Sword World.剑界。Elder Ironcrownand othernumerousSword WorldEmperorseesthisform, at the scene.铁冠老者等一众剑界帝君看到这道身影,都愣在当场。Butquick, the peoplerecognizethisform the origin.
但很快,众人就认出这道身影的来历。Great Desolation World'sEmperor Huang Wu!大荒界的荒武帝君!Thatoncerelied onone's effort, defeatsRealm of the Mandate of Heavens more than hundredEmperorexpertEmperor Huang Wu!
The numerouspositionswordemperorspiritinspires, renews a ray of hope.
众位剑帝精神一振,又重新燃起一丝希望。Elder Ironcrownandfat and thin two old menlook at each otherone, when excited, is somewhat complex.铁冠老者和胖瘦两位老者对视一眼,心情激动之余,又有些复杂。In fact, Elder Ironcrownhas wantedto visitEmperor Huang Wu, cannot meet.
实际上,铁冠老者一直想要拜会荒武帝君,见上一面。InitiallyheescortedBeiming Xueto go toKunpeng World, attended the Kunpeng Worldyoung masterwedding, was actually anticipatingcanmeetsinKunpeng WorldandEmperor Huang Wu.
当初他护送北冥雪前往鲲鹏界,参加鲲鹏界少主的大婚,其实就是期待着能在鲲鹏界与荒武帝君见面。Onlypitifully, theyarrive inKunpeng Worldtime, Emperor Huang Wuhas left, has not resulted insees.
只可惜,他们抵达鲲鹏界的时候,荒武帝君已经离开,未曾得见。didn’t expect, the Sword Worlddisaster, Emperor Huang Wuarrivestodayunexpectedlysuddenly!没想到,今日剑界大难,荒武帝君竟突然降临!Moreover, afterEmperor Huang Wuarrives, the situation in starry sky, as ifingoes backwardsuddenly.
A person, has not acted, thenimposing manner of both sides, turns aroundthoroughly!
The Emperor Huang Wuone person alonetreadsinstarry sky, withHeavenly Courtisabout300Emperorexpert of head, the innumerablearmiesconfront, does not drop the wind!荒武帝君孤身踏在星空中,与天庭为首的近三百尊帝君强者,无数大军对峙,丝毫不落下风!Incessantlyso, afterEmperor Huang Wucomes, Realm of the Mandate of HeavensandStone WorldandinHeavenly Eye Worldthat sideEmperor, eventransmitsoneto move restlessly!
不止如此,在荒武帝君现身之后,奉天界和石界、天眼界那边的帝君中,甚至传来一阵躁动!Realm of the Mandate of Heavenseatsin the hand of Martial Dao main bodyafter allowesoversized, in the war of Great Desolation, foldeddozensEmperorexpert, origin qidamaged severely.奉天界毕竟在武道本尊的手中吃过大亏,大荒之战中,折了数十位帝君强者,元气大伤。As forStone World, Heavenly Eye WorldandGolden Crow World, had heard the Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)ominousname, absorbs!
至于石界、天眼界、金乌界,也早就听说过荒武凶名,为之所摄!A few years ago, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)acted, evenWar of Dragon and Phoenix, the war between War of Kun and Pengthissuperior world, canstill.
前些年,荒武出面,连龙凤之战,鲲鹏之战这种超级大界之间的战争,都能平定下来。Lord of Witch Clan, Lord of the Poison Worldfalls from the skyone after another.巫族之主,毒界之主接连陨落。Witch Worldwas extinguished, Poison WorldandBlood Worldencounter the impactsin varying degrees.巫界被灭,毒界、血界遭到不同程度的冲击。InThree Thousand Worlds, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)thisgiven name, has just like becomeTabooterrifyingexist(ence)!
在三千界中,荒武这个名号,俨然已经成为禁忌的恐怖存在!In recent years, Three Thousand Worldsis even spreading‚Great Emperor, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)isto revere’view.
近年来,三千界甚至流传着‘大帝不出,荒武为尊’的说法。Whodaresto collidewithhim?
谁敢与他碰撞?Not is only Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, Heavenly Court, bothHeavenly Courtyoung masterare the mindbig quakes, subconsciousretreatonestep, the lookis alarmed and afraid.
A Great Desolationwar, reallyfrightenedthem!大荒一战,是真的将他们打怕了!Theylookhelplessly,Flaming Heavenyoung masterdiesat present.
他们眼睁睁的看着,炎天少主死在眼前。Untilthat moment, theyrealized, althoughtheirstatusare noble, but is not differentfromtheseantsinsomeaspect.
直到那一刻,他们才意识到,他们的身份虽然高贵,但在某个方面却与那些蝼蚁并无不同。Theyonly have a life!
他们都只有一条命!Orin the eye of thatHuang Wu (Desolate Martial), they are the ants!
After the Flaming Heavenyoung masterbodyfalls, theirthreewere almost killedbyEmperor Huang Wu!炎天少主身陨之后,他们三个都差点被荒武帝君杀死!At that time, Demon Lordcame, blocksEmperor Huang Wu'sto act.
当时,魔主现身,拦住荒武帝君的出手。But the Emperor Bai Yuthreepeoplefrightenthe soul flies away and scatters, is considering only the escape, has not seenhadanythingbehind.
After returning toHeavenly Court, the peoplehave a lingering fear, a secretly thoughtluck, a lingering fear.
The training more than hundredyears, thisthink the injuryto recover, canstage a comeback, mayseeEmperor Huang Wuagain, threepeoplefeelthathanging in the balancefearagain!
修养百余年,本以为伤势痊愈,可以卷土重来,可再次见到荒武帝君,三人再度感受到那种命悬一线的恐惧!ComparesinEmperor Bai Yuand the others, threePatrol AngelandotherHeavenly Courtemperorsare calm.
相较于白宇帝君等人,三位巡天使和其余天庭帝君还算镇定。EspeciallyFlaming HeavenPatrol Angel, looks at the Martial Dao main bodylook, evenis fillingkilling intent, almostmustspout the fire!
特别是炎天巡天使,看着武道本尊的眼神,甚至充满着杀机,几乎要喷出火来!„Are youHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)?”
The Flaming HeavenPatrol Angelcoldsoundasked.炎天巡天使寒声问道。Patrol AngelasNine Heavens , the battle strengthstrongestseveralpeople, anddoes not have anyto dreadtoMartial Dao main body.巡天使作为九天之中,战力最强的几个人,对武道本尊并没有什么畏惧。Martial Dao main bodylooked at a token of Flaming HeavenPatrol Angelwaist, recognizeshisidentity, indifferently said: „Flaming Heavenyoung masterisIkills, canrevenge?”武道本尊看了一眼炎天巡天使腰间的令牌,认出他的身份,淡淡道:“炎天少主是我杀的,要来报仇吗?”Thissimplyis the nakedprovocation!
这简直就是赤裸裸的挑衅!Flaming HeavenPatrol Angelvision like a torch, within the bodybursts outten thousanddao firelightsuddenly, burnshugeBlack Holestarry sky, just like the bathhotwar-god, the imposing mannerrises suddenly!炎天巡天使目光如炬,体内突然迸发出万道火光,将星空烧出一个巨大的黑洞,宛如浴火战神,气势暴涨!Flaming HeavenremainingdozensEmperorexpert, took outdivine weapon, lookskilling intentin abundance, onlywaitsto order, preparesto actat any time!炎天剩下的数十位帝君强者,也纷纷祭出神兵利器,面露杀机,只等一声令下,随时准备出手!„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial).”
The Mysterious HeavenPatrol Angelvisionis spooky, saidslowly: „TodaywhatwemustextinguishisSword World , there is nothing to dowithyou, Iadvised politelyyourone, bestyourGreat Desolation Worldstayhonestly!”玄天巡天使目光幽幽,缓缓说道:“我们今日要灭的是剑界,与你无关,我奉劝你一句,最好回你的大荒界老实呆着!”„Somedate and time, wefrom, whenpays a visit.”
“过些时日,我们自当登门拜访。”„Whosaid that Sword Worlddoes have nothing to dowithme?”
“谁说剑界与我无关?”Martial Dao main bodylookstoMysterious HeavenPatrol Angel, asked back: „Youthink that whoIam?”武道本尊看向玄天巡天使,反问道:“你以为我是谁?”These words, stump the Heavenly Courtpeopleon the contrary.
这句话,反倒将天庭众人问住。ThreePatrol Angelknit the brows, has not understood what is heard the meaning of Martial Dao main bodythese words.
The Sword Worldemperorsare startledslightly.
就连剑界众位帝君都微微一怔。don’t tell me, whatoriginEmperor Huang Wuand do Sword World have?难道,荒武帝君与剑界还有什么渊源?Manysword cultivatorlook askance, subconsciouslookstoElder Ironcrownanddegree of stoutnessold manthreeWorld Lord.
不少剑修纷纷侧目,下意识的看向铁冠老者、胖瘦老者三位界主。If, Emperor Huang WuandSword Worldhave the relations, possiblyonlyknows the circumstances of the matteronly thentheir three people.
如果,荒武帝君与剑界有关系,唯一可能知情的就只有他们三人。Butat this moment, Elder Ironcrownanddegree of stoutnessEmperorthreepeople, look at each other in blank dismay, is mystified.
……Heavenly Desolate World.天荒界。Inmain hall.
大殿之中。Lin ZhanandImmortal King LinglongMr. and Mrs., Feng Cantianand the othersnoticed that Martial Dao main bodycomesinSword World, heartCentral Capitalsighedonelightly, the lookwas complex.林战、玲珑仙王夫妇、风残天等人看到武道本尊在剑界现身,心中都轻叹一声,神色复杂。It seems like that Su Zimomade the choice.
看来,苏子墨还是做出了选择。Martial Dao main bodygoes toSword World, means that Heavenly Desolate Worldall, everyone, includinghisAzure Lotus True Body, will be buriedinthis!武道本尊前往剑界,就意味着天荒界的一切,所有人,包括他的这道青莲真身,都将葬身于此!On the Su Zimo'sface, could not see a worry.
只是,苏子墨的脸上,仍是看不出一点担心。Hisvisionpassing over gently and swiftlycrowd, looks atAzure Flame Emperor, was just still ridiculinghisEmperor, the lookridicules, asking of faint smile: „Doesn't smile? Justwasn'tsmilesveryhappily?”
After Azure Flame EmperorjustsawHuang Wu (Desolate Martial), frightens the complexionbig change, which can also smile?青炎帝君刚刚看到荒武之后,吓得脸色大变,哪还笑得出来?Is ridiculedbythissmallImmortal Kingat present, Azure Flame Emperorthoughtinimmediately the surfacecannot hang, the visionis dense, exudeskilling intent, saidslowly: „Ants, it seems likeyouhave not realizedownsituation!”
只是,被眼前这个小小仙王嘲笑,青炎帝君顿时觉得面上挂不住,目光森然,泛起杀机,缓缓道:“蝼蚁,看来你还没意识到自己的处境!”„Iin an instant, thencanbutcheryou, orders, thencandestroy completelyentireHeavenly Desolate World, the chickendogdoes not remain!”
“我一念之间,便能宰了你,一声令下,便能灭掉整个天荒界,鸡犬不留!”Su Zimoreceives the smilegradually, is staring atAzure Flame Emperor, askedslowly: „Youthink that whoIam?”苏子墨渐渐收起笑容,盯着青炎帝君,缓缓问道:“你以为我是谁?”
The emperorsgawked.
众位帝君愣了一下。These wordsare listeningsomewhatfamiliar-soundingly.
这句话听着有些耳熟。Emperor Huang Wuhad just said.荒武帝君刚刚说过。Peoplesubconsciousraising the head, looked atEmperor Huang Wu in water curtain.
众人下意识的抬头,看了一眼水幕中的荒武帝君。Butat this time, intwomajor plane, under the gaze of innumerablesay/wayvision, sees onlyEmperor Huang Wuto lift the handslowly, pickedundersilver mask on face!
而此时,在两大界面,无数道目光的注视之下,只见荒武帝君缓缓抬手,摘了下脸上的银色面具!between Heaven and Earth, is instantaneously peaceful.天地间,瞬间安静下来。
The space and timeas ifsolidifies.
时空仿佛凝固。Twomajor planenumerouslives, as ifwere decidedinin the original place.
嘶!Saw the face that thisdelicate and prettyis familiar with, Azure Flame Emperorstares the bigeyes, such assees the ghosts and gods.
看到这张清秀熟悉的脸庞,青炎帝君瞪大双眼,如见鬼神。„You, you, youare......”
“你,你,你是……”Azure Flame Emperorturns the headfiercely, points atSu Zimo in main hall, in the eyepupilis covering entirelypanic-stricken, the soundshivers.青炎帝君猛地转头,指着大殿中的苏子墨,眼眸中布满惊恐,声音颤抖。Nextquarter, Emperor Huang Wuvisiononehorizontal, is burningboth eyes of purpleflame, as ifcanpenetrateinnumerablyvoid, by the water curtain, fallson the face of Heavenly Desolate WorldAzure Flame Emperor!
下一刻,荒武帝君目光一横,燃烧着紫焰的双眸,仿佛能穿透无数虚空,透过水幕,落在天荒界青炎帝君的脸上!Meanwhile, inHeavenly Desolatemain hall, inSu Zimo'seyes, ignitestwogroups of purpleflame, treadsforwardonestep, the earth quaked and the mountains shook, the imposing manneris astonishing, loudlyshouted: „IamHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)!”
与此同时,天荒大殿上,苏子墨的双眼中,也同时燃起两团紫色火焰,向前踏出一步,地动山摇,气势惊人,大喝道:“我就是荒武!”Such remarks, stones split and heavens quake, vibratesThree Thousand Worlds!
( This chapterends)
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