White Firmament Immortal Emperornaturallycan look, Su ZimoandFeng Cantianobviouslyare.琅霄仙帝当然看得出来,苏子墨和风残天明显是一路。ButSu Zimois notHeavenly Desolate Sect, not possiblycannot pullwhatresponsibilitywithEmperor Huang Wu, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperoralwaysbecause ofSu Zimo, killedthem.
但苏子墨又不是天荒宗的,与荒武帝君也扯不上什么干系,九霄仙帝总不可能因为一个苏子墨,就把他们杀了。„Thischildarrives atWhite Firmament Immortal Territory, rashly, then the King Yun Yousuppression, this, but alsoWhite Firmament Palace'sGinseng Fruit Treeburn to ashes, subordinatedistressed.”
“此子来到琅霄仙域,不由分说,便将云幽王镇压,这也就罢了,还将琅霄宫的人参果树烧成灰烬,属下痛心不已。”At this point, White Firmament Immortal Emperorsings in good voice and with feeling, saying of hating bitterly: „After a High LordNine Firmamentsseries, underthatGinseng Fruit Treehas taken good care, waitsto bear the servantginseng/partakefruit, firstgives toHigh Lord, whoseto becomethinkschildwas destroyedbythis, hisheartmayexecute, the crimedoes not haveto be possible!”
说到此处,琅霄仙帝声情并茂,痛心疾首的说道:“主上九霄一统之后,那株人参果树属下一直悉心照料,就等着结下人参果,第一时间献给主上,谁成想被此子毁去,其心可诛,罪无可恕!”Pill FirmamentImmortal Emperoralsosinkingsound said: „IandFeng Cantianfellow daoistare unknown, does not have the gratitude and grudges, Ialsobecause ofthisperson!”丹霄仙帝也沉声道:“我与风残天道友素不相识,也无恩怨,我也是因为此人!”„ThisSu Zimodependsseveraloutside worldEmperorexpert, inourImmortal Territoryrecklesslyunseemly behavior, disregardingHigh Lordis dignified, but alsoaskedHigh Lordto intendto killit, warned others against following a bad example!”
“这个苏子墨仗着几位外界的帝君强者,在咱们仙域肆意妄为,无视主上威严,还请主上出手杀之,以儆效尤!”Immortal King Qing Yangsees that alsosaidhastily: „ThisSu Zimodepends is in itself the body of twelfth gradeGood Fortune Azure Lotus, sowill be rampantdissolutely. In the pastunderis thinkingseizedit, gave toHigh Lord, didn’t expectchildescapesbythis.”青阳仙王见状,也连忙说道:“这个苏子墨仗着自己是十二品造化青莲之身,才会如此嚣张放肆。当年属下想着将其夺下,献给主上,没想到被此子逃脱。”Immortal King Qing Yangthese words, the intentionisdangerous.青阳仙王这番话,用心更是险恶。Flatteredat the same time, but alsodisclosed the matter of body of Su ZimoGood Fortune Azure Lotus,wantedto bring to the attention of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor.
After threepeopleonedenounced severely, in the main hallexceptionallywas peaceful, has not obtainedanyresponse of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor.
三人一番痛斥之后,大殿中却异常安静,没有得到九霄仙帝的任何反应。White Firmament Immortal Emperorlooked atNine Firmaments Immortal Emperorsecretly.琅霄仙帝偷瞄了一眼九霄仙帝。Sees only the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorfaint smileto look atthreepeople, inthatsmile, is passing an appallingstrangefeeling.
只见九霄仙帝正似笑非笑望着三人,那笑容中,透着一丝令人毛骨悚然的诡异感。InWhite Firmament Immortal Emperorheartonestartled!琅霄仙帝心中一惊!Hissplit vision, shot a look atSu Zimo of sidenot far away.
他的余光,又瞥了一眼旁边不远处的苏子墨。Seeing only the Su Zimolookis calm, on the facedoes not have the least bitto dread, meaning that evenhas not refutedto arguewiththem.
It is not right!
不对劲!Divine Firmament Immortal Emperorwas just killedsuddenly, inWhite Firmament Immortal Emperorheartin great surprise, was interrogatedbyNine Firmaments Immortal Emperorsuddenly, startled, does not wantextremely, thento direct the spearhead atSu Zimo.
刚刚神霄仙帝突然被杀,琅霄仙帝心中大惊,又突然被九霄仙帝质问,惊慌之下,没想太过,便将矛头指向了苏子墨。At this time, hecalms down, morewantsto be the fear!
此时,他冷静下来,越想越是害怕!ThisSu Zimois calm, daresto comewithFeng Cantiantogether, what is histaking advantage?
这苏子墨如此淡定,敢和风残天一道而来,他的依仗是什么?Taking advantage of Feng Cantian, isEmperor Huang Wu.风残天的依仗,是荒武帝君。don’t tell meSu Zimo'stakes advantage, isNine Firmaments Immortal Emperor?难道苏子墨的依仗,是九霄仙帝?Moreover, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorthissilentattitude, onfacethatwipes the strangesmile, obviouslyshowedthis matter is not so simple!
而且,九霄仙帝这个沉默的态度,脸上的那一抹诡异笑容,明显证明此事没这么简单!Changes mindhence, White Firmament Immortal Emperorhas been so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat!
转念至此,琅霄仙帝已经惊出一身冷汗!Buthemaintains composure, stillas far as possiblekeepscalm, shifting to a new subject, said: „Naturally, just was also onlyIfor a while the indignantword, does not needto take seriously.”
但他不动声色,仍尽可能的保持镇定,话锋一转,道:“当然,刚刚也只是我一时激愤之言,不必当真。”„Perhapsthesehaveanythingto misunderstand, howthis mattershouldhandle, alldecidesdepending onHigh Lord.”
“这其中兴许有什么误会,此事该如何处置,全凭主上定夺。”White Firmament Immortal Emperorlived for several millionyears, these words saying are watertight, maydraw backmayenter.琅霄仙帝活了数百万年,这番话可谓说得滴水不漏,可退可进。Iffinally confirmed that buthe himselfis very suspicious, is overly suspicious and fearful, he can also get angrymomentarily!
若最后证实,只是他自己杯弓蛇影,疑神疑鬼,他也随时可以翻脸!White Firmament Immortal Emperordetectsexceptionally, Pill FirmamentImmortal Emperorhas naturally also responded.琅霄仙帝察觉到异常,丹霄仙帝自然也已经反应过来。Pill FirmamentImmortal Emperorchuckle, said: „Subordinatespoken languagesomewhatwas just intense, this matterpossiblytrulysuch asWhite Firmamentdao brother said that somemisunderstandingalsoperhaps.”丹霄仙帝轻笑一声,道:“刚刚属下的言语有些激烈,此事可能确实如琅霄道兄所言,其中有些误会也说不定。”Stops, Pill FirmamentImmortal EmperorlookstoSu Zimo, nodsslightly, said: „Ithis timecome, nothing butasks for an explanation, andharmless, but alsolooks at the fellow daoist Suunderstanding.”
停顿一下,丹霄仙帝看向苏子墨,微微颔首,道:“我此番前来,也无非是讨个说法,并无恶意,还望苏道友理解。”Changes mind, two peopletonebig changes, the attitudewas obviously soft.
只是转念之间,两人的语气大变,态度明显软了下来。Evenintwo peoplespoken languages, disclosed the first layermeaning, so long asSu Zimosaid this matteris the misunderstanding, two peoplewill stop there, do not go into one's past.
甚至两人的言语中,都透露出一层含义,只要苏子墨说一句此事是误会,两人会就此作罢,既往不咎。Immortal King Qing Yang at the scene, does not have unable to respondsuddenly, a littlecannot keep up withtwobigImmortal Emperorrhythms.青阳仙王愣在当场,一时间没反应不过来,也有点跟不上两大仙帝的节奏。Heevengives birth toonetypebytwobigImmortal Emperorplayed the feeling.
他甚至生出一种被两大仙帝耍了的感觉。White Firmament Immortal EmperorandPill FirmamentImmortal Emperorwantsto stop there, King Yun Youdoes not comply.琅霄仙帝和丹霄仙帝想就此作罢,云幽王可不答应。Hehas reducedtothisposition, was cut the head, primordial spiritalsocaused heavy losses, was prohibitedininside, even ifworks loose, how long unable to live.
他已经沦落到这个境地,被斩掉头颅,元神也遭到重创,被封禁在里面,就算挣脱出来,也活不了多久。Hemustdie the person, what alsothere arefearfully?
他已是必死之人,还有什么可怕的?King Yun Yousaidloudly: „reporting toNine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, sidethisSu Zimo's, there isRakshasasinful spirit(s), moreoverisKingPseudo Emperor Levelleaves!”云幽王大声道:“启禀九霄仙帝,这个苏子墨的身边,有罗刹罪灵,而且都是王者准帝级别!”„Stave of Rakshasasinful land, has the possibilityextremelywiththisperson of related, colludes withdevils and sinners, isfilling the heavensgreat sin, the crimedoes not haveto be possible!”
“呵呵呵呵……”Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorcould not bearsmile.九霄仙帝忍不住笑了起来。White Firmament Immortal EmperorKing Yun Youseveralpeopleknit the browssecretly, in the hearthas doubts, does not know that Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperoris smilinganything.琅霄仙帝云幽王几人暗自皱眉,心中疑惑,不知九霄仙帝在笑什么。He is very as if happy, probablyheardamongunder the Heavens the most interestingmatter.
“呵……”Su Zimoalsosmiles.苏子墨也笑了笑。Rakshasasinful spirit(s)thismatter, King Yun Youtoldwhom,perhapswill a little use.罗刹罪灵这个事,云幽王跟谁说,或许都会有点用。SaidtoNine Firmaments Immortal Emperoronly,found fault the person.
唯独对九霄仙帝说,是找错了人。Hears the Su Zimo'slaughter, whydoes not know, King Yun Youfeltsuddenlysomewhatfeels nervous.
听到苏子墨的笑声,不知为何,云幽王突然感觉有些发慌。By the present, Su Zimohas not killedhim.
到现在,苏子墨还没杀他。Su Zimoleadshimto come here, can actually do?苏子墨带他到这里,究竟要干什么?„You, yousmileanything!”
“你,你笑什么!”King Yun Yououtwardly fierce but inwardly faint-heartedasking.云幽王色厉内荏的问道。„To makeyoudieto understand.”
“就是想让你死个明白。”Su Zimolightsaying.苏子墨淡淡的说道。In the meantime, in the main hall, silentEmperor Huang Wuhas opened the mouthsuddenly, turns the headto lookto the White Firmament Immortal Emperorthreepeople, said: „Thismatter, trulyshouldhave a view.”
就在此时,大殿之中,原本一直沉默的荒武帝君突然开口,转头看向琅霄仙帝三人,道:“这件事,确实该有个说法。”Hearsthese words, the White Firmament Immortal Emperorthreepeople of spiritsinspires!
听到这句话,琅霄仙帝三人精神一振!didn’t expect, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorhas not taken a stand, wasEmperor Huang Wufirststoodon the contrary, seems supportingthemto want a speech.没想到,九霄仙帝并未表态,反倒是荒武帝君先站了出来,似乎在支持他们要个说话。„Does not know that Emperor Huang Wudoes havewhatrespected opinion?”
The White Firmament Immortal Emperorlookis respectful, askedsubmissively.琅霄仙帝神色恭敬,拱手问道。Underthreepeople of gazes, sees onlyEmperor Huang Wuto lift the handslowly, takes offthatsilver maskfrom the face, revealsgenuine appearance, vision like a torch, askedslowly: „Can thisview...... alsosatisfy?”
在三人的注视之下,只见荒武帝君缓缓抬手,从脸庞上摘下那张银色面具,露出真容,目光如炬,缓缓问道:“这个说法……可还满意?”Thisfaceskinis fair, having delicate features, evensomewhatis attractive, butfallsin the eye of White Firmament Immortal Emperor, actuallyas ifsaw in worldbiggestterrifying!
嘶!White Firmament Immortal Emperorthreepeople of suck in a breath of cold air, the pupilcontractssuddenly, the fine hairis but actually vertical, all over the bodylivescoldly, the scalpalmostblasts out!琅霄仙帝三人倒吸一口冷气,瞳孔骤然收缩,汗毛倒竖,遍体生寒,头皮几乎炸开!Su Zimois carrying the King Yun Youlong hair.苏子墨拎着云幽王的长发。Butinthis moment, Su Zimoobviouslycanfeel, the head of King Yun You, an outbreakfiercestrugglingvibration, shiversagain and again.
但在这一刻,苏子墨明显能感受到,云幽王的头颅,突然发生一阵剧烈的挣扎抖动,连连颤抖。Afterward, subsidesgradually.
The Su Zimovisionsweeps.苏子墨目光一扫。
The King Yun Youboth eyescirclestares, in the eyepupilcovers entirelypanic-stricken, the vitalitypasses.云幽王双目圆瞪,眼眸中布满惊恐,生机流逝。Insea of consciousness, primordial spiritdisrupts, souldissipates, isbody dies and Dao disappears!识海中,元神碎裂,魂魄消散,已是身死道消!From beginning to end, Su Zimohas not acted.
从始至终,苏子墨都没出手。ButKing Yun YouseesMartial Dao main bodygenuine appearance, is afraid, frightensthe soul flies away and scatters!
但云幽王看到武道本尊的真容,心生恐惧,吓得魂飞魄散!Hisprimordial spiritcaused heavy losses, is quite weak, in Great Jin Immortal Countrysaw that King of JinHeaven Punishment Kingand the othersdied a tragic death, experiencesoneto suffer.
他的元神本就遭到重创,极为虚弱,之前在大晋仙国眼看着晋王天刑王等人惨死,经历一番折磨。Now, encounterssohugefrighteningsuddenly, onestruggles, primordial spiritcannot withstandagain, scared to deathtooneselfunexpectedly!
如今,又突然遭到如此巨大的惊吓,一番挣扎,元神再也承受不住,竟生生给自己吓死了!At the point of death before, heunderstandsfinally why Su Zimohad once said that even ifheobtainedGood Fortune Azure Lotusin the past, must diewithout doubt.
临死前,他终于明白,为何苏子墨曾说过,就算他当年得到造化青莲,也必死无疑。Originally, hefacesunexpectedlyissuchterrifyingexist(ence)!
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