Thesefourcharacters, let the Evil Emperorform, becamein the Martial Dao main bodymindclearer.
这四个字,让邪帝的身影,在武道本尊脑海中变得更加清晰了些。Evil EmperorisEvil Emperor.邪帝就是邪帝。Shehasoneselfpride.
她有着自己的骄傲。Sheevendisdainsto explain.
The under the Heavenspersonslandersme, thengoesas you like, Ido not care.天下人污蔑我,便随你们去,我不在乎。Ionlycare aboutmyfaith.
我只在乎自己的信念。Cares aboutReincarnation of Heavenly Dao, cares about the evil person to receive the properpenalty!
在意天道轮回,在意恶人就该受到应有的惩罚!Ifthere is the person of doing evilto escape fromkarma, IentrainintoBeasts Pathhim, withstands the tears and bites of otherbeastto besiege!
如果有作恶之人逃脱因果,那我就将他拽入畜生道,承受其他畜生的撕咬围攻!Evil EmperortrulywithFengduis not the typeperson.邪帝确实与酆都不是一类人。Just, on the body of Fengdu, obviouslyalsohas a biggersecret and riddle, Martial Dao main bodycannot guess correctly, could not completely understand.
只不过,在酆都的身上,明显还有更大的秘密和谜团,武道本尊猜不出,也看不透。„What does Fengdugive your firstimpressionis?”
“酆都给你的第一印象是什么?”Dié Yueaskedsuddenly.蝶月突然问道。Every so often, among peoplecontacts, the firstimpressionis quite marvelous, oftencanpenetrate the surface, seeshiddenin the thing of deep place.
“差异感。”Martial Dao main bodyhesitates saying: „Demon LordandEvil Emperor, Brahma Ghost MotherthesethreeIhave seen, butsees the Fengdumoment, felt that heandDemon Lordhas very bigdifference!”武道本尊沉吟道:“魔主、邪帝,梵天鬼母这三位我都见过,但看到酆都的一刻,就感觉他与魔主三人有着很大的不同!”„primordial spiritachievementGreat Emperor?”
“元神成就大帝?”Dié Yueasked.蝶月问道。„Thisnaturallyis one of the heandDemon Lorddifferences.”
“这当然是他与魔主三人的差别之一。”Martial Dao main bodyshakes the head saying: „Butis onlythisdifference, but also is unable to take tome the feeling.”武道本尊摇头道:“但只是这种差异,还无法带给我那种感觉。”In fact, left the Divine Firmament Palacemomentinhim, Fengduhad also once disclosedsimilarinformation.
事实上,在他离开神霄宫的一刻,酆都也曾透露过类似的信息。Fengdusaid,heandLord of Helltheyare different, even the Seamless Great Emperorworld, is unable to suppressto killhimagain.酆都说,他与地狱之主他们不一样,即便无间大帝再世,都无法将他镇压杀死。Why is this?
If onlyprimordial spiritachievementGreat Emperor, henot possibleto be certainly stronger than Lord of Helland the others.
若只是元神成就大帝,他当然不可能比地狱之主等人更强。Self-confidence of thatFengdu , from there?
那酆都的自信,又源自与那里?Demon Lordtreats the Fengduattitude, somewhatis obviously strange, seems like intendingto avoid, is not willingto mention.魔主对待酆都的态度,明显有些奇怪,似乎是在有意回避,不愿提及。Why is this?
……Inspace tunnel, hugeimmortal boatfastgoes.空间隧道中,一艘巨大的仙舟均速行驶。In the immortal boatdeck, is standingnumerousforms, byspace tunnel, is observingall aroundtrend.仙舟的甲板上,站着众多身影,透过空间隧道,观察着四周的动向。LeavesDragon Pool Star, the Su Zimo people are controllingimmortal boat, fluttersin the Three Thousand Worldsboundlessstar sea, had passed for a year.
To seek for an appropriatehabitat, is not easy.
想要寻找一处合适的栖息地,并不容易。InThree Thousand Worlds, evensuits the lifehousing the region, is almost occupiedbyvariousmajor plane.三千界中,甚至适合生灵居住的区域,几乎都被各大界面占据着。
The peoplecontrolimmortal boat, tonorth, morewalksis farther.
众人驾驭仙舟,一路向北,越走越远。Goestothisplace, the surroundingsarebleak.
行驶到此地,周围已经是一片荒凉。Althoughwas still floating the bigpiecestars, but because thisplaceorigin qi of Heaven and Earthnearlydries up, was well belowcompared withitDragon Pool Star,causesonthesestars, almostcannot seewhatlife.
虽然仍漂浮着大片星辰,但由于此地天地元气近乎枯竭,比之龙渊星都远远不如,导致这些星辰上,几乎看不到什么生灵。Butwaythesestars, can actually distinguishvaguely, before the ancientyears, onthesestarsreallyhaslifeexist(ence) the trace.
但途径这些星辰,却能依稀辨别出,在古老的岁月之前,这些星辰上确实有生命存在过的痕迹。Seesthissign, Su Zimolooking pensive.
看到这种迹象,苏子墨若有所思。Beforeseveralepoch, without the blockade of Nine Heavens, Three Thousand Worldsorigin qi of Heaven and Earthis rich, hereinevitably is also the range that origin qi of Heaven and Earthcovers.
在数个纪元之前,没有九天的封锁,三千界天地元气浓郁,这里必然也是天地元气覆盖的范围。Just, Heavenly Courtappears, interruptsmassiveorigin qi of Heaven and Earth, causingThree Thousand Worldsorigin qito be insufficient.
只不过,天庭出现,截断大量的天地元气,导致三千界元气不足。Variousmajor plane can only rely onvariousworld spirit root, derivesto plunderorigin qi of Heaven and Earth, causingthisregionto be gradually bleak.
各大界面只能凭借各种天地灵根,来汲取掠夺天地元气,导致这片区域逐渐荒凉。„Weare forced to leave native place, runs up toarea that thisbirddoes not defecatewiththisgroup of people, is really unlucky.”
“咱们背井离乡,跟着这群人跑到这种鸟不拉屎的地方,真是晦气。”„Yes, looks at the surroundingsituation, might as wellournight skystar.”
“是啊,看周围的情况,还不如咱们夜天星呢。”„Flutters, whenis a head?”
“这么飘荡下去,什么时候是个头?”Insomecabins, somecultivatormurmurs against, Su Zimois paying attentionslightly, thencanhearclearly.
一些船舱中,有些修士小声抱怨着,苏子墨稍微留意一点,便能听得清清楚楚。Regardingthesecultivator'sresentment, he can also understand.
对于这些修士的怨气,他也能理解。Just, heplanned, isas far as possiblefar away fromThree Thousand Worlds.
只不过,他原本的计划,就是尽可能的远离三千界。„Rangelord, youleadourWind Snow Ridgeso manypeopleto run, finallyflutters outside is so long, futureunknown, wasextremelyrash?”
“岭主,你带着咱们风雪岭这么多人跑出来,结果在外面飘荡这么久,前途未知,是不是太过莽撞了?”Inanothercabin, resoundstogether the sound.
另一个船舱中,响起一道声音。„Is patient, Ibelievefellow daoist Su.”
The Xia Qingyingsoundresounds.夏清盈的声音响起。„A year passed by, stops overareanot to present.”
“一年过去了,到现在连个落脚地方都没有。”Anotherpersoncomplained: „Moreover, whathabitateven iffound here, surroundingsorigin qi of Heaven and Earthis nearly dry, might as wellourDragon Pool Star, wewithsignificancewhere?”
“诸位。”Yue Haosinkingsound said: „Onthisimmortal boathasmanyexpert, probably the Su Zimofellow daoistthey, areHeaven ImmortalandTrue Spirit, theyalsoneedto cultivate, is impossibleto seek forarea that does not haveorigin qi of Heaven and Earthstops over.”岳浩沉声道:“这次仙舟上有很多强者,像是苏子墨道友他们,都是天仙、真灵,他们也需要修炼,不可能寻找一处没有天地元气的地方落脚。”Bang!
轰隆!In the meantime, immortal boattransmits a sound shakingsuddenly, fromspace tunnel, arrives in boundlessstar seaair-splitting, stoppedgradually.
就在此时,仙舟突然传来一声震动,从空间隧道中破空而出,来到茫茫星海中,渐渐停了下来。In the immortal boatdead ahead, is floating a stretch of giantland.
在仙舟的正前方,漂浮着一片巨大的陆地。Compared withthisstretch of landandHeavenly World, were naturally well below, butalsodiffers not manycompared withitDivine Firmament Immortal Territory.
这片陆地与天界相比,自然远远不如,但比之神霄仙域也相差不多。Let aloneholdscounts the ten million/surelylife, is holdsseveral billions, several hundredhundred millionlives, has more than enough to spare!
别说容纳数千万生灵,便是容纳数十亿,数百亿的生灵,都绰绰有余!Just, as far as eyes can reach, thisstretch of landcovers entirely the dustgravel, the place of divine consciousnesscoverage, let aloneiswhatlife, a vegetationcannot see!
只不过,一眼望去,这片陆地布满尘土砂砾,神识覆盖之处,别说是什么生灵,就连一株植被都看不到!Incabins, numerouscultivatoralsowalkedin abundance.
一座座船舱中,众多修士也纷纷走了出来。Counts the ten million/surelycultivatorlifeto standonimmortal boat, dense and numerous, looks as far as the eye can seeto look, sees the frontthatstretch of land, eyeCentral Capitalis difficultto cover the disappointedcolor.
数千万修士生灵站在仙舟上,密密麻麻,纵目望去,看到前方的那片陆地,眼中都难掩失望之色。„Wefrom now ondo not stop overinthis?”
“咱们今后不会是要在这落脚吧?”„Thismayreallybecome the place of desolation the birddid not defecate.”
“这可真成了鸟不拉屎的荒芜之地。”„Orgoes home?”
“要不打道回府吧?”„Withoutthisimmortal boatescorts, depends onourcultivation base, how to be living?”
“没有这种仙舟护送,就凭咱们的修为,怎么可能活着回去?”Yue Hao, Xia Qingyingand the othershad just comforted the Wind Snow Ridgepeople, mayseethis, is silent, does not know how shouldexplain.岳浩、夏清盈等人刚刚安慰过风雪岭众人,可看到这一幕,也沉默下来,不知该如何解释。In the crowdtransmits an intermittentvoice, is even more noisy.
人群中传来一阵阵声浪,越发嘈杂。Lin Zhan, Immortal King Linglong, Feng Cantianand the otherswere not worriedbut actually.林战、玲珑仙王、风残天等人倒并不担心。After allSu ZimoseizedSeven Treasure Wonderful Treethat sidePill Firmament Immortal Territory, hasthisworld spirit root, even ifcannot compareHeavenly World, still can always improveherecultivationenvironment.
The peopleworried,insuchbadenvironment, Seven Treasure Wonderful Treewhether to survive......
众人就是担心,在这样恶劣的环境下,七宝妙树能否成活……Su Zimoand the othersfallfromimmortal boat, walk flying in the sky, arrives at the sky of thismainland.苏子墨等人从仙舟上落下,御空而行,来到这片大陆的上空。Su Zimofromstorage bag, tookthatSeven Treasure Wonderful Tree, throwsconveniently, fallsonDongfang (east) of thismainland.苏子墨从储物袋中,将那株七宝妙树拿了出来,随手一扔,落在这片大陆的东方。Lin Zhanknits the browsslightly.林战微微皱眉。
The environment of thismainlandis so bad, even ifSeven Treasure Wonderful Treelives, origin qi of Heaven and Earth that the surroundingssurroundperhaps, is unable to coverin the trimmainland.
这片大陆的环境如此恶劣,就算七宝妙树活下来,周围环绕的天地元气,恐怕都无法覆盖在整片大陆。ItsplaceinDongfang (east), may be unable toconsider, north and middlebigpiecearea.
将其置放在东方,可能无法照顾到西、南、北和中间的大片疆域。Lin Zhanis just aboutto open the mouth, Immortal King Linglongpinchedunderhisbig handgently, shakes the headslightly, hintshimnot to needto worry, continue look is.林战正要开口,玲珑仙王轻轻捏了下他的大手,微微摇头,示意他不必着急,继续看下去便是。Immortal King Linglong believes that Su ZimonotcasualthenthrowsSeven Treasure Wonderful Treein the east side, decideshoweveralsohasfollowing.玲珑仙王相信,苏子墨不会随随便便的便将七宝妙树扔在东边,定然还有后续。Sure enough!
果不其然!Su Zimofromstorage bag, puts out a witheredwillow branchquickly, throwsconveniently, makinghimtake rootin the south.苏子墨很快又从储物袋中,拿出一根干枯的柳枝,随手一扔,让其扎根于南方。„Is this...... Immortal Willow?”
“这是……仙柳?”Lin ZhanandMr. and Mrs.Immortal King Linglongat presentonebright.林战、玲珑仙王夫妇眼前一亮。Immortal WillowAzure Firmament Immortal Territoryworld spirit root, butthisImmortal Willow, obviouslydies!仙柳正是青霄仙域的天地灵根,只不过这根仙柳枝,明显是死的!
Shortly after Seven Treasure Wonderful Treejustextracted downward, within the bodyis also retainingmassivevitalities, butthisImmortal Willow, does not haveleast bitvitality.七宝妙树刚刚拔下来不久,体内还保留着大量生机,可这根仙柳枝,却没有半点生气。Su Zimoalsotakesthatsection of Worryless Wood in storage bag, lays asidein the West.苏子墨又将储物袋中的那一截无忧木拿出来,放置在西方。FinallyFlat Peach Treeseedlingplanterin the north.
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