ESK :: Volume #32

#3151: Grim situation

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What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Su Zimo sees these three also to arrive . Moreover the complexion is not right, guessed correctly faintly possibly has an accident. 苏子墨见这三位同时抵达,而且脸色不对,隐隐猜到可能出了什么事。 Immortal King Linglong looked at Northern Kun Emperor Frost Dragon Emperor and the others, slightly hesitates, said: I observe the celestial phenomenon these days, but sees the Three Thousand Worlds grim situation, the undercurrent surges, as if must have what important matter.” 玲珑仙王看了北鲲帝君冰霜龙帝等人一眼,略有迟疑,道:“我这段时间观察天象,但见三千界风雨如晦,暗流涌动,似乎要发生什么大事。” Lin Xuanji said: Trigram shape that me deduces, is not quite good, but will have anything to aim specifically, actually cannot calculate.” 林玄机道:“我这边推演出来的卦象,也不太好,但具体会有什么指向,却推算不出来。” Old Xuan also nods, said: I have not deduced anything, was only these days somewhat is faintly anxious, did not know the reason.” 玄老也点点头,道:“我倒没推演什么,只是这些天隐隐有些不安,不知缘由。” I ask their two people to meet, discovered that three of us have similar situation, then came to say one with you.” “我找他们两人碰了个面,才发现我们三人都有类似的情况,便过来跟你说一声。” Su Zimo knits the brows slightly. 苏子墨微微皱眉。 Northern Kun Emperor and the others hearing this, as if think of anything, the complexion changes. 北鲲帝君等人闻言,似乎想到什么,脸色微变。 Frost Dragon Emperor hesitates saying: These days, I hear Realm of the Mandate of Heavens actually Treasure Pagoda radical opening, moreover restarts the military achievement(s) reward, is related with this?” 冰霜龙帝沉吟道:“这段时间,我倒是听说奉天界珍宝塔彻底开放,而且重启战功奖励,是不是与此有关?” Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor also thought of this matter. 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君也同时想到了此事。 Moreover, two people think profoundly! 而且,两人想得更加深远! If, Heavenly Desolate World has what crisis disaster, only has two directions. 如果说,天荒界有什么危机劫难,只有两个方向。 First, is Radiance World. 第一,就是光明界 Second, is Realm of the Mandate of Heavens. 第二,便是奉天界 For hundred years, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens and Radiance World always have no sound, they somewhat are strange, thinking Heavenly Desolate World was gets by under false pretences, tided over this crisis. 百年来,奉天界光明界始终没什么动静,他们还有些奇怪,以为天荒界算是蒙混过关,渡过了此次危机。 Now, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens sends such a signal suddenly, may be starts to criticize the old debt, sets up the prestige the omen! 如今,奉天界突然释放出这样一个信号,极有可能是开始清算旧账,立威的前兆! Changes mind hence, Northern Kun Emperor Southern Peng Emperor two people have to draw back intent, wants to leave Heavenly Desolate World as soon as possible, so as to avoid being forced to be involved. 转念至此,北鲲帝君南鹏帝君两人心生退意,想要尽快离开天荒界,免得被迫卷入其中。 In fact, two people had not planned, this thinks sends a envoy, has calculated to the foot Heavenly Desolate World face. 实际上,两人原本就没打算来,本以为派遣一位使者,已经算给足天荒界面子。 But is bent on having the congratulation by Xiao Yao (free and unfettered), in addition Three Thousand Worlds the chaotic image frequency lived in recent years, is far away, two people also worried that Xiao Yao (free and unfettered) presents what danger, then leads him personally, arrives at Heavenly Desolate World. 但挨不住逍遥偏要过来祝贺,再加上三千界近年来乱象频生,路途遥远,两人也担心逍遥出现什么危险,便亲自带着他,来到天荒界 Regarding the change of Heavenly Desolate World, Kunpeng World these two World Lord also shock, just also praised without cease. 对于天荒界的改变,鲲鹏界这两位界主也大为震惊,刚刚还赞叹不已。 At present the situation is complex, some as if changes. 只是,眼下形势复杂,似乎有些变化。 Two emperors look at each other one mutually, has a tacit understanding, sets out. 两位帝君相互对视一眼,心照不宣,同时起身。 Northern Kun Emperor said: World Lord, this Heavenly Desolate World one line, truly makes us broaden the outlook. Three Thousand Worlds the truly chaotic image frequency lived in recent years, we must return to the Kunpeng World management general situation sooner.” 北鲲帝君道:“界主,此次天荒界一行,确实让我们大开眼界。只是三千界近年来确实乱象频生,我们也得早些返回鲲鹏界主持大局。” The reason of Northern Kun Emperor, looks very well, making people very difficult to reject. 北鲲帝君的这个理由,也找得很好,令人很难拒绝。 Su Zimo nods with a smile, said: Should so.” 苏子墨笑着点点头,道:“理应如此。” Frost Dragon Emperor hesitated, also sets out slowly. 冰霜龙帝迟疑了下,也缓缓起身。 Hornless Dragon King also following stood hastily. 螭龙王也连忙跟着站了起来。 Frost Dragon Emperor said: Such being the case, we also go home, said goodbye.” 冰霜龙帝道:“既然如此,我们也打道回府,就此告辞。” After War of Dragon and Phoenix, Dragon World origin qi damages severely, Emperor expert less than ten, cannot withstand the impact of any war again. 龙凤之战后,龙界元气大伤,帝君强者不足十位,再也经不起任何战争的冲击。 Frost Dragon Emperor does not want to make Dragon World place oneself the dangerous situation, causes the calamity of extermination of the clan. 冰霜龙帝不想让龙界置身险境,导致灭族之祸。 Good!” “好!” Su Zimo can also understand regarding this, has not detained, immediately complies. 苏子墨对此也能理解,并未挽留,立即答应下来。 Lord of the Flower World sees that also sets out to say goodbye. 花界之主见状,也起身告辞。 Only then that old ape sits on the chair, frowns greatly, the complexion is somewhat disgruntled. 只有那头老猿坐在椅子上,大皱眉头,脸色有些不悦。 Saw that Heavenly Desolate World possibly has the catastrophe to arrive, these people then leave in abundance, although makes use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions, beyond reproach, but in his heart despises! 看到天荒界可能有大祸降临,这些人便纷纷离开,虽说趋利避害,无可指责,但他心中不齿! Kuwait changes mind, old ape also sighed one lightly. 科转念之间,老猿又轻叹一声。 Under the present situation, can not hit a person when he is down, taking advantage, is rare. 在如今的形势下,能不落井下石,趁火打劫,已经算是难得了。 Senior, you also return.” “前辈,您也回吧。” Before Su Zimo arrives at the old ape body, cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly. 苏子墨来到老猿身前,微微拱手。 old ape gawked. 老猿愣了一下。 This Yuan Huang brothers, truly are people of the sincere loyalty, is not willing to involve others, will urge me to leave on own initiative.” “这位袁荒的兄弟,确实是个厚道义气之人,不愿牵连旁人,才会主动劝我离开。” old ape then sees the Su Zimo's meaning quickly, in the heart the secretly thought. 老猿很快便看出苏子墨的意思,心中暗道。 Had an accident, this was must have an accident!” “出事了,这是要出事了!” Purple Pavilion Immortal King secret heart startled, is passing on the sound said to Yun Zhu divine consciousness: I said, cannot come this Heavenly Desolate World, you have a look, these great people must walk!” 紫轩仙王暗暗心惊,对着云竹神识传音道:“我就说,不能来这个天荒界,你看看,这些大人物都要走了!” Has not really misread for the father, this Su Zimo cannot haunch side planes eventually! „ “为父果然没看错,这个苏子墨终究撑不起一方界面!“ Northern Kun Emperor tearing the void, wants to leave this place conveniently. 北鲲帝君随手撕裂虚空,想要离开此地。 But his fingertip will cut a slit void, actually feels great resistance suddenly, during they are unable to enter are void! 但他的指尖将虚空划破一道缝隙,却突然感受到一股巨大阻力,他们根本无法进入虚空之中! Un?” “嗯?” In the Northern Kun Emperor heart sinks. 北鲲帝君心中一沉。 „The surrounding space was blocked!” “周围的空间被封锁了!” Southern Peng Emperor drinks one lowly. 南鹏帝君低喝一声。 Two people were late one step! 两人还是晚了一步! Frost Dragon Emperor and the others hearing this, is the look changes. 冰霜龙帝等人闻言,都是神色一变。 If only 1-2 Emperor expert blocks void, even if Pinnacle Emperor, cannot block Northern Kun Emperor this rank expert to leave. 若只是1-2帝君强者封锁虚空,哪怕是巅峰帝君,也挡不住北鲲帝君这种级别的强者离开。 In other words, blocks void absolutely is expert in Pinnacle Emperor, moreover incessantly! 也就是说,封锁虚空的绝对是巅峰帝君中的强者,而且不止一尊! What is more important, blocks significance that behind the void this action disclosed. 更为重要的是,封锁虚空这个举动背后透露出来的意义。 Only then under the absolute assurance, will block ahead of time void. 只有绝对把握之下,才会提前封锁虚空。 Locking is void, means possibility kill to the last one! 锁定虚空,就意味着一种可能赶尽杀绝 What is more fearful, surrounding void locking, several Emperor expert in main hall, had not detected unexpectedly! 更为可怕的是,周围的虚空锁定,大殿中的几位帝君强者,竟没有丝毫察觉! What making a move is who? 出手的是谁? Heavenly Desolate World stands initially, such big matter, several why anxiously departure?” 天荒界初立,这么大的事,几位何必急着离开?” In the meantime, main hall outside broadcasts together the sound. 就在此时,大殿外面传来一道声音。 The next quarter, the Heavenly Desolate World sky, bursts out powerful incomparable aura, arrives slowly. 下一刻,天荒界的上空,迸发出一道道强大无匹的气息,缓缓降临下来。 Outside the main hall, golden light fills the air, shines upon Heaven and Earth, just like the daytime! 大殿外,金光弥漫,映照天地,犹如白昼! Suddenly, person noisy horse's neigh, there are massive cultivator lives to arrive in Heavenly Desolate World! 突然间,人喧马嘶,有大量的修士生灵降临在天荒界中! People divine consciousness sweeps, complexion big change! 众人神识一扫,不禁脸色大变! Outside cultivator is dense and numerous, almost blocks from the Heavenly Desolate World sky, from different planes, seems like at least over a hundred million armies, all over! 外面的修士密密麻麻,几乎遮住天荒界的上空,来自不同的界面,看上去最少有上亿的大军,漫山遍野! Is Radiance World!” “是光明界!” Frost Dragon Emperor said in a low voice. 冰霜龙帝低声说道。 Outside so many cultivator armies, from different planes, but observes, then can look, these planes are primarily Radiance World. 外面这么多的修士大军,来自不同界面,但观察下来,便能看出来,这些界面都是以光明界为主。 Perhaps Radiance World attached planes, attaches to Radiance World, or with it being on good terms. 或是光明界的附属界面,或是依附光明界,或与之交好。 Only is Emperor expert, then has more than 80! 光是帝君强者,便有八十多尊! Except for Radiance World 15 Emperor expert, remaining Emperor expert, came from other planes. 除了光明界的十五位帝君强者,剩下的帝君强者,都是来自其他界面 These Emperor expert, are headed by Lord of the Radiance World, in an instant, before arrives at the Heavenly Desolate main hall ! 这些帝君强者,以光明界主为首,转眼之间,就来到天荒大殿前! This is an imposing manner and pressure that is inconceivable comes, boundless heavy/thick, suffocating! 这是一股难以想象的气势和威压汹涌而至,磅礴厚重,令人窒息! Lord of the Radiance World and the others have not entered the main hall, Purple Pavilion Immortal King could not have stood, weak sitting down exhausted by Yun Zhu, completely discouraged, softly muttered said: Ended, ended, must be killed by Su Zimo!” 光明界主等人还没有进入大殿,紫轩仙王就已经站立不住,无力的瘫坐在云竹旁边,万念俱灰,轻喃道:“完了,完了,要被苏子墨害死了!” Let alone is his such Immortal King, even Northern Kun Emperor Frost Dragon Emperor such Pinnacle Emperor, side World Lord, feels the tremendous pressure! 别说是他这样一个仙王,就算是北鲲帝君冰霜龙帝这样的巅峰帝君,一方界主,都感受到巨大的压力! Such big weaponry, even the war between superior world, still no more than so. 这样大的阵仗,就算是超级大界之间的战争,也不过如此。 Their several, without the belt/bring anything person come. 他们几个,没带什么人过来。 If really clashes, several people of battle strength are strong, cannot block Lord of the Radiance World is more than 80 Emperor expert of head! 真若是发生冲突,几人战力再强,也挡不住光明界主为首的八十多位帝君强者 Most critically, surrounding was blocked void, is equal to shutting off them and outside world all relations! 更关键的是,周围的虚空被封锁,等于切断了他们与外界的一切联系! To ask the person to support, cannot achieve! 想要请人来支援,都做不到!
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