Thisissueis not solved, a Heavenly Desolate Worldpresentscene, eventuallyis onlyon the sand the pavilion, the dreambubble, veryeasyshatter.
这个问题不解决,天荒界眼前的一片景象,终究只是沙上楼阁,梦幻泡影,很容易破碎。Su Zimois impossibleto stayinHeavenly Desolate World.苏子墨不可能一直呆在天荒界中。After allheis a person, is nottruespiritual root.
毕竟他是人,不是真正的一株灵根。Feng Cantiansaid: „Iftwelfth gradeGood Fortune Azure Lotus, is not even ableto revivethesefourspiritual root, reallydoes not know that alsohaswhatmethod.”风残天道:“如果连十二品造化青莲,都无法救活这四株灵根,真是不知还有什么法子。”„Actually, is notGood Fortune Azure Lotusweak.”
“其实,并非是造化青莲不够强。”Immortal King Linglonghesitates saying: „Good Fortune Azure Lotuscanprovide the enoughhugevitality, looks at the flowers and plantstrees on thispiece of land, has recovered.”玲珑仙王沉吟道:“造化青莲可以提供足够庞大的生机,看这片陆地上的花草树木,都已经复苏。”Lin Zhanshakes the head saying: „Buttheseflowers and plantstrees, after allare onlyeverything, does not needwhat good environment. ButSeven Treasure Wonderful Treethesefourspiritual root, maybe the between Heaven and Earthrareimmortalplants, the requestto the habitat is also quite harsh.”林战摇头道:“但这些花草树木,毕竟只是凡物,也不需要什么太好的环境。而七宝妙树这四株灵根,可都是天地间少有的仙种,对生长环境的要求也极为苛刻。”„That's true.”
“确实如此。”Immortal King Linglongnods, said: „Ifcanchange the soil on thispiece of land, can perhaps have the favorable turn.”玲珑仙王点点头,道:“若是能改变这片陆地上的土壤,或许就能出现转机。”„Was too difficult.”
“太难了。”Feng Cantiansighed: „Thisstretch of landdoes not know that left uncultivatedmanyyears, perhapsoverseveralepoch, have wanted in one single daywithinto change, almost impossible.”风残天叹道:“这片陆地都不知荒废了多少岁月,恐怕已经超过好几个纪元,想要在一朝一夕之内改变,几乎不可能。”„Canachieveat presentthis, has enduredcompared with the miracle.”
“能做到眼前这一幕,已经堪比神迹。”Su Zimotreads the skystands, closes eyes the ponder.苏子墨踏空而立,闭目沉思。Heis also thinking deeply about the countermeasure.
他也在思索着对策。Hears the Immortal King Linglongthreepeople of talks, makeshimhave an ideaactually, canattempt.
When flying upwards from Lower RealmCrossing Tribulation, hisGood Fortune Azure LotuscanderiveSupreme Treasures of Heaven and Earth, is Nine Heavens Breath Soil.下界飞升渡劫之时,他的造化青莲能衍生出一件天地至宝,便是九天息壤。Butat the same time, but alsoassociatedrelatedNine Heavens Breath Soilinherited memory.
而与此同时,还伴生一段有关九天息壤的传承记忆。Nine Heavens Breath Soilseems like onlypouordinaryyellow-earth, butinthatinherited memory, actuallyrecordsNine Heavens Breath Soilis beingprimogenitor of earth, mysteriousinfinite, livesinprimal chaos (hun dun).九天息壤看上去只是一抔平平无奇的黄土,但在那段传承记忆中,却记载着九天息壤乃土之祖源,玄妙无穷,于混沌而生。Part of breathing soilchange intoNine Heavens, another part ofnurturinghaveGood Fortune Azure Lotus.
一部分息壤化为九天,另一部分孕育出造化青莲。ThenSu Zimo, regardingthisinherited memory, had not completely understood.
当时的苏子墨,对于这段传承记忆,并未完全理解。Nowwantsto come, nineGreat EmperorcanbetweenMedium Thousandfold WorldandGreat Thousandfold World, constructsNine Heavens, standingisHeavenly Court, perhapsdrew support from the merit of breathing soil!
如今想来,九尊大帝能在中千世界和大千世界之间,建造九天,立为天庭,恐怕就是借助了息壤之功!If,Nine Heavens Breath Soilisprimogenitor of earth, evenGood Fortune Azure Lotuscannurturingcome out, thenmakesfourspiritual rootrestore the vitality, is not impossible!
如果说,九天息壤乃是土之祖源,连造化青莲都能孕育出来,那么让四株灵根恢复生机,也并非不可能!FallsinSu ZimohandNine Heavens Breath Soil, only thensmallpou, does not know whether to playanythingto affect.
只是,落在苏子墨手中的九天息壤只有一小抔,不知能否起到什么作用。Changes mindhence, Su Zimono longerhesitates, offered a sacrifice toNine Heavens Breath Soil, wavesto sprinkleto the stretch of land of under foot.
转念至此,苏子墨不再犹豫,将九天息壤祭了出来,挥手洒向脚下的这片大地。Nine Heavens Breath Soilfallsin the land, rapidintegrationin, vanishesquicklydoes not see.九天息壤落在大地中,迅速的融入其中,很快消失不见。ButSu Zimoobviouslycan the sensation, thestretch of landunderhisbody, have the tremendous changes.
但苏子墨明显能感知到,在他身下的这片大地,正在发生着翻天覆地的变化。Nine Heavens Breath Soil of onesmallpou, letsthispiece of landshed the mortal body and exchange the bones!
The vegetation in land, as ifreceivesanythingto stimulate, is longin the rapidinsanity, is only the light greenseedling, in an instanthas then grown into the lofty tree!
大地上的草木,仿佛受到什么刺激,在迅速的疯长,原本只是嫩绿树苗,转眼间便已经长成参天大树!Seven Treasure Wonderful Treefirstrecovers!七宝妙树最先复苏!Thisspiritual rootjustcamefrom the Pill Firmament Immortal Territorydetachmentafter all, the root hairremainsintact, nowinNine Heavens Breath Soil, myriadroot hairspreads, takes rootinthislanddeep placeagain!
这株灵根毕竟刚刚从丹霄仙域移除过来,根须保持完整,如今在九天息壤之中,万千根须蔓延,再度扎根在这片大地深处!Seventreasures on tree trunk, glittersgradually the luster.
After Seven Treasure Wonderful Treerecovery, startsto absorbto gatherMedium Thousandfold Worldorigin qi of Heaven and Earth!七宝妙树复苏之后,也开始吸收聚拢着中千世界的天地元气!Follows, is the Flat Peach Immortal Treeseedling.
紧随其后,便是蟠桃仙树的树苗。Thisseedlinggives birth to a emerald greenshoot, in a short time, thenflees a bigtruncation, becomessturdily.
这株树苗生出点点翠绿的嫩芽,在短时间内,便窜起一大截,变得粗壮许多。Immortal Willowalsograduallygives birth toroot hair, takes rootstretches outin the land, ontree trunk that dries out, grows a light greenmild-manneredwillow branch, swinging, seems to be expressingsomejoyfulexcitingmoodwith the windgently.仙柳也逐渐生出一条条根须,扎根于大地伸出,在那枯干的树干上,重新生长出一条嫩绿柔顺的柳枝,随风轻轻摆动,似乎在表达着某种喜悦兴奋的情绪。Finallyrestores the vitality, isWorryless Wood.
最后恢复生机的,就是无忧木。As one of the buddha sect(s)Three Great Sacred Trees, thissection of Worryless Woodwas strandedinAvici Hellis too long, has lost the vitality.
作为佛门三大圣树之一,这截无忧木被困在阿鼻地狱中太久,早已失去生机。Now, underdualstimulation of Nine Heavens Breath SoilandGood Fortune Azure Lotus, restoresvitalitygradually, takes rootinthis, the absorptiongathersorigin qi of Heaven and Earth, graduallylives the twig.
如今,在九天息壤和造化青莲的双重刺激之下,也渐渐恢复生气,扎根于此,吸收聚拢天地元气,渐生枝杈。Infourbigspiritual root, Worryless Treelatestrecovery, but the vitality in tree trunkis most exuberant!
四大灵根之中,无忧树最晚复苏,但树干之中的生机却最为旺盛!In the past, Buddhawas bornunderWorryless Tree.
当年,佛陀诞生于无忧树之下。Worryless Treeonnurturingsay/way of the living.无忧树本身就孕育着一种生之道。Fourbigspiritual rootrestore the vitality, startsto absorbto gatherorigin qi of Heaven and Earth, in additiontwelfth gradeGood Fortune Azure Lotus, Heavenly Desolate Worldorigin qi of Heaven and Earthis rich, has gone far beyondHeavenly World!
四大灵根全部恢复生机,都开始吸收聚拢天地元气,再加上十二品造化青莲,天荒界的天地元气浓郁,已经远远超过天界!Seesthis, the Lin ZhanFeng Cantianpeoplelooks at each otheronewith a smile, finallyfelt relieved.
看到这一幕,林战风残天众人笑着对视一眼,终于放下心来。Heavenly Desolate Worldhence, isbasesinMedium Thousandfold Worldtruly, becomes one of the Three Thousand Worlds!天荒界至此,才算是真正在中千世界立足,成为三千界之一!Old TigerQingqingLittle FoxGolden Lionfourarrive in the midair, fishes outoneto imprison the liferespectivelyspiritual treasure, the release the innumerablelives.老虎青青小狐狸黄金狮子四个来到半空中,各自摸出一个可以囚禁生命的灵宝,释放出无数生灵。Hastigerleopardsuchbeast of prey, there arefish and shrimp that roams through the rivers and streams, tinyemaciatedephemeral flyinsects......
有虎豹这样的猛兽,也有遨游江河的鱼虾,还有渺小孱弱的蜉蝣虫蚁……Somemanyrare and precious animals!
Before theseleaveGreat Desolation World, theirseveralgrasp.
这些都是离开大荒界之前,他们几个抓过来的。Knows that the Su Zimopreparationestablishesplanes, are manysomelives, will be then manysomevitalities.
知道苏子墨准备创立一个界面,多一些生灵,便会多一些生机。Theseliveswere grasped, imprisoned for more than oneyear, originallyalsohaving mind filled withresentment.
After mayarrive atHeavenly Desolate World, thisflock of birds and beastsimmediatelybecomeextremelyexcited!
可来到天荒界之后,这群飞禽走兽顿时变得极为兴奋!Compared withGreat Desolation World, heresimplyis the fairylandparadise!
The beastsets, the birdturns over to the forest, flood dragonentering the sea, the phoenixto return the nest......
兽归山,鸟归林,蛟入海,凤还巢……Heavenly Desolate World, the vigorous sign of lifeis vigorous, spectacular, is on the rise.天荒界,一片生机勃勃,气象万千,方兴未艾。Yang Ruoxuseesthis, sighs with emotionone: „Ialsoworried,innewplanes, was not necessarily ableto find any where convenientto establish the academy, nowlooks......”杨若虚看到这一幕,感慨一声:“我原本还担心,在新的界面中,未必能找到什么合适的地点建立书院,现在一看……”Fairy Chi Hongsaidwith a smile: „Nowlooks, so long asinHeavenly Desolate World, whereouracademyestablishes, compares the originalenvironmentto be much better!”赤虹仙子笑着说道:“现在一看,只要在天荒界,咱们书院建立在哪里,都比原来的环境好得多!”OnHeavenly Desolate World, the hillstower, the fogwinds around.天荒界上,群山耸立,云雾缭绕。Did not sayexaggeratingly,eachmountain peak, israreSpirit Mountain!
毫不夸张的说,每一座山峰,都是难得的灵山!Old Xuanalsofall about: „, Mythishalfbodywas buried, looks atthissituation, it is estimated that can also support for severalyears, haha!”玄老也忍不住大笑一声:“原本,我这半截身子都入土了,看这情况,估计还能多撑几年,哈哈!”Void of not far awaysplits a slit, hugeimmortal boatappears.
不远处的虚空裂开一道缝隙,一艘巨大的仙舟浮现。Abovestandsdozensfigureto be graceful, ifbeautifulHeaven Immortalfemale.
上面站着数十位身形曼妙,美若天仙的女子。Moreover, cultivation baseare not weak, isKing, evenseveralPseudo Emperorexpert!
而且,一个个的修为都不弱,很多都是王者,甚至还有几位准帝强者!Onthisimmortal boat, was the past yearsis imprisonedinRakshasasinful landRakshasa Clan, billions of!
这艘仙舟上,都是当年被囚禁在罗刹罪地的罗刹一族,数以亿计!TheseRakshasa Clan, hidinNine Nethers Great Emperor the place of inheritance.
这些罗刹族,原本躲在九幽大帝的传承之地。Now, receives the notice of Martial Dao main body, rushes tothisplace.
如今,收到武道本尊的通知,也赶到此地。Inthatpiece of mysterious land, surroundingsorigin qi of Heaven and Earthis thin, temporarilyavoidsalsogood, actually not suitablecultivation.
在那片诡秘之地,周围天地元气稀薄,暂时躲避还行,却不适合修行。In fact, theseRakshasa Clanwere imprisonedinRakshasasinful land, includingis constrained bysinful landprinciple, realmis unable to break through.
After escaping, some Rakshasa Clan, achievePseudo Emperorin a short time.
逃出去之后,就有一些罗刹族,在短时间内达到准帝。Now, arrives atHeavenly Desolate Worldsuchdangerous situation, theseRakshasa Clancontinueto cultivate, in the futurewill be bornmanyKing, Pseudo Emperor, evenisEmperorexpert!
如今,又来到天荒界这样的险境,这些罗刹族继续修炼,将来会诞生更多的王者,准帝,甚至是帝君强者!Hell Realmthatcrowd of lives, are in fact also facingsimilarsituation.地狱界的那群生灵,实际上也面临着类似的情况。Manyhell creaturesare not in Hell Realm, butbyMartial Dao main bodywith the aid ofGate of Hell, was broughtthemtoGreat Desolation Worldin secret.
很多地狱生灵早就不在地狱界中,而是被武道本尊借助地狱之门,暗中将他们带到大荒界。With the aid ofMedium Thousandfold WorldcompleteHeaven and Earth, perfectdao law, breaks throughbottleneck, steps intoEmperor Realm!
借助中千世界完整的天地,完善的道法,来突破瓶颈,踏入帝境!In other words, Su Zimo'stwo great true bodies, has in fact been controllingRakshasa, Helltwohugeregiment that has the infinitepotential!
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