ESK :: Volume #32

#3164: Hell Army

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Without Northern Kun Emperor and the others spoke, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel sneers, resists with Dié Yue, while spooky saying: You best want to be clear, resisting Heavenly Court is what fate!” 没等北鲲帝君等人说话,苍天巡天使就冷笑一声,一边与蝶月对抗,一边幽幽的说道:“你们最好想清楚,对抗天庭是什么下场!” Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor four World Lord tighten the brow, the look is awkward. 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君四位界主紧锁眉头,神色为难。 It is not their black and white does not divide, does not want to help Heavenly Desolate World. 并非是他们黑白不分,不想帮助天荒界 Rather, they really do not dare to take risk! 而是,他们是真的不敢冒这个险! Once the choice helps Heavenly Desolate World, means that is going to stand in the Heavenly Court opposite! 一旦选择帮助天荒界,就意味着将要站在天庭的对立面! Since several epoch, with the influence that Heavenly Court has opposed, who has the good end? 数个纪元以来,与天庭作对的势力,谁有好下场? Some clansmen, were imprisoned in sinful land forever, suffers injustice, living to might as well die. 有的族人,被永远囚禁在罪地之中,不见天日,生不如死。 Some planes, were cancelled from Medium Thousandfold World thoroughly, occasionally was mentioned, will bring in spurning of people! 有的界面,更被彻底从中千世界抹去,偶尔被人提起,也会引来众人的唾弃! throughout the ages, dares with challenging the Heavenly Court person, emerges one after another incessantly, even including Great Emperor of several. 古往今来,敢与挑战天庭的人,层出不穷,甚至包括几位古之大帝 But finally? 可最后呢? Where can die a natural death? 哪有一个得以善终? Although Emperor Huang Wu is strong, has not become Great Emperor. 荒武帝君虽强,也未成大帝 Since several epoch, numerous position Great Emperor expert has even fallen from the sky in abundance, even on shouldering sinful spirit(s) infamy, is only Emperor Huang Wu, can turn the big spray? 数个纪元以来,连众位大帝强者都纷纷陨落,甚至背负上罪灵骂名,只是一个荒武帝君,又能翻起多大的浪花? Nowadays, Emperor Huang Wu seems like the domineering, is vertically and horizontally invincible, but the Heavenly Court actual master, has not acted. 现如今,荒武帝君看似强势,纵横无敌,可天庭真正的主人,还未出手。 Once Heavenly Court Great Emperor acts, Medium Thousandfold World no one can resist! 一旦天庭大帝出手,中千世界没有任何人能抵挡得住! Cutting down days, failure. 一次次的伐天,一次次的失败。 Each failure, will take to the Medium Thousandfold World creatures of myriad clans huge labor pain, will restore with the innumerable time! 每一次失败,都会带给中千世界万族生灵巨大的阵痛,将会用无数时间来修复! Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor lowered silently, does not dare with vision looking at each other of old ape. 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君默默低了下头,不敢与老猿的目光对视。 They cannot take on this responsibility. 他们担不起这个责任。 Once the choice resists Heavenly Court, just new student/life Kunpeng World, likely in light of this destruction! 一旦选择对抗天庭,刚刚新生的鲲鹏界,很可能就此覆灭! Frost Dragon Emperor is silent. 冰霜龙帝默然不语。 She is Lord of the Dragon World, shoulders hope that Dragon Clan is reviving. 她是龙界之主,担负着龙族复兴的希望。 Once stands in the Heavenly Court opposite, do not say Dragon Clan to revive, perhaps Dragon Clan this, cannot live! 一旦站在天庭的对面,不要说龙族复兴,恐怕龙族连这一世,都活不过去! But perhaps if not in the past Emperor Huang Wu, Dragon Clan had been extinguished, she, exactly less than now! 可当年若非荒武帝君,龙族恐怕已经被灭,就连她,都活不到现在! This to her, is an incomparably difficult choice. 这对她而言,是个无比艰难的抉择。 At the same time, means the Dragon Clan destruction. 一方面,意味着龙族覆灭。 On the other hand, means morality and justice, the benevolence! 另一方面,意味着道义,恩情! Finally, Frost Dragon Emperor numerous was started the dragon head walking stick, the sinking sound said: Old body abandoned this life, spelled with Heavenly Court!” 终于,冰霜龙帝重重的顿了下手中的龙首拐杖,沉声道:“老身舍了这条命,跟天庭拼了!” Old body only hopes, how regardless of Dragon World in the future, the clansman do not hate me.” “老身只希望,不论龙界未来如何,族人不要怨恨我。” Frost Dragon Emperor stands at this time, has hugged must die the heart. 冰霜龙帝此时站出来,已经抱着必死之心。 ...... …… Sword World. 剑界 At the beginning of emperors war erupts, Martial Dao main body then carries under making a move about 300 emperors, the domineering strikes to kill Patrol Angel, instantaneous change situation! 帝战爆发之初,武道本尊便扛着近三百尊帝君的出手之下,强势击杀一尊巡天使,瞬间改变局势! Remaining two Patrol Angel and two Heavenly Court young master, under acts full power, is still unable to resist with Martial Dao main body. 剩下两位巡天使、两位天庭少主,在全力出手之下,依然无法与武道本尊对抗。 From beginning to end, Martial Dao main body has not even released the world, is only revolution qi and blood, is relying on fleshly body and bloodline, pushes horizontally! 从始至终,武道本尊甚至都没有释放出世界,只是运转气血,凭借着肉身血脉,一路横推! Except for two Patrol Angel, other Emperor expert, including Pinnacle Emperor expert great perfection world, cannot block a Martial Dao main body fist! 除了两位巡天使,其余的帝君强者,包括巅峰帝君强者大圆满世界,都挡不住武道本尊一拳! What divine weapon, what secret technique immortal law, cannot stand off a Martial Dao main body fist! 什么神兵利器,什么秘术仙法,都敌不过武道本尊一拳! Easily accomplished general, with irresistible force! 摧枯拉朽一般,势如破竹! Martial Dao main body everywhere one visit, is off their feet! 武道本尊所到之处,人仰马翻! forbidden technique that Emperor Bai Yu and Emperor Xuan Shen these two Heavenly Court young master release, was extinguished by the Martial Dao main body two fist bang conveniently, cannot arouse the least bit mighty waves! 白宇帝君玄参帝君这两位天庭少主释放出来的禁术,被武道本尊随手两拳轰灭,没能激起半点波澜! Two Heavenly Court young master change color with amazement, almost frightens the soul flies away and scatters! 两位天庭少主骇然变色,几乎吓得魂飞魄散 This Emperor Huang Wu, obviously compared with a Great Desolation wartime, but also wants the powerful terrifying many! 这位荒武帝君,明显比大荒一战时,还要强大恐怖的多! Where they have seen this grade of method. 他们哪里见过这等手段。 That is forbidden technique! 那可是禁术 Unexpectedly by this Emperor Huang Wu, conveniently two fists hitting not to have! 竟被这荒武帝君,随手两拳给打没了! Two forbidden technique cannot prevent the Martial Dao main body moment, saw that Martial Dao main body has killed the near, two Heavenly Court young master run away radically without enough time. 两道禁术没能阻挡武道本尊片刻,眼看着武道本尊已经杀到近前,两位天庭少主根本来不及逃走。 If not two Patrol Angel rush promptly, makes a move to rescue, but puts in an appearance, Emperor Bai Yu and Emperor Xuan Shen had been killed by Martial Dao main body! 若非两位巡天使及时赶到,出手相救,只是一个照面,白宇帝君玄参帝君就已经被武道本尊打死! Although rescuing next two Heavenly Court young master, two Patrol Angel do not feel better, a side world two fought with the fists on the verge of collapse by Martial Dao main body, covers entirely the fissure. 虽然救下两位天庭少主,两位巡天使也不好受,一方世界武道本尊两拳打得摇摇欲坠,布满裂痕。 The tremendous strength by the world fissure, pours into their within the body, both Patrol Angel were dug the big mouth to spit blood, can only drag Emperor Bai Yu and Emperor Xuan Shen looks in the crowd to drill, evades its point. 巨大的力量透过世界裂痕,灌入他们的体内,两位巡天使都被打得大口吐血,只能拖着白宇帝君玄参帝君望人群里钻,避其锋芒。 Did not hit! 打不了! Did not hit completely! 完全打不了! Two Patrol Angel are pale. 两位巡天使脸色苍白。 They bragged that most expert under Great Emperor, perhaps may in front of Martial Dao main body, unable to support including three fists, will die by the hammer at the scene! 他们自诩大帝之下的最强者,可在武道本尊面前,恐怕连三拳都撑不过去,就会被当场锤死! They have passed on a message luckily, informing other Heavenly Court several Patrol Angel to get down immediately the support. 幸好他们早已传讯,通知天庭其余的几位巡天使立即下来支援。 Their several people collaborate, can perhaps delay this Emperor Huang Wu. 他们几人联手,或许才能拖延住这位荒武帝君 You kill that crowd of Sword World person, do not go to stop him, fights a hopeless battle!” “你们去杀那群剑界的人,别去阻拦他,以卵击石!” Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel bellows, reminded other Emperor expert to disperse, launched the slaughter to Sword World. 皓天巡天使大吼一声,提醒其余的帝君强者分散开来,对剑界展开屠杀。 Emperor Huang Wu is strong, is impossible to attend to every detail, takes care of everyone. 荒武帝君再强,也不可能面面俱到,照顾到所有人。 So, can the maximum protracted time, divert the Emperor Huang Wu's energy! 如此,才能最大限度的拖延时间,分散荒武帝君的精力! Has saying that the changing of Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel, but also is prompt. 不得不说,皓天巡天使的这个变招,还算及时。 If their crowd of Emperor expert, continue to gather, wants to resist with Martial Dao main body, perhaps by the steamroll in the past, will degenerate into the skeleton of Martial Dao main body under foot! 若是他们这群帝君强者,继续聚集在一起,想要与武道本尊对抗,恐怕都会被碾压过去,沦为武道本尊脚下的尸骨! The time of this while, the Emperor expert quantity, has dropped suddenly. 只是这一会儿的功夫,帝君强者的数量,就已急剧下降。 Even less than 200! 甚至不足两百尊! Realm of the Mandate of Heavens six World Lord, by Martial Dao main body two fighting with the fists dead half! 奉天界的六位界主,就被武道本尊两拳打死一半! Now, numerous position Emperor expert disperses everywhere, breaks in the Sword World mainland, open slaughter. 如今,众位帝君强者四处分散,冲入剑界大陆上,大开杀戒 Not only causes a big damage to Sword World cultivator, Martial Dao main body wants to chase down, will spend lots of time. 不但对剑界修士造成不小的伤害,武道本尊想要一个个追杀过去,也会消耗大量的时间。 Not is only these Emperor expert, Stone World, Heavenly Eye World, Golden Crow World and other superior world cultivator, has killed gets angry. 不光是这些帝君强者,还有石界天眼界金乌界超级大界修士,也已经杀得红眼。 Martial Dao main body detected that this, look ice-cold, said slowly: You are courting death!” 武道本尊察觉到这一幕,神色冰冷,缓缓道:“你们在找死!” The voice falls, Martial Dao main body behind, appears ten ancient heavy/thick Gate of Hell, the giant gateway stands erect in starry sky, is sending out aura that made the person palpitation! 话音一落,武道本尊的身后,浮现出十座古老厚重地狱之门,巨大的门户屹立在星空中,散发着令人心悸的气息! In each gateway, spreads sound of the intermittent shrieking and howling wildly. 在每一座门户之中,都传出一阵阵鬼哭狼嚎之声。 Has not waited for numerous cultivator to respond, in nine Hell's gate, runs out of forms, dense and numerous, such as the multitude of people moving to and fro, breaks in the crowd, open slaughter! 还没等众多修士反应过来,九座地狱门户之中,冲出一道道身影,密密麻麻,如过江之鲫,冲入人群之中,大开杀戒 These lives from Nine Great Hells, the bloodthirsty are flagitious, the whole body is filling netherworld aura, is true hell creatures! 这些生灵来自九大地狱,嗜血凶残,浑身弥漫着幽冥之气,乃是真正的地狱生灵 Except for sword cultivator, all kills!” “除了剑修,余者皆杀!” Martial Dao main body sound, ice-cold incomparable. 武道本尊的声音,冰冷无比。 This from the Hell's army, he does not want to use in this time. 这支来自地狱的大军,他原本没想在此时动用。 This Hell Army, he for the Heavenly Court preparation. 这支地狱大军,他是为天庭准备的。 But in the present battlefield, besides Heavenly Court and Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, Heavenly Eye World, Stone World and Golden Crow World these came from Medium Thousandfold World planes. 而眼下的战场中,除了天庭奉天界之外,还有天眼界石界金乌界这些来自中千世界界面 Martial Dao main body also left leeway a leeway, does not want to these planes open slaughter. 武道本尊原本还留有一丝余地,不想对这些界面大开杀戒 But these planes lives, treat Sword World cultivator, is not lenient, rushes to kill to the last one to go completely! 但这些界面的生灵,对待剑界修士,可一点都不手软,完全是奔着赶尽杀绝去的! Sees this, Martial Dao main body no longer retains, opens Gate of Hell, releases directly the army of this bloodthirsty! 看到这一幕,武道本尊不再保留,开启地狱之门,直接将这支嗜血的大军释放出来!
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