ESK :: Volume #32

#3138: Being in sharp opposition

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Immortal King Qing Yang stares the big eyes, the pestle in in the original place, in the mind a blank. 青阳仙王只是瞪大双眼,杵在原地,脑海中一片空白。 What did he do? 他干了什么? Their several want to bribe Emperor Huang Wu's Good Fortune Azure Lotus unexpectedly! 他们几个居然想要染指荒武帝君的造化青莲 White Firmament Immortal Emperor and Pill Firmament Immortal Emperor just guessed the innumerable possibilities. 琅霄仙帝丹霄仙帝刚刚猜测了无数个可能。 Pill Firmament Immortal Emperor even association, Su Zimo comes Heavenly Desolate Continent, but sect named Heavenly Desolate Sect that Feng Cantian is at perhaps, Su Zimo has also joined Heavenly Desolate Sect. 丹霄仙帝甚至联想到,苏子墨出身天荒大陆,而风残天所在的宗门名为天荒宗,或许苏子墨也已经加入天荒宗 But two people how didn’t expect, Su Zimo is this Emperor Huang Wu at present! 但两人怎么都没想到,苏子墨就是眼前这位荒武帝君 When seeing Emperor Huang Wu genuine appearance, two big Immortal Emperor really have plants damn the feeling. 在看到荒武帝君真容之时,两大仙帝真有种见了鬼的感觉。 Escape! 逃! In two big Immortal Emperor mind, thousand thoughts flash through, finally is only left over this character. 两大仙帝的脑海中,千般念头闪过,最终就只剩下这一个字。 Because two people know, even if they kneel beg for mercy, Emperor Huang Wu is impossible to let off them! 因为两人知道,就算他们跪地求饶,荒武帝君也不可能放过他们! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Two big Immortal Emperor without delay, direct holding up a side world, turns around to run. 两大仙帝二话不说,直接撑起一方世界,转身就跑。 Martial Dao main body visits two people, the eyes open and close, the eye pupil deep place appears two groups of flame. 武道本尊看着两人,双眼开阖间,眼眸深处浮现出两团火焰。 Meanwhile, two people under feet, gives birth to two groups of scarlet-red flame! 与此同时,两人的脚下,也生出两团赤红色的火焰! In this dao fire flame, contains command two big Immortal Emperor to feel the palpitation strength! 道火焰中,蕴藏着一种令两大仙帝都感到心悸的力量! This is the "Dao" aura! 这是‘道’的气息! forbidden technique! 禁术 Two big Immortal Emperor change color with amazement! 两大仙帝骇然变色! Pill Firmament Immortal Emperor is only the ordinary Emperor, the light is Martial Dao main body originally control Dragon-Phoenix's flame, he cannot withstand. 丹霄仙帝只是普通帝君,光是武道本尊原本掌控的龙凰之焰,他都承受不住。 But this scarlet-red flame, after is Dragon-Phoenix's flame and Vermilion Bird skyfire fuses, forbidden technique Vermilion Bird dao fire that the evolution becomes! 而这道赤红色的火焰,乃是龙凰之焰朱雀天火融合之后,演变而成的禁术朱雀道火 Suddenly, Pill Firmament Immortal Emperor was swallowed by Vermilion Bird dao fire, fired the ashes. 只是瞬息间,丹霄仙帝就被朱雀道火吞噬,烧成了灰烬。 His small world, in this records in front of Vermilion Bird dao fire, is ordinary like the withered leaf, was lit instantaneously, his fleshly body primordial spirit, is unravelling together! 他的小世界,在这记朱雀道火面前,如同枯叶一般,瞬间被点燃,连带着他的肉身元神,一起灰飞烟灭! Even if White Firmament Immortal Emperor is Pinnacle Emperor, cannot block the forbidden technique strength. 琅霄仙帝纵然是巅峰帝君,也挡不住禁术的力量。 „!” “啊!” White Firmament Immortal Emperor also supports several breath, in a pitiful yell sound, just ran up to the main hall entrance, the perfect world melting. 琅霄仙帝也不过多撑几个呼吸,在一阵惨叫声中,刚刚跑到大殿门口,圆满世界融化。 Vermilion Bird dao fire fires a giant fireball him, pours before the big palace gate, did not have the sound gradually, body dies and Dao disappears, body and soul entirely exterminated! 朱雀道火将他烧成一个巨大的火球,倒在大殿门前,渐渐没了声息,身死道消,形神俱灭 White Firmament Immortal Emperor feeds Ginseng Fruit Tree by trillion babies, the monstrous crimes, too numerous to mention. 琅霄仙帝以亿万婴孩喂养人参果树,罪恶滔天,罄竹难书。 The White Firmament Palace surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km), were committed to flames by Su Zimo, change into the scorched earth. 琅霄宫方圆百万里,都被苏子墨付之一炬,化为焦土。 At that time, although White Firmament Immortal Emperor escapes, finally actually cannot escape by the burn to ashes fate, was buried along with the dead for that trillion babies. 当时,琅霄仙帝虽然逃过一劫,最终却也没能逃过被烧成灰烬的下场,为那亿万婴孩陪葬。 Immortal King Qing Yang in instant that Vermilion Bird dao fire raises, by the high temperature of Vermilion Bird dao fire sending out, was fired the nihility, cancels from the world thoroughly! 青阳仙王朱雀道火升起的刹那,就被朱雀道火散发的高温,烧成了虚无,彻底从世界抹去! Compares in King of Jin, Burning Sun Immortal King, King Yun You and the others the fates, Immortal King Qing Yang was dying a natural death. 相较于晋王炎阳仙王云幽王等人的下场,青阳仙王算是‘善终’了。 „!” “啧啧!” Looks at that two groups of light of fire, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor is clapping hands to smile, heartfelt to praise sighed: Good method.” 望着那两团火光,九霄仙帝抚掌而笑,由衷的赞叹道:“好手段。” Su Zimo and Feng Cantian look at each other one, two people turn around to depart. 苏子墨风残天对视一眼,两人转身离去。 You looked, I said.” “你看,我就说嘛。” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor said with a smile: These Emperor expert, is some big points ants, regarding your people like me, being run over and dying they were too easy.” 九霄仙帝笑道:“这些帝君强者,也不过是些大点的蝼蚁,对于你我这样的人来说,碾死他们太容易了。” Martial Dao main body is unemotional, but puts on Moluo Mask silently. 武道本尊面无表情,只是默默戴上摩罗面具 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor continues saying: Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), you must know, Great Emperor is not the cultivation end point, only then flying upwards to Great Thousandfold World, can look for the eternal life answer.” 九霄仙帝继续说道:“荒武,你要知道,大帝并非是修行的终点,只有飞升大千世界,才能寻找到永生的答案。” Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), your vision must put long-term, do not limit to Three Thousand Worlds, do not care about the creatures of myriad clans life, they have nothing to do with your me.” 荒武,你的眼光要放得长远一些,不要局限于三千界,不要在乎万族生灵的性命,他们与你我无关。” „To cut down day to succeed, how can no one sacrifice? So long as can hit the Potian (splitting heaven) courtyard, completely even Three Thousand Worlds life sacrificial refining, is still worth......” “想要伐天成功,怎会没有人牺牲?只要能打破天庭,就算将三千界的生灵全部祭炼,也是值得的……” The Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor sound resounds, with the sound song, inside as if contains a poisoning people's minds strength, making one be hard to resist! 九霄仙帝的声音响起,和声细语,里面似乎蕴藏着一种蛊惑人心的力量,令人难以抗拒! You compare Heavenly Court might as well.” “你比天庭还不如。” Martial Dao main body has turned the head suddenly, looks at Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor that coldly. 武道本尊突然转过头,冷冷的看着九霄仙帝 Two people vision looked at each other, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor realized, Martial Dao main body has not come under his least bit influence. 两人的目光对视了一下,九霄仙帝就意识到,武道本尊没有受到他的半点影响。 Martial Dao main body said: nine heavens as courtyard, enslaves all living things, blocks flying upward's road of myriad clans all living things, all living things at least can also live on dishonorably in world.” 武道本尊道:“九天为庭,奴役众生,阻断万族众生的飞升之路,众生至少还能苟活于世。” However you to cut down the day, must first kill myriad clans all living things!” “而你为了伐天,要先把万族众生都杀了!” This simply is the absurdest reason. 这简直是最荒唐不过的理由。 Bury Heaven.” 葬天。” Martial Dao main body said: I even suspected, your real motive always does not cut down the day, you must taking advantage of cutting down the day flag, complete your ambition!” 武道本尊道:“我甚至怀疑,你真实目的从来都不是伐天,你只是要借着伐天的旗帜,来完成你的野心!” The Heaven Burying Great Emperor ambition and real motive, Martial Dao main body is not fully correct. 葬天大帝的野心和真实目的,武道本尊也猜不透。 Achievement Great Emperor, naturally is only his first step. 成就大帝,当然只是他的第一步。 But cuts down the day, perhaps is not his ultimate goal. 而伐天,或许并不是他的最终目的。 Martial Dao main body and Demon Lord have also talked. 武道本尊魔主也交谈过。 Perhaps Demon Lord also has the selfishness, but can feel from his words, the Demon Lord goal, throughout is Heavenly Court! 魔主或许也有私心,但从他话语间能感受到,魔主的目标,始终都是天庭 But the Bury Heaven goal, is more like Three Thousand Worlds creatures of myriad clans! 葬天的目标,更像是三千界万族生灵 Hehe hehe......” “呵呵呵呵……” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor had not acknowledged that also had not argued, but some biting off smiled. 九霄仙帝并未承认,也并未辩解,只是有些神经兮兮的笑了起来。 Bury Heaven.” 葬天。” Martial Dao main body has not looked to Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, but stares at the tread, his vision, as if the penetration infinite space, falls in Kingdom of the Underworld, indifferently said: This has me, best not to act unreasonably.” 武道本尊并未看向九霄仙帝,而是盯着地面,他的目光,仿佛穿透无穷空间,落在阴曹地府中,淡淡道:“这一世有我在,你最好别乱来。” „Are you threatening me?” “你在威胁我?” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor is narrowing the eyes, the vision gloomy and cold. 九霄仙帝眯着双眼,目光阴冷。 „It is not the threat, can only be an advice.” “不算威胁,只能算个忠告。” The Martial Dao main body tone is indifferent, no longer the stay, goes toward the main hall layman. 武道本尊语气淡然,不再逗留,朝着大殿外行去。 The matter of Heavenly World, had ended. 天界之事,已经结束。 But he looks for Heaven Burying Great Emperor, has served the purpose. 而他来找葬天大帝,也已经达到目的。 Gets to the main hall entrance, the Martial Dao main body figure lives suddenly. 走到大殿门口,武道本尊的身形又忽然顿住。 He has not turned around, but is turning away from Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, said slowly: „Before on point of departure, delivers you again a few words.” 他并未转身,而是背对着九霄仙帝,缓缓道:“临别前,再送你一句话。” Wants you to put best into it, do not become second Lord of Hell!” “希望你好自为之,别成了第二个地狱之主!” These words, had signaled that Martial Dao main body intention, it may be said that is murderous-looking! 这句话,已经表明武道本尊的心意,可谓是杀气腾腾 What fate is Lord of Hell? 地狱之主是什么下场? In the past by the Seamless Great Emperor domineering suppression, although has not fallen from the sky, but is also stranded in Avici Great Hell, is unable to withdraw. 当年被无间大帝强势镇压,虽然没有陨落,但至今还被困在阿鼻大地狱中,无法脱身。 Finishes speaking, thermal shock in main hall! 话音刚落,大殿中的温度骤降! Since two people talked, from the initial mutual probe, to afterward being in sharp opposition, to a moment ago, always also calculated the restraint again. 两人交谈至今,从最初的互相试探,到后来的针锋相对,再到刚才,始终都还算克制。 But Martial Dao main body these words saying, showed the point truly! 武道本尊这句话说出来,才真正露出锋芒! killing intent of these words was too abundant! 这句话的杀意太盛了! Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor was stirred up the fine hair to be vertical by this killing intent! 九霄仙帝都被这股杀意激得汗毛倒竖! Jie Jie Jie Jie!” “桀桀桀桀!” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor sends out one to infiltrate the person to smile suddenly strangely, said: Good boldness, throughout the ages, to dare to the person who I spoke like this, did not have second!” 九霄仙帝突然发出一阵渗人怪笑,道:“好魄力,古往今来,敢跟我这样说话的人,还没有第二个!” Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), you thought too simply me! I and Lord of Hell they are different, no one can kill me, even the Seamless Great Emperor world, he cannot kill me again, is unable to suppress me!” 荒武,你把我想得太简单了!我和地狱之主他们不同,没有人能杀死我,就算是无间大帝再世,他也杀不死我,无法镇压我!” Martial Dao main body has not turned around, leaves Divine Firmament Great Hall without consulting anybody. 武道本尊并未转身,径自离开神霄大殿 Hehe, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), before on point of departure, I also deliver you a few words.” “呵呵,荒武,临别前,我也送你一句话。” The Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor sound resounds again, suddenly becomes gloomy cold, such as falls Underworld: I urged you well sober, I do not hope, saw you to become second Seamless Great Emperor!” 九霄仙帝的声音再度响起,突然变得阴森寒冷,如坠地府:“我劝你最好清醒点,我可不希望,看到你成为第二个无间大帝!” Be in sharp opposition! 针锋相对! Martial Dao main body footsteps, turns the head, deep looked at Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor one of the main hall dark deep place, turns around to depart. 武道本尊脚步一顿,转过头来,深深的看了大殿黑暗深处的九霄仙帝一眼,才转身离去。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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