Xia Qingyingthinks,hesitateswas saying: „fellow daoist Su, youcomejust right, hasmatterseveral of us unable to make up mind, wantsto askyou.”夏清盈想了想,迟疑着说道:“苏道友,你来得正好,有件事我们几个拿不定主意,想问问你。”„Leaves the Dragon Pool Starmatter.”
“离开龙渊星的事吧。”Su Zimosaidwith a smile, in the hearthas guessed correctly a general idea.苏子墨笑着说道,心中已经猜出个大概。Xia Qingyingnods, said: „A while ago, Wind Snow RidgecametwonamedLin LeiandLin LuotwoExalted Immortal, invitingusto go tounknownplace.”夏清盈点点头,道:“前段时间,风雪岭来了两位名为林磊、林落的两位上仙,邀请我们前往一个未知之地。”Lin Zhanhearing this, askedsuddenly: „Can the twooncedependcultivation baseto bullyyou?”林战闻言,突然问道:“那两人可曾仗着修为欺压你们?”„No, no!”
“没,没有!”Xia Qingyingbeckons with the handhastily, said: „ThattwoExalted Immortalpeopleare very good, is also very politetoourtheseflying upwards from Lower Realmcultivator.”夏清盈连忙摆手,道:“那两位上仙人很好,对我们这些下界飞升的修士也很是客气。”Duan Tianliangcannot bearsay: „The twodo not occupy a commanding positionlikeotherExalted Immortalcompletely, arrogant, Ifelt that someare not real.”段天良忍不住说道:“那两人完全不像其他上仙那样居高临下,盛气凌人,我都感觉有些不真实。”Lin Zhannods.林战点点头。Immortal King Linglongcould not bearhitLin Zhangently, ill-humoredsaying: „ToLei'erandLuo'er, youhadn't felt relieved?”玲珑仙王忍不住轻轻打了一下林战,没好气的说道:“对磊儿、落儿,你还不放心?”
The Wind Snow Ridgepeoplesee that look the unusual look.风雪岭众人见状,面露异色。Su Zimodivine consciousnesssweeps, Xia Qingyingand the otherscultivation realm, have understood clearlyinheart.苏子墨神识一扫,夏清盈等人的修为境界,就已经了然于心。Canascendarrive at the Upper Realm'slife, the talentis not bad.
能飞升来到上界的生灵,天赋都不差。Ifchanges a cultivationenvironment, origin qi of Heaven and Earthis rich, theircultivation realmare not limited to thiscertainly, at least can also step intoEarth Immortal.
若是换一个修炼环境,天地元气浓郁,他们的修为境界绝不止于此,至少也都能踏入地仙。Su Zimosaid: „ Isuggested that youleavehere, origin qi on Dragon Pool Staris extremely thin, but the Heavenly Worldsituationis chaotic, is notgood, stays here, might as wellopennewplaneswithustogether. „苏子墨道:“我建议你们离开这里,龙渊星上的元气太过稀薄,而天界形势混乱,已非善地,留在这里,不如跟我们一起去开辟一个新的界面。“„Does fellow daoist Sualsogo?”
“苏道友也去吗?”Yue Haoasked.岳浩问道。Su Zimonods.苏子墨点点头。Yue HaoandXia Qingyingpeoplehearing this, looks at each otherone, almostnothesitant, the nod, said: „Wealsogo!”岳浩、夏清盈众人闻言,对视一眼,几乎没有犹豫,都纷纷点头,道:“那我们也去!”Theydid not understandLin LeiandLin Luo, but the Wind Snow RidgepeoplebelieveSu Zimo.
对于林磊、林落他们不了解,但风雪岭众人相信苏子墨。Su Zimosaid: „Un, preparesas soon as possible, having a look atmany people willingto leavetogether, when the time comessomepeoplewill takeyouto mountimmortal boat, starts offtogether.”苏子墨道:“嗯,尽快准备一下,看看有多少人愿意一起离开,到时候会有人来接你们登上仙舟,一起上路。”Alsoconfessedseveral, the Su Zimopeopleare not longin the Wind Snow Ridgestay, thengoes toelsewhere.
又交代了几句,苏子墨众人并未在风雪岭逗留太久,便前往别处。Looksform that Su Zimoand the otherswere departing, the Wind Snow Ridgepeoplearesob.
望着苏子墨等人离去的身影,风雪岭众人都是唏嘘不已。Duan Tianliangsighs with emotion: „didn’t expect, more than 10,000yearspasses, Boss Suhas mixedsuchwell, withhiminthatgroup of people, lookstogethercultivation baseis not low, not being able to do wellis the Heaven Immortalranks!”段天良感慨道:“没想到啊,这才一万多年过去,苏老大已经混得这么好了,跟他在一起那群人,看着修为都不低,搞不好都是天仙级别!”„Heaven Immortalfeared that continues.”
“天仙怕是不止。”Yue Haosteps intoEarth Immortalafter all , went to a Heavenly Worldmainland, the visionis higher than others, the sinkingsound said: „Iam supposing, inthisgroup of people, possiblyhasTrue Immortal!”岳浩毕竟踏入地仙,又去过一次天界大陆,眼界高于旁人,沉声道:“我估摸着,这群人中,可能有真仙!”„Probablythatvisionsuch aselectricitybig man, is impressive, may beTrue Immortal.”
“像是那个目光如电的大汉,气度不凡,就有可能是真仙。”Xia Qingyingsaidsuddenly: „Husband, yousaid that fellow daoist Sutheydo have the possibility, justraisedthatseveralpeerlessexpertto be relatedwithyou?”夏清盈突然说道:“夫君,你说苏道友他们有没有可能,与你刚刚提过那几位绝世强者有关?”
„ Has the possibility! „
“有可能啊!“Yue Haoat presentonebright, nodsagain and again, said: „Looks atfellow daoist Suthisstance, shouldbe ableto transfersomemanpower, is very likelyin the Heaven’s Wrathking, good fortuneImmortal King, the War Kingsubordinateto take orders.”岳浩眼前一亮,连连点头,道:“看苏道友这架势,应该能调动一些人手,极有可能在天怒王,造化仙王,战王麾下听命。”Shen Feisaid with a smile: „Then, wefollowbehindfellow daoist Su, cannot do a good job inalso the organicmeetingto seethesegreat people!”沈飞笑道:“如此一来,咱们跟在苏道友后面,搞不好也有机会见见那些大人物呢!”InDragon Pool Star, Su Zimoand the othersstopped over for more than tendays.
在龙渊星,苏子墨等人逗留了十几天。Except forNine Firmaments Immortal Territories, Demon TerritoryandPure Land of BlisssomeLower Realmlives, convenes, the peoplealsodispersego toaroundHeavenly World, onsimilarDragon Pool Starsomestars, gatheredpart of Lower Realmlives.
除了将九霄仙域、魔域、极乐净土的一些下界生灵,召集过来,众人还分散前往天界周围,类似龙渊星的一些星辰上,聚集了一部分下界生灵。Just, wantsbackexiling home, followsthem, person who goes tounknownplace, wastoofew.
只不过,愿意背影离乡,追随他们,前往一个未知之地的人,还是太少了。Thatfutureuncertainty, makesnumerouscultivatorstep backsufficiently.
那种未来的不确定性,就足以让众多修士却步。Goes throughinstarry sky, innumerableimaginationbad risks, peoplewhether to seek for a where convenientto perch, isunknown.
在星空中穿行,还有无数的想象不到的凶险,众人能否寻找到一个合适的地点栖息下来,都是未知。Let alone, opensnewplanes.
就更别说,开辟一个新的界面。Even ifthere isWar Country, Heavenly Desolate Sect, the summons of Universe Academytheseinfluences, the peopleleaveDragon Pool Star, preparesto start, the Lower Realmlife on immortal boat, stillonly thencountsten million/surely.
即便有战国,天荒宗,乾坤书院这些势力的号召,众人离开龙渊星,准备启程的时候,仙舟上的下界生灵,也只有数千万。Ordinary the starslikeDragon Pool Star, the Lower Realmlifehasseveral hundreds of millions.
要知道,像龙渊星这样普通的星辰,下界生灵都有数亿之多。Regardingworry of numerousLower Realmlife, Su Zimocanunderstand, has not demanded.
对于众多下界生灵的担忧,苏子墨都能理解,也并未强求。immortal boatstarts, submergesspace tunnel, tonorthboundgoes.仙舟启程,没入空间隧道,一路向北行去。
After Martial Dao main bodyleavesHeavenly World, firstreturns toGreat Desolation World.武道本尊离开天界之后,第一时间回到大荒界。Dié Yuehas the woundafter allin the body, heis always in suspense.蝶月毕竟有伤在身,他始终放心不下。InDivine Firmament Palace, heis not willingto fightwithHeaven Burying Great Emperorahead of time, is worried about the Dié Yuesafety.
在神霄宫,他不愿与葬天大帝提前交手,也是担心蝶月的安危。Let alone, toMartial Dao main body, hedoes not needanxiouslywithHeaven Burying Great Emperor, ormakes warwithHeavenly Court.
The timedragsfor a long time, moreis favorableforhim!
时间拖得越久,对他就越有利!Henow, butjuststepped intoEmperor Realm.
他如今,只是刚刚踏入帝境。So long as the timeis enough, hegoes a step furtheragain, cultivatesEmperor Realmgreat accomplishment, evenEmperor Realmperfection, opensWar of Slaying the Heavenswhen the time comesagain, thenhas a biggerodds of success!
只要时间足够,他再进一步,修炼到帝境大成,甚至帝境圆满,到时候再开启伐天之战,便有更大的胜算!„What kind of?”
“怎么样?”Dié YueseesMartial Dao main bodyto return, revivesfrom the condition of sitting in repose with eyes closed, askedin a soft voice.蝶月见武道本尊归来,从闭目养神的状态中苏醒过来,轻声问道。Martial Dao main bodyamong the talkwithNine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, will tell.武道本尊将与九霄仙帝之间的谈话,讲述了一遍。Dié YuehearsHeaven Burying Great EmperorisLord of the Underworldtime, revealswipessurprisedly.蝶月听到葬天大帝就是地府之主的时候,也露出一抹惊讶。RelatedHeaven Burying Great Emperormanyinformation, extremelyshockto her!
After long time, Dié Yuehesitates saying: „Youhad not begunat that time, have, on the one hand, isbecausehas scruplesDemon Lord, Evil EmperorandBrahma Ghost Mother?”
“嗯。”Martial Dao main bodynods, said: „Thesethreeafter allareShura Path, Beasts Path, the lord of Hungry Ghosts Path, is extremely close to the relations of Kingdom of the Underworld.”武道本尊点点头,道:“这三位毕竟是修罗道,畜生道,饿鬼道之主,与阴曹地府的关系太过密切。”Dié Yuesaid: „Brahma Ghost MotherIhave not contacted, Demon Lordhad also had a talkother day, is unable to determine. As forEvil Emperor, Ioncecontactedwithherafter a period of time.”蝶月道:“梵天鬼母我没接触过,魔主也只是上回有过一次谈话,无法确定。至于邪帝,我曾与她接触过一段时间。”„SheandBury Heaven, absolutelyare not the typepeople!”
The Dié Yuetoneis assured.蝶月语气笃定。„Oh?”
The Martial Dao main bodylookmoves, reveals the color of inquiry.武道本尊神色一动,露出询问之色。Dié Yuehad once raisedthis matter, buthas not stated in detail.蝶月曾提过此事,但并未详说。It can be said that Dié YueisEvil Emperorinthatperson who thismostfavors, will therefore look forher.
可以说,蝶月是邪帝在这一世最看好的那个人,所以才会找上她。Even the Dié Yuerejection, Evil Emperorhas not felt embarrassedher.
就算蝶月拒绝,邪帝也没有为难她。Dié Yuesaid: „Evil Emperorhates the wicked as if they were personal enemies, believesReincarnation of Heavenly Dao, the good is rewarded with good, evil will be requited with evil. Therefore, shewill entrainintoBeasts Paththeseevil people, the generation after generationsis withstandingsuffering.”蝶月道:“邪帝嫉恶如仇,相信天道轮回,善有善报,恶有恶报。所以,她才会将那些恶人拽入畜生道,生生世世承受着折磨。”„Actually, herbehavior, cannot callcompletelyevilly. Herfaith, in my opinion, evenis somewhat naive.”
“其实,她的行为,完全称不上邪恶。她的这个信念,在我看来,甚至有些天真。”Su Zimonods.苏子墨点点头。Worldhasmuchis too unfair, the good is rewarded with good, evil will be requited with evil, eventuallyis onlywishful thinking of people.
世间有太多不公,善有善报,恶有恶报,终究只是人们的一厢情愿罢了。Great Emperor of oncethese, tohit the blockade of Potian (splitting heaven)courtyard, chose a heaven defyingwar, not onlyfell from the sky, but also is shouldering the endlessinfamy, whatreward for good works did theyalsoobtain?
曾经的那些古之大帝,为了打破天庭的封锁,选择逆天一战,不但陨落,还背负着无尽的骂名,他们又得到了什么善报?Heavenly CourtnineGreat Emperoraloof and remote, overlook the world, enslavesall living things, blockscreatures of myriad clansflying upward's road, raisedseveral timescatastrophe of Heaven and Earth, cancelledalltruth, establishedRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, did an inspectionto monitormyriad clans, guilty of the most heinous crime, whatretribution for evildoing did they have?天庭的九尊大帝高高在上,俯视人间,奴役众生,封锁万族生灵的飞升之路,掀起数次天地浩劫,又抹去一切真相,创立奉天界,巡查监视万族,罪大恶极,他们又有什么恶报?Alsoonly hasFlaming Heaven Great Emperor, nowby the Seamless Great EmperorsuppressioninAvici Hell.
也只有一位炎天大帝,如今被无间大帝镇压在阿鼻地狱之中。Dié Yuesaid: „Ihad once asked her matter, the worldslandersyouforEvil Emperor, said that youforevil spirit(s), whyyouhave never explained?”蝶月道:“我曾问过她一件事,世人污蔑你为邪帝,称你为邪灵,你为何从未解释过?”„How did shesay?”
“她如何说?”Martial Dao main bodyasked.武道本尊问道。„Ido not care.”
“我不在乎。”Dié Yueis imitating the Evil Emperortone, saidonelightly.蝶月模仿着邪帝的语气,淡淡的说了一句。
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