Heavenly Desolatemain hall.天荒大殿。
The peopleare looking atthisdropping from the cloudsexceedingly highgiant tree, the mindbig quake, with amazementchanges countenance!
Is thisHeavenly WorldTree of Foundationdivine tree?
这是天界的建木神树?WhoHeavenly WorldTree of Foundationdivine treepulling out?
谁把天界的建木神树给拔了?Moreover, throwsin the Heavenly Desolatemain hall, is battered to deathdirectlymore than tenEmperorexpert!
而且,扔在天荒大殿中,直接砸死十几位帝君强者!Thisthrows, canerupt how powerfulstrength?
这一扔,得爆发出多么强大的力量?Cannot resistincludingmore than tenEmperorexpertworld, was hit the instantaneouscollapse, fleshly bodyis split up, suppressesunderTree of Foundationdivine tree!
连十几位帝君强者世界都抵挡不住,被撞得瞬间崩溃,肉身四分五裂,镇压在建木神树之下!AroundSu Zimo's, presents a stretch of blankregionagain.苏子墨的周围,再度出现一片空白地带。
The Tree of Foundationdivine treetens of thousands ofsay/waysturdyroot hair, brush, unexpectedlynowoundto the Su Zimoslightest.建木神树成千上万道粗壮的根须,抽打下来,竟没有伤到苏子墨分毫。Outside the main hall, the war criesare shocking, the situationhas changed.
大殿外,杀声震天,局势已经发生变化。shortly afterwards, inbloody mist of bigpiece, wearsDié Yue of blood-colorlong gownto drop from the clouds, arrives atsideSu Zimo's.紧接着,大片的血雾之中,身着血色长袍的蝶月从天而降,来到苏子墨的身边。
The Heavenly Desolatepeoplesee the person, is the spiritinspiresgreatly.天荒众人看到来人,都是精神大振。Great Desolation World'sBlood Butterfly Monster Emperor!大荒界的血蝶妖帝!
The peoplechange mindthink, perhapsalsoonly thenGreat Desolation World'sBlood Butterfly Monster Emperor, hasthisgrade of method.
众人转念一想,恐怕也只有大荒界的血蝶妖帝,才有这等手段。Northern Kun EmperorSouthern Peng EmperorFrost Dragon Emperorand the othersalsosoftly sigh of relief.北鲲帝君南鹏帝君冰霜龙帝等人也轻舒一口气。Althoughtheydo not darewithHeavenly Courtbecome enemy, butin the heart deep place, does not hope the Heavenly Desolate Worldin light of thisdestruction.
他们虽然不敢与天庭为敌,但在内心深处,也不希望天荒界就此覆灭。SeesDié Yueto come, theyalsorealized,perhapstoday a war, will regenerate the variable.
看到蝶月现身,他们也意识到,今日一战,恐怕会再生变数。Dié Yuewas injuredin the pastheavilyat a Great Desolationwar, whethernowrecoversunknown.
只是,蝶月当年在大荒一战受伤不轻,如今是否痊愈还是未知。Even ifrecovers, can resist more than 100Emperorexpert, stillcannotknow.
就算痊愈,能否抵挡住一百多尊帝君强者,也未可知。After all, today'ssituation, foughtcompared withpastGreat DesolationalsowantsYan Jun (severe)!
毕竟,今日的局势,比当年大荒一战还要严峻!Only came from Heavenly CourtEmperorexpert, 50.
光是来自天庭的帝君强者,就有五十尊。Moreover, was known as that Vault Heavenbattle strengthfirstPatrol Angelassumes personal command.
而且,还有号称苍天战力第一的巡天使坐镇。SeesDié Yueto arrive, inSu Zimoheartonelight, askedwith a smile: „Suchbigsound?”
看到蝶月抵达,苏子墨心中一轻,笑着问道:“这么大动静?”Hewas truedidn’t expect, Dié YueTree of Foundationdivine treepulling out, belt/bringtoHeavenly Desolate World.
他属实没想到,蝶月会将建木神树给拔了出来,带到天荒界。Moreover, the personhas not seen, thenhas forestalled opponent by a show of strength!
而且,人还未见,便已先声夺人!Dié Yuesaid: „Cansooner, whenpassed byHeavenly World, saw that thisTree of Foundationvitalitypasses, keepsHeavenly World, how longperhaps unable to live.”蝶月道:“原本能早些到,只是路过天界之时,看到这株建木生机流逝,留在天界,恐怕活不了多久。”Martial Dao main bodyandDié Yuealsoleave, Dié Yuetrulycame, to delay the momentinHeavenly Worldlate.武道本尊和蝶月同时离开,蝶月确实来得晚了些,原来是在天界耽搁了片刻。Moreover, Su Zimoalsonoticed, the body of Tree of Foundationdivine tree, somebranches and leaveshave withered, death qisurrounded.
Related withBury Heaven?
与葬天有关?Su Zimoknits the browsslightly.苏子墨微微皱眉。„Ido not wantto pay attention, thisTree of Foundationspiritual wisdom, has prayed for rescuefromme, Ithenpulled outit, belt/bringtoHeavenly Desolate World.”
“我本不想理会,这株建木早已通灵,向我求救,我便将它拔了,带到天荒界。”Dié Yuesaid: „Heavenly Desolate Worldstandsinitially, thisTree of Foundation, gives the Heavenly Desolate Worldgifteven.”蝶月道:“天荒界初立,这株建木,就算是送给天荒界的礼物吧。”Dié Yuethissayingsaidat will, the peopleon the sceneare actually flabbergastedsecretly.蝶月这话说得随意,在场众人却暗暗咋舌。Northern Kun EmperorSouthern Peng EmperornumerouspositionWorld Lord, hearto grin.北鲲帝君南鹏帝君众位界主,听得都直咧嘴。ThisBlood Butterfly Monster Emperoracts is the bigmovement, casualgiftingthing, directlyHeavenly WorldTree of Foundationdivine treepulling out!
这位血蝶妖帝一出手便是大动作,随便送个礼物,直接把天界的建木神树给拔了!Hears the Dié Yuewords, Tree of Foundationdivine treevibratesslightly, the remainingemerald greenbranches and leavesfollowto sway, release a gratitudejoyfulmood.
听到蝶月的话,建木神树微微抖动,剩下的翠绿枝叶跟着摇晃,释放出一种感激喜悦的情绪。ThisTree of Foundation, had regardedownfamily/homeHeavenly Desolate World!
The time of this while, thattens of thousands ofsay/waysturdyroot hair, in the unceasingthoroughground, has taken rootinthis!
这一会儿的功夫,那成千上万道粗壮的根须,已经不断的深入地面之中,扎根于此!Tree of Foundationdivine treeis most sensitiveto the origin qi of Heaven and Earthsensation, hereenvironment, is obviously much bettercompared withHeavenly World!建木神树对天地元气的感知最为敏感,这里的环境,明显比天界要好得多!Lin ZhanFeng Cantianand the otherslooked at each otherone, in the heartsecretly rejoices.林战风残天等人对视一眼,心中暗喜。AlthoughHeavenly Desolate WorldhasWorryless TreeImmortal WillowSeven Treasure Wonderful TreeFlat Peach Immortal Treefourbigspiritual root, butmainlydepends onSu Zimo'stwelfth gradeGood Fortune Azure Lotus.天荒界虽有无忧树仙柳七宝妙树蟠桃仙树四大灵根,但主要还是靠着苏子墨的十二品造化青莲。OnceSu Zimoleaves, the Heavenly Desolate Worldcultivationenvironment, will become worse.
一旦苏子墨离开,天荒界的修行环境,就会变差一些。Now, hasTree of Foundationdivine treeto assumeHeavenly Desolate, even ifSu Zimoleaves, will not have the tootremendous effect on Heavenly Desolate World.
如今,有建木神树坐镇天荒,就算苏子墨离开,对天荒界也不会有太大的影响。Naturally, thesearesecondary.
当然,这些都是次要。ToHeavenly Desolate World, whatis most importantismustcross the presentgreat misfortune!
对天荒界而言,最要紧的还是要渡过眼下的大劫!AsNine-tailed Monster EmperorDivine Elephant Monster EmperorBaize Monster EmperoralsoBlood Butterfly Monster Emperor, comes to the main hall.九尾妖帝神象妖帝白泽妖帝也随着血蝶妖帝,来得大殿之中。Outsidefliesmore than tenRakshasa Clanemperors.
外面飞进来十几位罗刹族的帝君。Just, theseRakshasa Clanjuststepped intoEmperor Realm, inemperors war, cannot play the crucial role.
After Azure Flame EmperorseesDié Yue, the eyepupilcold lightflashes.青炎帝君看到蝶月之后,眼眸寒光一闪。UnlikeEmperor Huang Wu, facingDié Yue, the heart of henotbigfear.
与荒武帝君不同,面对蝶月,他并没有多大的畏惧之心。WhenheseesDié Yueto arrive, is in front ofpeople, talkedat willwithSu Zimo, in the eyepupilwasraises a jealousy flame, the complexionwas gloomy.
当他看到蝶月降临,便当着众人的面,与苏子墨随意交谈起来,眼眸中更是升起一股妒火,脸色阴沉。„Blood Butterfly, withoutHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)helpsyou, youcould not rescueHeavenly Desolate World!”
“血蝶,没有荒武帮你,你救不了天荒界!”Azure Flame Emperorvisionice-cold, saidslowly: „OnlyisPatrol Angel, youcannot pass!”青炎帝君目光冰冷,缓缓道:“光是巡天使这一关,你就过不去!”Finishes speaking, the Sword Worldwar, suddenlypresents the stagnation of moment, as ifhad any majoraccident!
话音刚落,剑界的大战,突然出现片刻的停滞,似乎发生了什么重大的变故!Peoplesubconsciousraising the head of looks.
众人下意识的抬头望去。By the water curtain, sees onlyEmperor Huang Wuto standinonepool of bloodlight of fire, originallywithFlaming HeavenPatrol Angel that hefights, had been not hitbody and soul entirely exterminated, the skeletonsaves!
嘶!Withoutplacingin the Sword Worldbattlefield, this, makes many Heavenly Courtemperorsfeel a chill in the air.
That sidejustfought.
要知道,那边才刚刚交手。BeforeDié Yuearrives, theyalsoseeMartial Dao main bodyto knock out the fist, Flaming HeavenPatrol Angelmove forward to meet somebody.
就在蝶月抵达之前,他们还看到武道本尊出拳,炎天巡天使迎了上去。Thisin an instant, Flaming HeavenPatrol Angelalreadybody dies and Dao disappears!
这转眼间,炎天巡天使已经身死道消!EntireHeavenly CourtPatrol Angel, only thennine.
The warjustbroke out, thenhas foldedone!
大战刚刚爆发,便已折了一位!Dié Yuetakes back the vision, indifferently said: „ThisPatrol Angel, no more than so.”蝶月收回目光,淡淡道:“这巡天使,也不过如此。”
The Vault HeavenPatrol Angelcomplexionis ugly.苍天巡天使脸色难看。Tears into shredsseveralcommunication talismanin secret, changes totogether the streamslight/only, submergesvoid, vanishesdoes not see.
The situationis not right, mustletremainingfivedays of Patrol AngelandEmperorexpert, ahead of timeLower Realmsupport!
局势不对,必须要让剩下的五天巡天使和帝君强者,提前下界支援!„You are Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor, makingmetryyourmethod!”
“你便是血蝶妖帝,让我来试试你的手段!”Vault HeavenPatrol Angelloudly shouted: „Killstome!”苍天巡天使大喝一声:“给我杀!”Raise!
昂!In the Vault HeavenPatrol Angelmouth, eruptsshaking the heavens and earth the sound of dragon's roar, qi and bloodsurges, changes, wantsto transform the main body.苍天巡天使的口中,爆发出一声惊天动地的龙吟之声,气血涌动,摇身一变,想要幻化出本体。
The Azure Flame Emperorbodyis huge, similarlyprepares the took outmain body, is not reservedand a Dié Yuewar.青炎帝君的身躯庞大,同样准备祭出本体,毫无保留来与蝶月一战。shuā!唰!Suddenly!
陡然!Two peopleat present a flower, bloodshadowtwinkle.
两人的眼前一花,血影闪烁。Dié Yuehas arrived at the near, qi and bloodrushes, bloodline phenomenonappears.蝶月已经来到近前,气血澎湃,身后血脉异象浮现。
The pupil on bloody butterflypair of wings, lockstwo people.血色蝴蝶双翼上的瞳孔,锁定住两人。Meanwhile, Dié Yueacts, the fairpalmoverturns the heavensto cover, rackettotwo peopletop of the head!
与此同时,蝶月出手,白皙的手掌翻天笼罩,拍向两人的天灵盖!Thenon the pupiltobloodwing, as ifcontainssomeextremelypowerfuldao law, cansuppress the bloodlines of Vault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperorunexpectedlyfaintly.
那对儿血翼上的瞳孔,似乎蕴藏着某种极为强大的道法,竟能隐隐压制住苍天巡天使和青炎帝君的血脉。Butpalm of Dié Yue, seeminglydelicatewhite and tender, butcontains the extremelyterrifyingstrength, Vault HeavenPatrol Angelsmelleddeathaura!
而蝶月的手掌,看似柔弱白嫩,但却蕴藏着极为恐怖的力量,就连苍天巡天使都嗅到一丝死亡气息!Sois unexpectedly strong?
The Vault HeavenPatrol Angelmindbig quake, transforms the main bodywithout enough time, stretches out the palm, resistswithit.苍天巡天使心神大震,来不及幻化出本体,伸出手掌,与之对抗。Bang! Bang!
砰!砰!both sidesshakehardly, Vault HeavenPatrol Angel and Azure Flame Emperorwhole bodybig quake, the endoskeletontransmits one sound, the toothis sore, was almost shakenfalls off!
双方硬撼,苍天巡天使和青炎帝君浑身大震,体内骨骼传来一阵吱嘎响动,牙齿酸痛,差点被震得脱落!Azure Flame Emperoris pale, the lookis alarmed and afraid.青炎帝君脸色苍白,神色惊惧。Dié Yuebattle strength, obviouslypromotes a bigtruncationcompared with a Great Desolationwartime!蝶月的战力,明显比大荒一战时提升一大截!Has not waited fortwo peopleto pant for breath, Dié Yuebullies the bodyagainon.
还没等两人喘息过来,蝶月再度欺身而上。Bang! Bang! Bang!
砰!砰!砰!Threepeoplefightcontinuously, Vault HeavenPatrol AngelandAzure Flame Emperorretreat in defeat again and again, under the suppression of Dié Yue, the main bodyis not even ableto transformunexpectedly!
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