ESK :: Volume #32

#3149: Was mistaken

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Azure Flame Emperor feels senselessly, cannot bear say: That Heavenly Desolate World and Sword World, making Realm of the Mandate of Heavens this group of people unite other planes to encircle were good, we went to Great Desolation World.” 青炎帝君感觉无趣,忍不住说道:“那个天荒界剑界,让奉天界这群人联合其他界面围剿就好了,咱们还是去大荒界吧。” Great Desolation World, will certainly go.” 大荒界,一定会去。” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel said: But now, is not the time. Has waited for some days, remaining five Patrol Angel can also lead the person to get down, at the appointed time naturally must go to be able that Emperor Huang Wu.” 苍天巡天使道:“但现在,还不是时候。等过些日子,剩下的五位巡天使也会带人下来,届时自然要去会会那位荒武帝君。” Has your four Patrol Angel, 200 emperors, couldn't don’t tell me have stood off that Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)?” “有你们四位巡天使,两百位帝君,难道还敌不过那个荒武?” Azure Flame Emperor knits the brows: That Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) not strong, initially that war, if not a Four Directional Constellation Great Formation exist(ence) flaw, he could not win!” 青炎帝君皱眉道:“那个荒武也没多强,当初那一战,若非四方星宿大阵存在一个破绽,他赢不了!” Mysterious Heaven Patrol Angel said: These Human Murdering Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), definitely were enough, but wanted to reduce in Heavenly Court as far as possible the casualties of person, waited for several other Patrol Angel to arrive.” 玄天巡天使道:“这些人杀一个荒武,肯定是足够了,但想要尽可能减少天庭中人的伤亡,还是等其他几位巡天使到位。” When the time comes, our several collaborate, will not give him any opportunity.” “到时候,我们几位联手,不会给他任何机会。” Originally, Heavenly Court does not have the plan to act quickly. 原本,天庭没打算这么快出面。 Because Azure Flame Emperor three young master are always suppressing a fire, wants to return Medium Thousandfold World, four Patrol Angel lead the person to get down ahead of time. 因为青炎帝君三位少主始终憋着一股火,想要重新杀回中千世界,四位巡天使才提前带人下来。 God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavens coughs lightly, said: reporting to several Sirs, we inquired the news that in Heavenly Desolate World has Heavenly Desolate Sect, may be very related with Great Desolation World's Huang Wu (Desolate Martial).” 奉天神帝轻咳一声,道:“启禀几位大人,我们打听到的消息,天荒界中有一个天荒宗,很可能与大荒界的荒武有关。” Oh?” ?” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel selects the eyebrow slightly. 苍天巡天使微微挑眉。 Also is only possible.” “也只是可能。” God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavens explained hastily: „After all Emperor Huang Wu goes to Great Desolation World, has not had anything to relate with Heavenly Desolate Sect, it is estimated that is only small sect that he founds conveniently, he himself not necessarily cares.” 奉天神帝连忙解释道:“毕竟荒武帝君前往大荒界之后,就没和天荒宗有过什么联系,估计只是他随手创建的小宗门,他自己都未必在乎。” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel hesitates saying: This matter but actually also simple, when the time comes, totally blocks Heavenly Desolate World around, will not have any information transmit.” 苍天巡天使沉吟道:“此事倒也简单,到时候,将天荒界周围彻底封锁,不会有任何消息传递出去。” Since decided that must begin the vertical prestige, Heavenly Court naturally cannot give Sword World and Heavenly Desolate World any opportunity! 既然决定要动手立威,天庭自然不会给剑界天荒界任何机会! Walks.” “走吧。” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel patted the shoulder of Azure Flame Emperor, said: Hears in that Heavenly Desolate World, possibly is hiding many Rakshasa Clan, these Rakshasa Lady each are outstandingly beautiful, you happen to can select one batch.” 苍天巡天使拍了拍青炎帝君的肩膀,道:“听说那天荒界中,可能隐藏着不少罗刹族,那些罗刹女各个都是绝色,你正好可以挑一批回来。” Mentioned this matter, Azure Flame Emperor somewhat was excited, nods. 提及此事,青炎帝君才有些心动,点了点头。 ...... …… In space tunnel, a giant classical large ship, toward Medium Thousandfold World place of travel of side desolate. 空间隧道中,一艘巨大的古典楼船,正朝着中千世界的边荒之地行驶。 The large ship altogether has nine layers, the big hundred zhang (333 m), can see many 's shadows every first layer miles, has to wear the armor, grasps the battle halberd immortal soldier, there are to wear the tissue, physique abundant palace maid. 楼船共有九层,高大百丈,一层都能看到不少人影,有身披铠甲,手持战戈的仙兵,也有身着薄纱,体态丰盈的宫女。 In the large ship, spreads the intermittent immortal sound, the fragrance winds around, the style is extraordinary. 楼船中,传出阵阵仙音,香气缭绕,气派非凡。 On the bow, stands the form, the white clothing is accommodating together pale, in the hand is grasping one volume of ancient book, but looks at one occasionally, seems somewhat absent-minded. 在船头上,站着一道身影,素衣淡容,手中握着一卷古籍,只是偶尔看一眼,似乎有些心不在焉。 Yun Zhu.” 云竹。” Broadcasts together the vigorous sound. 身后传来一道浑厚的声音。 Sees only under crowding around that a man who wears the yellow robe in many palace maid guards, gradually walks, is impressive, has the dignity. 只见一位身着黄袍的男子在众多宫女护卫的簇拥之下,缓步走来,气度不凡,颇具威严。 Yun Zhu hears the sound, turns around, called one: Father.” 云竹听到声音,转过身来,唤了一声:“父亲。” Comes person Purple Pavilion Immortal King! 来人正是紫轩仙王 I have said that that Su Zimo opens the idea of planes to be extremely naive.” “我早就说过,那位苏子墨开辟界面的想法太过天真。” Purple Pavilion Immortal King points at periphery was saying: You have a look, what area did this arrive at?” 紫轩仙王指着周围说道:“你看看,这都来到什么地方了?” In surrounding starry sky, bleak, origin qi of Heaven and Earth is almost dry, he establishes planes in this area, what can develop? Also are how many people, willing to rush to here?” “周围的星空中,一片荒凉,天地元气几乎干涸,他在这种地方建立一个界面,能有什么发展?又有多少人,愿意跑到这里来?” Yun Zhu is silent. 云竹默然。 Surrounding scene, if truly Purple Pavilion Immortal King said, she also has nothing to refute. 周围的景象,确实如紫轩仙王所说,她也没什么可反驳的。 If just, makes her choose, she is willing to come. 只不过,若是让她选择,她是愿意过来的。 Purple Pavilion Immortal King said: Initially, you also urged to Purple Pavilion Immortal Country migrate for the father, was rejected by me, now you understood.” 紫轩仙王道:“当初,你还劝为父要将紫轩仙国迁移过来,被我拒绝,现在你明白了吧。” Yun Zhu is still silent. 云竹依旧沉默。 Purple Pavilion Immortal King sighed gently, sincere saying: Yun Zhu, you have read many books, this point, cannot compare you for the father.” 紫轩仙王轻轻一叹,语重心长的说道:“云竹,你读过很多书,这一点,为父也比不上你。” But something, you cannot study in the books, light/only looks at person this point, were too more than you for the father.” “但有些东西,你在书籍中学习不到,光是看人这一点,为父就比你强太多了。” Yun Zhu look strange looked at Purple Pavilion Immortal King, in the heart the secretly thought: This time you may be really mistaken......” 云竹神色古怪的看了一眼紫轩仙王,心中暗道:“这次您可真看走眼了……” That Su Zimo delivers an invitation to you, you are bent on having, but must take for the father comes to see together, in the heart nothing but wants to show, initially judged for the father wrong.” “那个苏子墨给你送一封邀请函,你就偏要过来,还要带上为父一起来看看,心中无非就是想证明,当初为父判断错了。” Purple Pavilion Immortal King smiles, said: Now how?” 紫轩仙王笑了笑,道:“现在如何?” Lived several hundred thousand years for the father, this is through the story, the judgment that the experience and vision make, you are too difficult to learn in the books.” “为父活了数十万年,这是通过阅历,经验、眼光做出来的判断,你在书籍中学不来。” Knows.” “知道啦。” Yun Zhu is smiling jogging Purple Pavilion Immortal King, said: royal father, you go back to rest quickly.” 云竹笑着轻推紫轩仙王,道:“父王,您快回去歇着吧。” We may reach an agreement.” “咱们可说好了。” Purple Pavilion Immortal King did not feel relieved, said: Arrived that Heavenly Desolate World, you cannot keep that congratulates, today with goes back for the father.” 紫轩仙王又不放心,道:“到了那天荒界,你可不能留在那,祝贺一番,今天就与为父回去。” This type of bleak ruined place, I may not hate you to treat suffer hardship here.” “这种荒凉破败之地,我可舍不得你待在这里受罪。” In the meantime, Purple Pavilion Immortal King and Yun Zhu in space tunnel, feels pure origin qi of Heaven and Earth suddenly. 就在此时,在空间隧道中的紫轩仙王云竹,突然感受到一阵精纯的天地元气 By the tunnel barrier, can see the front horizon, exudes ten thousand multicolored sunlight faintly! 透过隧道壁垒,可以看到前方的天际,隐隐泛起万道霞光 This is......” “这是……” Yun Zhu divine thought moves, controls the large ship to break open space tunnel, arrives at the vicinity. 云竹神念一动,操控着楼船破开空间隧道,来到近处。 Is looking at front that full of vitality, spectacular, just like the fairyland mainland, Purple Pavilion Immortal King at the scene, the look is shocking! 望着前方那片生机勃勃,气象万千,宛如仙境般的大陆,紫轩仙王愣在当场,神色震惊! He even once thinks, oneself had the illusion! 他甚至一度以为,自己产生了幻觉! In Medium Thousandfold World the place of side desolate, braves such a fairyland suddenly, is not real. 中千世界的边荒之地,突然冒出来这样一片仙境,太不真实了。 Also without enters Heavenly Desolate World truly, Purple Pavilion Immortal King then can feel origin qi of Heaven and Earth that around this mainland surrounds, rich pure, such cultivation environment, is better than Purple Pavilion Immortal Country! 还没有真正进入天荒界,紫轩仙王便能感受到这片大陆周围环绕的天地元气,浓郁精纯,这样的修炼环境,远胜过紫轩仙国 What planes is this?” “这是什么界面?” Purple Pavilion Immortal King has not responded, vibrates greatly. 紫轩仙王还没反应过来,大为震动。 In Three Thousand Worlds, has such a fairyland unexpectedly? 三千界中,竟有这样一处仙境? In the meantime, in that mainland raises several forms, is person of Universe Academy head Painting Immortal Mo Qing. 就在此时,那片大陆上升起几道身影,为首之人正是乾坤书院画仙墨倾 Elder sister came finally.” “姐姐终于来了。” The Mo Qing approach, said with a smile. 墨倾迎上来,笑着说道。 Yun Zhu is in her heart recognized that few friends. 云竹算是她心中认定的,为数不多的朋友。 Two people were once stranded in Avici Hell in the past together, there is an unforgettable experience. 两人当年曾一起被困在阿鼻地狱中,有过一段难忘的经历。 Well, has the younger sister stepped into paradise?” “咦,妹妹已经踏入洞天了?” Yun Zhu looks to Mo Qing, at present one bright. 云竹看向墨倾,眼前一亮。 Mo Qing as if thought of anything, face slightly red, nods. 墨倾似乎想到了什么,脸庞微红,点了点头。 Fairy Mo Qing, which planes is this?” 墨倾仙子,这是哪个界面?” Purple Pavilion Immortal King cannot bear break, asks. 紫轩仙王忍不住打断,问道。 Naturally is Heavenly Desolate World.” “自然是天荒界。” Mo Qing said. 墨倾道。 Purple Pavilion Immortal King opens mouth, as to say anything, may see that Yun Zhu somewhat seizes the slender vision, is actually at a loss for words for a while. 紫轩仙王张了张嘴,似乎想说什么,可看到云竹有些捉狭的目光,却又一时语塞。 How possibly? 怎么可能? Even if that Su Zimo has the body of twelfth grade Good Fortune Azure Lotus, but only used for hundred years, then can open such a fairyland? 就算那个苏子墨拥有十二品造化青莲之身,但只用了百年时间,便能开辟出这样一处仙境? This has surpassed the Purple Pavilion Immortal King cognition. 这已经超出紫轩仙王的认知。 Mo Qing said: Elder Sister Yun Zhu, you come along with me, Junior Brother Su they are in the Heavenly Desolate main hall.” 墨倾道:“云竹姐姐,你们随我来,苏师弟他们正在天荒大殿中。” Junior Brother Su?” 苏师弟?” Yun Zhu faint smile looks at Mo Qing. 云竹似笑非笑的看着墨倾 Mo Qing said in a soft voice: Some be used to it, cannot change suddenly.” 墨倾轻声道:“有些习惯了,一时间改不过来。” Yun Zhu smiles, has not continued to closely examine, but follows Mo Qing to arrive at sky over Heavenly Desolate World, looks all around, in the heart praised without cease. 云竹莞尔,没有继续追问,而是跟随着墨倾来到天荒界上空,环顾四周,心中赞叹不已。 In the meantime, the Purple Pavilion Immortal King sound resounds in her mind suddenly: Yun Zhu, coughs...... we to pour does not need anxiously departure, after all came from far away, today walks the disrespectful number.” 就在此时,紫轩仙王的声音突然在她的脑海中响起:“云竹,咳……咱们倒也不必急着离开,毕竟远道而来,今天就走有失礼数。” After Purple Pavilion Immortal King arrives at Heavenly Desolate World, felt oneself stagnate many years of realm, has the loose sign faintly! 紫轩仙王来到天荒界之后,感觉自己停滞多年的境界,都隐隐有松动的迹象!
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