Heavenly Desolate World.天荒界。War Country that Universe Academy that Yang RuoxuandMo Qinglead, Lin Lei and Lin Luobrother and sisterlead, manyevery large or smallsect, withRadiance Worldarecompared with the trillionarmies of head, the disparityis extremely disparate.杨若虚、墨倾带领的乾坤书院,林磊、林落兄妹带领的战国,还有诸多大大小小的宗门,与光明界为首的亿万大军相比,差距太过悬殊。Trillionarmiescamouflaged the sky, numerouscultivatorbrandish the weapon, in the eyepupilis glitteringexcitedly, the war criesare shocking, such as the locusttransits.
亿万大军遮蔽了天空,众多修士挥舞着兵器,眼眸中闪烁着兴奋,杀声震天,如蝗虫过境。NumerousHeavenly Desolate Worldcultivatorare not even clear, can oneselfsupport a breath!
众多天荒界修士甚至不清楚,自己能不能撑过一个呼吸!painting immortalis also good, chess immortal.画仙也好,棋仙也罢。
The war of thisscale, whono onewill care about you are.
Under the warmighty currentsweeps across, lifesuch asworthless, all living thingsallare the ants!
战争洪流席卷之下,命如草芥,众生皆为蝼蚁!Lin LeiandLin Luostandin the frontline of War Countryarmy, the brother and sisterlook at each otherone, cansee the opposite partyeyesmeaning of bidding farewell.林磊、林落站在战国大军的最前方,兄妹两人对视一眼,都能看出对方眼中的诀别之意。Jun Yutakes off the backcheckerboard, in the chest front, raises headto look in the skyhorizontallyhiding the sky and covering the earth, the army who rushes ahead, the state of mindis gentle.君瑜摘下背后的棋盘,横于胸前,仰头望着天空中铺天盖地,冲杀下来的大军,心境平和。SheinDao of Chess, has experiencedinnumerablebad riskincomparablechess matchspecially.
她专于棋道,经历过无数凶险无比的棋局。Present, looks likeshehad once facednumerouschess match, tothisstep, the impersonal forcehas been ableabout.
眼下的一幕,就像是她曾面临过的众多棋局,到了这一步,已非人力所能左右。Herlife, ischess board.
她的一生,就是一盘棋。Butthischess board, seems to have come to the end.
而这盘棋,似乎已经走到了尽头。Yang RuoxuandFairy Chi Hongstandshoulder to shoulder, the lookrenounces.杨若虚和赤虹仙子并肩而立,神色决绝。Mo Qinggraspspainting album, thenlooked at a direction of Heavenly Desolatemain hall, the visionhung, softly mutteredsaid: „Pitifully, could not seeagain.”墨倾手握画册,回头看了一眼天荒大殿的方向,目光微垂,轻喃道:“可惜啊,再也见不到了。”ManyHeavenly Desolate Worldcultivator, althoughhas not given up, the preparationwrestlesfinally.
不少天荒界的修士,虽然并未放弃,准备最后一搏。Butin fact, heartCentral Capital of people are clear, theirresistances, are similar toa mantis trying to stop a chariot, likes a moth to the flame, the resulthas been doomed!
但实际上,众人的心中都清楚,他们的反抗,就如同螳臂当车,飞蛾扑火,结局已经注定!Is looking atmurderous-looking, trillionarmies of coming, the heart of Heavenly Desolateall living things, is covering the first layerheavy/thickhaze, pressesthemnot to gasp for breath!
愤怒!Finally, is only left over the endlessdespair!
轰!In the meantime, in the skytransmits a shaking the heavens and earthloud soundsuddenly!
就在此时,天空中突然传来一声惊天动地的巨响!Heavenly Desolateall living things, are the Radiance Worldtrillionarmies, subconsciousgoesfollowing the prestige.
The vault of heavenwas shattered, covers entirely the fissure.
The Vault HeavenPatrol Angeland otherHeavenly Courtemperors the Heavenly Desolate Worldblockade, the arrangedao lawbarrierhave broken!苍天巡天使等天庭帝君将天荒界封锁,布下的道法屏障已经破碎!Under the gaze of innumerablesay/wayvision, an exceedingly highgiant tree of luxuriant growth of leaves and branchesdrops from the clouds, is carrying the irresistibleimposing manner, poundstoward the Heavenly Desolatemain hall!
在无数道目光的注视之下,一株枝繁叶茂的通天巨木从天而降,携带着无可抵挡的气势,朝着天荒大殿砸去!Underthisexceedingly highgiant tree, originallynumerouscultivatorlifefromeachplanes.
在这株通天巨木之下,原本还有众多来自各个界面的修士生灵。Butexceedingly highgiant treeplace visited, anycultivator, God ClanTrue SpiritorKing, were hitpiece by piecebloody mist!
The twig of thatexceedingly highgiant tree, brushesonnumerouscultivator's, flesh and blood flying in all directions, torn to pieces!
那通天巨木的枝杈,抽打在众多修士的身上,血肉横飞,支离破碎!In a twinkling, does not know that many livesdieunderthisexceedingly highgiant tree!
The Heavenly Desolate Worldsky, bytrillionarmycamouflage, suffered injustice.天荒界的上空,原本被亿万大军遮蔽,不见天日。Butarrival of thisexceedingly highgiant tree, hits a giantholeunexpectedly!
但这株通天巨木的降临,竟生生撞开一个巨大的窟窿!Everywherestar light, followingthislarge cave/hole, sprinklesin the Heavenly Desolateland, washes out the Heavenly Desolatenumerousto entertain feelings the haze!
漫天星光,顺着这个大洞,重新洒落在天荒大地上,也冲散天荒众生心中的阴霾!„This, this, what is this?”
“这,这,这是什么啊?”Somepeoplestare the bigeyes, the lookis shocking, subconscioussoftly muttered.
有人瞪大双眼,神色震惊,下意识的轻喃着。„Thisgiant treelookssomewhatlooks familiar, probably......”
“这株巨木看着有些眼熟,好像是……”„Tree of Foundation! Heavenly WorldTree of Foundationdivine tree!”
“建木!天界的建木神树!”„God, Heavenly WorldTree of Foundationdivine treewas eradicatedunexpectedly!”
“天啊,天界的建木神树竟然被人连根拔起!”In the crowd, spreadsoneto call out in alarmintermittently.
The most lower side of thisexceedingly highgiant tree, is growingtens of thousands ofsturdydragonvigorroot hair, but also is contaminatinga lot ofsoils, was obviously pulled out, broughtHeavenly Desolate World!
这株通天巨木的最下端,生长着成千上万条粗壮虬劲的根须,还沾染着大量泥土,明显是被人生生拔了出来,带到了天荒界!Let aloneisHeavenly Desolateall living things, the Radiance Worldtrillionarmieschange colorwith amazement, incrowd a confusion, panic, does not know that hadanything!
The nextquarter, the blood-colorformappearstogetherabove the vault of heaven, overlooksHeaven and Earth, along withtrillionstar light, arrivesslowly.
下一刻,一道血色身影浮现在苍穹之上,俯瞰天地,伴随着亿万道星光,缓缓降临下来。Tree of Foundationdivine treeleads the way, trillionstar lightencirclements!建木神树开路,亿万星光环绕!This, reallyextremelyshocks.
The Radiance Worldtrillionarmiesfeel a hugepressure, the mindtremble, almostmustkneel down, lies prostrate in worship!光明界的亿万大军感受到一阵巨大的威压,心神战栗,几乎要跪倒在地,顶礼膜拜!Thisextremelybeautifulfemale.
这一位极美的女子。black haired, the bloodrobe, the lookis faint.黑发,血袍,神色淡漠。
The femalepupillightrotation, is arrogant and conceited, such asrulesunder the Heavens, makingten thousandsubduespirit!
女子眸光转动,目空一切,如君临天下,令万灵折服!Radiance Worldand other more than planes, althoughtrillionarmies, butactuallybythisblood-robe womanimposing manner, was suppressedmovesdoes not dareto move!光明界等一百多个界面虽有亿万大军,但却被这位血袍女子的气势,压制得一动不敢动!between Heaven and Earth, silence reigns, all living thingskeep silent!天地之间,万籁俱寂,众生噤声!Heavenly Desolateall living thingsare also raising headto look atthisblood-colorform.天荒众生也在仰头望着这道血色身影。„Thisis......”
“这是……”Lin Lei and Lin Luobrother and sisterlookto shock.林磊、林落兄妹俩面露震撼。Theirmothers, arein the femalerarepeerlessexpert, the peerless grace and talent, not the weakman, maycompared withthisblood-robe woman, as ifsomewhatpale by comparison.
他们的母亲,已经是女子中少有的绝世强者,风华绝代,不弱须眉,可在这位血袍女子相比,似乎都有些相形见绌。Yang Ruoxu, Mo Qing, Jun YuandXia Qingying...... numerousHeavenly Desolate Worldcultivator, look atthisblood-robe woman, in the mindonlyhas a thought.杨若虚、墨倾、君瑜、夏清盈……众多天荒界的修士,看着这位血袍女子,脑海中只剩下一个念头。World, howwill havefemaleso!
世间,怎会有这般女子!„Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor, Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor!”
“血蝶妖帝,血蝶妖帝!”In the meantime, fellice butterflyonMo Qingshoulderdances in the airsuddenly, the lookis excited, to the extreme, in the soundevenbrings a weeping voiceexcitedly, shoutsloudly: „IsmyButterfly ClanBlood Butterfly Monster Emperor!”
是她!Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor in legend!
传说中的血蝶妖帝!Emperor Huang Wu'sdao companion!荒武帝君的道侣!Innumerouscultivatorheartsbig quake!
众多修士心中大震!„No wonder......”
“怪不得……”Mo Qinglooks atthisform, in the heartcannot be havingslightly the heart of comparisonunexpectedly.墨倾望着这道身影,心中竟生不起丝毫比较之心。Inherheartwants saying: „Alsoonly thenso the female, withEmperor Huang Wuin the same place, istrueimmortal couple, good combination.”
她心中只是想道:“也只有这般女子,与荒武帝君在一起,才是真正的神仙眷侣,天作之合。”Anyone, regardless of the men and women, in front ofBlood Butterfly Monster Emperor, can not voluntarilyhas a feeling inferiorfeeling.
不论是谁,不论男女,在血蝶妖帝面前,都会不自觉的生出一种自惭形秽之感。Under the Heavenly Desolatepeopleshock, worship and excitingvisiongaze, sees onlyBlood Butterfly Monster Emperorbehind, departsgiantimmortal boatlarge ships.
在天荒众人震惊、崇拜、激动的目光注视下,只见血蝶妖帝的身后,飞出一艘艘巨大的仙舟楼船。On the bowis setting upMonster Emperor, Nine-tailed Monster Emperor, Divine Elephant Monster EmperorandBaize Monster Emperor......
船头上立着一尊尊妖帝,九尾妖帝、神象妖帝、白泽妖帝……On the immortal boatlarge shipmonster qisoars to the heavens!仙舟楼船上妖气冲天!
The Great Desolation World'sMonster Clanarmyarrives!大荒界的妖族大军抵达!Dié Yueelementwields, the blood-colorrobesleeveswings, in the mouthputs out a charactergently: „Kills!”蝶月素手一挥,血色袍袖摆动,口中轻轻吐出一个字:“杀!”„Roar!”
“吼!”NumerousMonster KingandTrue Spiriterupt an intermittentcall, is leading the Great Desolationmonsterarmy, breaks in the Radiance Worldtrillionarmies!
众多妖王、真灵爆发出一阵阵呐喊,率领着大荒妖军,冲入光明界的亿万大军之中!Myriad Monstersroared, ten thousandbeastlong-range raids!万妖咆哮,万兽奔袭!Radiance Worldherearmywas attackedscattered about, is thrown into confusion!光明界这边的大军被冲击得七零八落,阵脚大乱!„Heavenly Desolate's cultivators, Heavenly Desolate Worldcould be saved, everyonekillstogether!”
“诸位天荒修士,天荒界有救了,大家一起杀回去!”Lin Leitreads the skystands, the lookis excited, raises the armto shout loudly.林磊踏空而立,神色激动,振臂高呼。Universe Academy, Yang Ruoxualsoholds a sword the line, to the frontline, shoutsloudly: „Fellow Daoistmustgive upnot, World Lorddao companionsavedus, Heavenly Desolatedid not extinguish!”乾坤书院,杨若虚也仗剑而行,冲在最前方,大声喊道:“诸位道友莫要放弃,界主道侣来救我们了,天荒不灭!”Heavenly Desolateall living thingshearing thisis the moraleinspiresgreatly, hot bloodedupwells!天荒众生闻言都是士气大振,热血上涌!World Lorddao companion, Blood Butterfly Monster Emperorcame!界主道侣,血蝶妖帝来了!Heavenly Desolate Worldcan also be saved!天荒界还有救!Thiswar, has not divided the victory and defeat!
这一战,还未分胜负!„War, war, war!”
“战,战,战!”Desperate , the Heavenly Desolateall living thingsreignitionhope, shoutsloudly, no longerdreads, no longerevades, erupts an astonishingwill.
绝望之中,天荒众生重燃希望,大声嘶吼,不再畏惧,不再逃避,爆发一股惊人意志。Meanwhile, in a Heavenly Desolate Worldcorner, departsover a hundred millionforms, like the ghosts and demons, grasps the doubleblade, is growing the meatwing, incrowd that breaks in the Radiance Worldarmy, slaughtersrecklessly!
与此同时,在天荒界的一个角落里,飞出一道道上亿道身影,如同鬼魅,手持双刀,身后生长着肉翼,冲入光明界大军的人群中,肆意杀戮!Rakshasa Clanarrives!罗刹族降临!Heavenly Desolatedoes not extinguish!天荒不灭!
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