ESK :: Volume #32

#3159: Chapter 3159 kills!

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Chapter 3159 kills! 第3159章杀! Begins!” “动手!” Does not need Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel to call for help, Mysterious Heaven Patrol Angel then saw that the situation is not right, immediately loudly shouted, changes, transforms the Black Tortoise shape. 不必炎天巡天使呼救,玄天巡天使便看出形势不对,当即大喝一声,摇身一变,幻化出玄武形态。 Roar!” “吼!” With a tiger's roar, Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel reveals the White Tiger main body, the whole body is filling dreadful killing intent, causing constellation is chaotic, earth-shaking! 伴随着一声虎啸,皓天巡天使露出白虎本体,浑身弥漫着滔天杀机,引得星宿混乱,地覆天翻! Three big Patrol Angel make a move, immediately raises the war prologue! 三大巡天使出手,顿时掀起大战序幕! About 300 Emperor expert also took out divine weapon, prepare to besiege Martial Dao main body. 近三百位帝君强者也纷纷祭出神兵利器,准备围攻武道本尊 Sword World sword emperor, under Elder Ironcrown and leadership of degree of stoutness old man three World Lord, acts, supports Martial Dao main body. 剑界众位剑帝,在铁冠老者、胖瘦老者三位界主的带领下,也纷纷出手,支援武道本尊 A King war and True Spirit war , also eruption! 王者一战、真灵之战,也随之爆发! Martial Dao main body fully realized that under this aspect, first causes heavy losses to most expert of opposite party, can reduce the Sword World casualties to the full. 武道本尊深知这种局面下,第一时间将对方的最强者重创,才能最大程度减少剑界的伤亡。 Therefore, Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel wants to kill him, he has also stared at these three Patrol Angel! 所以,炎天巡天使想要杀他,他也已经盯上这三位巡天使 If makes 300 Emperor expert form the potential of encirclement, wants to massacre three Patrol Angel again, must spend some hands and feet. 若是让三百尊帝君强者形成合围之势,再想要杀掉三位巡天使,恐怕要花费一些手脚。 In moment that Martial Dao main body acts, has prepared first to massacre Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel! 武道本尊出手的一刻,就已经准备第一时间杀掉炎天巡天使 Why this is also, Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel will feel the so tremendous pressure and crisis. 这也就是为何,炎天巡天使会感受到如此巨大的压力和危机。 Roar!” “吼!” Martial Dao main body does not wait for other Emperor expert to act, besieges, then erupts sound domain secret technique directly, Sound of Myriad Spirits! 武道本尊不等其余帝君强者出手,围攻上来,便直接爆发出音域秘术,万灵之音 The giant sound wave, bursts out from his mouth, in starry sky like the wave ripples, the grow like a weed spreads! 巨大的音波,从他的口中迸发出来,在星空中荡起一道道如同水波般的涟漪,迅速蔓延扩散! But in the people, actually almost cannot hear what sound. 但在众人,却几乎听不到什么声音。 The big sound hopes the sound! 大音希声! Sound of Myriad Spirits, has touched the "Dao" level, achieves the forbidden technique rank! 万灵之音,已经触碰到‘道’的层次,达到禁术级别! Three Patrol Angel and two Heavenly Court young master first responded, look big change. 三位巡天使和两位天庭少主最先反应过来,神色大变。 Under the sound wave attack of forbidden technique rank, they have not guarded even, must be attacked big! 禁术级别的音波攻击之下,就算是他们没有防备,都要遭到不小的冲击! Cry!” “唳!” Roar!” “吼!” „!” “嗷!” Three Patrol Angel and two Heavenly Court young master first release Saint Beast Clan sound domain secret techniques, resists with it, resists the Sound of Myriad Spirits most injury, leaves other Emperor period of extremely precious reaction times! 三位巡天使、两位天庭少主第一时间释放出圣兽一族音域秘法,与之对抗,抵挡住万灵之音大半的伤害,留给其余帝君一段极为宝贵的反应时间! overwhelming majority Emperor expert, soon realizes the danger, either erupts sound domain secret technique to resist with it, either stimulates to movement qi and blood, holding up a side world. 绝大多数的帝君强者,很快意识到危险,要么爆发音域秘术与之对抗,要么催动气血,撑起一方世界 Some rapid far away from battlefield center, avoids the range of this sound wave attack. 有的则迅速远离战场中心,避开这道音波攻击的范围。 But also has few several Emperor expert, the response is slightly slow. 但也有寥寥数位帝君强者,反应稍慢。 The mighty waves that Sound of Myriad Spirits swings passed over gently and swiftly from the side, these Emperor expert vision stagnate, within the body vitality passes rapidly, pours in starry sky face up, does not have the aura. 万灵之音荡起的波澜从身边掠过,这几位帝君强者目光一滞,体内生机迅速流逝,仰面倒在星空中,已经没了气息。 The bodies of these emperors, without the least bit scar, but sea of consciousness had been shaken by the sound wave crushes, primordial spirit dies out! 这几位帝君的身上,没有半点伤痕,但识海已经被音波震得粉碎,元神寂灭! Normal, Emperor expert is very difficult to fall from the sky. 正常来说,帝君强者很难陨落。 But as a result of making a move of Martial Dao main body, making emperors war promote to another level, becomes exceptionally frigid! 但由于武道本尊的出手,让帝战提升到另一个层次,变得异常惨烈! Even Emperor expert , the body will still fall even the slightest misstep at the scene! 即便是帝君强者,稍有不慎,也会当场身陨! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Almost is suddenly, numerous position Emperor expert already unretentive, stimulates to movement qi and blood, the holding up world. 几乎是瞬息间,众位帝君强者就已经毫无保留,催动气血,撑起世界。 In front of Emperor Huang Wu's, no one dares to be distracted, no one dares to keep the hand. 荒武帝君的面前,没有人敢走神,没有人敢留手。 That several Emperor expert that just fell from the sky, is the fate! 刚刚陨落的那几位帝君强者,就是下场! But since so, the remaining crowd of Emperor expert offensive for it, cannot form the potential of encirclement immediately. 可如此以来,剩下的这群帝君强者的攻势为之一顿,没能在第一时间形成合围之势。 Martial Dao main body releases the Sound of Myriad Spirits goal, is not the murder, but for this flashes the neutral gear of passing! 武道本尊释放万灵之音的目的,并非是杀人,而是为了这一闪即逝的空档! Top expert slaughters to fight, struggled is this flickers! 顶尖强者厮杀争锋,争的就是这一瞬! Although the surroundings about 300 Emperor expert, but in this moment, Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel face the Martial Dao main body aspect alone. 周围虽有近三百位帝君强者,但在这一刻,炎天巡天使是独自面对武道本尊的局面。 Let alone, Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel is recent from Martial Dao main body, is impacted by Sound of Myriad Spirits is also most violent. 更何况,炎天巡天使距离武道本尊最近,遭受万灵之音的冲击也最为猛烈。 Two people make a move, has not collided truly in together, Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel had been shaken by Sound of Myriad Spirits bleeds profusely from the head, whole face blood stain! 两人出手,还未真正碰撞在一起,炎天巡天使就已经被万灵之音震得七窍流血,满脸血污! The fist of Martial Dao main body, hits on his hundred thousand 8000 feathers. 武道本尊的拳头,打在他的十万八千根羽毛上。 Does not have the hindrance, these feathers change into the fragment powder instantaneously! 毫无阻碍,这些羽毛瞬间化为齑粉! The Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel figure, uncontrolled was still flying toward that dao law vortex. 炎天巡天使的身形,仍在不受控制的朝着那个道法旋涡飞去。 This is quite strange, seems he himself to welcome the fist of Martial Dao main body to hit to be the same. 这一幕极为诡异,就好像他自己迎着武道本尊的拳头撞过去一样。 Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel realized, if cannot work loose, perhaps he must be killed by this fist at the scene! 炎天巡天使意识到,若是挣脱不出去,他恐怕要被这一拳当场打死! So long as can shoulder this move. 只要能扛过这一招。 Remaining two Patrol Angel and other Emperor expert offensive, will arrive, he can escape this tribulation. 剩下的两位巡天使和其余帝君强者的攻势,都会降临下来,他就能逃过此劫。 „!” “啊!” Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel face upwards the long and loud cry, in within the body qi and blood stimulation of movement limit, holding up great perfection world, in the hand pinches magic arts simultaneously, flaming light of fire twinkle, concise forbidden technique! 炎天巡天使仰天长啸,将体内气血催动道极限,同时撑起大圆满世界,手中捏动法诀,炽盛的火光闪烁,凝练禁术 Meanwhile, Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel stimulates to movement divine consciousness, erupts together primordial spirit secret technique! 与此同时,炎天巡天使催动神识,爆发出一道元神秘术 Bloodlines, world, forbidden technique and primordial spirit secret technique...... 血脉、世界、禁术元神秘术…… Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel when hanging in the balance, erupts all method cards in a hand, only for can shoulder Martial Dao main body this fist! 炎天巡天使在命悬一线之际,爆发出自己所有的手段底牌,只为能扛住武道本尊这一拳! Martial Dao main body is unprecedented, meaning that Fist Arts firm and fierce, simply has not dodged. 武道本尊一往无前,拳法刚猛,根本没有躲闪的意思。 His divine thought moves, Moluo Mask wears on the face. 神念一动,摩罗面具重新戴在脸上。 Some Moluo Mask, then can reduce and solve Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel primordial spirit secret technique. 摩罗面具在,便能化解掉炎天巡天使元神秘术 Meanwhile, his forehead twinkle, Hell Suppressing Cauldron changes to together the flowing light, arrives in the Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel top of the head, drops from the clouds, pounds to fall ruthlessly! 与此同时,他的眉心闪烁,镇狱鼎化作一道流光,来到炎天巡天使的头顶上,从天而降,狠狠砸落下去! Bang! 轰隆! Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel great perfection world, but also without the formation, was pounded on the verge of collapse by Hell Suppressing Cauldron truly, appears the dense and numerous fissures, quick torn to pieces! 炎天巡天使大圆满世界,还没有真正成型,就被镇狱鼎砸得摇摇欲坠,浮现出密密麻麻的裂痕,很快支离破碎! Under huge impact, his forbidden technique dao law, under the law of martial dao vortex tears, vanishes into thin air, cannot condense. 巨大的冲击之下,他的禁术道法,在武道之法的旋涡撕扯之下,也烟消云散,没能凝聚出来。 This is the soldier comes, keeps off to resist by whatever means available. 这便是兵来将,挡水来土掩。 As vice rises one foot, virtue rises ten! 魔高一尺,道高一丈! Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel all offensive, were resisted to reduce and solve in other methods by Martial Dao main body. 炎天巡天使的所有攻势,都被武道本尊以其他手段抵挡化解下来。 But the fist of Martial Dao main body, is maintaining unsurpassed as before, destroys all offensive! 武道本尊的拳头,依旧保持着无可匹敌,毁灭一切的攻势! The Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel look despairs, but also wants took out several Great Emperor divine weapon, prevents Martial Dao main body. 炎天巡天使神色绝望,还想要祭出几件大帝神兵,来阻挡武道本尊 But these divine weapon just released, all by Martial Dao main body fist collapse flying! 但这些神兵刚刚释放出来,就尽数被武道本尊的拳头崩飞! This fist, is carrying dreadful major power, comes in waves, in the Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel heart has an irresistible powerless feeling unexpectedly. 这一拳,携带着滔天大势,滚滚而来,炎天巡天使心中竟生出一种无可抵挡的无力感。 As if any strength, in front of this fist, becomes collapses at the first blow. 仿佛任何力量,在这一拳面前,都变得不堪一击。 In this moment, he felt that flaming combustion, fearless fierce careless will! 在这一刻,他感受到了那种熊熊燃烧,无畏勇猛的大意志! Enormous and powerful, covering the sky and blocking the sun! 浩浩荡荡,遮天蔽日 Under this will, he tiny like ants. 这道意志下,他渺小如蝼蚁。 Bang! 砰! Under the gazes of numerous vision, Martial Dao main body as if brushed past with Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel. 在众多目光的注视下,武道本尊仿佛与炎天巡天使擦肩而过。 But when two people wrong body, is only left over Martial Dao main body one person! 但在两人错身之际,就只剩下武道本尊一人! In his behind, remains some weak fragmentary light of fire. 在他的身后,残留着些许微弱零碎的火光 Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel, was ground by a Martial Dao main body fist, hits body and soul entirely exterminated, body dies and Dao disappears! 炎天巡天使,被武道本尊一拳碾过去,打得形神俱灭,身死道消 The war just broke out, then the Patrol Angel body falls. 大战只是刚刚爆发,便有一位巡天使身陨。 This, to Heavenly Court and Realm of the Mandate of Heavens Emperor, has the huge psychological impact! 这一幕,对天庭奉天界的众位帝君,造成巨大的心理冲击! Patrol Angel, entire Heavenly Court, only then nine. 巡天使,整个天庭,也只有九尊。 Now, but puts in an appearance, under the eyes about 300 Emperor expert hide, was killed one person by Martial Dao main body! 如今,只是一个照面,在近三百位帝君强者的眼皮子底下,被武道本尊生生打死一人! This is what kind of domineering! 这是何等的强势!
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