Realm of the Mandate of Heavens.奉天界。Insecret realmmain hall.秘境大殿中。SixRealm of the Mandate of HeavensWorld Lordcome betweensitsabreast in row, bymain hall, but alsositsdozensEmperorexpertin turn.
六位奉天界界主居中并排而坐,在大殿两侧,还依次坐着数十位帝君强者。SixWorld Lordalsocome, so manyemperorsarrive at the main hall, definitelysomeimportant mattersconsulted.
六位界主同时现身,还有这么多帝君来到大殿,肯定是有要事相商。„That sideHeavenly Worldspreadsseveralnews.”
A Emperorsaid: „It is noteworthy that Immortal King that has the body of twelfth gradeGood Fortune Azure Lotus, namedSu Zimo, bringsonecrowd of Lower Realmlives, raises a disturbanceinNine Firmaments Immortal Territories, destroys completely a territory, twobigimmortal country, but alsokilledseveralImmortal King, latermoves out.”
“哦?”AndWorld Lordlightwell, is somewhat surprised.
其中一位界主轻咦一声,有些惊讶。ThisWorld Lordgolden-haired and blue-eyed, obviouslyisinGod Clan the person.
这位界主金发碧眼,明显是神族中人。Just, after arriving atRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, hemustgive up the God ClanstatusandDao name, byname of blessingMandate of Heavens, is calledGod Emperor of the Mandate of Heavens.
只不过,来到奉天界之后,他就要放弃神族的身份和道号,以奉天之名加持,被称为奉天神帝。God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenssaid: „Immortal King, raises a disturbanceinNine Firmaments Immortal Territories, without the Emperoracts?”奉天神帝道:“一个仙王,在九霄仙域大闹一场,没有帝君出面?”„No.”
“没有。”ThatEmperorexpertsaid: „It is saidat that timeseveralEmperorexpertwere protectingthisSu Zimoin secret, heard that hasKunpeng WorldtwoWorld Lord, newLord of the Dragon World, Sword WorldIroncrownEmperor.”
那位帝君强者道:“据说当时有几位帝君强者在暗中守护着这个苏子墨,听说有鲲鹏界的两位界主,新的龙界之主,还有剑界的铁冠帝君。”„ThisSu Zimo, althoughcomesLower Realm, butwiththesesuperior world, as ifsomerelations, will otherwise not supportforhim.”
“这个苏子墨虽然出身下界,但与这些超级大界,似乎都有些联系,否则也不会为他撑腰。”AnotherEmperorsaid: „ThisSu Zimo, is actually the Sword WorldfirstBurial Sword Peaklord, Su Zhu, thereforeheandSword Worldrelateclosely.”
另一位帝君道:“这个苏子墨,其实就是剑界第一任的葬剑峰主,苏竹,所以他与剑界关系密切。”„In the pastinDevils Battlefield, thischildcomprehensionmulti-channelsupreme divine ability, was vertically and horizontally invincible, a warbecomes famous, World Lordshouldseehim.”
“是他?”AnotherWorld Lordselects the eyebrowslightly.
另一位界主微微挑眉。ThisWorld LordisinStone Clan the person, but, after joiningRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, gave uppastDao name, nowis calledStone Emperor of the Mandate of Heavens.
这位界主原本是石族中人,只不过,加入奉天界之后,也放弃当年的道号,如今被称作奉天石帝。Initially, a Devils Battlefieldwar, Su ZimoHuman Murdering more than 20Supreme True Spirit, were vertically and horizontally invincible, brought totheyseveralpeople of attention.
当初,邪魔战场一战,苏子墨一人杀了二十多位无上真灵,纵横无敌,也引起他们几人的注意。The most important thing is, Su Zimoreleases«Heaven Burying Scripture»dao law, oncearousedtheirvigilances.
最重要的是,苏子墨释放出《葬天经》中的道法,曾引起他们的警觉。„Thenmanyyears, thischildhad stepped intoparadisein the past, hecultivatesenoughis actually quick.”
“这才过去多少年,此子已经踏入洞天,他修炼得倒是够快。”AnotherWorld Lordsoftly muttered.
另一位界主轻喃一声。„That hasn't Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorintervened?”
“那位九霄仙帝也没出手干预?”God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavensasked.奉天神帝问道。„From beginning to end, has not made an appearance.”AnotherEmperorreplied.
“从始至终,都没有露面。”另一位帝君答道。SixRealm of the Mandate of HeavensLordlooking pensive.
六位奉天界主若有所思。Stone Emperor of the Mandate of Heavensknits the brows: „, don’t tell methischildreallywithsomeHeaven Burying Great Emperorconnections?”奉天石帝皱眉道:“如此说来,难道此子真与葬天大帝有些关联?”„A matter.”
“还有一件事。”AnotherEmperorsinkingsound said: „SidethisSu Zimo's, presentedmore than tenRakshasasinful spirit(s), cultivation baseis not weak, besidesKing, Pseudo Emperor Levelleaves!”
“嗯?”SixRealm of the Mandate of HeavensLordat presentonebright.
After Rakshasasinful landwas shattered, billions ofRakshasasinful spirit(s)into thin air seems to be ordinary, vanishesdisappears without a trace.罗刹罪地破碎之后,数以亿计的罗刹罪灵仿佛人间蒸发一般,消失得无影无踪。For many years, has not heard from, notrail.
多年来,杳无音信,也没有一点踪迹。didn’t expect, onebravesmore than tenRakshasa Ghostkingsnow, RakshasaPseudo Emperor!没想到,如今一下冒出来十几位罗刹鬼王,还有罗刹准帝!„Interesting.”
The Stone Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenscorners of the mouthcurl upwards, spookysaying: „So long asobserves closelythisSu Zimo, alongthisclue, can certainlyfindremainingRakshasasinful spirit(s)!”奉天石帝嘴角微翘,幽幽的说道:“只要盯住这个苏子墨,沿着这条线索,一定能找到剩下的罗刹罪灵!”
A Emperorsaid: „ThisSu Zimobringsonecrowd of Lower Realmlives, runs up tonearMedium Thousandfold the place of desolate, foundednamed‚Heavenly Desolate World’planes.”
一位帝君道:“这个苏子墨带着一群下界生灵,跑到中千边荒之地,创建了一个名为‘天荒界’的界面。”„Ievensuspected that crowd of Rakshasasinful spirit(s)hideinthisHeavenly Desolate World!”
“我甚至怀疑,那群罗刹罪灵就隐藏在这个天荒界中!”Saying that anotherEmperorcoldly: „ThisHeavenly Desolate World, cultivation realmhighestcultivatoris onlyPseudo Emperor, wantsto beginnow?”
另一位帝君冷冷的说道:“这个天荒界,修为境界最高的修士只是准帝,要不要现在动手?”„Ileadseveralpeople, quite a whilewithin, canextinguishthisHeavenly Desolate World! Ifthatcrowd of Rakshasasinful spirit(s)hidein that thenoneandkilled!”
“我带几个人,半天之内,就能将这个天荒界灭了!若是那群罗刹罪灵隐藏在那,便一并杀了!”„It is not anxious.”
“不急。”God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavensnarrows the eyes, said: „IfattacksHeavenly Desolate World, otherplanesshouldnot dareto move heedlessly, butSword Worldmightmeddlevery much.”奉天神帝眯起双眼,道:“若是攻打天荒界,其他界面应该不敢乱动,但剑界很有可能会插手。”„Theydare!”
“他们敢!”Stone Emperor of the Mandate of Heavensstrikes the tableto scold, saidloudly: „Sword World, ifdaresto meddle the Realm of the Mandate of Heavensconduct, thatopposeswithHeavenly Court, Idid not mind,firstdestroys completelySword World!”奉天石帝拍案呵斥,大声道:“剑界若敢插手奉天界行事,那就是与天庭作对,我不介意,先将剑界灭掉!”BetweenStone WorldandSword World, haveseveralepochgratitude and grudges.石界与剑界之间,本就有着数个纪元的恩怨。Ifthere is a excuseto destroy completelySword World, Stone Emperor of the Mandate of Heavensdoes not mindconveniently!
若有借口灭掉剑界,奉天石帝不介意顺手为之!Realm of the Mandate of Heavensin a Great Desolationwar, foldeddozensEmperorexpert, butinEmperorexpert, stillhad more than 100!奉天界在大荒一战中,折了数十位帝君强者,但界内的帝君强者,仍有一百余位!InThree Thousand Worlds, stilldoes not have anyplanescanwithitcontending!三千界之中,仍然没有任何界面能与之抗衡!God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenssaid: „Not is only Sword World, ifRakshasasinful spirit(s)were really hiddenbySu Zimo, means, the Heavenly Desolate Worldback, shouldalsobe ableto breakRakshasasinful landexpert.”奉天神帝道:“不光是剑界,若是罗刹罪灵真的被苏子墨隐藏起来,就意味着,天荒界的背后,应该还有一位可以打破罗刹罪地的强者。”„Nowlooks like, may is in Heavenly Worldthatthree.”
“现在看来,很有可能就是天界那三位中的一个。”AnotherWorld Lordhearing this, knits the brows: „Ifrelated toBury Heaven, thismattera littlewere complex, must askHeavenly Courtto act.”
“不错!”God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenssinkingsound said: „InGreat Desolation World, ourRealm of the Mandate of Heavenslosesprevioustimeseriously, falls from the skydozensemperors, origin qidamages severely.”奉天神帝沉声道:“上一次在大荒界,咱们奉天界损失惨重,陨落数十位帝君,元气大伤。”„Ifactsnexttime, haswhatmistakeagain, the Realm of the Mandate of Heavensprestigewill be perhaps nothing left!”
“如果下一次出手,再有什么差池,奉天界的威望恐怕将荡然无存!”„Next timewill act, mustprepareappropriately, absolutely safe! The bestway, isasksHeavenly Courtto act, ifthere isPatrol Angelto get downpersonally, best.”
“下次出手,一定要准备妥当,万无一失!最好的办法,就是请天庭出面,若是有巡天使亲自下来,最好不过。”Patrol Angel, only hasnineinNine Heavens.巡天使,在九天中只有九位。BesidesnineGreat Emperor, battle strengthstrongestEmperorexpert, has the qualificationsto be labeled asPatrol Angel!
除了九位大帝之外,战力最强的帝君强者,才有资格被封为巡天使!IfThree Thousand Worldswere the big deal, Patrol AngelcanLower Realm, replacenineHeavenly CourtGreat Emperor, inspectsvariousday of myriad clans, has the supremepower of having absolute power over somebody!
若是三千界出了大事,巡天使可以下界,代替九尊天庭大帝,巡视诸天万族,有着生杀予夺的无上权力!„IfPatrol Angelarrives, perhapsalsomeans,Heavenly Courtstartedto get readyto suppressdevil!”
“若是巡天使降临,恐怕也意味着,天庭开始准备镇压邪魔了!”„Almostwas the time, althoughMedium Thousandfold Worldalsoun-birthGreat Emperor, butGreat Desolation Worldactuallyhad/leftanomaly, ifcanstrangleitahead of time, naturallybest.”
A Emperorasked: „How longcanwait forprobably?”
一位帝君问道:“大概要等多久?”God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenshesitates saying: „Will not be long, previousthreeHeavenly Courtyoung masterlose, heartCentral Capitalis suppressingall at once, wantsto stage a comeback, will not definitely missthisopportunity.”奉天神帝沉吟道:“不会太久,上次三位天庭少主铩羽而归,心中都憋着一股气,想要卷土重来,肯定不会错过这个机会。”„By the Heavenly Courtresources, about 100years, theycan the injuryrecover, when the time comesnaturallycanhave the response.”
“以天庭的资源,一百年左右,他们就能伤势痊愈,到时候自然会有回应。”Stone Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenslooks below Emperorexpert, said: „These days, youstare attightSword World and Heavenly Desolate Worldtrend, butdo not act rashly, so as to avoidalerts the enemy.”奉天石帝看着下方的一众帝君强者,道:“这段时间,你们盯紧剑界和天荒界的动向,但不要轻举妄动,免得打草惊蛇。”„Compliant!”
The emperorsset out.
众位帝君起身。Stone Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenslookice-cold, murderous-looking, saidslowly: „Actsnexttime, ismyRealm of the Mandate of Heavens the war of verticalprestige!”奉天石帝眼神冰冷,杀气腾腾,缓缓说道:“等下一次出手,就是我奉天界的立威之战!”PreviousRealm of the Mandate of Heavensdisastrous defeat, althoughstillhad noplanesto dareto challengetheirposition, butin secret, inevitablyunavoidablymanycensures.
上次奉天界惨败,虽然仍没有什么界面敢挑战他们的地位,但私底下,必然免不了诸多非议。Realm of the Mandate of Heavensneedsfullwin, sets upsupremedignityinThree Thousand Worlds!奉天界需要一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,来重新树立在三千界中的无上威严!„Good.”
The God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavenslookis callous, looks outstarry sky, indifferently said: „Turmoilwill get up, is the timetellsThree Thousand Worldscreatures of myriad clans, howshouldchooseandstand in line.”奉天神帝神色冷酷,遥望星空,淡淡道:“动乱将起,是时候告诉三千界的万族生灵,该如何选择和站队了。”
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