ESK :: Volume #32

#3140: where the Immortal touched the top of my head

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The Wind Snow Ridge guard, does not have any warned. 风雪岭的守卫,没有任何示警。 Outside group of people, arrive probably baseless in the Wind Snow Ridge sky, hears sound of the conversation discussion! 外面这群人,就好像凭空降临在风雪岭的上空,传来一阵交谈议论之声! Although has sound together to listen to be somewhat familiar-sounding, Yue Hao and Xia Qingying people heart startled, also thinks without enough time, sets out in abundance, goes out of the main hall. 虽然其中有一道声音听来有些耳熟,岳浩夏清盈众人心惊之下,也来不及多想,纷纷起身,走出大殿。 Sees only has dozens form treads the sky to stand, is looking to all around. 只见有数十道身影踏空而立,正看向四周。 In this group of people have everybody, various, some females live well attractively, beautiful does not result in the local products, really like does not dye the mundane world female celestial. 这群人中有男女老少,各色各样,有的女子生得好漂亮,美得不可方物,真如同不染红尘的仙女。 Some expert are sending out powerful monster qi, is growing the tiger's head, does not belong to Human Race! 有的强者散发着强大的妖气,长着虎头,根本就不属于人族 The only similarity, is cultivation base of this group of people is very high! 唯一的相同点,就是这群人的修为都很高! High to the level that the Wind Snow Ridge people cannot investigate completely. 高到风雪岭众人完全探查不出来的层次。 The frontline of this group of people are standing the three dao (path) form, left that person of voice loud and clear like thunder, chatted, free and easy bold, during the pupil light rotations, had the electricity glow twinkle, cannot watch intently! 这群人的最前方站着三道身影,左边那人声音洪亮如雷,谈笑间,洒脱豪放,眸光转动之间,却有电芒闪烁,不可逼视! Rightmost that figure big tall and strong, the bearing is calm, the graces have a long time to occupy the high-rank the dignity, looks that the appearance somewhat looks familiar, where as if has seen. 最右边的那位身形高大魁梧,气度沉稳,举手投足都带着一种久居上位的威严,看着面相有些眼熟,似乎在哪里见过。 That person of green shirt black haired of mediation, pretty, be with smile on the face, looks to seem scholar of polite scholarly. 居中的那人青衫黑发,眉清目秀,面带微笑,看着好似一位温文儒雅的书生 Su, Su, Boss Su?” “苏,苏,苏老大?” Duan Tianliang as if discovered anything, in the sound has one to shiver with excitedly. 段天良似乎发现了什么,声音中带着一丝颤抖和激动。 Yue Hao also stares the big eyes, looking is being that green shirt cultivator in three people, is pleasantly surprised, cannot bear say: Qingying, you looked quickly that person seems like......” 岳浩也瞪大双眼,望着为首三人中的那位青衫修士,又惊又喜,忍不住说道:“清盈,你快看,那人好像是……” Xia Qingying at this moment, is looking at that form, in the beautiful pupil reveals the unbelievable color. 此刻的夏清盈,也怔怔的望着那道身影,美眸中流露出难以置信之色。 Shen Fei, Gu Wenjun and the others also notice that green-shirted man, suddenly at the scene, dumbfounded! 沈飞顾文君等人也注意到那个青衫男子,一时间都愣在当场,目瞪口呆! Even if the people recognize the person, but looks that the person with periphery that crowd of Exalted Immortal stands, goes on as if nothing had happened, the people do not dare to recognize each other rashly. 就算众人认出来人,但看着来人与周围那群上仙站在一起,谈笑自若,众人也不敢贸然相认。 This feeling, looks like the playmates of two childhood, many years later has a reunion time, discovered that the opposite party has conferred nobility upon to be appointed prime minister, powerful. 这种感觉,就像是两个幼年的玩伴,多年后重逢的时候,发现对方已经封侯拜相,位高权重。 This sense of distance, indescribable. 这种距离感,难以言喻。 In the meantime, that green shirt cultivator turns the head, saw the Wind Snow Ridge people, descends without consulting anybody, before arriving at the people body, cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, says with a smile: „, Has been well since last meeting.” 就在此时,那位青衫修士转过头来,也看到了风雪岭的众人,径自降落下来,走到众人身前,微微拱手,笑道:“诸位,别来无恙。” Brother Su...... is Exalted Immortal, really you?” 苏兄……上仙,真的是你?” Yue Hao said two characters, later realizes anything, changed a statement hastily, cautious asking. 岳浩说了两个字,随后意识到什么,连忙改口,小心翼翼的问道。 Su Zimo beckons with the hand, says with a smile: Where has what Exalted Immortal, gets down the immortal, among us, without these smelly customs.” 苏子墨摆摆手,笑道:“哪有什么上仙,下仙,我们之间,没这些臭规矩。” Hears this familiar tone, Duan Tianliang determines truly, exciting yelling: Boss Su, is really you! You, you go out for more than 10,000 years, this was developed!” 听到这个熟悉的语气,段天良才真正确定下来,兴奋的大叫:“苏老大,真的是你!你,你出去一万多年,这是发达了啊!” Lin Zhan, Feng Cantian, Ye Ling, Old Tiger, Nian Qi, Xiaoning, Ji Yaojing and the others also descend in abundance, hears the so straightforward words, the people could not bear smile. 林战风残天夜灵老虎念琦小凝姬妖精等人也纷纷降落下来,听到如此直白的话,众人都忍不住笑了出来。 Is.” “算是吧。” Su Zimo also chuckle. 苏子墨也轻笑一声。 Shen Fei, Gu Wenjun and the others also go forward to greet hastily. 沈飞顾文君等人也连忙上前打了声招呼。 Just, has a reunion again, when the Wind Snow Ridge people are excitedly excited, somewhat restricts anxiously. 只不过,再次重逢,风雪岭众人兴奋激动之余,又都有些拘束紧张。 Mother, who is he?” “娘,他是谁呀?” Snuggles that child side Xia Qingying, is winking the nimble and resourceful eyes, curious looks at Su Zimo, asked on the quiet. 依偎在夏清盈身边的那个孩童,眨着灵动的双眼,好奇的看着苏子墨,悄悄问道。 He.” “他呀。” Xia Qingying eye socket slightly red, small sound said: He is mother with you have raised Uncle Su, that many times people who help our Wind Snow Ridge get through difficult times.” 夏清盈眼眶微红,小声道:“他就是娘跟你提过的苏叔叔,那位帮助咱们风雪岭渡过好多次难关的人。” „.” “啊。” In the mouth of child exudes one to call out in alarm, looks that the Su Zimo's eyes are sparkling, is glittering the ray. 孩童的口中发出一声惊呼,看着苏子墨的双眼亮晶晶的,闪烁着光芒。 Xia Qingying looks at Su Zimo, in the heart surges the endless feeling, the look is complex. 夏清盈看着苏子墨,心中涌起无尽的感慨,神色复杂。 More than 10,000 years ago, she knows, at present this person looks like divine dragon, but encounters the accident/surprise, is dormant on Dragon Pool Star. 一万多年前,她就知道,眼前这个人就像是一条神龙,只不过遭到意外,才蛰伏在龙渊星上。 , This person will leave finally on the 1st. 终有一日,这个人会离开。 She has not even thought that among them, see again/goodbye possibility. 她甚至没想过,他们之间,还有再见的可能。 More than 10,000 years, regarding the Wind Snow Ridge people, on the past, the change were not unknowingly big. 一万多年,对于风雪岭众人来说,不知不觉就过去了,变化并不大。 But until seeing the Su Zimo's moment, in the heart of people have an absent-minded feeling, the original more than 10,000 years of years, that person on cultivation Grand Dao, has gone out that far...... 但直到看到苏子墨的一刻,众人的心中才生出一种恍惚之感,原来一万多年的岁月,那个人在修行大道上,已经走出那么远…… The Su Zimo vision falls on the body of that child, beckons with a smile. 苏子墨目光落在那个孩童的身上,笑着招了招手。 Even some Wind Snow Ridge once old friends, in front of Su Zimo, became somewhat cautious. 即便是风雪岭曾经的一些故人,在苏子墨面前,都会变得有些拘谨。 This child actually does not show one's ignorance, sees Su Zimo to beckon, instead extremely exciting running over, is supine the small face, is looking at Su Zimo. 这个孩童却不露怯,看到苏子墨招手,反而极为兴奋的跑过来,仰着小脸,望着苏子墨 What did you call?” “你叫什么呀?” Su Zimo asked with a smile. 苏子墨笑着问道。 „A cry, a mountain cry!” “一鸣,岳一鸣!” The child eyes are bright, crisp replying. 孩童双眼明亮,脆生生的答道。 Su Zimo smiles, stretches out the palm, rubbed the top of the head of child gently. 苏子墨笑了笑,伸出手掌,轻轻揉了揉孩童的头顶。 The children blink. 孩童眨眨眼。 This is a very common movement. 这本是个很寻常的动作。 Father mothers and other uncle uncles, frequently like this to him. 父亲母亲和其他的叔叔伯伯,也经常这样对他。 But why does not know, this Uncle Su's palm falls in his top of the head, he as if feels a warm current to flood into within the body, flows to all the limbs and bones. 但不知为何,这位苏叔叔的手掌落在他的头顶上,他仿佛感受到一股暖流涌入体内,流向四肢百骸。 He felt that the body is warm, comfortable of saying, the whole body pore, as if has opened. 他感觉身体暖洋洋的,说出来的舒服,浑身的毛孔,仿佛都已经张开。 The children feel one to be stranded intent, during the eyelid is gradually heavy, is blurry, remembers mother to read to his poem: where the Immortal touched the top of my head, the knot sends by longevity......” 孩童感受到一阵困意,眼皮渐渐沉重,迷迷糊糊之中,不禁想起母亲念给他的一句诗:“仙人抚我顶,结发受长生……” He fell asleep, two do not need to be worried.” “他只是睡着了,两位不必担心。” Su Zimo said with a smile. 苏子墨笑着说道。 The 5 or 6-year-old child, the body encounters the so huge transformation suddenly, somewhat cannot withstand, a sleep/felt rests, slowly digestion this change. 只是五六岁的孩童,身体突然遭到如此巨大的蜕变,有些承受不住,才一觉睡过去,慢慢消化这种改变。 Yue Hao and Xia Qingying somewhat were also worried, but is quick, two people stare the big eyes. 岳浩夏清盈原本还有些担心,但很快,两人就瞪大双眼。 Sees only their children in the sleep, realm is breaking through quietly...... 只见他们的孩子在睡梦中,境界正悄无声息的突破…… Breaks through three layers continuously, has arrived at fourth rank Profound Immortal! 连续突破三重,已经来到四阶玄仙 Yue Hao and Xia Qingying two people are pleasantly surprised. 岳浩夏清盈两人又惊又喜。 Su Zimo is obviously giving their child chance, is only in an instant, then breaks through three realm! 苏子墨明显在送给他们的孩子一番机缘,只是转眼间,便突破三个境界 On Dragon Pool Star, wants to break through single layer realm, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 龙渊星上,想要突破一重境界,都难如登天。 Su Zimo demonstrates now the method, to them, is simply ordinary like the miracle! 苏子墨如今显示出来的这种手段,对两人来说,简直如同神迹一般! In fact, Su Zimo to the chance of this child, by Yue Hao and Xia Qingying cultivation realm, cannot look. 实际上,苏子墨给这个孩童的机缘,以岳浩夏清盈修为境界,根本都看不出来。 Breaks through three layers realm, is only the superficial thing. 突破三重境界,只是最表面的东西。 Su Zimo to this child biggest chance, with the aid of the strength of Good Fortune Azure Lotus, for his altering muscle cleansing the marrow, shed the mortal body and exchange the bones, removes physical body every embryo, making fleshly body and bloodline be transformed, lays the cultivation foundation! 苏子墨给这个孩子最大的机缘,是借助造化青莲之力,替他易筋伐髓,脱胎换骨,褪去肉体凡胎,使得肉身血脉得到蜕变,打下修行根基! This child on future cultivation road, will be twice the result with half the effort. 这个孩子在将来的修行之路上,会事半功倍。 A Su Zimo vision revolution, falls on a jade bracelet in child wrist/skill. 苏子墨目光一转,落在孩童手腕上的一个玉镯上。 He punctures oneself fingertip, squeezes out a drop of blood, falls on this jade bracelet, performs sacrificial refining by divine consciousness, integrates the jade bracelet this drop of blood, forms fine peerless blood-color traces above! 他刺破自己的指尖,挤出一滴鲜血,落在这个玉镯上,以神识加以祭炼,将这滴鲜血融入玉镯,在上面形成一道道精美绝伦的血色纹路! The Wind Snow Ridge people naturally cannot see what positive result. 风雪岭众人自然看不出什么名堂。 But Lin Zhan, Feng Cantian and others were clear, do not look to only have a drop of blood, that is twelfth grade Good Fortune Azure Lotus blood essence! 林战风残天等一众人都清楚,别看只有一滴血,那可是十二品造化青莲精血 Even if this child can cultivation True Oneness Realm, this Xue Wen (blood mark) jade bracelet, can play the huge role to him! 哪怕这个孩童能修炼到真一境,这个血纹玉镯,都能对他起到巨大的作用! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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