Purple PavilionImmortal Kingleadsmanyguardpalace maids, followsafterMo Qingand others, looks at the Heavenly Desolate Worldsurroundingscene, in the heartis even more shocking!紫轩仙王带着不少侍卫宫女,跟在墨倾等人身后,看着天荒界周围的景象,心中越发震惊!Looks as far as the eye can seeto look out into the distance, obviouslyazuredeepenormous and powerful, galaxyfight of extensions, the daymeet the cloud, the fogheavy.
纵目远眺,可见青冥浩荡,星河斗转,天接云涛,雾霭沉沉。Looks all around, cansee the mountainto tower, the rolling, greenwatersurrounds, the vegetationis all abundant.
环顾四周,能见青山耸立,连绵起伏,绿水环绕,草木皆盛。Has the magnificent jade palace, the purplemansionimperial palace, oris situated at the foot of a hill and beside a streamto construct, eitherstanding erectsummitcloudgap/between, scattered and organized, agrees without consultationProfound Principle.
更有琼楼玉宇,紫府金阙,或依山傍水而建,或屹立山巅云间,错落有致,暗合玄机。Purple PavilionImmortal Kingplaces oneselfinHeavenly Desolate World, richorigin qi of Heaven and Earthlike the fog, winds aroundin the side, the groupas ifgo throughin the vastsmoke cloud, saidcomfortablynotelegant.紫轩仙王置身在天荒界中,浓郁的天地元气如同云雾般,在身边缭绕,一行人仿佛在浩渺烟云中穿行,说不尽的闲适飘逸。
The place of seeing, grandmountains and rivers, full of vitality, is in worldbestartist, perhapsis unable to describeit.
入目之处,一片壮丽山河,生机勃勃,便是世间最好的画师,恐怕都无法将其描绘出来。Hereall, are wonderful workmanship, just likeascending the skybestpresenting!
The line, Purple PavilionImmortal Kingto the Su Zimo'simpression, has then had a new lookgreatly.
一路行来,紫轩仙王对苏子墨的印象,便已大为改观。Butheis not willingto acknowledgeoneselfare mistaken, sinkingsound said: „Yun Zhu, thisSu Zimomethodis good, butwecome from far away, hehas not come outto greetpersonally, has the disrespectfulnumber, thisdoingis not good.”
但他仍不愿承认自己看走了眼,沉声道:“云竹,这个苏子墨手段是不错的,但咱们远道而来,他都没亲自出来迎接,有失礼数,这点做的不好。”Yun Zhuactuallydoes not care, says with a smile: „Hedecidedhoweverhas the matterto delay.”云竹却不在意,笑道:“他定然是有事耽搁了。”Mo Qingalsosaid: „Junior Brother Sumustcome outto greet, butHeavenly Desolate Worldcameseveralguests, hecannot get out of the waysuddenly.”墨倾也说道:“苏师弟本来要出来迎接的,但天荒界来了几位客人,他一时间走不开。”„Whatguest, suchbigface?”
“什么客人,这么大面子?”Purple PavilionImmortal Kingchuckle, thinks otherwise.紫轩仙王轻笑一声,不以为然。
The place of suchremotesidedesolate, if notYun Zhuis drawinghim, but alsowhowill rush tohere?
这么偏远的边荒之地,若非云竹拉着他,还有谁会跑到这里来?Purple PavilionImmortal Kingthinks that Mo Qingis givingSu Zimoto find the excuse, helpinghimget free, shakes the headslightly, said: „IamMonarch of the country, cultivation realmalsowinhimafter all, as soon asplans, no matter what, hethis/shouldcomes outto greetpersonally.”紫轩仙王以为墨倾在给苏子墨找借口,帮着他开脱,微微摇头,道:“我毕竟是一国之君,修为境界还胜他一筹,不管怎样,他都该亲自出来迎接。”Mo Qingdid not answer, butlooked atPurple PavilionImmortal Kingone.墨倾不答,只是看了紫轩仙王一眼。Withhertemper, explainedtoPurple PavilionImmortal King, has lookedin the Yun Zhuface.
以她的性子,跟紫轩仙王解释一遍,已经是看在云竹的面子上。Iftradesto be others, shewill managewill not manage.
若是换做旁人,她理都不会理。Withoutafter a while, before the people have then arrived at the Heavenly Desolatemain hall .
没过一会儿,众人便已经来到天荒大殿前。UnderMo Qing'sleads, the peoplewalk into the main hall.
在墨倾的带领下,众人步入大殿。Purple PavilionImmortal Kingjuststepped into the main hall, the complexionbig change!紫轩仙王刚刚踏入大殿,脸色大变!InthisHeavenly Desolatemain hall, the trulyseveralguests, are the strangefaces, the aura that butontheselends, makingPurple PavilionImmortal Kingfeeloneintermittentfearful and apprehensive!
这座天荒大殿中,确实有几位客人,都是陌生面孔,但这几位身上散发出来的气息,让紫轩仙王感到一阵阵心惊胆战!Thatseveralgueststurn the headin abundance, unemotional, the visionfallsonhisbody, havingoneto carefully examine.
那几位客人纷纷转头,面无表情,目光落在他的身上,带着一丝审视。Thisis an invisiblepressure.
这是一种无形的威压。Purple PavilionImmortal Kingoncewhenhas feltfacingDivine Firmament Immortal Emperor.紫轩仙王曾在面对神霄仙帝的时候感受过。ButevenfacesDivine Firmament Immortal Emperor, hehas not felt the sotremendouspressure!
但即便面对神霄仙帝,他都没有感受到如此巨大的压力!Almostwas the flash, Purple PavilionImmortal Kinghad had!
这几位客人都是帝君强者!Only thenEmperorexpert, cansend outsuchpressureandqi field!
只有帝君强者,才能散发出这样的威压和气场!In the meantime, the bigHallmasterpositionstandstogether the form, seeingthemto walk into the main hall, thenwelcomed.
就在此时,大殿主位站起来一道身影,看见他们步入大殿,便迎了上来。Su Zimosaidsubmissively: „Yun Zhu, the Purple Pavilionfellow daoist, justhad the matterto delay, cannotgreetyou, courtesyinconsiderately, but alsopleaseexcuse me.”苏子墨拱手道:“云竹,紫轩道友,刚刚有事耽搁,没能迎接你们,礼数不周,还请见谅。”Yun Zhuhearing thissmiles, said: „Is too sour, was needlessto saythesewithme.”云竹闻言笑了笑,道:“太酸啦,跟我不用说这些。”Su Zimoalsosmiled.苏子墨也笑了起来。Amongtwo people, trulydoes not useso the smalltalk.
两人之间,确实不用如此客套。Su Zimothese words, mainlysaidto the Purple PavilionImmortal Kinghear.苏子墨这番话,主要还是说给紫轩仙王听的。Purple PavilionImmortal Kingalsoplannedto strikeSu Zimo.紫轩仙王原本还打算敲打一下苏子墨。Butarrives in the main hall, hestared by thatseveralguests, such as the glowin the body, is sweating profusely.
但来到大殿中,他就被那几位客人盯上,如芒在身,满头大汗。Let alonestrikesSu Zimo, evenSu Zimosaidanything, hehas not heard clearly.
别说敲打苏子墨,连苏子墨说些什么,他都没听清。Purple PavilionImmortal Kingsomewhatdoes not thinkclearly, similarlyisImmortal King, thisSu Zimofacingthesegueststime, how can also the lookbe usual, unflustered.紫轩仙王只是有些想不明白,同样都是仙王,这个苏子墨面对这几位客人的时候,怎么还能神色如常,从容自若。„Heard that youareMonarch of the country, is really the bigostentation.”
The left side of Heavenly Desolatemain hall, a man who wears the dark bluelong gownopens the mouthsuddenly, looks atPurple PavilionImmortal King, the lookridicule.天荒大殿的左侧,一位穿着深蓝色长袍的男子突然开口,看着紫轩仙王,神色嘲弄。Sidehim, man but who alsositsblondegold/metalrobe, is sharp-eyed, likefalcon, says: „Yes, ourtwoasLord of the World, does not havebelt/bringseveralpeopleto come.”
在他身边,还坐着一位金发金袍的男子,目光锐利,如同鹰隼,也开口说道:“是啊,咱们两个身为一界之主,都没带几个人过来。”In fact, indeed so.
事实上,也正是如此。Thesetwoguestsbehind, only then a youthstandsin that seemsempty.
这两位客人的身后,只有一个青年站在那,显得空荡荡。ButPurple PavilionImmortal Kingleads many guardpalace maidsto come here, it may be said thatis accompanied by a retinue, the ostentationis truly big.
而紫轩仙王带着众多侍卫宫女来到这里,可谓是前呼后拥,排场确实不小。Purple PavilionImmortal Kinghearing this, inheartonestartled, thenscoldedhastily: „Youdivergetome, wholetsyouwith!”紫轩仙王闻言,心中一惊,连忙回头呵斥道:“你们都给我散去,谁让你们跟过来的!”Innumerousguardpalace maidheartputs in great inconvenience, actuallydoes not dareto argue, lowers the headto withdraw from the main hallin abundance.
众多侍卫宫女心中委屈,却也不敢争辩,纷纷垂首退出大殿。„Forgotto introduce.”
“忘记介绍了。”Two that the Su Zimodirectionjustspoke, said with a smile: „ThesetwoareKunpeng WorldWorld Lord, Northern Kun EmperorandSouthern Peng Emperor.”苏子墨指向刚刚说话的两位,笑道:“这两位是鲲鹏界的界主,北鲲帝君和南鹏帝君。”Purple PavilionImmortal Kinghears the heartto tremble!紫轩仙王听得心头一颤!Kunpeng World!鲲鹏界!OriginalKun World, Peng Worldissuperior world, after combining of Kunpeng World, the strengthis stronger!
原本的鲲界,鹏界都是超级大界,鲲鹏界的合二为一之后,实力更强!ThesetwounexpectedlyareKunpeng WorldWorld Lord!
这两位竟然是鲲鹏界的界主!EvenDivine Firmament Immortal Emperorin the face ofthesetwo, mustlower a head!
就算神霄仙帝在这两位面前,都得低一头!Su Zimolookstoright sidethatsilver-hairedold woman, said: „ThatisDragon WorldnewWorld Lord, Frost Dragon Emperor.”苏子墨又看向右侧那位满头银发的老妇人,道:“那位是龙界新任界主,冰霜龙帝。”My goodness!
The Purple PavilionImmortal Kinglookwas terrified, swallowedunder the saliva, the innermost feelingsintenseto the extreme, the great stress.紫轩仙王神色惶恐,咽了下口水,内心紧张到了极点,压力巨大。At this time, anythingexperienced, storyto be useless.
这时候,什么经验、阅历都没用了。Because, heabsolutelydoes not havethisexperience!
Since great person of thisrank, hecultivates, has not seen.
这种级别的大人物,他修炼至今,都未曾见过。Butnow, thesestampstamps the feet, the great person who Three Thousand Worldsmustshiver, allsitsinthismain hall, probablyharboring evil intentionsis staring athim!
而如今,这几位跺一跺脚,三千界都要颤抖的大人物,全都坐在这座大殿里,好像都在不怀好意的盯着他!„ThatisLord of the Flower World.”
“那位是花界之主。”„Thatis the Blood Ape Worldlord.”
“那位是血猿界主。”Purple PavilionImmortal King: „......”紫轩仙王:“……”Thatold apeis smilingtoPurple PavilionImmortal Kingsuddenly, in the eyepupilis glittering the cold light, askedspookily: „Does not know, ourthesefaces, enoughgreatly?”
嘶!Purple PavilionImmortal Kingsuck in a breath of cold air.紫轩仙王倒吸一口冷气。Justhehad said the words, were heardbythese!
刚刚他说过的话,都被这几位听到了!InthisBlood Ape WorldLordtone, obviouslyrevealsto wipekilling intent!
帝君不可辱。Hecensuredtheseemperors, but also was Lord of the World, wascourts deathsimply!
他非议这几位帝君,还都是一界之主,简直就是自己找死!Purple PavilionImmortal Kingthinks ofhere, the complexionis pallid, the legwas soft.紫轩仙王想到此处,脸色煞白,腿都软了。Yun Zhusupports by the armhastilyhim, so as to avoidPurple PavilionImmortal Kingkneels downto lose face.云竹连忙将他搀扶住,免得紫轩仙王跪倒下去出丑。
The Su Zimocomfortsaid: „The Blood Ape Worldlordcracks a joke, the Purple Pavilionfellow daoistdoes not needto care.”苏子墨安慰道:“血猿界主开玩笑呢,紫轩道友不必放在心上。”old apehearing this, cracks into a smile, turns the head, no longerfrightensPurple PavilionImmortal King.老猿闻言,咧嘴一笑,转过头来,不再吓唬紫轩仙王。
Several other World Lordalsono longerfeel embarrassedPurple PavilionImmortal King, takes back the visionin abundance.
其他几位界主也不再为难紫轩仙王,纷纷收回目光。TheyalsofrustratethisPurple PavilionImmortal Kingarrogance, bytheirposition, naturallycannotbecause of1-2words, haggle overwithImmortal King.
他们也只是挫挫这位紫轩仙王的傲气,以他们的身份地位,自然不会因为1-2话,跟一个仙王计较。„The futureis the guest, the Purple Pavilionfellow daoistcomes to sit.”
“来者是客,紫轩道友进来坐吧。”Su Zimoshows a faint smile.苏子墨微微一笑。„Does not dare, does not dare!”
“不敢,不敢!”Purple PavilionImmortal Kinglooked in a main hallto sitthatseveral, beckons with the handhastily.紫轩仙王看了一眼大殿中坐着那几位,连忙摆了摆手。Whatstatus is he?
他是什么身份?Wherehas the qualificationsto sit togetherwiththese?
哪有资格跟这几位坐在一起?Yun Zhuhas not actually managedthese, entered the main hallwithMo Qingand the others, looked for a vacancyto sit, is smilingtoSu Zimo.云竹却没管这些,跟着墨倾等人进入大殿,找了一处空位坐下去,对着苏子墨笑了笑。Purple PavilionImmortal King can only brace oneselfwith the past, standingis not, sitsdoes not dareto sit, hasto look aroundeverywhere, conceals the innermost feelings the anxiety and awkwardness.紫轩仙王只能硬着头皮跟过去,站也不是,坐又不敢坐,只好四处张望,掩饰内心的紧张和尴尬。In the meantime, Immortal King Linglong, Old XuanandLin Xuanjithreepeople of simultaneous/uniformarrive, the intrusionmain hallhurriedly, the lookis dignified!
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