ESK :: Volume #32

#3158: Comes at once to help me

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„!” “啊!” Azure Flame Emperor changes color with amazement, calls out in alarm one, frightens directly the body from the seat, retreat of backward staggering along, hides in Vault Heaven Patrol Angel behind. 青炎帝君骇然变色,惊呼一声,吓得直接从座位上弹身而起,跌跌撞撞的向后退去,躲在苍天巡天使身后。 The seat throws off in the place, sends out a sound, causes the surrounding confusion. 座椅掀翻在地,发出一阵响动,引得周围一片混乱。 Not strange Azure Flame Emperor frightens this appearance. 倒不怪青炎帝君吓成这个样子。 Really after is he sees Emperor Huang Wu's genuine appearance, mind big quake, sees in the main hall, the Su Zimo's eyes are also burning similarly the purple flame. 实在是他看到荒武帝君的真容之后,心神大震,又看到大殿中,苏子墨的双眼也同样燃烧着紫焰。 He thinks that Emperor Huang Wu in main hall, is close to him, must take his life! 恍惚间,他以为荒武帝君就在大殿中,与他近在咫尺,要取他性命! This is not the Azure Flame Emperor misconception. 这并非是青炎帝君的错觉。 Martial Dao main body looks in Sword World, the vision spans endless void, contains bone-chilling cold killing intent. 武道本尊剑界看过来,目光跨越无尽虚空,蕴藏着凛冽杀意 In this moment, two great true bodies qi field, nearly fuses together! 在这一刻,两大真身气场,近乎融为一体! Let alone is Azure Flame Emperor, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel in this flash, felt an intense sense of crisis, the whole body fine hair set upright, subconscious standing up, waited with rapt attention! 别说是青炎帝君,就连苍天巡天使在这一瞬间,都感受到一股强烈的危机感,浑身汗毛都竖了起来,下意识的站起身来,凝神以待! In this moment, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel has an misconception. 在这一刻,苍天巡天使生出一种错觉。 Although he stands in the high-rank, but occupies a commanding position, is overlooking him, is actually Su Zimo in main hall! 虽然他站在上位,但居高临下,俯视着他的,却是大殿中的苏子墨 Vault Heaven Patrol Angel, Azure Flame Emperor, in addition so, other emperors also by frightening, changes countenance in an uproar, set out to retrocede big in abundance, spreads out! 苍天巡天使,青炎帝君尚且如此,其他帝君也受到不小的惊吓,哗然变色,纷纷起身后退,拉开距离! Suddenly, the middle of Heavenly Desolate main hall, vacates a stretch of giant location. 一时间,天荒大殿的中间,空出一片巨大的场地。 Su Zimo side surrounding ten zhang (3.33 m), nobody left! 苏子墨身边周围十丈,空无一人! This, was too big to Sword World and Heavenly Desolate World two sides impacts! 这一幕,对剑界天荒界两边的冲击太大了! Somewhat knows the Su Zimo two great true bodies person, probably Lin Zhan and Immortal King Linglong Mr. and Mrs., Beiming Xue, Yun Zhu and the others, pouring are not accidental/surprised. 有些知晓苏子墨两大真身的人,像是林战玲珑仙王夫妇、北冥雪云竹等人,倒并不意外。 But others, were shocked dumbfoundedly by this, in the mind a blank, cannot get back one's composure for a very long time. 但其他人,都被这一幕震惊得目瞪口呆,脑海中一片空白,久久回不过神来。 What is this......?” “这……是什么啊?” Lin Lei stands sky over War Country, looks at the water curtain in sky, looks to the direction of Heavenly Desolate main hall, staring dumbfounded, the whole person was ignorant. 林磊站在战国上空,看着天空中的水幕,又看向天荒大殿的方向,瞠目结舌,整个人都懵了。 Lin Zhan and Immortal King Linglong had said to him many words, in this moment, as if suddenly had the answer. 曾经林战玲珑仙王对他说过的很多话,在这一刻,似乎突然有了答案。 Lin Luo arrives at side Lin Lei, spooky saying: Elder Brother, you very looked down upon Emperor Huang Wu's in the past probably.” 林落来到林磊身边,幽幽的说道:“哥,你当年好像挺看不起荒武帝君的。” No!” “没有!” The Lin Luo whole body trembles, categorically denies. 林落浑身一颤,矢口否认。 My goodness, my goodness!” “好家伙,好家伙!” Purple Pavilion Immortal King subconscious holds the palm of Yun Zhu, arm uncontrolled shivering, is swallowing the saliva, muttered: „...... This was mistaken for the father?” 紫轩仙王下意识的抓住云竹的手掌,手臂不受控制的颤抖,吞咽着口水,喃喃道:“为父……这是又看走眼了?” Long Li stares the big eyes. 龙离瞪大双眼。 On the Mu Lian face appears the unbelievable color. 沐莲脸上浮现出难以置信之色。 The old ape mind is excited. 老猿心神激动。 Northern Kun Emperor, Southern Peng Emperor, Frost Dragon Emperor and Lord of the Flower World several World Lord looks are complex. 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君冰霜龙帝花界之主几位界主神色复杂。 In this moment, they also understood many matters. 在这一刻,他们也明白了许多事。 Why Xiao Yao (free and unfettered) always intends to make them and Heavenly Desolate World keep in touch, becomes friends with Su Zimo. 为何逍遥始终有意让他们与天荒界保持联系,与苏子墨结交。 In the past why Emperor Huang Wu will arrive suddenly in Dragon World. 为何当年荒武帝君会突然降临在龙界 Perhaps also and not only because of Long Ran. 恐怕也并不仅仅是因为龙燃 Why facing the present aspect, Su Zimo was still secure. 为何面对眼下的局面,苏子墨仍是有恃无恐。 Why...... 为何…… Before on Su Zimo all strange matters, in this moment, had the explanation. 之前苏子墨身上发生的所有古怪之事,在这一刻,都有了解释。 ...... …… Sword World. 剑界 When Martial Dao main body takes off the moment of mask, numerous sword cultivator look at this delicate and pretty face, at the scene. 武道本尊摘下面具的一刻,众多剑修看着这张清秀的脸庞,都愣在当场。 In crowd, even some people shouted a Peak Lord subconsciously...... 人群中,甚至有人下意识的喊了一声峰主…… What ghost?” “什么鬼?” Yun Ting stamps one's foot directly, suddenly qi and blood is chaotic, within the body thunder and lightning dao law is uncontrolled, the whole body electric light surrounds, crackle and rattle chaotic sound. 云霆直接跳脚,一时间气血混乱,体内雷电道法不受控制,浑身电光环绕,噼里啪啦乱响。 He has regarded as the goal of chase Su Zimo, although two people disparities, are bigger and bigger. 他一直将苏子墨视为追逐的目标,虽然两人的差距,已是越来越大。 But Yun Ting never gives up. 云霆从未放弃。 He believes that will happen one day, he will catch up with the Su Zimo's footsteps! 他相信,终有一天,他会追上苏子墨的脚步! But his didn’t expect, can be such result absolutely. 但他万万没想到,会是这样的结果。 This is nothing? 这算什么? Even if once lost to Su Zimo in the past, even loses to Beiming Xue, he not dejected. 即便当年曾败给苏子墨,甚至败给北冥雪,他都没有垂头丧气。 But Martial Dao main body takes off the mask, may attack him! 武道本尊摘下面具,可把他打击到了! Yun Ting more wants more not indignation, to mumble: Fights fights, is all right to pick what mask!” 云霆越想越不忿,嘟囔道:“打架就打架,没事摘什么面具!” The Sword World Emperor sees Martial Dao main body genuine appearance, is pleasantly surprised. 众位剑界帝君看到武道本尊真容,又惊又喜。 In the Elder Ironcrown heart has a little not dared to believe firmly, cannot bear then looks to Beiming Xue, reveals the meaning of inquiry. 铁冠老者心中还有点不敢确信,忍不住回头看向北冥雪,露出询问之意。 The Beiming Xue look is chilly, raises the chin slightly, indifferently said: I had just said that the teacher can save us.” 北冥雪神色清冷,微微扬起下巴,淡淡道:“我刚刚都说过了,师尊会来救我们。” Good, good, good!” “好,好,好!” The Elder Ironcrown mind surged, cannot bear is saying repeatedly. 铁冠老者心神激荡,忍不住连声说着。 In heart of fat and thin two old men, surging infinite feeling. 胖瘦两位老者的心中,也涌起无限感慨。 Initially, Elder Ironcrown regarded as important the Su Zimo's potential, wanted to have a good reason. 当初,铁冠老者只是看重苏子墨的潜力,想要结下一番善缘。 Who can think, pounds such big pleasant surprise directly! 谁能想到,直接砸过来这么大一个惊喜! Emperor Huang Wu, had worked as Sword World ninth sword peak Peak Lord! 荒武帝君,曾经当过剑界第九剑峰峰主 This matter, suffices Sword World to blow epoch! 这事,够剑界吹一个纪元 Naturally, the premise was Sword World must cross this tribulation. 当然,前提是剑界要渡过此劫。 Even if some Emperor Huang Wu, Sword World whether to support, still unknown. 就算有荒武帝君在,剑界能否撑过去,也还是未知。 Even if counted Sword World, here still only has more than ten emperors. 即便算上剑界,这边也只有十几位帝君。 But the opposite is headed by Heavenly Court, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens and several big superior world, has about 300 Emperor expert! 而对面以天庭奉天界、几大超级大界为首,有将近三百尊帝君强者 Emperor Huang Wu only has a person after all. 荒武帝君毕竟只有一个人。 The war of this rank, he is impossible to take care of everyone. 这种级别的大战,他不可能照顾到所有人。 What we definitely know is that how regardless of this fights the result, will be very frigid! 可以肯定的是,不论这一战结果如何,都会无比惨烈! Emperor Huang Wu how?” 荒武帝君又如何?” Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel vision burning hot, tone actually exceptionally ice-cold, cold sound said: Today you come just right, avoid also we look for you, killing is your Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)!” 炎天巡天使目光炙热,语气却异常冰冷,寒声道:“今日你来得正好,也省得我们找上你,杀得就是你荒武!” Finishes barely the words, Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel stimulates to movement qi and blood, transforms the main body shape instantaneously, fiery-red Vermilion Bird, the boiling hot magma, drops from the body unceasingly. 话音未落,炎天巡天使催动气血,瞬间幻化出本体形态,一只火红色的朱雀,滚烫的岩浆,从身上不断滴落。 Cry!” “唳!” Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel screamed one suddenly, the whole body shook, the body scattered tens of thousands of say/way wings. 炎天巡天使突然尖叫一声,浑身一抖,身上散落下来成千上万道羽翼。 Each feather, is glittering flaming light of fire, like burning the advantage arrow of flame, is surrounding in his side, with him together, flushes away toward Martial Dao main body! 每一根羽毛,都闪烁着炽盛的火光,如同燃烧着火焰的利箭,环绕在他的身边,与他一起,朝着武道本尊冲去! That while Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel to/clashes, Martial Dao main body also first acts. 就在炎天巡天使冲过来的同时,武道本尊也第一时间出手。 The figure moves, intercepts Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel instantaneously. 身形一动,瞬间截住炎天巡天使 No gaudy hand imprint magic arts, without reciting the scrip­tures incantation, without the use weapon, lifting the hand is a fist! 没有任何花哨手印法诀,没有吟诵经文咒语,没有动用兵器,抬手便是一拳! Bang! 轰! Simplifies, contains law of martial dao, the unadorned fist of will of martial dao! 化繁为简,蕴藏着武道之法,武道意志的古拙一拳! This fights with the fists, the front starry sky instantaneous collapse, appears huge Black Hole. 这一拳打出来,前方的星空瞬间塌陷,浮现出一个巨大的黑洞 The center of fist, bursts out powerful attracting force, the hundred thousand 8000 feathers that around Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel surround, entrained all! 拳头的中心,迸发出强大的吸扯力,将炎天巡天使周围环绕的十万八千根羽毛,尽数拽了进去! This is Martial Dao main body dao and law, formed dao law vortex! 这是武道本尊一身的道与法,形成的道法旋涡! The Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel figure, is uncontrolled! 就连炎天巡天使的身形,都不受控制! He has never seen the so terrifying fist. 他从未见过如此恐怖的拳头。 Any divine weapon, in front of this fist, appears collapses at the first blow. 任何神兵利器,在这个拳头面前,都显得不堪一击。 hundred thousand 8000 feathers, but also without collides in the fist of Martial Dao main body together, the above flame has been put out! 十万八千道羽毛,还没等与武道本尊的拳头碰撞在一起,上面的火焰就已经熄灭! The strength that this fist bursts out was too fearful! 这一拳迸发出来的力量太可怕了! Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel wants to withdraw, evades its point. 炎天巡天使想要后撤,避其锋芒。 But he discovered, oneself has fallen into, in the dao law vortex that is unable from this to fight with the fists works loose radically! 但他发现,自己已经身陷其中,根本无法从这一拳打出的道法旋涡之中挣脱出来! Flaming Heaven Patrol Angel just put the aggressive statement, killing is your Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), but also without and other people responded, then shouts loudly: Comes at once to help me!” 炎天巡天使刚刚放完狠话,杀得就是你荒武,还没等众人反应过来,便大声喊道:“速来帮我!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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