Bang! Bang! Bang!
轰!轰!轰!OtherHeavenly Courtemperors, Lord of the Radiance Worldand otherEmperorexpertalsoholding upa side world, besiegetowardDié Yue.
其余的众位天庭帝君,光明界主等帝君强者也纷纷撑起一方世界,朝着蝶月围攻过来。Inemperors, battle strengthstrongestisVault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperortwo people.
众位帝君之中,战力最强的就是苍天巡天使和青炎帝君两人。Ifthesetwo are the same likeSword Worldthat sideFlaming HeavenPatrol Angel, was first killedonebyDié Yue, will be quite disadvantageoustoHeavenly Court!
„ Áng! „
“昂!“Azure Flame Emperorloudly roared, although the bodyhas not transformedcompletely, butdragon headis still fierce, opens the bigmouth, in the Dié Yuedirection, puts outtogetherturbulentwave ofterrifyingdragon breath!青炎帝君长啸一声,虽然身躯没有完全幻化出来,但一颗龙首依旧狰狞,张开大口,朝着蝶月的方向,吐出一道汹涌如潮的恐怖龙息!Inthisdragon breath, but also is mixing withoneextremelyfearfulazureflame, touches the "Dao"levelas before.
这口龙息之中,还夹杂着一种极为可怕的青色火焰,依旧触碰到‘道’的层次。forbidden techniqueeruption!禁术爆发!Ifcontinuesto be suppressedbyDié Yue, perhapstwo peoplemain bodyhas not transformed, will be killedbyDié Yue!
若是继续被蝶月这么压制下去,恐怕两人连本体都没幻化出来,就会被蝶月打死!Vault HeavenPatrol Angelvisiongreatly rises, stimulates to movementprimordial spirit, alsoreleasestogetherforbidden technique.苍天巡天使目光大盛,催动元神,也同样释放出一道禁术。
The vault of heavensplits, incomparablyolddragon clawappears, as if the endfromLong River of Time, patstoward the Dié Yueposition!
The bloodlinesaura that onthisonlydragon clawlends, cansuppresscreatures of myriad clans!
这只龙爪上散发出来的血脉气息,可以压制万族生灵!Dié YuebehindBlood Butterflyphenomenon, becomesflickers, as ifwill be shatteredmomentarily!
“裁决!”Lord of the Radiance Worldwithin the bodyis surginggoldenqi and blood, appearsbloodline phenomenon, an ancientpyramidappears, underis worshipping on bended knees the innumerablelives.光明界主体内涌动着金色气血,身后浮现出血脉异象,一座古老的金字塔浮现出来,下方跪拜着无数生灵。Lord of the Radiance Worldstands the peakinpyramid, whitestrengthsfrom the top of the heads of numerouslifecontinuousflies, gatherstoward the body of Lord of the Radiance World!光明界主站在金字塔的顶端,一道道白色的力量从众多生灵的头顶上源源不断的飞出来,朝着光明界主的身上聚集!Lord of the Radiance Worldboth handsemptygraspbefore the body, thesewhitestrengthscondenseunceasingly, inpalm that inheemptygrasps, swiftlycondenses a rayradiantbigsword!光明界主双手在身前虚握,这些白色力量不断凝聚,在他虚握的掌心中,迅速凝聚出一柄光芒璀璨的大剑!shuā!唰!Lord of the Radiance Worldwieldsforward.光明界主向前一挥。Thisbigsword, sacredincomparable, as ifhas cut offalldao law!
这柄大剑,神圣无比,似乎已经斩断一切道法!Belongs toGod Clanforbidden technique, the judgement!
属于神族的禁术,裁决!both sidesfoughtjusterupted, pushed to the pinnaclerapidly, was unretentive, releasemulti-channelforbidden technique!
双方大战刚刚爆发,就迅速推向极致,毫无保留,释放出多道禁术!Undersuchoffensive, Dié Yueis impossibleto disregardthesemethods.
在这样的攻势之下,蝶月不可能无视这些手段。Then, sheis not then ableto continueto maintain the powerfuloffensive, suppressesVault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperortwo people.
The Dié Yuefigure, vanishessuddenlydoes not see.蝶月的身形,突然消失不见。In the sky, appearssuddenlytworounds of strangescarlet moon.
天空中,突然浮现出两轮诡异的红月。Undershine of thesetworounds of scarlet moon, appearsfaintly a giantbutterfly, overlooksHeaven and Earth, the pair of wingsshiversslightly.
呼!Slightfanning, in the battlefieldthenstarts the endlessstorm, sweeps across the four directions, being disillusionedvitality , without to prevent!
只是细微的扇动,战场上便掀起无尽风暴,席卷四方,破灭生机,无可阻挡!Dié Yueforbidden technique, blood moonstorm!蝶月的禁术,血月风暴!
The azureflame that Azure Flame Emperorspout, underthisstorm, is almost put out, dragon breathalsoaboutdissipates.青炎帝君喷涌过来的青色火焰,在这道风暴之下,几乎熄灭,龙息也将近消散。Onthatonlyolddragon claw that in the midairarrives, appearsastonishingwounds.
半空中降临下来的那只苍老的龙爪上,浮现出一道道惊人的伤口。Althoughthisdragon clawstillfallson the racket, butstrengthrapidfailure!
The sword of judgementLord of the Radiance Worldreleases, but alsowithoutcutto fallonDié Yue, was torn into shredsbythisbloody storm!光明界主释放出来的裁决之剑,还没等斩落在蝶月身上,就被这道血色风暴撕碎!Incessantly under so, the stormsweeps across, pyramid under Lord of the Radiance Worldbody also crashes!
“啊!”Lord of the Radiance Worldcalled out pitifully, on the godbodyinstantaneouswere many innumerablesay/waywounds, the goldenbloodsprinkles the battlefield, cut and bruised!光明界主惨叫一声,神体上瞬间多出无数道伤口,金色血液洒满战场,遍体鳞伤!Azure Flame EmperorandVault HeavenPatrol Angelwhilethisopportunity, transforms the main bodyshapehastily, the aurarises suddenly, within the bodystrengthrisesunceasingly!青炎帝君、苍天巡天使趁此机会,连忙幻化出本体形态,气息暴涨,体内力量不断攀升!Bang! Bang!
轰!轰!Two peopleholding upa side world, coordinate the strength of twobigforbidden technique, resistsDié Yuetheterrifyingforbidden technique!
两人又撑起一方世界,配合两大禁术之力,才堪堪抵挡住蝶月的这道恐怖禁术!ButLord of the Radiance Worldhas gotten sucked into the storm, a side world, isfleshly body and bloodline, comparesVault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperor.
而光明界主已经深陷风暴之中,不论是一方世界,还是肉身血脉,都比不过苍天巡天使和青炎帝君。AlthoughseveralarePinnacle Emperor, butbetweenPinnacle EmperorandGreat Emperor, do not have the explicitrealmdivision, causes the battle strengthdisparity between Pinnacle Emperor, spansenormously!
After Lord of the Radiance Worldreleasesforbidden technique, ifcan the earliest possible timeleaveto withdraw from the battlefieldcenter, but can also preserve a life.光明界主释放出禁术之后,若是能第一时间抽身退出战场中心,还能保住一命。Now, whenherealized that the situationis not wonderful, alreadylate!
如今,等他意识到形势不妙,已经晚了!HiscognitiontoDié Yue, but alsomaintainsin a Great Desolationwar that the past yearswitnessed.
他对蝶月的认知,还保持在当年目睹的大荒一战中。Butthese for hundredyears, Dié Yuehas risentoanotherlevel.
但这百年来,蝶月已经上升到另一个层次。AlthoughnotGreat Emperor, butfaces the situation that Great Desolationfightsagain, even if no Martial Dao main body, the strength of herstillwar!
虽然未曾大帝,但再面对大荒一战的情形,就算没有武道本尊,她也有一战之力!PastDié Yue, the releasethisblood moonstorm, oneselfcould not withstandthisforbidden techniquemight, fleshly bodyis torn.
当年的蝶月,释放出这道血月风暴,自身承受不住这道禁术的威力,肉身都会遭到撕裂。Butnow, is atthisbloody stormcenter, Dié Yueisself-possessed, is from top to bottom perfect!
The stormhowls, underglare of the public eye, the Lord of the Radiance Worldflesh, was being tornbythisbloody storm, fromunceasingpeeling!
风暴呼啸,在众目睽睽之下,光明界主的血肉,正在被这道血色风暴撕裂,从身上不断的剥离!In an instant, Lord of the Radiance Worldonlyhas a goldenskeleton, standsinin the original place, in the eyepupilis glittering the glimmer, covers entirelypanic-stricken.
砰!Nextquarter, theskeleton of Lord of the Radiance World, was blown offbybloody storm.
The glimmer in thatpair of eyespupil, extinguishesthoroughly!
那双眼眸中的微光,彻底熄灭!Lord of the Radiance World, falls!光明界主,陨!
The remaining prestige that the collision of forbidden technique, eruptsis not limited to this.禁术的碰撞,爆发出来的余威不止于此。SeveralEmperorexpert that justcannotescapepromptly, were involved in the storm that forbidden techniquecollided, was buriedinthis!
刚刚没能及时逃出去的十几位帝君强者,被卷入禁术碰撞的风暴之中,也都葬身于此!Vault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperor, althoughgot rid of the suppression of Dié Yue, transformsmain bodybattle strengthto rise sharply, actuallyalsopays a bigprice.苍天巡天使和青炎帝君,虽然摆脱了蝶月的压制,幻化出本体战力大涨,却也付出不小的代价。
The Lord of the Radiance Worldbodyfalls, more than tenemperorsfall from the skyagainin addition.光明界主身陨,再加上十几位帝君陨落。Naturally, falling from the skyEmperorexpert, almost came from Radiance Worldandotherplanes.
当然,陨落的帝君强者,几乎都来自于光明界和其他界面。Medium Thousandfold WorldEmperor, in their eyes, butis the ants.中千世界的帝君,在他们眼中,不过是蝼蚁。Regardless ofcasualtiesmany, theywill not care.
After Vault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperortransform the main body, battle strengthdisplays the pinnacle, leadsremainingEmperorexpert, finallytemporarilystabilizes the aspect, resists the Dié Yueoffensive.苍天巡天使、青炎帝君幻化出本体之后,战力发挥到极致,带领剩下的帝君强者,终于暂时稳住局面,抵挡住蝶月的攻势。old ape, Nine-tailed Monster Emperor, Divine Elephant Monster EmperorandBaize Monster Emperor, an numerousRakshasaEmperor, joins the regiment , helping Dié YueconstrainsomeEmperorexpertas far as possible.老猿、九尾妖帝、神象妖帝、白泽妖帝,还有一众罗刹帝君,也纷纷加入战团,尽可能帮助蝶月拖住一些帝君强者。Probably a old apeperson, thenties downthreePinnacle Emperor!
像是老猿一人,便缠住三位巅峰帝君!Butso, besieges the Dié YueEmperorquantityeven, still placed about hundred.
The Vault HeavenPatrol Angelradicaleruption, revealed that peakbattle strength, trulyworthilyisinVault Heaven, the firstperson under Great Emperor!苍天巡天使彻底爆发,显露出巅峰战力,确实不愧为苍天中,大帝之下的第一人!Alsoonly thenhe, canshakewith the Dié Yueupfronthardly.
也只有他,才能与蝶月正面硬撼。Has the Vault HeavenPatrol Angelresistanceto reduce and solve the Dié Yuemostoffensive and strength, coordinatesAzure Flame Emperorand other more than Emperorexpert, Dié Yuenot to takewhatadvantageagainsuddenly.
有苍天巡天使对抗化解蝶月大半的攻势和力量,再配合青炎帝君等百余位帝君强者,蝶月一时间也占不到什么便宜。OtherEmperorexperthave experienced the Dié Yuemethod, intending more careful, the spiritties tight.
其余的帝君强者见识过蝶月的手段,出手更加小心,精神紧绷。Seeing the situationis not wonderful, thenmeetsfirstwithdraws.
见形势不妙,便会第一时间后撤。HasVault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperorinvolves the Dié Yuemostmindenergy, shewantsto go wellagain, cutsto killsurroundingEmperorexpert, becomes beset with difficulties.
有苍天巡天使和青炎帝君牵扯蝶月的大半心神精力,她再想要得手,斩杀周围的帝君强者,变得困难重重。„NorthernKunandsouthernPéng, youalsoanything!”
“北鲲、南鹏,你们还等什么!”In the old apewar, is exclaimingtostanding byNorthern Kun EmperorandSouthern Peng Emperorseveralpeople: „Arrivedthis moment, you were indecisive?”老猿大战之中,对着作壁上观的北鲲帝君、南鹏帝君几人吼道:“都到了这一刻,你们还要犹豫不决?”IfNorthern Kun Emperor, Southern Peng Emperor, Frost Dragon EmperorandLord of the Flower WorldfourWorld Lordare willingto act, standsHeavenly Desolate World, but can also help the Dié Yueminute/sharewalksomeEmperorexpert.
如果北鲲帝君、南鹏帝君、冰霜龙帝、花界之主四位界主愿意出手,站在天荒界这边,还能帮助蝶月分走一些帝君强者。Perhaps, thislittlechange, letsonDié Yuepressure relief, will affect the war the finaltrend, upsets the balance!
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