirsty. 也幸好这一世,有武道本尊坐镇地狱,在玉妃的帮助下,将这支凶残嗜血的地狱大军降服驯化。 Otherwise, such Hell Army arrives suddenly, is completely uncontrolled, to Medium Thousandfold World will be a giant disaster! 否则,这样一支地狱大军突然降临,完全不受控制,对中千世界将是一场巨大的灾难! Martial Dao main body will step into Emperor Realm hell creatures hopefully, probably Prison Lord of the Bitter Springs these people, pass Gate of Hell, brings to Great Desolation World in secret. 武道本尊将有望踏入帝境地狱生灵,像是苦泉狱主这些人,通过地狱之门,暗中带到大荒界 Once after all was on par Medium Thousandfold World a side hell, expert was numerous. 毕竟曾是比肩中千世界一方地狱,强者众多。 Because Hell Realm is badly-damaged, this crowd of hell creatures were being suppressed throughout, is unable to step into Emperor Realm. 只是因为地狱界残破不堪,这群地狱生灵始终被压制着,才迟迟无法踏入帝境 With the aid of Medium Thousandfold World complete complete Heaven and Earth and dao law, over a hundred hell creatures step into Emperor Realm. 借助中千世界完整无缺的天地道法,有上百位地狱生灵踏入帝境 Such Hell Army, in dark gloomy Hell Realm does not know that suppressed many years, now arrives in Medium Thousandfold World, erupts astonishing battle strength! 这样一支地狱大军,在幽暗阴森的地狱界不知憋了多少岁月,如今降临在中千世界,爆发出惊人的战力 hell creatures fierce do not fear, to the extreme, broke in the crowd excitedly, open slaughter. 一个个地狱生灵悍不畏死,兴奋到了极点,冲入人群中,大开杀戒 In battlefield a confusion. 战场上一片混乱。 Heavenly Eye World, Stone World, Golden Crow World and other superior world the cultivator armies, were attacked scattered about by this Hell Army, makes a mess. 天眼界石界金乌界超级大界修士大军,被这支地狱大军冲击得七零八落,乱作一团。 Numerous Sword World cultivator also therefore obtain opportunity of the respite. 众多剑界修士也因此得到一丝喘息之机。 Without extra worries, Martial Dao main body launched to chase down to Heavenly Court and Realm of the Mandate of Heavens Emperor expert again, casual one step, can span endless starry sky, at will to travel in battlefield. 没有了后顾之忧,武道本尊再度对天庭奉天界的帝君强者展开追杀,随便一步,便可跨越无尽星空,在战场上随意穿梭 No Emperor expert, can block the Martial Dao main body offensive! 没有任何帝君强者,能挡住武道本尊的攻势! Before Martial Dao main body arrives at the opposite party body, a fist, then Emperor expert falls from the sky conveniently! 武道本尊来到对方身前,随手一拳,便有一位帝君强者陨落! The Emperor quantity in battlefield, in rapid reduction! 战场上的帝君数量,在迅速的减少! Heavenly Eye World, Stone World and Golden Crow World World Lord is pale, has to draw back intent, trembles. 天眼界石界金乌界界主脸色苍白,已经是心生退意,瑟瑟发抖。 Hits, perhaps Sword World has not extinguished, Emperor expert that they bring, must confess here! 这么打下去,恐怕剑界还没灭,他们带来的帝君强者,都要交代到这里! Two Patrol Angel are the complexion is also pale, the look is surprised. 两位巡天使也是脸色铁青,神色惊疑不定。 The situation is not wonderful! 形势不妙! According to Emperor Bai Yu and Azure Flame Emperor beforehand description, their several Patrol Angel Lower Realm, should be able to deal with Emperor Huang Wu. 按照白宇帝君青炎帝君之前的描述,他们几位巡天使下界,应该可以应付荒武帝君 But which to become thinks, but more than 100 years do not see, Emperor Huang Wu's battle strength, must want powerful many compared with three Heavenly Court young master descriptions! 可哪成想,只是一百多年不见,荒武帝君的战力,比三位天庭少主描述得要强大的多! Bang! 轰隆! In the meantime, above the vault of heaven transmits a loud sound. 就在此时,苍穹之上传来一声巨响。 Afterward, the vault of heaven splits a giant slit, inside is sending out the pressure that made the person palpitation, had the immortal sound to spread faintly, origin qi was rich! 随后,苍穹裂开一道巨大的缝隙,里面散发着令人心悸的威压,隐隐有仙音传出,元气浓郁! The five paths form appears, treads the sky stands, is overlooking the Sword World battlefield, the look is indifferent. 五道身影浮现,踏空而立,俯视着剑界的战场,神色冷漠。 The waists of these five forms, are hanging with the token that Heavenly Court is in sole possession, above writes honored, min, quiet, vermilion, the Yang five characters. 这五位身影的腰间,都悬挂着与天庭独有的令牌,上面写着钧、旻、幽、朱、阳五个字。 Honoured Heaven, Autumn Heaven, Nether Heaven, Vermilion Heaven and Yang Heaven five Patrol Angel, obtain praying for rescue of Medium Thousandfold World, has not called the manpower with enough time, then first caught up! 钧天旻天幽天朱天阳天的五尊巡天使,得到中千世界的求救,都没来得及召集人手,便第一时间赶了过来! In the battlefield, bringing two Heavenly Court young master to hide two Patrol Angel in crowd, with the aid of Great Emperor divine weapon and chaotic battlefield, the hidden whereabouts, avoids chasing down of Martial Dao main body. 战场上,带着两位天庭少主躲在人群中的两位巡天使,借助大帝神兵和混乱的战场,隐藏行迹,躲避武道本尊的追杀。 Sees this, two Patrol Angel finally softly sigh of relief. 看到这一幕,两位巡天使终于轻舒一口气 Their seven Patrol Angel collaborate, even if cannot massacre this Emperor Huang Wu, can still it tying down as far as possible, wait for the support of Heavenly Court army! 他们七尊巡天使联手,就算杀不掉这个荒武帝君,也能将其尽可能的缠住,等待天庭大军的支援! But Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel suddenly discovered, the Martial Dao main body figure vanishes unexpectedly does not see. 皓天巡天使突然发现,武道本尊的身形竟消失不见。 In the Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel heart in great surprise, looked at one, has not discovered the Martial Dao main body trail. 皓天巡天使心中大惊,四下看了一眼,都没有发现武道本尊的踪迹。 Be careful!” “小心!” He as if thinks of anything, turns the head fiercely, looks five Patrol Angel that arrives at to the vault of heaven, loud reminder. 他似乎想到什么,猛地转头,看向苍穹之上降临下来的五位巡天使,大声提醒。 Martial Dao main body must certainly make a move to intercept afterward five Patrol Angel! 武道本尊肯定要出手截杀后来的五位巡天使 Five Patrol Angel that just arrived, almost knew nothing about Emperor Huang Wu. 刚刚降临下来的五位巡天使,对荒武帝君几乎一无所知。 They also heard, four Heavenly Court young master suffer a loss in Medium Thousandfold World, actually does not know the opponent powerful to what degree! 他们也只是听说,四位天庭少主中千世界吃了大亏,却根本不知道对手强大到什么程度! Moreover, in recent years, under Great Emperor, almost no one can threaten them. 而且,这些年来,大帝之下,几乎没有什么人能威胁到他们。 Even under Demon Lord and Ghost Mother these Great Emperor Monarch, to they, cannot take what advantage. 即便是魔主鬼母麾下的那些大帝君,对上他们,也占不到什么便宜。 Under the influence of this psychology, they, if stared by Martial Dao main body, definitely will cause heavy losses! 这种心理的影响之下,他们若是被武道本尊盯上,必然会遭到重创! Sure enough! 果不其然! The Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel warning sound just resounded, before the body of Nether Heaven Patrol Angel, Martial Dao main body has arrived! 皓天巡天使的示警声音才刚刚响起,在幽天巡天使的身前,武道本尊已经降临! qi and blood thunders, within the body as if has says raging flames to burn innumerably, lifts a hand fist, bursts out like the volcano, burns to extinguish all! 气血轰鸣,体内仿佛有无数道烈焰燃烧,抬手一拳,如同火山迸发,焚灭一切! Probably these Patrol Angel, every arrives one time in Medium Thousandfold World, inspects various heaven, numerous position Emperor expert must the little darling bow the head. 像是这些巡天使,每一次降临在中千世界,巡视诸天,众位帝君强者都得乖乖俯首。 Where Nether Heaven Patrol Angel has seen this situation. 幽天巡天使哪里见过这种情形。 His heel has not come to a stop, purple-robed man has killed the near, makes a terrifying fist toward him! 他脚跟还没站稳,一位紫袍男子已经杀到近前,朝着他打出如此恐怖的一拳! Under this fist, his all methods, as if become collapse at the first blow. 在这个拳头之下,他的所有手段,似乎都变得不堪一击。 bloodline phenomenon has not waited to condense, by the high temperature that this fist bursts out, fires the nihility! 血脉异象还没等凝聚出来,就被这一拳迸发出来的高温,烧成虚无! a side world cannot take shape, by the dao law vortex that around the fist surrounds, rips the fragment! 一方世界没能成型,就被拳头周围环绕的道法旋涡,撕成碎片! Perhaps this person of battle strength, may be on par Great Emperor!” “此人战力,恐怕可比肩大帝!” In the Nether Heaven Patrol Angel mind, flashes through this thought finally. 幽天巡天使的脑海中,最后闪过这道念头。 Next quarter, he at present one black, then did not have the consciousness. 下一刻,他眼前一黑,便没了知觉。 Under the gaze of people, five Patrol Angel just arrived, fought with the fists dead again by Martial Dao main body! 在众人的注视之下,五尊巡天使才刚刚降临下来,再度被武道本尊一拳打死一个! Remaining four Patrol Angel change color with amazement, thinks without enough time, transforms the main body in abundance, condenses a side world, took out Great Emperor divine weapon, side the encirclement. 剩下的四位巡天使骇然变色,来不及多想,纷纷幻化出本体,凝聚一方世界,祭出大帝神兵,环绕身边。 But the Martial Dao main body figure, vanishes again does not see. 武道本尊的身形,再度消失不见。 Simply not to the opportunity that four Patrol Angel besiege jointly! 根本没给四位巡天使联手围攻的机会! In the Sword World battlefield, Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel saw that the Nether Heaven Patrol Angel body falls, Martial Dao main body vanishes again, in the heart casts the first layer shadow suddenly! 剑界的战场上,皓天巡天使看到幽天巡天使身陨,武道本尊再度消失,心中突然蒙上一层阴霾! An intense sense of crisis, arrives suddenly! 一股强烈的危机感,骤然降临! „It is not good!” “不好!” Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel scalp tingles, in the heart sinks. 皓天巡天使头皮发麻,心中一沉。 He brings Emperor Bai Yu, with the aid of the shield of Great Emperor divine weapon, hides in the crowd, Martial Dao main body is unobservable suddenly. 他带着白宇帝君,借助大帝神兵的掩护,躲藏在人群中,武道本尊一时间难以察觉。 But his throat, was just equal to exposing directly! 而刚刚他这一嗓子,等于直接将自己暴露出来! Bang! 轰! A tremendous scalding hot strength, comes. 一股巨大灼热的力量,汹涌而至。 In the pupil of Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel contraction, a fist is approaching rapidly, more and more greatly, covers entirely his line of sight finally! 皓天巡天使收缩的瞳孔中,一个拳头正在迅速靠近,越来越大,最终布满他的视线! Powerful attracting force, is entraining him and Emperor Bai Yu, approaches toward this fist unceasingly. 强大的吸扯力,拽着他和白宇帝君,朝着这个拳头不断靠近。 Evades not to be possible to evade! 避无可避! Roar!” “吼!” Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel and Emperor Bai Yu bellow simultaneously, qi and blood stimulate to movement the pinnacle. 皓天巡天使白宇帝君同时大吼一声,气血催动到极致。 Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel erupts together forbidden technique again, hits toward the fist of Martial Dao main body! 皓天巡天使再度爆发出一道禁术,朝着武道本尊的拳头打过去! Bang! 轰! Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel and Emperor Bai Yu two people welcomed the fist of Martial Dao main body, was the whole body big quakes, coughed again a big blood. 皓天巡天使白宇帝君两人迎上武道本尊的拳头,都是浑身大震,再度咳出一大口鲜血。 This fist is vigorous, heavy over extremely heavy, is irresistible! 这一拳雄浑厚重,重逾万钧,无可抵挡! Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel armor, under this fist, was torn, falls off from the body. 皓天巡天使身上的护甲,在这一拳之下,都被撕裂,从身上脱落下来。 He is cut and bruised, flesh skin tearing, blood incarnadine snow white growing hair. 他已是遍体鳞伤,血肉皮肤撕裂,鲜血染红了雪白的长毛。 Emperor Bai Yu is also coughing the blood in the big mouth, the vision is dim. 白宇帝君也在大口咳着鲜血,目光黯淡。 Has not waited for two people breathing one breath, the second fist arrives. 没等两人喘一口气,第二拳抵达。 Compared with the previous fist, firm and fierce, suffocated, is carrying the death aura and endless pressure, major power was boundless, covers! 比前一拳,更加刚猛,更加窒息,携带着死亡气息和无尽威压,大势磅礴,笼罩下来!
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