Seven Treasure Wonderful TreeImmortal WillowWorryless WoodFlat Peach Immortal Treeisextremelyrareworld spirit root, because of this, wishmakesthemsurvive, becomesextremelydifficult.七宝妙树仙柳无忧木蟠桃仙树都是极为稀有的天地灵根,也正因为如此,想要让它们成活,也变得极为困难。In the pastinUniverse Academy, Su ZimooncetriedresurrectingImmortal WillowandWorryless Wood, continued for manyyears, alwayshad no sound.
当年在乾坤书院的时候,苏子墨就曾尝试复活仙柳和无忧木,持续多年时间,却始终没有什么动静。Now, arrives at the place of thisdesolation, the surroundingenvironmentis worse, let aloneisthisrare and preciousworld spirit root, onthisstretch of land, the least bitvegetationcannot even see, is completely a wilderness!
如今,来到这片荒芜之地,周围的环境更加恶劣,别说是这种珍稀的天地灵根,这片陆地上,连半点植被都看不到,完全是一片荒漠!Wishmakesfourbigspiritual rootrestore the vitality, isdifficultsuch asto ascend to heaven.
想要让四大灵根恢复生机,更是难如登天。Butis not impossible.
但也并非全无可能。InUniverse Academy, Su Zimo'sAzure Lotus True Body, has not grownto the twelfth gradepeak.
在乾坤书院的时候,苏子墨的青莲真身,并未成长到十二品巅峰。Moreover, Azure Lotus True BodyinUniverse Academycultivation, alwayssomescruples, does not dareto absorborigin qi of Heaven and Earthfull power, is worriedto cause the toobigsound.
而且,青莲真身在乾坤书院修行,总有些顾忌,不敢全力吸收天地元气,担心引起太大的动静。Now, regardinghaving the matter of Good Fortune Azure Lotus, Su Zimohas not neededto cover up , to continue to hide.
如今,对于拥有造化青莲之事,苏子墨已经不必遮遮掩掩,继续隐藏下去。Fromsomeperspective, twelfth gradeGood Fortune Azure Lotusisworldrarestspiritual root, evenbe more powerful than Heavenly WorldTree of Foundationdivine tree!
从某个角度来说,十二品造化青莲就是世间最为稀有的灵根,甚至要比天界的建木神树还要强大!Therefore, Su Zimois not worriedto go to the place of whatdesolation.
所以,苏子墨并不担心前往什么荒芜之地。Even if a wilderness, he can also turn into the oasisit!
The Su Zimorevolutionbloodlines, within the bodyspreadssound of the intermittentsea tideslowly.苏子墨缓缓运转血脉,体内传出一阵阵海潮之声。
The nextquarter, underglare of the public eye, the Su Zimo'sformhas vanisheddoes not see, what replaces it isbluish-greenazure lotustakes root in the land, shoots up to the sky!
下一刻,在众目睽睽之下,苏子墨的身影已经消失不见,取而代之的是一株碧绿色的青莲扎根大地,冲天而起!Good Fortune Azure Lotusdrags the emit light, lotus flowerblooms, bursts out the multicolored sunlightauspiciouscolor!造化青莲摇曳生光,莲花绽放,迸发出霞光瑞彩!Inthis moment, Good Fortune Azure Lotusas ifcommunicatesHeaven and Earth, becomesgods who controlsonly one in Heaven and Earth!
“这……”Numerouscultivatoris dumbfounded, the whole faceis shocking, unbelievableis looking atthis.
呼!Countsnear the cultivatorear of ten million/surely, suddenlyhears an intermittentviolentwind sound/rumor.
数千万的修士耳边,突然听到一阵阵猛烈的风声。Has not waited for the peopleto respond,boundlesssuch asseaorigin qi of Heaven and Earth, is comingfromfour sidesall directions, is gatheringabovethisstretch of land!
还没等众人反应过来,磅礴如海的天地元气,正从四面八方汹涌而来,聚集着这片陆地之上!Theseorigin qi of Heaven and Earthgatherunceasingly, regardingaroundthatbluish-greenazure lotus, spreadstoward the place of desolationunceasingly!
这些天地元气不断聚拢,围绕在那株碧绿色的青莲周围,向着荒芜之地不断蔓延!origin qi of Heaven and Earth on thispiece of land, is even more rich!
这片陆地上的天地元气,越发浓郁!Numerouscultivatorstare dumbfounded, looksto be dumbfounded.
众多修士瞠目结舌,都看傻了眼。Inthem, majoritycome from the Heavenly Worldperipheralmanybleakstars, origin qiis thin, wherehas feltsomassiveorigin qi of Heaven and Earth.
The peoplebyrichorigin qi of Heaven and Earthwrap up, the whole personwere been ignorant.
众人被浓郁的天地元气包裹着,整个人都是懵的。Let aloneisthey, the cultivationinHeavenly Worldcultivationsomecultivator, fromWar Country, Heavenly Desolate Sect, the Divine Firmament Immortal Territorypeople, lookedstartledto accommodateprobablyat this time.
The cultivationenvironment on thisland, compared withittheminHeavenly World, differsare not many.
这片陆地上的修行环境,比之他们在天界的时候,也相差不多了。But the change of twelfth gradeGood Fortune Azure Lotusplacetothisdesolation, has not stopped!
而十二品造化青莲对这片荒芜之地的改变,还未停止!origin qi of Heaven and Earth on thispiece of land, but also is increasing!
这片陆地上的天地元气,还在增加!Shortonedouble-hourpasses by, onlyon the origin qi of Heaven and Earthrichdegree, evenhas startedto surpassHeavenly World!
短短一个时辰过去,单就天地元气的浓郁程度来看,甚至已经开始超过天界!This, to the Lin ZhanFeng Cantianpeople, is inconceivable!
这一幕,对林战风残天众人来说,都是难以想象!In fact, reason thatcanachievethiscondition, benefitsfrom the Good Fortune Azure Lotusterrifying.
实际上,之所以能达到这种状况,得益于造化青莲的恐怖。At this moment, Good Fortune Azure Lotustakes rootin the land, buthislotus floweralmostmustbreak open the vault of heaven.
此刻,造化青莲扎根于大地之中,而他的莲花几乎要撑破苍穹。Su Zimoobviouslycanfeel, Good Fortune Azure Lotusnot onlyinabsorbsorigin qi of Heaven and EarthfromThree Thousand Worldsstarry sky, itis even derivingcontinuouslyorigin qi of Heaven and EarthfromHeavenly Court!苏子墨明显能感受到,造化青莲不仅仅是在从三千界的星空中吸收天地元气,它甚至在从天庭汲取着一缕缕天地元气!AlthoughnineHeaven Sealinglocks, is unable to preventplundering of Good Fortune Azure Lotus!
The change of place of thisdesolation, but also is continuing.
这片荒芜之地的改变,还在继续。Inthis moment, Su ZimoincarnationGood Fortune Azure Lotus, the innumerableroot hairspreadunceasingly, hisdivine consciousness, followingtheseroot hair, spreadsto each corner of thisstretch of land.
在这一刻,苏子墨化身造化青莲,无数根须不断蔓延,他的神识,也顺着这些根须,蔓延到这片大地的每个角落。In fact, in the deep place of thisstretch of land, is burying the innumerablevegetationroot hairseed.
Because, origin qi of Heaven and Earthis gradually dry, causing the vitality on thislandto diverge, the innumerablelivesperish, the flowers and plantstreesalsowitherin abundanceon the wane.
只不过,由于天地元气逐渐干涸,导致这片陆地上的生机散去,无数生灵灭亡,花草树木也纷纷枯萎凋零。At this moment, under the stretchedspread of Good Fortune Azure Lotusroot hair, puts the infinitevitalityforthisstretch of land, awakenedtheseflowers and plantstrees!
此刻,在造化青莲根须的舒展蔓延之下,为这片大地注入无限生机,也唤醒了这些花草树木!Under the gaze of innumerablesay/wayvision, the originalwilderness, appearsgradually the first layersight of green.
在无数道目光的注视之下,原本的荒漠,渐渐浮现出一层绿意。Originaldesert, growsgradually the bigpiecesea-buckthorn.
原本的戈壁,渐渐生长出大片的沙棘。Onthatpiece by piecebarerollingmountain range, graduallygrows the vegetation, luxuriant green, full of vitality!
轰隆!In the meantime, in the skytransmitsthunderclap!
就在此时,天空中传来一声惊雷!In an instant, is cloudy.
The Feng Cantianvisionlike the electricity, the figuremoves, places oneselfin the cloud layer, formsflamingeye-catchingthunderseain the surroundings!风残天目光如电,身形一动,置身于云层之中,在周围形成一片炽盛夺目的雷霆海洋!
The spring thundermakes a soundfor the first time, myriad thingsrecovery!
哗啦啦!In an instant, heavy rain pouring downunder!
转眼间,大雨倾盆而下!Counts the ten million/surelyLower Realmlifeto place oneselfin the heavy rain, whatever the rainwatersoaked throughclothing, is the whole faceis excited.
数千万下界生灵置身于大雨之中,任凭雨水淋透衣衫,却是满脸兴奋。Thisis not the ordinaryrainwater.
这不是普通的雨水。origin qi of Heaven and Earth on thispiece of landis extremely rich, butthisheavy rainsdescend, fusesendlessorigin qi of Heaven and Earthbythunder and lightningdao law, causeseachdrop of rainwater, is ordinarylikespirit liquid!
The place of originalpits, gatheredcompletely the rainwatergradually, formed a piece by piecelake.
原本的坑洼之处,渐渐蓄满了雨水,重新形成一片片湖泊。Aroundgreen mountain, the greenwatersurrounds.
青山周围,绿水环绕。Riversgallopingis restless, since the summitcrashes, likeHanging the Heavens Waterfall, arouses the bigpiece the spray, the mistis dense.
河流奔腾不息,从山巅坠落,如同垂天瀑布,激起大片的浪花,雾气氤氲。In the mountain valley, the spring water, Bai Hua (hundred flowers)fires a salvo, the butterflydances in the air.
山谷之中,泉水汩汩,百花齐放,蝴蝶飞舞。Thisheavy raincontinued for one day and one night, graduallystands still, Feng Cantianis pale, the consumptionis big, butin the eyeactuallyfullisgratified.
After the heavy rain, in the sky the sea of cloudsis vast, unpredictable, a gorgeousriotousrainbowstretches across the land, enhances one another's beautywithGood Fortune Azure Lotus of thatexceedingly higheven/includingplace!
大雨之后,天空中云海浩瀚,变幻莫测,一道绚丽缤纷的彩虹横跨大地,与那株通天连地的造化青莲交相辉映!Somepeopleare shutting the eyes, stretches out the arms, is feeling the surroundingall.
有人闭着双眼,张开双臂,感受着周围的一切。Someperson of mindsurge, laughsloudly.
有人心神激荡,放声大笑。Somepeoplecould not have endured patiently, throws into the lake, roams throughrecklessly.
有人早已忍耐不住,一头扎进湖泊中,肆意遨游。Somepeopleholdmoistsoil, deeplyis smellingafterthattype of heavy rain, the soilmixes the delicate fragrance that the vegetationis sending out.
有人捧起一把湿润的泥土,深深嗅着那种大雨过后,泥土混合着草木散发出来的清香。Somepeoplekneel downon the ground, is looking at the surroundingall, has had tears streaming down the face.
有人跪倒在地上,望着周围的一切,已是泪流满面。Visioninstituteandplace, butseesthousandrockcompetitionshows, ten thousandravinestrugglesto flow, the vegetationis abundant, brilliant purple and red, the mountainverdant green, the smokewaveis vast, ifcloudZhengxiais luxuriant.
目光所及之处,但见千岩竞秀,万壑争流,草木丰盈,姹紫嫣红,青山滴翠,烟波浩渺,若云蒸霞蔚。Thiswhereis the place of whatdesolation.
这哪里是什么荒芜之地。Thissimplyis a fairyland!
这简直就是一片仙境!Do not saywhatDragon Pool Star, is Heavenly Worldcompared with the presentstretch of land, was well below!
The Wind Snow Ridgepeopleare looking atpresentone, the whole faceis shocking.风雪岭众人怔怔的望着眼前的一幕,满脸震惊。Present, regardingpeople, likemiracle!
The originalquestion, complained, has long evaporated.
原本的质疑,抱怨,早已烟消云散。„Just...... were thatallUncle Sudo?”
A mountaincrysnugglesinXia Qinghua'sbosom, stares the bigeyes, unbelievableasking.
岳一鸣依偎在夏清华的怀中,瞪大双眼,难以置信的问道。Let aloneisthischild, Yue HaoXia Qingyingtwo peopleare unable to imagine.
别说是这个孩子,就连岳浩夏清盈两人都无法想象。Su Zimoas ifimaginesthemis more powerful than!苏子墨似乎比他们想象中的还要强大!
Will True Spirit, have this method of changing the world?
“应该是吧……”Xia Qingyingsoftly muttered, sawchild in a bosomsubconsciously, latercalls out in alarmone!夏清盈轻喃一声,下意识的看了一眼怀中的孩子,随后惊呼一声!„What's wrong?”
“怎么了?”Yue Haoaskedhastily.岳浩连忙问道。Xia Qingyingdivine consciousnessinvestigatesseveralon the body that the mountaincalled, could not bearask: „You, how does your childbreak through?”夏清盈的神识在岳一鸣的身上探查好几遍,忍不住问道:“你,你这孩子怎么又突破啦?”LeavesDragon Pool Startime, the mountaincalled is also onlyfourth rankProfound Immortal.
离开龙渊星的时候,岳一鸣还只是四阶玄仙。Justafternourishing of surroundingsorigin qi of Heaven and Earth, the washout of spiritrain, has broken throughagain, cultivatesfifth rankProfound Immortal!
刚刚经过周围天地元气的滋养,灵雨的冲刷,已经再度突破,修炼到五阶玄仙!„Does not know that is the cultivationvery difficult?”
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