ESK :: Volume #32

#3156: Sword World cannot die

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Sword World. 剑界 Elder Ironcrown and degree of stoutness two sword emperors, on the faces of more than ten Sword World emperors, are filling desperately. 铁冠老者、胖瘦两位剑帝,还有十几位剑界帝君的脸上,都充满着绝望。 Facing such battle formation, does not have any planes can resist! 面对这样的阵势,没有任何界面能够抵挡! Do not say that is Sword World, is ten Sword World, is difficult to escape this tribulation. 不要说是一个剑界,便是十个剑界,都难逃此劫。 The sword emperor has not begged for mercy, had not explained. 只是,众位剑帝并未求饶,也没有解释。 They can look, Heavenly Court, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens and these superior world, to destroy completely Sword World today. 他们都看得出来,天庭奉天界和这几个超级大界,今日就是为了灭掉剑界而来。 Regardless of they explained or beg for mercy, did not help matters. 不论他们解释还是求饶,都无济于事。 Since must die, might as well wrestle finally, kills a happiness! 既然总要一死,不如最后一搏,杀个痛快! This is also the sword cultivator say/way! 这也是剑修的道! Ning fold/break is unyielding, unprecedented! 宁折不屈,一往无前! The sword emperor is not clear, how long they can resist. 只是,就连众位剑帝也不清楚,他们能抵挡多久。 Perhaps dozens breath, perhaps also partly burns a joss stick? 或许数十个呼吸,又或许半炷香? Afterward, Sword World will become the Medium Thousandfold World history, just like Darkness World, flows along with the years, vanishes in the memory of people gradually. 随后,剑界就会成为中千世界的历史,如同黑暗界一样,伴随着岁月流淌,渐渐消失在众人的记忆之中。 Ironcrown, your crowd of sword cultivator love the holding a sword group hero, hugs not to hit evenly, can you once think of today?” The Heavenly Eye World lord sneers. 铁冠,你们这群剑修就爱仗剑行侠,抱打不平,你可曾想到今日?”天眼界主冷笑一声。 Heavenly Eye World Lord, although has not stated clearly, but Elder Ironcrown also listens probably is anything. 天眼界主虽然并未明说,但铁冠老者也大概听出来是什么事。 Initially, Heavenly Eye World destroyed completely Seven Stars Sword World, slaughtered trillion lives, was met by several Sword World Peak Lord, rescued some sword cultivator of Seven Stars Sword World survival, therefore to become enemies with Heavenly Eye World. 当初,天眼界灭掉七星剑界,屠戮亿万生灵,被几位剑界峰主遇到,将七星剑界幸存的一些剑修救了出来,也因此与天眼界交恶。 Afterward, in Devils Battlefield, Lin Xunzhen and the others was retaliated by Heaven's Eye Clan, nearly fell from the sky, Su Zimo exports the foul odor for Sword World. 后来,在邪魔战场中,林寻真等人遭到天眼族的报复,险些陨落,还是苏子墨剑界出了口恶气。 Afterward second Devils Battlefield opened, Su Zimo encounters besieging of more than 20 Supreme True Spirit, then had was honored as first True Spirit Xia Yin at that time. 后来第二次邪魔战场开启,苏子墨更是遭到二十多位无上真灵的围攻,其中便有当时被誉为第一真灵夏阴 Just, these Supreme True Spirit were suppressed by Su Zimo all! 只不过,这些无上真灵尽数被苏子墨镇压! Thinks of here, in the Elder Ironcrown heart felt that rejoiced. 想到此处,铁冠老者心中感到一阵庆幸。 Su Zimo leaves luckily ahead of time, has not encountered this disaster. 幸好苏子墨提前离开,没有遭到这场劫难。 In the future, if Su Zimo be likely achievement Great Emperor, he to understand that «Great Principle Sword Scripture», could make the inheritance of Sword World continue. 将来,若苏子墨有望成就大帝,他懂得《大罗剑典》,或许能让剑界的传承延续下去。 You think that Su Zimo can escape this tribulation?” “你是不是以为,那个苏子墨能逃过此劫?” Heavenly Eye World Lord forehead heaven's eye opens slightly, as if can look through the thought that Elder Ironcrown just flashed past, suddenly asked with a smile. 天眼界主眉心处的天眼微微睁开,似乎能看破铁冠老者刚刚一闪而过的念头,突然笑着问道。 In the Elder Ironcrown heart sinks, in the eye pupil the sword light twinkle, said: Your what meaning?” 铁冠老者心中一沉,眼眸中剑光闪烁,道:“你什么意思?” Hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!” The Heavenly Eye World lord and Golden Crow World lord, Stone World World Lord and the others laughed, the self-satisfaction on not mincing matter face. 天眼界主、金乌界主,石界界主等人大笑一声,毫不掩饰脸上的得意。 Today, lets you certainly this thoughts, makes you die to understand!” “今日,就让你绝了这份心思,也让你死个明白!” Heavenly Eye World main road: „At this moment, Heavenly Desolate World is also facing the similar circumstances, including that Su Zimo everyone, cannot escape!” 天眼界主道:“就在此刻,天荒界也面临着同样的境遇,包括那个苏子墨在内的所有人,一个都逃不掉!” You! „ “你们!“ Elder Ironcrown glowers, within the body bursts out sound of the sharp grating sword cry unexpectedly! 铁冠老者怒目而视,体内竟迸发出一声尖锐刺耳的剑鸣之音! Degree of stoutness two sword emperor hearing this, closes the eyes, sighed. 胖瘦两位剑帝闻言,也闭上双眼,叹息一声。 This is really kill to the last one. 这真的是赶尽杀绝 Stone World World Lord laughs saying: Ironcrown, Sword World should thank us, after this fights, you and Heavenly Desolate World, happen to can arrive at Kingdom of the Underworld to reunite.” 石界界主大笑道:“铁冠,剑界应该感谢我们,这一战之后,你们和天荒界,正好可以到阴曹地府去团聚。” Arrived below, you can establish Heavenly Desolate World again, Sword World, carries forward Sword Dao, Hahaha!” “到了下面,你们可以再创立一个天荒界,一个剑界,将剑道发扬光大,哈哈哈哈!” Heavenly Court, transmits one to laugh intermittently. 天庭这边,传来一阵阵哄笑。 In the meantime, in the Sword World crowd, suddenly resounds is passing cold intent a voice together tranquilly. 就在此时,剑界的人群中,突然响起一道平静又透着一丝冷意的声音。 Senior, the Sword World same side felt relieved, Sword World cannot die!” “诸位前辈,剑界同门放心,剑界死不了!” This sound, in the surrounding laughter, seems extremely alternative, is loud and clear, is exceptionally firm. 这道声音,在周围的笑声中,显得极为另类,却掷地有声,异常坚定。 Not is only the Sword World people, the Heavenly Court Emperor, goes following the prestige. 不光是剑界众人,就连天庭这边的众位帝君,都循声望去。 Sees only the person of speech even not to step into paradise, stands with eight Peak Lord shoulder to shoulder, is actually a female who shoulders the long sword. 只见说话之人甚至都未踏入洞天,与八位峰主并肩而立,却是一位背负长剑的女子。 She is Beiming Xue, now Sword World ninth sword peak Peak Lord.” “她是北冥雪,如今剑界第九剑峰峰主。” In the crowd, some people recognize the identity of this female, said one. 人群中,有人认出这位女子的身份,说了一句。 shortly afterwards, then annoys one to laugh. 紧接着,便惹来一阵嗤笑。 Under this aspect, let alone is what sword peak Peak Lord, Sword World three World Lord, under the steamroll of Heavenly Court absolute strength, will degenerate into the ants! 这种局面下,别说是什么剑峰峰主,就连剑界三位界主,在天庭绝对力量的碾压之下,都将沦为蝼蚁! Beiming Xue said such a few words suddenly, listened in the people, simply was the joke. 北冥雪突然说出这样一句话,在众人听来,简直就是笑话。 Elder Ironcrown and the others look at Beiming Xue, although in the heart has not held anything to hope, but cannot bear ask: Beiming, your just words......” 铁冠老者等人看着北冥雪,虽然心中并未抱有什么希望,但还是忍不住问道:“北冥,你刚刚的话……” The Beiming Xue tone is assured, said: Teacher does not look that Sword World was extinguished, he can save us.” 北冥雪语气笃定,道:“师尊绝不会看着剑界被灭,他一定会来救我们。” Numerous position sword emperor hearing this, is the look one gloomy, shakes the head. 众位剑帝闻言,都是神色一黯,摇了摇头。 Elder Ironcrown also looks bitterly and astringently, to sigh one lightly: Zimo he...... 铁冠老者也面露苦涩,轻叹一声:“子墨他……唉。” That side Su Zimo is unable to defend oneself, how possibly to catch up. 苏子墨那边都自身难保,怎么可能赶过来。 Let alone, even if Su Zimo catches up, is useful? 更何况,就算苏子墨赶过来,又有什么用? Hahaha! 哈哈哈哈! The Beiming Xue words, cause laughing of numerous position Emperor expert once again. 北冥雪的话,再度引起众位帝君强者的哄笑。 Heavenly Court three Patrol Angel, look at this look chilly female, cannot bear chuckle one, the look ridicule. 就连天庭三位巡天使,看着这位神色清冷的女子,都忍不住轻笑一声,神色讥讽。 The same laughter, resounds in the Heavenly Desolate main hall. 同样的哄笑声,也在天荒大殿中响起。 Hey, the Heavenly Desolate World lord, your girl student hopes that you overtake to save her, goes quickly!” “喂,天荒界主,你那位女弟子希望你赶过去救她呢,快去啊!” He wants to go actually, when he overtakes, it is estimated that one year later, Sword World is cool.” “他倒是想去,等他赶过去的时候,估计得一年之后,剑界早就凉了。” Perhaps this female cultivator has not known, his teacher, had been frightened the klutz, moves does not dare to move, Hahaha!” “这位女修恐怕还不知道,他这位师尊,已经被吓成了木头人,一动不敢动,哈哈哈哈!” Listens to the surrounding laughter, Su Zimo also to smile. 听着周围的笑声,苏子墨也在笑。 Actually without many people knows that he is smiling anything. 只是,却没有多少人知道他在笑什么。 He is gaining ground, the vision penetration main hall vault, looks at that piece of giant water curtain, face up however smiles. 他只是抬着头,目光穿透大殿穹顶,看着那片巨大的水幕,仰面而笑。 The vision of people, looks at that piece of water curtain. 众人的目光,也都看着那片水幕。 As we all know, slaughters the grand feast, will soon start! 所有人都知道,杀戮盛宴,即将开始! But under the gaze of people vision, in the water curtain the Sword World that side, splits void suddenly, the form paces together. 但就在众人目光的注视下,水幕之中剑界的那边,虚空突然裂开,一道身影踱步而出。 As if pair of invisible big hands, block the throat of people suddenly! 仿佛有一双无形的大手,突然扼住众人的喉咙! Among instant, laughter in Sword World and Heavenly Desolate World, stops suddenly! 刹那间,剑界天荒界中的笑声,戛然而止! Because, in the face of this form, without many people can also smile. 因为,在这道身影面前,没有多少人还能笑得出来。 Purple robe, black haired and silver mask! 紫袍、黑发银色面具 Emperor Huang Wu! 荒武帝君 Is he, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)!” “是他,荒武!” Azure Flame Emperor is away from the water curtain to see the person, is the complexion big change, as if awakened some type to make his frightened memory, subconscious held the arm of Vault Heaven Patrol Angel, called out in alarm makes noise. 青炎帝君隔着水幕看到来人,都是脸色大变,似乎唤醒了某种令他恐惧的记忆,下意识的抓住苍天巡天使的手臂,惊呼出声。 The Vault Heaven Patrol Angel surface sinks like the water, by the water curtain, is looking at sky over Sword World that form, knits the brows slightly. 苍天巡天使面沉如水,透过水幕,望着剑界上空的那道身影,微微皱眉。 This Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), is truly strong! 这个荒武,确实很强! Immeasurably deep! 深不可测! Even is separated by trillion li (0.5 km), is only through the water curtain, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel can still feel on this Emperor Huang Wu that powerful qi field, takes to his huge oppression! 即便相隔亿万里,只是通过水幕,苍天巡天使依然能感受到这位荒武帝君身上那种强大的气场,带给他的巨大压迫! Not difficult to imagine, around Sword World that group of people, upfront Emperor Huang Wu, feeling will be more intense! 不难想象,剑界周围的那群人,正面荒武帝君,感受得会更加强烈! Some Vault Heaven Patrol Angel doubts. 只是,苍天巡天使有些疑惑。 They fan out in two groups, intend to hide the whereabouts aura, not free, is worried to bring to the Emperor Huang Wu's attention, thus triggers other accidents. 他们兵分两路,有意隐藏行迹气息,并未招摇,就是担心引起荒武帝君的注意,从而引发其他变故。 The war has not broken out, does not have the too big strength to fluctuate. 大战并未爆发,也没有太大的力量波动。 Normal, Emperor Huang Wu should unable to detect. 正常来说,荒武帝君应该察觉不到。 After all Emperor Huang Wu's divine consciousness is strong, in an instant, can cover Three Thousand Worlds, is impossible to stare at Three Thousand Worlds each corner frequently. 毕竟荒武帝君的神识再强,一念之间,可以覆盖三千界,也不可能时时刻刻都盯着三千界的每个角落。 When both sides also begin, the war breaks out, under the steamroll of absolute strength, the fight will solve in a short time. 等双方同时动手,大战爆发,在绝对实力的碾压下,战斗会在短时间内解决。 Emperor Huang Wu has the detected time, already late. 荒武帝君有所察觉的时候,就已经晚了。 But didn’t expect, the two sides have not begun, alarmed this! 没想到,两边都还没动手,就将这位惊动了! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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