ESK :: Volume #32

#3136: The Divine Firmament body falls

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Outside is defending four, three are Emperor expert! 外面守着的四位,有三位都是帝君强者 But in the eye of Heaven Burying Great Emperor, these Emperor expert is also only the big point ants. 但在葬天大帝的眼中,这些帝君强者也只是大一点的蝼蚁。 Even if three emperors have pledged allegiance, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor also cares about nothing regarding their life and death, can deliver conveniently them, gives Martial Dao main body. 哪怕三位帝君早已归顺,九霄仙帝对于他们的生死也毫不在乎,随手就可以将他们送出来,交给武道本尊 In fact, Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor several people, regardless of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor does hand over, Martial Dao main body killed! 实际上,神霄仙帝几个人,不论九霄仙帝交不交出来,武道本尊都杀定了! Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor this act, nothing but makes the favor done at little or no cost. 九霄仙帝此举,也无非是做个顺水人情。 Your several come.” “你们几个进来吧。” Does not wait for Martial Dao main body to speak, the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor then speaker said. 不等武道本尊说话,九霄仙帝便扬声说道。 Outside Divine Firmament Great Hall. 神霄大殿外。 Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor Pill Firmament Immortal Emperor White Firmament Immortal Emperor waited there for some time with hardship, now hears Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor these words, in the heart the great happiness, goes toward the Divine Firmament Great Hall line hastily. 神霄仙帝丹霄仙帝琅霄仙帝苦苦等候多时,如今听到九霄仙帝的这句话,心中大喜,连忙朝着神霄大殿行去。 Immortal King Qing Yang swallowed under the saliva, blindly follows suit, follows in three Immortal Emperor behind. 青阳仙王咽了下口水,亦步亦趋,跟在三位仙帝的后面。 If places usually, he simply does not have the opportunity to contact Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor. 若是放在平时,他根本没有机会接触到九霄仙帝 Now, happen to have an audience with taking advantage of three Immortal Emperor the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor opportunity, can mix face ripe in front of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor. 如今,正好借着三位仙帝觐见九霄仙帝的机会,也可以在九霄仙帝面前混个脸熟儿。 Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor White Firmament Immortal Emperor Pill Firmament Immortal Emperor three step into Divine Firmament Great Hall, catches the eye looked, gawked. 神霄仙帝琅霄仙帝丹霄仙帝三位踏入神霄大殿,抬眼一看,都愣了一下。 Stands that opposite of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, is not Lord of Six Brahmas, is not World Destroying Demonic Emperor. 站在九霄仙帝对面的那位,并不是六梵天主,也不是灭世魔帝 But is purple-robed cultivator that wears silver mask. 而是一位戴着银色面具紫袍修士 This dresses up...... 这身装扮…… Almost meanwhile, three Immortal Emperor thought of a person! 几乎同时,三位仙帝想到了一个人! Emperor Huang Wu! 荒武帝君 Three Immortal Emperor hearts shake. 三位仙帝心头一震。 Emperor Huang Wu arrives unexpectedly in Heavenly World, moreover stayed in the main hall with Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor was so long! 荒武帝君竟然降临在天界,而且与九霄仙帝在大殿中呆了这么久! Three Immortal Emperor can feel faintly, between Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor and Emperor Huang Wu, do not seem harmonious. 三位仙帝都能隐隐感受得到,九霄仙帝荒武帝君之间,似乎并不融洽。 Just they defended outside the main hall, but can also detect, some killing intent that in the main hall overflowed! 刚刚他们守在大殿外,还能察觉到,大殿之中溢出来的些许杀机 Is so, three Immortal Emperor are calm. 越是这般,三位仙帝便越是镇定。 Looks at this stance, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor obviously can with terrifying expert that Emperor Huang Wu confronts! 看这个架势,九霄仙帝明显是能与荒武帝君对峙的恐怖强者 This also showed, initially their choices right, first submitted to Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor. 这也证明,当初他们的选择没错,第一时间臣服九霄仙帝 A Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor secretly thought luck. 神霄仙帝暗道一声侥幸。 He made the preparation luckily ahead of time, seeks the asylum Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor here. 幸好他提前做了准备,在九霄仙帝这里寻求到庇护。 Otherwise, Feng Cantian is threatening, Emperor Huang Wu acts, he was unlikely hard to cross this tribulation! 否则,风残天来势汹汹,还有荒武帝君出面,他恐怕难以渡过此劫! Pays a visit High Lord.” “拜见主上。” Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor three go forward, kneels down to kotow. 神霄仙帝三位上前,跪倒叩首。 Normal, with is Emperor expert, does not need line of this big rituals. 正常来说,同为帝君强者,根本不必行此大礼。 Even if facing Great Emperor expert, does not need so. 哪怕面对大帝强者,也不必如此。 But in recent years, under the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor terroristic means that even if Immortal Emperor before him, wants the line of worshipping on bended knees big rituals! 但这些年来,在九霄仙帝的恐怖手段之下,哪怕是仙帝在他面前,也要行跪拜大礼! Immortal King Qing Yang also follows to kneel down hastily. 青阳仙王也连忙跟着跪倒下去。 Gets up.” “起来吧。” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor shows a faint smile. 九霄仙帝微微一笑。 Three Immortal Emperor and Immortal King Qing Yang set out. 三位仙帝青阳仙王起身。 This is Emperor Huang Wu.” “想必这位就是荒武帝君吧。” Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor looks to Martial Dao main body, the sinking sound said: Feng Cantian dares is so unscrupulous no wonder, runs up to my Immortal Territory boundary open slaughter.” 神霄仙帝看向武道本尊,沉声道:“怪不得风残天敢如此肆无忌惮,跑到我仙域的地界上大开杀戒。” Emperor Huang Wu, having a matter you are not possibly clear.” 荒武帝君,有件事你可能还不清楚。” Present Divine Firmament Immortal Territory, is not I takes responsibility, now Nine Firmaments Immortal Territories, all under the rule of High Lord!” “如今的神霄仙域,不是我做主,如今九霄仙域,皆在主上的统治之下!” Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor these words seem like that is interrogating Martial Dao main body, is actually indicated that own standpoint, moved Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor simultaneously. 神霄仙帝这番话看似是在质问武道本尊,其实是表明自己的立场,同时将九霄仙帝搬了出来。 Martial Dao main body has not spoken, even has not gone to look at Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor one. 武道本尊没说话,甚至都没去看神霄仙帝一眼。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor is also smiles not to speak. 九霄仙帝也是笑而不语。 Teacher, Feng Cantian they came!” “师尊,风残天他们来了!” In the meantime, Immortal King Qing Yang said one low voice. 就在此时,青阳仙王小声说了一句。 Un?” “嗯?” Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor three people of divine consciousness sweep, sees only Su Zimo and Feng Cantian they have arrived at sky over Divine Firmament Palace, directly toward main hall line. 神霄仙帝三人神识一扫,只见苏子墨风残天两人已经来到神霄宫上空,径直朝着大殿行来。 Sees this, Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor sneers slightly. 看到这一幕,神霄仙帝微微冷笑。 Feng Cantian dares to rush to here, nothing but is because has Emperor Huang Wu to support. 风残天敢跑到这里来,无非就是因为有荒武帝君撑腰。 But he also has the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor asylum! 可他也有九霄仙帝庇护! Feng Cantian wants to ask him to revenge, but must ask Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor does comply! 风残天想要找他报仇,还得问过九霄仙帝答不答应! Feng Cantian after all is only Immortal King, in the Emperor Huang Wu's heart can important? 风残天毕竟只是仙王,在荒武帝君的心中能有多重要? Can Emperor Huang Wu also because of Immortal King, with the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor fight war? 荒武帝君还能因为一个仙王,与九霄仙帝交手大战? But he is Emperor expert. 而他是帝君强者 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor not possible casual to give up his such top helper. 九霄仙帝也不可能随便就放弃他这样一个顶级帮手。 Changes mind, Su Zimo and Feng Cantian have arrived in the main hall. 转念之间,苏子墨风残天已经来到大殿中。 Has Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor to assume personal command, Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor sees Feng Cantian to come, then prepares to his demonstration of authority, suddenly opens the mouth loudly shouted: Bold servant, saw Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, has not knelt down!” 九霄仙帝坐镇,神霄仙帝看到风残天进来,便准备给他一个下马威,突然开口大喝一声:“大胆下人,见了九霄仙帝,还不跪下!” I, although comes Lower Realm, actually without this custom, could not compare the noble bloodline of your Upper Realm family background, liked giving the person to kneel down.” “我虽出身下界,却没这习惯,比不了你这种上界出身的高贵血统,喜欢给人下跪。” Feng Cantian looked at Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor, proudly however vertical, said lightly. 风残天看了一眼神霄仙帝,傲然而立,淡淡说道。 Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor look one cold, said slowly: In front of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, you also dare to flaunt the advantage of argument, here Nine Firmaments Immortal Territories, not being able to allow you to be dissolute!” 神霄仙帝神色一冷,缓缓道:“九霄仙帝面前,你还敢逞口舌之利,这里九霄仙域,容不得你放肆!” The Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor tone is seemingly strong, but actually, three do not leave Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor. 神霄仙帝的语气看似强硬,但其实,三句不离九霄仙帝 He is drawing support from Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, gives Feng Cantian to exert pressure. 他在借助九霄仙帝,来给风残天施压。 This person was too noisy, I helped you kill.” “这人太吵了,我帮你杀了吧。” In the meantime, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor opens the mouth suddenly. 就在此时,九霄仙帝突然开口。 In the main hall, is instantaneously peaceful. 大殿中,瞬间安静下来。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor these words, obviously were say to Emperor Huang Wu. 九霄仙帝这句话,明显是对荒武帝君说的。 Whom can Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor kill? 九霄仙帝要杀谁? Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor feels bone-piercing icy aura suddenly, turns around suddenly, looks to Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor of high place, opens the tastes: High Lord, I......” 神霄仙帝突然感受到一阵彻骨寒意,猛然转身,看向高处的九霄仙帝,张口道:“主上,我……” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor stretches out the finger, knocks in void gently. 九霄仙帝伸出手指,在虚空中轻轻一敲。 Thump! 咚! Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor hears a distant drumbeat suddenly. 神霄仙帝突然听到一记悠远的鼓声。 At first in the horizon, then has also arrived at the ear instantaneously. 最初还远在天际,瞬间便已来到耳边。 Suddenly, Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor is silver-haired, facial features withered, oil lamp with no oil in it, life origin exhausts! 恍然间,神霄仙帝已是白发苍苍,面容枯槁,油尽灯枯,寿元耗尽! In this flash, in the eye pupil of Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor, flashes through puzzled, is unwilling, panic-stricken, changes into the dry corpse that a bone thin shape sells finally, pours in the main hall, body dies and Dao disappears! 在这一瞬间,神霄仙帝的眼眸中,闪过一丝不解,一丝不甘,一丝惊恐,最终化为一具骨瘦形销的干尸,倒在大殿中,身死道消 This wields Divine Firmament Immortal Territory several million years of Emperor expert, falls from the sky in this he proficiently built palace like this. 这位执掌神霄仙域数百万年的帝君强者,就这样陨落于这座他一手创建的宫殿之内。 Feng Cantian looks at this, shakes the head secretly, sighs. 风残天看着这一幕,暗自摇头,叹息一声。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor acts, but moved under pointed, less than a breath, a Emperor expert body fell! 九霄仙帝出手,只是动了下手指,不到一个呼吸,一尊帝君强者身陨! Immortal King Qing Yang frightens the complexion to be pallid, two legs become tender, almost cannot stand. 青阳仙王吓得脸色煞白,两腿发软,几乎站立不住。 By his paradise perfection realm, is insufficient this properly speaking. 以他洞天圆满境界,按理说不至于此。 But today these two in this main hall, are extremely terrifying! 但今日这座大殿中的这两位,都太过恐怖! Even Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor exactly one breath, he in the face of these two, is similar to the ant to be common! 神霄仙帝都活不过一个呼吸,他在这两位面前,就如同蚂蚁一般! Let alone is he, White Firmament Immortal Emperor and Pill Firmament Immortal Emperor looks at this, has a scare, complexion big change, in heart terrified, uneasy. 别说是他,琅霄仙帝丹霄仙帝看得这一幕,都吓了一跳,脸色大变,心中惶恐,惴惴不安。 The Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor death, making two people realize, relations between Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor and Emperor Huang Wu, as if with their initial judgment some differences. 神霄仙帝的死,让两人意识到,九霄仙帝荒武帝君之间的关系,似乎与他们最初的判断有些出入。 At least, in the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor heart, is not willing because of Emperor expert, then to split with Emperor Huang Wu! 至少,在九霄仙帝心中,不愿因为一位帝君强者,便与荒武帝君交恶! What matter your three do have?” “你们三个又有什么事?” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor looks at the White Firmament Immortal Emperor three people, be with smile on the face asking. 九霄仙帝看着琅霄仙帝三人,面带微笑的问道。 The smile that the White Firmament Immortal Emperor three people look at Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, feels absolutely terrified, scalp tingles! 琅霄仙帝三人看着九霄仙帝的笑容,感觉一阵毛骨悚然,头皮发麻! I, I have nothing to do with Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor, between I and Feng Cantian fellow daoist, not gratitude and grudges!” “我,我与神霄仙帝无关,我与风残天道友之间,也并无恩怨!” White Firmament Immortal Emperor talks clearly this matter hastily, so as to avoid causes the misunderstanding. 琅霄仙帝连忙将这件事说清楚,免得引起误会。 Because Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor just confronted with Feng Cantian, the life did not have, who also dares to provoke Feng Cantian. 神霄仙帝刚刚因为与风残天对峙,命都没了,谁还敢去招惹风残天 Afterward, a White Firmament Immortal Emperor vision revolution, looks to Su Zimo, the sinking sound said: High Lord, I this time come reply, mainly because of this person!” 随后,琅霄仙帝目光一转,看向苏子墨,沉声道:“回禀主上,我此番前来,主要是因为此人!”
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