ESK :: Volume #32

#3160: Exceedingly high giant tree

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Heavenly Desolate main hall. 天荒大殿。 When that side Sword World at daggers drawn, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel from initial shock, rapid recovering, returning to normal mind. 就在剑界那边剑拔弩张的时候,苍天巡天使从最初的震惊中,迅速的回过神来,平复心神。 Does not need to be startled.” “诸位不必惊慌。” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel sinking sound said: At present this is only Peer­less King, differs disparately with Sword World that side Emperor Huang Wu.” 苍天巡天使沉声道:“眼前这位只是绝世王者,与剑界那边的荒武帝君相差悬殊。” Emperor Huang Wu has Sword World more than 300 Emperor expert to sphere, cannot attend to here.” 荒武帝君剑界三百余位帝君强者围住,根本顾不上这边。” This Heavenly Desolate World lord, nothing but is drawing support from the potential of Emperor Huang Wu, delays time!” “这位天荒界主,无非是在借助荒武帝君之势,来拖延时间!” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel sees the Su Zimo's actual situation quickly. 苍天巡天使很快看出苏子墨的虚实。 At this moment, Azure Flame Emperor also gradually responded, moved sideways from the Vault Heaven Patrol Angel back, frowned greatly, is staring at Su Zimo of not far away, the look still somewhat was surprised uncertain, said: In other words, this is Su Zimo blustering?” 此刻,青炎帝君也逐渐反应过来,从苍天巡天使的背后闪身而出,大皱眉头,盯着不远处的苏子墨,神色仍有些惊疑不定,道:“也就是说,这个苏子墨是在虚张声势?” In fact, is he only paradise great accomplishment King?” “实际上,他只是洞天大成王者?” indeed so.” 正是如此。” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel nods, looks at the Su Zimo look, passes to ridicule, said: If I have not guessed wrong, you nothing but are want to delay the time, waits for Emperor Huang Wu to solve that side Sword World, comes back to support Heavenly Desolate World again.” 苍天巡天使点了点头,看着苏子墨眼神,透着一丝讥讽,道:“若是我没猜错,你无非就是想要拖延时间,等荒武帝君解决剑界那边,再回来支援天荒界。” Only pitifully, you underestimated the Heavenly Court method!” “只可惜,你低估了天庭的手段!” Your didn’t expect, Heavenly Court will fan out in two groups, simultaneously attacks Sword World and Heavenly Desolate World, even if you have Emperor Huang Wu this card in a hand, clone is still weak, one side most can only rescue.” “你没想到,天庭会兵分两路,同时进攻剑界天荒界,就算你有荒武帝君这张底牌,也分身乏术,最多只能救一边。” Your didn’t expect, I will also release this water curtain that in Heavenly Court shines upon Sword World, the Sword World situation, transmits simultaneously.” “你也没想到,我会在天庭释放出这道映照剑界的水幕,将剑界的情况,同时传递过来。” Azure Flame Emperor at present one bright, said: We can begin with Sword World that side together, does not give Emperor Huang Wu the opportunity that comes back to support!” 青炎帝君眼前一亮,道:“咱们可以与剑界那边一起动手,根本不给荒武帝君回来支援的机会!” Good.” “不错。” The water curtain of Vault Heaven Patrol Angel time in through sky, is paying attention to Sword World that side sound, indifferently said: Without and other Sword World that side wars ended, Heavenly Desolate World does not have.” 苍天巡天使时刻通过天空中的水幕,关注着剑界那边的动静,淡淡道:“没等剑界那边的大战结束,天荒界就已经没了。” Although I do not know, between Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) two fleshly body has what relations, but destroys completely Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) the azure lotus fleshly body, will definitely cause a big damage to him!” “虽然我不知道,荒武的两具肉身之间有什么关系,但灭掉荒武的这具青莲肉身,对他必然会造成不小的伤害!” In the meantime, water curtain another side Sword World, Martial Dao main body and Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel has also acted! 就在此时,水幕另一边的剑界,武道本尊炎天巡天使已经同时出手! In the Vault Heaven Patrol Angel eye pupil flashes through wipes the cold light, soars, the sound spreads over Heavenly Desolate World each corner: Hear of my verbal commands, to Heavenly Desolate World all lives, kill without mercy!” 苍天巡天使眼眸中闪过一抹寒光,腾空而起,声音传遍天荒界的每个角落:“诸位听我号令,对天荒界的一切生灵,杀无赦!” Radiance World and other more than planes armies, guarded sky over Heavenly Desolate World waited for a long time, could not have repressed, murderous-looking. 光明界等一百多个界面的大军,镇守在天荒界上空等待多时,早就按捺不住,杀气腾腾 Now hears this command, first breaks in Heavenly Desolate World! 如今听到这个号令,第一时间冲入天荒界 This is headed by Radiance World trillion armies , more than 100 planes compose. 这是以光明界为首,一百多个界面组成的亿万大军。 But Heavenly Desolate World all lives put together, but also less than 100 million! 天荒界所有的生灵加在一起,还不足一亿! Let alone, some Heavenly Desolate World only battle strength people, Su Zimo, Lin Zhan, Feng Cantian and the others, were stranded in the Heavenly Desolate main hall probably. 更何况,天荒界唯一有些战力的人,像是苏子墨林战风残天等人,都被困在天荒大殿中。 This to Heavenly Desolate World cultivator, nearly is one slaughters. 这对天荒界修士而言,近乎是一场屠戮。 Even so, numerous position Heavenly Desolate World cultivator, had not given up! 即便如此,众位天荒界修士,仍未放弃! Universe Academy under Yang Ruoxu and Mo Qing's reassignment, has gathered cultivator that all can enter the war, prepares to meet head-on. 乾坤书院杨若虚墨倾的调动下,已经将所有能参战的修士聚集起来,准备迎战。 War Country under Lin Lei and Lin Luo brother and sister's command, has built up. 战国林磊林落兄妹的号令下,也已经集结完毕。 Although Wind Snow Ridge majority are Profound Immortal, in this war, almost does not have the strength of resistance, but has not given up, the preparation wrestles finally. 风雪岭虽然大多数都是玄仙,在这种大战中,几乎毫无反抗之力,但也没有放弃,准备最后一搏。 Naturally, cultivator that joins Heavenly Desolate World numerously is in great confusion, scatters in all directions the escape. 当然,还有众多加入天荒界修士乱成一团,四散逃命。 Heavenly Desolate World had been blocked, let alone is they, even King, the emperors are unable to leave! 只是天荒界早已被封锁,别说是他们,就算王者,帝君都无法离开! ...... …… Heavenly Desolate main hall. 天荒大殿。 Feels outside situation, Lin Zhan, Immortal King Linglong, Feng Cantian and the others is the look is anxious. 感受到外面的情况,林战玲珑仙王风残天等人都是神色焦急。 Naturally, in Heavenly Desolate World, but also is hiding one crowd of huge quantity of Rakshasa Clan. 当然,天荒界中,还隐藏着一群数量庞大的罗刹族 So long as these Rakshasa Clan make a move, should be able to block Radiance World and other numerous planes army moments. 只要这些罗刹族出手,应该能挡住光明界等众多界面大军片刻。 The situation that at present they face, wants the bad risk compared with outside! 眼下他们面临的情况,比外面还要凶险! In this main hall, there are more than 100 Emperor expert! 这座大殿中,有一百多位帝君强者 But Heavenly Desolate World, a Emperor does not have. 天荒界这边,一位帝君都没有。 So long as Vault Heaven Patrol Angel orders, including Su Zimo, their group of people, in suddenly, will be killed! 只要苍天巡天使一声令下,包括苏子墨在内,他们这群人,在瞬息间,就会被杀死! Has the opportunity to rescue Su Zimo's only, perhaps only has Northern Kun Emperor, Southern Peng Emperor, Frost Dragon Emperor and Lord of the Flower World these. 唯一有机会救下苏子墨的,或许只有北鲲帝君南鹏帝君冰霜龙帝花界之主这几位。 old ape first stood, keeps off before the Su Zimo body, looks to Northern Kun Emperor and the others, the sinking sound said: „, Arrived this moment, you can also submit Heavenly Court?” 老猿第一时间站了出来,挡在苏子墨身前,看向北鲲帝君等人,沉声道:“诸位,都到了这一刻,你们还要屈服天庭吗?” So long as we collaborate, dragging as far as possible, waits for Emperor Huang Wu to return from Sword World, naturally can reduce and solve this great misfortune!” “只要我们联手,尽可能的拖延,等荒武帝君剑界归来,自然可以化解这次大劫!” If only old ape one person, he truly not with the courage that Heavenly Court resists. 若只是老猿一人,他确实没有与天庭对抗的勇气。 But knew, Emperor Huang Wu is Su Zimo, stands in the Heavenly Court opposite, in his heart, renews belongs to Blood Ape Clan fighting intent! 但得知,荒武帝君就是苏子墨,站在天庭的对面,他的心中,也重新燃起属于血猿一族战意 Vault Heaven Patrol Angel and other numerous Heavenly Court Emperor hearing this, is only contemptuous smiling. 苍天巡天使等一众天庭帝君闻言,只是轻蔑的笑了笑。 Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor two people are silent. 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君两人沉默不语。 Be that as it may, but their how many collaborate even, how long can resist? 话虽如此,可就算他们几个联手,能抵挡多久? Their several collaborate, perhaps this Vault Heaven Patrol Angel cannot even resist! 他们几位联手,恐怕连这位苍天巡天使都抵挡不住! Even if the Heavenly Desolate World back has Emperor Huang Wu, but he in Sword World, being beyond control, clone is weak, cannot attend to here. 就算天荒界的背后有荒武帝君,可他远在剑界,鞭长莫及,分身乏术,根本顾不上这边。 They stand now, is almost equal to court death! 他们现在站出来,几乎等同于找死! Frost Dragon Emperor and Lord of the Flower World are the look are awkward. 冰霜龙帝花界之主都是神色为难。 Emperor Huang Wu once rescued Dragon World, rescues Flower World. 荒武帝君曾经救下龙界,救下花界 They want to help Heavenly Desolate World , helping Su Zimo, crossed this tribulation. 他们都想要帮助天荒界,帮助苏子墨,渡过此劫。 But present situation, even if their two people stand, does not help matters. 但眼下的局势,就算她们两人站出来,也无济于事。 In them hesitant, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel look ice-cold, has waved, light saying: In main hall the Heavenly Desolate World life, does not remain! Who dares to stop, one and killed!” 就在他们犹豫之间,苍天巡天使神色冰冷,已经挥了挥手,淡淡的说道:“大殿里天荒界的生灵,一个不留!谁敢阻拦,一并杀了!” Northern Kun Emperor, Southern Peng Emperor and the others heart trembled. 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君等人心中一凛 The following these words, obviously said several listens to them! 后面这句话,明显是说给他们几个听的! Lord of the Radiance World grins fiendishly, vision greatly rises, first is staring at Su Zimo, threw toward him. 光明界主狞笑一声,目光大盛,第一时间盯着苏子墨,朝着他扑了过去。 In the Heavenly Desolate main hall, more than 100 Emperor expert also make a move! 天荒大殿中,一百多位帝君强者同时出手! The entire main hall cannot support, on the verge of collapse! 整座大殿都支撑不住,摇摇欲坠 Su Zimo is the Heavenly Desolate World lord, is twelfth grade Good Fortune Azure Lotus, is Emperor Huang Wu. 苏子墨天荒界主,也是十二品造化青莲,又是荒武帝君 Almost is suddenly, then dozens Emperor expert, kills toward Su Zimo! 几乎是瞬息间,便有数十位帝君强者,朝着苏子墨扑杀过来! Sees this, Northern Kun Emperor, Southern Peng Emperor and the others the look one gloomily, lowers the head slightly, does not endure to look again. 看到这一幕,北鲲帝君南鹏帝君等人神色一黯,微微垂首,不忍再看。 Roar!” “吼!” old ape angrily roars, the release great perfection world. 老猿怒吼一声,释放出大圆满世界 May under the impacts of dozens Emperor expert, his world just condense, then by on the verge of collapse, will collapse momentarily. 可在数十位帝君强者的冲击之下,他的世界刚刚凝聚出来,便以摇摇欲坠,随时都会崩溃。 Even if there is old ape to keep off before the Su Zimo body, cannot protect him! 就算有老猿挡在苏子墨身前,也护不住他! Azure Flame Emperor was just frightened half dead by Su Zimo, now sees this, laughs saying: Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), no one can save you today!” 青炎帝君刚刚被苏子墨吓了个半死,如今看到这一幕,不禁大笑道:“荒武,今日谁都救不了你!” Suddenly! 陡然! Vault Heaven Patrol Angel as if detects anything, the complexion changes, entrains the Azure Flame Emperor figure to withdraw rapidly, simultaneously loudly shouted: Be careful!” 苍天巡天使似乎察觉到什么,脸色一变,拽着青炎帝君的身形迅速后撤,同时大喝一声:“小心!” Finishing barely the words. 话音未落。 Bang! 轰! With a shaking the heavens and earth loud sound! 伴随着一声惊天动地的巨响! Incomparably sturdy, the exceedingly high giant tree of luxuriant growth of leaves and branches drops from the clouds, breaks open the vault in Heavenly Desolate main hall, pounds to fall on the midpoint of main hall layer on layer/heavily! 一株无比粗壮,枝繁叶茂的通天巨木从天而降,破开天荒大殿的穹顶,重重砸落在大殿的正中央! Lord of the Radiance World and other numerous position Emperor expert responded rapidly, first leaving suddenly/violently to retreat. 光明界主等众位帝君强者反应迅速,第一时间抽身暴退。 But more than ten Emperor expert had not moved aside with enough time, has the mistake god slightly, condensed a side world was hit the collapse to be stave, fleshly body was also pounded the flesh and blood flying in all directions, horrible to look at! 但仍有十几位帝君强者没来得及躲闪,稍有错神,凝聚的一方世界就被撞得崩溃破碎,肉身也被砸得血肉横飞,惨不忍睹! This crowd of Emperor expert flesh, is mixing the soil, was smashed in the ground by this exceedingly high giant tree! 这群帝君强者的血肉,混合着泥土,被这株通天巨木砸进地面之中! Several emperors, the body falls at the scene! 十几位帝君,当场身陨!
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