Lord of the Radiance Worldbrings more than 80Emperorexpert, steps into the Heavenly Desolatemain hall, the groundshakes!光明界主带着八十多位帝君强者,踏入天荒大殿中,地面为之一震!„The Heaven Brilliance fellow daoist, suchgreat formationweaponry, whatis to make?”
“天耀道友,这么大阵仗,是要做什么?”Northern Kun Emperoraskedsubmissively.北鲲帝君拱手问道。„NaturallyisgivesWorld Lordto congratulate.”
A Lord of the Radiance Worldvisionrevolution, fallsonSu Zimo's, saidspookily: „Iam unsolicited, can't World Lordblame?”光明界主目光一转,落在苏子墨的身上,幽幽说道:“我不请自来,界主不会怪罪吧?”„ThisisLord of the Radiance World!”
The Frost Dragon Emperorsound, resoundsin the Su Zimomindsuddenly, reminds: „Thiscrowd of personcome with ill-intent, dealcarefully!”冰霜龙帝的声音,突然在苏子墨脑海中响起,提醒道:“这群人来者不善,小心应对!”Has not waited forSu Zimoto speak, old apesneerssuddenly, said: „Comesto congratulate, has a need forso manypeople?”
还没等苏子墨说话,老猿突然冷笑一声,道:“前来道贺,用得着这么多人?”„Personmany, lively.”
“人多点,热闹。”Lord of the Radiance Worldsaid with a smile: „IproposedonewiththeseplanesWorld Lord, hasHeavenly Desolate Worldto standinitially, World Lordhas the courage and wisdom, has the boldness, not onlydaresto give shelter todark sinner, but also is hard to solvewithRakshasasinful spirit(s).”光明界主笑道:“我跟这些界面的界主提了一句,有个天荒界初立,界主有胆识,有魄力,不但敢收留黑暗罪灵,还与罗刹罪灵纠缠不清。”„TheseplanesWorld Lordalsowantto cometo have a look, to experience.”
“这些界面的界主也都想过来看看,见识一番。”These words saying, has concealedkilling intent!
A Emperorraises the sound said: „This is World Lord, howto see that wecometo congratulate, nottooappearance of welcome?”
The person of speech, ismoon/month of photoWorld Lord.
说话之人,乃是月照界主。In the entiremain hall, canachieveto be without turning a hairuntil now, only hasSu Zimooneperson.
整座大殿中,到现在为止还能做到面不改色的,也就只有苏子墨一人。Hearsthisword, Su Zimosmiles, said: „Naturallywelcome, Ihave said that the futureis a guest, takes a seat.”
“哈哈哈哈!”NumerouspositionEmperorhearing this, laughs.
众位帝君闻言,大笑一声。In this case, whodaresnot to welcomethem?
在这种情形下,谁敢不欢迎他们?ThisSu Zimo, is smart.
“坐吧。”Lord of the Radiance Worldwaves, hints the emperorsto take a seatin the main hall.光明界主挥了挥手,示意众位帝君在大殿中落座。Whatis somewhat strange, includingLord of the Radiance World, more than 80Emperorexperthas not satin the high-rank, butvacatesdozensseat of honorpositions.
有些奇怪的是,包括光明界主在内,八十多位帝君强者并未坐在上位,而是空出数十个上座位置。„Heavenly Desolate Worldstandsinitially for hundredyears, thenhasthisgrade of meteorology, is really surprising.”
“天荒界初立百年,便有这等气象,真是令人惊讶。”Lord of the Radiance WorldlookstoSu Zimo, is smilingto praiseto sigh: „World Lord is really the goodmethod.”光明界主看向苏子墨,笑着赞叹道:“界主真是好手段。”„Overpraised.”
“过奖。”Su Zimo not salty not palereturned toone.苏子墨不咸不淡的回了一句。„Onlypitifully......”
A Lord of the Radiance Worldthread of conversationrevolution, receives the smile, saidslowly: „Suchhappyscene, mustvanish.”光明界主话锋一转,收起笑容,缓缓道:“这样美好的景象,就要消失了。”Northern Kun Emperorand the othersheardheart trembled!北鲲帝君等人听得心中一凛!These words, have almost indicatedLord of the Radiance Worldand the others the purposes in coming!
这句话,几乎已经表明光明界主等人的来意!„Thismatter, Ialsoheard, shouldbesomemisunderstanding.”
“这件事,我也有所耳闻,其中应该是有些误会。”Southern Peng Emperoris mediating, said: „Su ZimohecomesLower Realmafter all, regarding the matter of devils and sinners, not necessarilyunderstood,makinghimhand overthatdark sinnerRakshasasinful spirit(s) is.”南鹏帝君打着圆场,道:“苏子墨他毕竟出身下界,对于邪魔罪灵之事,未必了解,让他将那黑暗罪灵罗刹罪灵交出来便是。”In fact, Southern Peng Emperorthese words, is remindingSu Zimo, associates with peopleas soon as possible!
“一百年啊!”Lord of the Radiance Worldsighed, said: „The entire100years, hehas not handed overdark sinner, nowassociates with people, alreadylate.”光明界主叹息一声,道:“整整一百年,他都没将黑暗罪灵交出来,现在交人,已经晚了。”Northern Kun Emperorseveralpeoplelook at each otherone, silent.北鲲帝君几人对视一眼,沉默不语。Lord of the Radiance Worldthisstance, will not give upobviously, even iftheyact, does not help matters.光明界主这个架势,明显不会善罢甘休,就算他们出面,也无济于事。Heavenly Desolate World, is difficultto escapethistribulation.天荒界,难逃此劫。„100years, thismatteralsotrulyshouldhave a confession.”
“一百年,这件事也确实该有个交代。”Su Zimosaid: „But, this matterhas nothing to dowiththeseWorld Lord, makingthemleavein advance.”苏子墨道:“只不过,此事与这几位界主无关,让他们先行离开吧。”Northern Kun EmperorFrost Dragon Emperorand the others the lookis complex.北鲲帝君冰霜龙帝等人神色复杂。in all fairness, theyverylikeaboutSu Zimo.平心而论,他们对苏子墨是挺喜欢的。Thisyoung peopleknow perfectly well to die, is actually also thinkingdo not implicatethem.
这位年轻人明知必死,却还想着不要连累他们。„A matter of resulttoday, no onecanwalk!”
“今日之事没个结果,谁都不能走!”Lord of the Radiance Worldsneersslightly, the tonerenounces.光明界主微微冷笑,语气决绝。Northern Kun Emperorhearsto frowngreatly, lookonecold, sinkingsound said: „What's wrong, does the Heaven Brilliance fellow daoistalsowantto leave behindus?”北鲲帝君听得大皱眉头,神色一冷,沉声道:“怎么,天耀道友还想要留下我们?”Saying that old apecoldly: „Ourseveralcollaborate, ifreally a war, does not beatat risk of lifeeven, youbring more than 80emperors, but can also the remainingseveralpeople?”老猿冷冷的说道:“我们几位联手,真若拼死一战,就算不敌,你带来这八十多位帝君,还能剩下几人?”old apethese words, said are extremely also fierce.老猿这番话,说得也极为厉害。Lord of the Radiance Worldwantsto acttothem, mustpay the seriouspricesurely!光明界主想要对他们出手,就必定要付出惨重的代价!
More than 80emperors, majorityare notinRadiance World the person, theseemperorscrowd together, is notsheet ironone.
八十多位帝君,大多数都不是光明界中人,这些帝君凑在一起,并非铁板一块。old apeisto maketheseEmperorexperthavescruples, does not dareto act rashly!老猿就是要让这些帝君强者有所顾忌,不敢轻举妄动!Hespokethese words, thatcrowd of Emperorexpertare onlychuckleseveral, the lookridicules, does not seem to be worried,anddoes not care.
只是,他说完这句话,那群帝君强者都只是轻笑几声,神色嘲弄,似乎毫不担心,并不在意。Frost Dragon Emperorknits the browsslightly, looking pensive.冰霜龙帝微微皱眉,若有所思。
A great power that Lord of the Radiance Worldand other more than Emperorexpert, are not certainly ableto neglect.光明界主等八十多位帝君强者,当然是无法忽视的一股强大力量。Butis onlythesepeople, should unable to achievequietly, the voidblockade outside Heavenly Desolate World.
但只是这些人,应该做不到悄无声息之间,将天荒界外的虚空封锁。In other words, blocksvoidhas the person of high skill!
也就是说,封锁虚空的另有高人!Frost Dragon Emperorlooked in a Heavenly Desolatemain hall, throughoutis emptying the seats of honorandnumeroussuperiors, as ifthought ofanything, suddenlyin the heartsinks.冰霜龙帝看了一眼天荒大殿中,始终空着的主位和众多上位,似乎想到了什么,突然心中一沉。don’t tell meis......难道是……In the meantime, outsideemergesintermittenttyrannicalincomparableaurasuddenly, evenhas pressedin the main halldozensEmperorexpert!
就在此时,外面突然涌现出一阵阵强横无匹的气息,甚至压过了大殿中数十位帝君强者!In an instant, dozensformsappearin the Heavenly Desolatemain hallentrance.
转眼间,数十道身影出现在天荒大殿门口。Is the person of headwears a azurelong gown, unemotional, firststeps into the main hall!
为首之人穿着一袭青色长袍,面无表情,最先踏入大殿之中!Whenthisazurerobemanwalks into the main hall, the aura that made the personpalpitationfilled the air, coveredin the top of the head of main hallpeople!
Many emperors in main hall, canfeel a fear that came from in the bloodlinesdeep place!
大殿中的众多帝君,能感受到一股源自于血脉深处的恐惧!Thisisbloodline suppression!
这是血脉压制!Northern Kun EmperorSouthern Peng EmperorandFrost Dragon EmperorhaveKun Clan of powerfulbloodlineslike this, the Péngclan, Dragon Clanare hardto avoid!
就连北鲲帝君南鹏帝君和冰霜龙帝这样拥有强大血脉的鲲族,鹏族,龙族都难以避免!In the main hall, instantaneouslybecomescompletely silent!
大殿之中,瞬间变得鸦雀无声!„Whichneedsto walk?”
The azurerobemanlooks all around, fallsonNorthern Kun Emperorand the others the bodies, lightsaying: „Icanfirstdeliverhimto start off.”
嘶!A few words, Northern Kun Emperorand the othersfeelabsolutely terrified, the scalpsendsto explode!
只是一句话,北鲲帝君等人就感到一阵毛骨悚然,头皮发炸!As ifso long astheydareto say a character, thisazurerobemanwill act, sends inKingdom of the Underworldthemdirectly!
似乎只要他们敢说一个字,这位青袍男子就会出手,直接将他们送入阴曹地府!Unrulyold ape, in the heartshakesat this time.
就连桀骜不驯的老猿,此时都心中一震。Seesthisperson, in the eyepupileruptsonegroup of blood light, the lookis excited, the doublefistgrips tightly, is restrainingdiligently!
他认得这个青袍男子。InitiallybringsRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, extinguishedmassacreshalfBlood Ape Worldperson, wasthisperson!
当初带着奉天界,灭杀掉半个血猿界的人,就是此人!Butthisperson, is notinRealm of the Mandate of Heavens the person, but came from Heavenly Court!
而这个人,并非是奉天界中人,而是来自天庭!Moreover, old apeobviouslycanfeel, thisazurerobemanwas stronger than the past years!
The Su Zimovisionsweeps, fallsonthiscrowd of Emperorexpertwaisttoken, abovewrites a "Azure"character.苏子墨目光一扫,落在这群帝君强者的腰间令牌上,上面写着一个‘苍’字。
Of Vault HeavenNine Heavens.九天之一的苍天。Inthisazurerobemanbehind, Su Zimoalsosees an acquaintance.
在这位青袍男子身后,苏子墨还看到一个熟人。Azure Flame Emperor.青炎帝君。Just, Azure Flame Emperordoes not recognizehim.
The azurerobemanand other Heavenly Courtemperorsenterin the main hall, goestoward the frontline.
青袍男子等五十位天庭帝君进入大殿之中,朝着前方行去。Lord of the Radiance Worldand the othersset outin abundance, the lookis respectful, bowsto salute.光明界主等人纷纷起身,神色恭敬,躬身行礼。Northern Kun Emperorand the otherscould not bearthispressure, bows the retreat.北鲲帝君等人承受不住这种压力,纷纷躬身后退。
A azurerobemanvisionrevolution, fallson the body of old ape.
青袍男子目光一转,落在老猿的身上。old apesaton the chairthroughout, at this timealsostands upslowly, clenches the teeth, is raising the head, does not salute!老猿原本始终坐在椅子上,此时也缓缓站起身来,咬紧牙关,昂着脑袋,并不行礼!„Yourthismorality.”
The azurerobemanthinks little, butpasses throughfromold ape, optionalsaying: „In the past, shouldkillyourcrowd of Hou Zi (monkey).”
The body of old apeshiversslightly, does not utter a word.老猿的身体微微颤抖,一声不吭。Under the gaze of people, the azurerobemanarrives on the seat of honor that the main hallcomes betweennaturally, sat, seems master.
在众人的注视下,青袍男子自然而然的来到大殿居中的主位上,坐了下去,仿佛就是此间的主人。OtherHeavenly Courtemperors, takes a seatin the high-rankin abundance.
其余天庭的众位帝君,也纷纷在上位落座。Only then, Northern Kun Emperorand othertalentssuddenly, thesevacanciesleftthisgroup of people!
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