ESK :: Volume #32

#3147: Snort!

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Radiance World. 光明界 Outside the bright main hall, God Clan 1 million army building up, the armor glitters ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, the battle halberd big sword is sending out the endless point, the war flag is fluttering, murderous-looking! 光明大殿外,神族百万大军集结,铠甲闪烁着万丈金光,战戈大剑散发着无尽锋芒,战旗飘荡,杀气腾腾 Three God Emperor walk into the main hall. 三位神帝步入大殿之中。 Above the main hall, Lord of the Radiance World comes to sit, the look is dignified, the eye pupil opens and closes, reveals radiant brilliance, making one not dare to look at each other! 大殿之上,光明界主居中而坐,神色威严,眼眸开合间,流露出璀璨光华,令人不敢对视! World Lord, the army has built up, can leave momentarily, goes to Heavenly Desolate World to put to death dark sinner!” 界主,大军已集结完毕,随时都能动身,前往天荒界诛杀黑暗罪灵!” A God Emperor sinking sound said. 一位神帝沉声说道。 First dismissed.” “先散了吧。” Lord of the Radiance World opens the mouth suddenly. 光明界主突然开口。 Un?” “嗯?” Three God Emperor knit the brows slightly, one of them asked: World Lord, why is this?” 三位神帝微微皱眉,其中一人问道:“界主,这是为何?” Lord of the Radiance World referred to above the Heavens, said: I just received the reply of God Emperor of the Mandate of Heavens, lets God Clan hold back the troops without moving, waits for the Heavenly Court news.” 光明界主指了指天上,道:“我刚刚收到奉天神帝的回信,让神族按兵不动,等待天庭的消息。” Heavenly Court! 天庭 Three God Emperor hearing this, heart trembled. 三位神帝闻言,心中一凛 In a God Emperor heart surprised, said: „Did this matter alarm Heavenly Court?” 一位神帝心中惊讶,道:“这件事都惊动天庭了?” Pouring is not.” “倒也不是。” Lord of the Radiance World explained: Realm of the Mandate of Heavens should prepare to set up the prestige taking this opportunity, some Heavenly Court people will also get down, when the time comes, tackled was not small Heavenly Desolate World.” 光明界主解释道:“奉天界应该准备借此机会立威,天庭也会有人下来,到时候,对付的就不是一个小小天荒界了。” ...... …… 100 years of years, regarding Medium Thousandfold World numerous lives, were too short. 一百年的岁月,对于中千世界的众多生灵来说,实在太短暂了。 Numerous lives frequently close up, is thousand years, ten thousand years. 众多生灵动辄闭关,都是千年,万年。 Hundred years of years, but swiftly. 百年岁月,不过倏忽之间。 But regarding Heavenly Desolate World, 100 years, actually has the tremendous changes sufficiently! 但对于天荒界而言,一百年,却足以产生翻天覆地的变化! Has Su Zimo's twelfth grade Good Fortune Azure Lotus to assume the center, four big spiritual root situated in the four directions, absorb plundering to drift away in Medium Thousandfold World origin qi of Heaven and Earth crazily. 苏子墨的十二品造化青莲坐镇中央,又有四大灵根位于四方,疯狂吸收掠夺游离于中千世界天地元气 Good Fortune Azure Lotus even can also steal many rich origin qi from Heavenly Court! 造化青莲甚至还能从天庭中偷取到不少浓郁元气 This makes Heavenly Desolate World in just 100 years, then change with each new day, vicissitudes! 这使得天荒界在短短100年的时间里,便已是日新月异,沧海桑田! Besides Heavenly Desolate Sect, in this stretch of land, but also establishes numerous every large or small influences, has Universe Academy, has War Country, Wind Snow Ridge...... 除了天荒宗之外,在这片大地上,还建立起众多大大小小的势力,有乾坤书院,有战国,还有风雪岭…… Due to the promotion of Immortal King Linglong, Profound Principle Palace establishes in Heavenly Desolate World, Chess Immortal Jun Yu once followed Su Zimo and the others to come together, becomes Profound Principle Palace first Palace Master. 玲珑仙王的推动下,玄机宫天荒界建立起来,棋仙君瑜曾一起追随苏子墨等人过来,成为玄机宫的第一任宫主 Although Jun Yu has never done obeisance Immortal King Linglong for the master, but inherits the comprehension to result in dao law to be most. 君瑜虽然从未拜过玲珑仙王为师,但继承领悟得道法却最多。 But Profound Principle Palace in Upper Realm's first Storyteller, belongs to Lin Xuanji. 玄机宫上界的第一任说书人,非林玄机莫属。 Storyteller exist(ence), is quite special in Profound Principle Palace, is shouldering establish words the responsibility. 说书人存在,在玄机宫中极为特殊,担负着‘立言’之责。 So-called establish words, is the record history , to continue the merit, passes on the civilization, inherits Grand Dao. 所谓立言,便是记载历史,延续功德,传承文明,继承大道 On Heavenly Desolate Continent, the pitiful years of Immemorial Era Human Race total darkness, Ancient Era various sovereigns rise together simultaneously, all were recorded by Profound Principle Palace, spreads over the four directions by Storyteller. 天荒大陆上,太古时代人族暗无天日的悲惨岁月,上古时代的诸皇并起,一切都被玄机宫记载下来,由说书人传遍四方。 This time Lin Xuanji, is the Universe Academy most mystical tenth elder. 此时的林玄机,还是乾坤书院最神秘的第十长老。 Just, regarding Lin Xuanji, most likes Storyteller this status. 只不过,对于林玄机而言,还是最喜欢说书人这个身份。 With his temper, cannot idle, wants to draw the person to speak. 以他的性子,根本闲不下来,就想拉着人说话。 In Universe Academy that days, has almost not suppressed him insanely! 乾坤书院的那段日子,差点没把他憋疯! On this day, Lin Zhan and the others arrived at the Heavenly Desolate main hall, found Su Zimo, proposed: Zimo, hundred years has passed, Heavenly Desolate World has stabilized, begins to take shape, I suggested might as well to invite some planes World Lord to come to be a guest.” 这一日,林战等人来到天荒大殿,找到苏子墨,提议道:“子墨,百年已逝,天荒界已经稳定下来,初具规模,我建议不妨邀请一些界面界主前来做客。” On the one hand, becomes friends with these planes, has a relation.” “一方面,也是与这些界面结交,有个联系。” On the other hand, the lord of Sword World, Kunpeng World two World Lord, Lord of the Dragon World and the others also once acted to help us probably in the past, this invitation, is thanks.” “另一方面,像是剑界之主,鲲鹏界的两位界主,龙界之主等人当年也曾出面帮过我们,这次邀请,也算是感谢一番。” Su Zimo hesitates little, the nod said: Also good.” 苏子墨沉吟少许,点头道:“也好。” In the past, he once complied with Yun Zhu, new planes established, then invited her to visit, happen to taking this opportunity, making Yun Zhu transfer one revolution. 当年,他曾答应云竹,新的界面建立,便邀请她前来参观,正好借此机会,让云竹过来转一转。 Three Thousand Worlds overwhelming majority planes, Su Zimo has no friendship. 三千界绝大多数界面,苏子墨都没什么交情。 Most old friends who he knows, now in Heavenly Desolate World. 他所认识的大多数故人,如今都在天荒界中。 Su Zimo thinks, writes down several invitations, leaves behind the teleportation talisman article outside, finally its one throws, escorts to Sword World, Dragon World, Flower World, Heavenly World, Blood Ape World and Kunpeng World. 苏子墨想了想,写下几封邀请函,在外面留下传送符文,最后将其一抛,送往剑界龙界花界天界血猿界鲲鹏界 These invitations change to together the streams light/only, submerges void, vanishes does not see. 这几封邀请函化作一道道流光,没入虚空中,消失不见。 In the meantime, the Su Zimo heart has a feeling, the sensation to the Heavenly Desolate World east side, transmits a tremendous strength to fluctuate! 就在此时,苏子墨心有所感,感知到天荒界的东边,传来一阵巨大的力量波动! Some people break through, is attacking Paradise Realm! 有人突破,正在冲击洞天境 That side is the Universe Academy direction. 那边是乾坤书院的方向。 The Su Zimo farewell people, arrive at the Universe Academy sky, divine consciousness sweep, then sees above a summit, Mo Qing is shutting the eyes, before Dao Fruit floats Present Body, unceasingly is saving the strength, the preparation is penetrating void. 苏子墨告别众人,来到乾坤书院的上空,神识一扫,便看到一座山巅之上,墨倾闭着双眼,道果现在身前,正不断积蓄着力量,准备击穿虚空。 Her slender ten fingers, like the white jade paint brush, wave in the midair gently, stay behind wonderful peerless traces. 她的纤纤十指,如同白玉画笔,在半空中轻轻舞动,留下一道道美妙绝伦痕迹。 dao and law that these traces reveal, integrates in Dao Fruit unceasingly. 这些痕迹流露出的道与法,不断融入道果之中。 Her aura, with increase of Dao Fruit strength, increases unceasingly! 她的气息,也随着道果力量的增加,不断攀升! Su Zimo has not left, but stays here, is Mo Qing protector. 苏子墨并未离开,而是留在这里,为墨倾护法 In the surroundings of this summit, but also is standing many academy cultivator. 在这座山巅的周围,还站着不少书院修士 After seeing Su Zimo comes, softly sigh of relief. 看到苏子墨现身之后,都轻舒一口气 Lin Xuanji in the academy, Old Xuan is not too old year to year, cannot make a move. 林玄机常年不在书院,玄老年岁太大,又不能在出手。 Mo Qing attacks paradise, in the academy, no one can give her to help. 墨倾冲击洞天,书院中,没有任何人能给与她帮助。 If really had/left what accident/surprise, the people are at a loss. 真若是出了什么意外,众人都束手无策。 World Lord came, everyone feels relieved.” 界主来了,大家放心吧。” Yang Ruoxu sees Su Zimo to come, cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, chuckle. 杨若虚看到苏子墨现身,微微拱手,轻笑一声。 Su Zimo also signals by nodding. 苏子墨也点头示意。 Why also does not know, breakthrough progress smooth Mo Qing, as if heard anything, the aura in within the body suddenly becomes extremely unstable, is chaotic. 也不知为何,原本突破进展顺利的墨倾,似乎听到了什么,体内的气息突然变得极不稳定,混乱不堪。 Continues, even there is to accidentally discharge the demonized danger! 继续下去,甚至有走火入魔的危险! Un?” “嗯?” Su Zimo knits the brows slightly, not anxiously making a move. 苏子墨微微皱眉,并未急着出手。 How suddenly this? 怎么会突然这样? Fortunately was a moment ago good. 刚才还好好的。 In the meantime, Mo Qing opens the eyes suddenly, looked in the Su Zimo's direction. 就在此时,墨倾突然睁开双眼,朝着苏子墨的方向看了过来。 On that simple and elegant beautiful face, appears to wipe the extremely complex mood, resembles to be angry the resentment, wants to get angry also shames. 那张清雅秀丽的脸庞上,浮现出一抹极为复杂的情绪,似嗔似怨,欲怒还羞。 Mo Qing is infatuated in Dao of Painting, the state of mind is gentle throughout, like does not dye in the mundane world picture the immortal, has never had this facial expression. 墨倾醉心于画道,心境始终平和,如同不染红尘的画中仙,从未有过这种神情。 In this moment, she like exiling to fall the Mortal World female celestial, that pair of eyes pupil hidden bitterness lovingly, appears has never had moving unexpectedly! 在这一刻,她如同谪落凡间的仙女,那双眼眸幽怨含情,竟显得从未有过的动人! By the Su Zimo's state of mind, looks slightly is out of sorts. 苏子墨的心境,都看得微微失神。 But he sees the Mo Qing condition is not wonderful, thinks without enough time, divine consciousness passes message hastily, recited buddha sect(s) scrip­tures lightly: All promising laws, such as the dream bubble, such as the reveal also like the electricity, should do such as is the view!” 但他见墨倾状态不妙,也来不及多想,连忙神识传音,轻吟一段佛门经文:“一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观!” Senior Sister Mo Qing, the heart does not have the distracting thoughts, defends spiritual platform!” 墨倾师姐,心无杂念,守住灵台!” This scrip­tures truly are also useful, let alone, Su Zimo uses the method of buddha sect(s) sound domain, such as severe warning, made Mo Qing come instantaneously soberly. 这段经文也确实有用,更何况,苏子墨乃用上了佛门音域之法,如当头棒喝,瞬间让墨倾清醒过来。 Mo Qing took a deep breath, closes the eyes, but the look was still somewhat complex. 墨倾深吸一口气,又重新闭上双眼,只是神色仍是有些复杂。 A moment later, her aura, stabilizes gradually. 片刻之后,她的气息,渐渐稳定下来。 Blames you!” “都怪你!” In the meantime, before that only ice butterfly runs up to the Su Zimo body, ill-humored saying: You, or comes, she will not have an accident!” 就在此时,那只冰蝶跑到苏子墨身前,没好气的说道:“你要不来,她也不会出事!” What relations has with me? 跟我有什么关系? Su Zimo feels bewildered, will start talking, in the mind flashes through Mo Qing that to be angry the strange face, that hidden bitterness look. 苏子墨感到莫名其妙,正要开口说话,脑海中又重新闪过墨倾那张似嗔似怪的脸庞,那道幽怨的眼神。 Su Zimo knits the brows secretly. 苏子墨暗自皱眉。 He sees about no one to notice him, then from storage bag, gave his picture to take Mo Qing quietly, launched slowly. 他见左右无人注意到他,便从储物袋中,悄悄将墨倾送给他的那副画拿了出来,徐徐展开。 Sees the person in picture, Su Zimo is startled. 看到画中的人,苏子墨怔住。 This person black haired purple robe, in the hand takes silver mask, as if just picked, obviously draws is Martial Dao main body. 这个人黑发紫袍,手中拿着一张银色面具,似乎刚刚摘下来,明显画得是武道本尊 In the picture the face of person, is exactly the same as his appearance! 画中人的脸庞,与他的样子一模一样! Mo Qing has known! 墨倾已经知道了! The inscription place of this picture, does not have the Mo Qing's name. 这幅画的落款处,并没有墨倾的名字。 Only has a character. 只有一个字。 Snort! 哼!
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