ESK :: Volume #32

#3139: Re-enters the former home grounds

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Dragon Pool Star. 龙渊星 The stars of dissociation beside Heavenly World, cannot enjoy the Tree of Foundation divine tree good fortune, origin qi of Heaven and Earth is thin. 游离于天界之外的一颗星辰,享受不到建木神树的福泽,天地元气稀薄。 Here gathers is almost the Lower Realm lives. 这里聚集的几乎都是下界生灵。 Does not have any Upper Realm's original resident immortal is willing to rush to here, more than 10,000 years ago, in a Dragon Pool Star abyss, there is a treasure born. 没有什么上界的原住仙人愿意跑到这里来,除了一万多年前,龙渊星的一道深渊中,有宝物出世。 At that time, brought in many Exalted Immortal, erupted a shaking the heavens and earth war in this place, made the Lower Realm life on Dragon Pool Star open a vision. 当时,引来不少上仙,在此地爆发出一场惊天动地的大战,也让龙渊星上的下界生灵开了一次眼界。 In addition, Dragon Pool Star relatively has been tranquil. 除此之外,龙渊星一直相对平静。 The Heavenly World chaos caused by war rises from all directions, but no one has a liking for this origin qi barren stars, the flames of war have not naturally burnt here. 天界战乱四起,但没什么人看上这颗元气贫瘠的星辰,战火自然也没有烧到这里。 After all Dragon Pool Star, can only be under Great Jin Immortal Country in the Azure Clouds County area, common stars. 毕竟龙渊星,只能算是大晋仙国麾下青云郡疆域内,一颗毫不起眼的星辰。 As of late, more and more Heavenly World expert arrive. 只是,最近这段时间,越来越多的天界强者降临。 But this time battle formation and scale, more than 10,000 years ago that time many of wanting the terrifying! 而这一次的阵势和规模,比一万多年前那次要恐怖的多! Some expert, the aura that but reveals unknowingly, makes numerous lives on Dragon Pool Star feel the tremendous pressure, uneasy. 有的强者,只是不经意流露出来的气息,就让龙渊星上的众多生灵感到巨大的压力,惴惴不安。 origin qi on Dragon Pool Star is thin, the resources are deficient. 龙渊星上的元气稀薄,资源匮乏。 Here, can cultivation nine tribulations Profound Immortal, is the people of naturally gifted. 在这里,能修炼到九劫玄仙,都是天赋异禀之人。 Arrived this step, so long as is able, almost will choose to go to the Heavenly World mainland, seeks better cultivation environment. 到了这一步,只要有能力,几乎都会选择前往天界大陆,寻求更好的修炼环境。 Therefore, on once Dragon Pool Star, first rank Earth Immortal almost could not even see! 所以,曾经的龙渊星上,连一阶地仙几乎都看不到! Now, so many expert from Heavenly World mainland get together in this place, here Lower Realm life did not have anything clearly. 如今,这么多来自天界大陆的强者齐聚此地,这里的下界生灵都不清楚发生了什么。 Only those who make numerous life slightly feelings feel at ease, some time passes, these come from expert of Heavenly World mainland, has not harmed anybody on Dragon Pool Star. 唯一让众多生灵略感心安的是,一段时间过去,这些来自天界大陆的强者,并未伤害龙渊星上的任何人。 On Dragon Pool Star, opens place of desolate wilderness, temporarily stops over. 只是在龙渊星上,开辟出一片蛮荒之地,暂时落脚。 What is more strange, these Heavenly World expert are divided into the different raids to come, looks at him to dress up the clothing, obviously came from the different influences. 更加奇怪的是,这些天界强者分成不同的批次过来,看其装扮服饰,明显来自不同的势力。 But these expert, are quite friendly, has never erupted any conflict. 可这些强者相互之间,却颇为友善,从未爆发过任何冲突。 ...... …… Wind Snow Ridge. 风雪岭 More than 10,000 years ago, Wind Snow Ridge is not the super influence on Dragon Pool Star. 在一万多年前,风雪岭并不算龙渊星上的超级势力。 But afterward, after Lower Realm life ascend, arrives in Wind Snow Ridge, in the short more than 100 years, then changed the entire Dragon Pool Star pattern and influence domain! 但后来,一位下界生灵飞升之后,降临在风雪岭,在短短一百多年内,便改变了整个龙渊星的格局和势力版图! Helps Wind Snow Ridge, becomes on Dragon Pool Star one of the biggest influences. 帮助风雪岭,一跃成为龙渊星上最大的势力之一。 Just, this Lower Realm life left Dragon Pool Star afterward, from now on will not then have the news. 只不过,后来这位下界生灵离开龙渊星,自此便没了消息。 In recent years, under range lord Yue Hao and Mr. and Mrs. Xia Qingying operation, Wind Snow Ridge steadily develops, although had also once experienced several chaos caused by war, but is shocking but not dangerous. 这些年来,在岭主岳浩夏清盈夫妇的经营之下,风雪岭稳步发展,虽然也曾经历过几次战乱,但都有惊无险。 In Wind Snow Ridge main hall. 风雪岭的大殿中。 Xia Qingying, Duan Tianliang, Shen Fei, Gu Wenjun and the others gathered in this place, lord Yue Hao not. 夏清盈段天良沈飞顾文君等人聚在此地,领主岳浩并不在。 Xia Qingying sits on the seat of honor of main hall, in the look reveals to wipe the color of recollection, is saying some past events to her 5 or 6-year-old child. 夏清盈坐在大殿的主位上,眼神中流露出一抹回忆之色,跟她身边一位五六岁的孩童说着一些往事。 Duan Tianliang and the others also insert several occasionally. 段天良等人也偶尔插上几句。 That past events are not long, Xia Qingying is worried, saying is not exhaustive, in a while, then said. 那段往事并不算长,夏清盈心事重重,讲得也不算详尽,没过多久,便讲完了。 Child eyes Divine Spirit moves, when listens to the story, will become will be peaceful. 那孩童眼神灵动,只有在听故事的时候,才会变得安静下来。 At this moment, he raises head slightly, is looking at Xia Qingying, curious asking: Mother, then?” 此刻,他微微仰头,望着夏清盈,好奇的问道:“母亲,然后呢?” Xia Qingying smiles, said: Then, your Uncle Su leaves Wind Snow Ridge, went to the Heavenly World mainland wanderer.” 夏清盈莞尔一笑,道:“然后,你那位苏叔叔就离开风雪岭,前往天界大陆闯荡去了。” Duan Tianliang opens the mouth saying: By the Boss Su skill, is not definitely weak on Heavenly Desolate Continent in these Heaven Chosen, more than 10,000 years pass by, perhaps have been top Earth Immortal, even Heaven Immortal has the possibility!” 段天良开口道:“以苏老大的本事,在天荒大陆上肯定也不弱于那些天骄,一万多年过去,恐怕早就是顶级地仙,甚至天仙都有可能!” Shen Fei sighs with emotion: Said, before because past fellow daoist Su left, left behind many origin spirit stone and other resources, we can in the short more than 10,000 years, cultivated this step.” 沈飞感慨道:“说起来,还是因为当年苏道友离开之前,留下不少元灵石等资源,我们才能在短短一万多年的时间里,修炼到这一步。” Several people in main hall, almost cultivation eighth rank and ninth rank Profound Immortal level. 大殿中的几人,几乎都修炼到八阶九阶玄仙的层次。 This realm, on Dragon Pool Star, almost at most peak! 这个境界,在龙渊星上,几乎处在最巅峰! In recent years, only then Yue Hao steps into Earth Immortal before thousand years. 这些年来,也只有岳浩千年前踏入地仙 Just, cultivates the environment so, is resource-deficient, the thousand years years, Yue Hao throughout is first rank Earth Immortal, does not have the progress. 只不过,修炼环境如此,资源匮乏,千年岁月,岳浩始终是一阶地仙,毫无进展。 The people planned, goes to Heavenly World mainland wanderer together, has a look at that Azure Clouds County length and breadth area. 众人原本打算,一同前往天界大陆闯荡一番,看看那青云郡的广袤疆域。 But on Dragon Pool Star came so many people, Yue Hao to guess that side suddenly Heavenly World possibly was the big deal. 龙渊星上突然来了这么多人,岳浩猜测天界那边可能出了大事。 Dragon Pool Star outside the Heavenly World mainland, ill-informed, Yue Hao then decided that goes to that side Azure Clouds County of Heavenly World mainland to investigate, makes the decision again. 龙渊星天界大陆之外,消息闭塞,岳浩便决定前往天界大陆的青云郡那边探查一番,再做决定。 But these days, in these expert, two come to visit. 而这段时间,那些强者中,有两人前来拜访。 cultivation realm of future, Xia Qingying and the others could not completely understand completely, least is also Heaven Immortal. 来者的修为境界,夏清盈等人完全看不透,最少也是天仙 But these two expert facing them, do not have the slight rack, has not harmed them, but invited them to go to unknown place, jointly established new planes. 但这两位强者面对他们这些人,却没有丝毫架子,也没有伤害他们,而是邀请他们前往一个未知之地,共同建立一个新的界面 Xia Qingying asked: That two named Lin Lei and do the Lin Luo two Exalted Immortal words, how see?” 夏清盈问道:“那两位名为林磊林落的两位上仙的话,诸位怎么看?” We about them knew that were too few.” “咱们对他们了解太少了。” Duan Tianliang feels the chin, said: According to that two Exalted Immortal said that where even they must go, oneself were not clear, this matter was far-fetched.” 段天良摸着下巴,道:“按照那两位上仙所言,连他们要去哪里,自己都不清楚,这事不靠谱。” I felt actually that two Exalted Immortal manners are good, the conduct is candid, has no evil intention to us.” Gu Wenjun said. “我倒是感觉,那两位上仙为人不错,行事磊落,对咱们没有什么恶意。”顾文君道。 Shen Fei curls the lip, said: One may know a person's face but not what's in his heart, this decision, may relate the Wind Snow Ridge innumerable brothers' lives, best be more prudent.” 沈飞撇撇嘴,道:“知人知面不知心,这个决定,可关系着风雪岭无数兄弟的性命,最好还是慎重一些。” Waits for husband came back, has a look whether to inquire what news.” “等夫君回来,看看能否打探到什么消息吧。” Xia Qingying sighed one lightly. 夏清盈轻叹一声。 Yue Hao had gone on several th, has not heard from, some of her unavoidably worries. 岳浩已经去了好几日,杳无音信,她不免有些担心。 In the meantime, outside hears a clothes sleeve sound air-splitting, the people go following the prestige, see only together hurrying back of form have endured the hardships of a long journey, is Yue Hao! 就在此时,外面传来一阵衣袂破空之声,众人循声望去,只见一道身影风尘仆仆的赶了回来,正是岳浩 The people set out in abundance. 众人纷纷起身。 That side Heavenly World truly had an accident!” 天界那边确实出事了!” Yue Hao arrives in the main hall, opens the mouth saying: That side is in great confusion, I do not dare to walk too, but inquired several matters, Great Jin Immortal Country already destruction!” 岳浩来到大殿中,开口道:“那边乱成一团,我没敢走得太远,只是打听到几件事,大晋仙国已经覆灭了!” „!” “啊!” The people call out in alarm one. 众人惊呼一声。 Yue Hao said: I heard that Great Jin Immortal Country Monarch of the country, was killed by Demon Territory Heaven’s Wrath Demon King. Another immortal country monarch, was killed by what Yaksha Ghost!” 岳浩道:“我听说,那位大晋仙国的一国之君,被魔域的一位天怒魔王所杀。还有另一个仙国的国君,被什么夜叉鬼杀死了!” That side was too chaotic, many great people come in abundance, what good fortune Immortal King, War King, is we listen to not to listen to peerless expert!” “那边太乱了,好多大人物纷纷现身,什么造化仙王,战王,都是咱们听都没听过的绝世强者!” „Did father, these Demon King, what Immortal King call?” “爹爹,这些魔王,仙王都叫什么呀?” That child cannot bear ask. 那个孩童忍不住问道。 Yue Hao smiled, said: „A cry, these peerless expert given names, father where can inquire obtains, does not dare to inquire rashly.” 岳浩笑了下,道:“一鸣,这些绝世强者的名讳,爹爹哪里能打听得到,也不敢贸然询问啊。” Xia Qingying pays a visit two Exalted Immortal, inviting the Wind Snow Ridge people to leave Dragon Pool Star, goes to unknown place the matter, said probably under. 夏清盈将两位上仙登门拜访,邀请风雪岭众人离开龙渊星,前往一处未知之地的事,大概说了下。 „Does husband, how you see?” “夫君,你怎么看?” Xia Qingying asked. 夏清盈问道。 Yue Hao hesitates for a long time, said slowly: I suggested hold back the troops without moving, our foundations in this, wanted to migrate completely, means that must discard all that these years operated.” 岳浩沉吟许久,才缓缓道:“我建议还是按兵不动,咱们的根基在这,想要全部迁移,就意味着要舍弃这些年来经营的一切。” Moreover, which that unknown place, no one knows, can be what appearance, no one can talk clearly. Perhaps, its cultivation environment might as well Dragon Pool Star?” “而且,那个未知之地在哪,没人知道,会是什么样子,也没人能说清楚。或许,它的修炼环境还不如龙渊星呢?” Brother Su, is here your ascend temporary lodging?” 苏兄弟,这里就是你飞升落脚之地?” Yes, stayed for more than 100 years to leave here.” “是啊,在这里呆了一百多年才离开。” Haha, no wonder you make us come to here to gather, is also keeping thinking about some past here old friends.” “哈哈,怪不得你让我们来这里聚集,想必还惦记着当年这里的一些故人吧。” In the meantime, outside hears a conversation sound. 就在此时,外面传来一阵交谈声。 A in which sound, the main hall people are listening somewhat familiar-soundingly, seems to have met before...... 其中的一道声音,大殿众人听着有些耳熟,似曾相识……
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