Divine Firmament Palace.神霄宫。
The formspeeds awayto cometogether, the lookslightlyrevealspanic, seesto defendthreeImmortal Emperoroutsidemain hall, coming the personobviouslyto stare.
一道身影疾驰而来,神色略显慌乱,看到守在大殿外面的三位仙帝,来人明显愣了一下。„Teacher, Great Jin and burning sunhad an accident!”
“师尊,大晋和炎阳出事了!”Comesin the tone of person, passingoneis irritableanxious.
“慌什么!”Divine Firmament Immortal Emperorknit the browsslightly, shot a look athisoneeyes, beratedone.神霄仙帝微微皱眉,瞥了他一眼,喝斥一声。Comesin the personheartto complain of hardshipsecretly.
来人心中暗暗叫苦。In the pastencircledkillsSu Zimo'sseveralImmortal King, has vanishedexcept forAcademy's Headmaster, the life and deathdoes not know.
当年围杀苏子墨的几位仙王,除了书院宗主早已消失,生死不知。King of JinandBurning Sun Immortal King the bodyhas fallen, it is saidKing Yun Youwas also cut the head, was possibly killedmomentarily.晋王、炎阳仙王都已经身陨,据说云幽王也被斩下脑袋,随时都可能丧命。Su Zimothis timereturn to the Heavenly World, is obviously rushing to the revenge.苏子墨此番重临天界,明显是奔着复仇而来。Now, remaininghe alone.
如今,就剩下他一个人。Immortal King Qing Yangcannot be unhurried.青阳仙王能不慌吗。Naturally, thisreasonwas not naturally goodto taketo say.
当然,这种理由自然不好拿出来说。Immortal King Qing Yang can only say: „Teacher, thatFeng Cantiancome with ill-intent, must report the enmity of past years!”青阳仙王只能说道:“师尊,那个风残天来者不善,明显是要报当年之仇!”„Iheard, the homicideKing of JinandHeaven Punishment Kingalsodislikedinsufficiently, eventhreatened that mustask the teacherto revenge.”
“哼!”Divine Firmament Immortal Emperorsneers, said: „Hedaresto comeDivine Firmament Palace, seeksdeath road!”神霄仙帝冷笑一声,道:“他敢来神霄宫,就是自寻死路!”„ButGreat Jin Immortal CountryandBurning Sun Immortal Countryalready......”
“可大晋仙国和炎阳仙国已经……”Immortal King Qing Yanghesitateswas saying.青阳仙王迟疑着说道。„It‘s nothing.”
“没什么。”Divine Firmament Immortal Emperorbeckons with the hand, the lookis indifferent, said: „NowvariousThree Thousand Worldsplacesare turbulent, the Heavenly Worldpatternhas changed, the deterioration of thiskind of immortal countryperishedto be considered asanything.”神霄仙帝摆了摆手,神色淡然,道:“如今三千界各处动荡,天界格局都已大变,这类仙国的衰败灭亡算得了什么。”So long asthere arehim, canprop upanotherGreat Jin Immortal Countrymomentarily!
……InDivine Firmament Great Hall.神霄大殿内。Twoformsconfrontmutually, at daggers drawn, the visioncollidesin the midair, does not give way to traffic!
两道身影相互对峙,剑拔弩张,目光在半空中碰撞,毫不避让!In the main hallis fillingbaleful aura, constrained the extreme!
大殿中弥漫着肃杀之气,压抑到了极点!Thispiece of between Heaven and Earth, canunder the Martial Dao main bodypressure, not have the scared look, unyieldingexpert, few.
这片天地间,能在武道本尊的威压下,毫无惧色,寸步不让的强者,寥寥无几。Butfrom ancient to present, withoutmanypeople, dareswithcontrollingUnderworldGreat Emperor Fengduconfronts!
而从古至今,也没有多少人,敢与掌控地府的酆都大帝对峙!Martial Dao main bodywords, not onlyexposesFengduis nottrueGreat Emperor, looks throughhimin the scheme of this!武道本尊的一番话,不但点破酆都并非真正的大帝,也同时看破他在这一世的图谋!Two peoplepossiblyattack brutallymomentarily.
两人随时都可能大打出手。Butat the same time, has the scruplesrespectively.
但与此同时,又各有顾忌。Two peoplewhileconfrontation, is also weighting the pros and consat heartrespectively.
两人在对峙的同时,心里也在各自权衡利害。Actually, Martial Dao main bodydoes not planto fightwithHeaven Burying Great Emperorat this moment.
其实,武道本尊并不打算此刻与葬天大帝交手。At the same time, Immortal Emperor Chen Muhad once rescuedAzure Lotus True Body.
一方面,曾经的晨暮仙帝曾救过青莲真身。Initiallybecauseif notImmortal Emperor Chen MucontrolledEmperor Tombsuddenlyto appear, Azure Lotus True Bodyhad been killedbyAcademy's Headmaster, Good Fortune Azure Lotuswill also fallin the hand of Academy's Headmaster.
当初若非因为晨暮仙帝控制帝坟突然出现,青莲真身已被书院宗主杀死,造化青莲也会落在书院宗主的手中。At that time, Immortal Emperor Chen Mudied and was reborn.
那个时候,晨暮仙帝死而复生。In other words, the consciousness of Great Emperor Fengdu, is regaining consciousnessinhiswithin the body.
也就是说,酆都大帝的意识,正在他的体内苏醒。Academy's Headmastersees clearlyTian Ji (Heaven’s Secret), plan very carefully with every conceivable possibility taken into account, maynot calculate the body of Great Emperor Fengdueventually, thereforepresentssuch a giantaccident.书院宗主洞察天机,算无遗策,可终究算不到酆都大帝的身上,所以才出现那样一个巨大的变故。On the other hand, War of Slaying the Heavenshas not started.
另一方面,伐天之战并未开始。NowandGreat Emperor Fengdufights, the timeis not right.
如今与酆都大帝交手,时机不对。Whoeverwinswhomto lose, tocutting down the daydoes not have the advantage.
The most importantpoint.
还有最重要的一点。NowinHeavenly World, three corpses that butGreat Emperor Fengducuts.
如今在天界的,只是酆都大帝斩下来的三尸。Hismain body, has not made an appearance.
他的本体,始终没有露面。ButAzure Lotus True Body, Lin Zhan, Feng Cantianand othernumerousHeavenly Desolateold friend, nowadaysImmortal Territory.
而青莲真身、林战、风残天等一众天荒故人,现如今就在仙域这边。EvenMartial Dao main bodybythunderous method, cansuppressesNine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, Emperor Bo XunandWorld Destroying Demonic Emperorcompletely, once the Great Emperor Fengdumain bodyacts, coordinates the three corpsesterrifying, Martial Dao main bodyis impossibleto protect the residenceto have the person.
就算武道本尊以雷霆手段,可以将九霄仙帝、波旬帝君和灭世魔帝全部镇压,酆都大帝的本体一旦出手,配合三尸的恐怖,武道本尊不可能护住所有人。Even ifFengdudoes not haveGreat Emperorfleshly body, stillhasprimordial spirit of Great Emperorrank!
这才是最棘手的地方。WithoutusingMartial Origin World, evenMartial Dao main bodymustdealwith rapt attention.
在不动用元武世界的情况下,连武道本尊都要凝神应对。Let alone, two people, oncefights, the sound that erupts, will alarmHeavenly Courtandfoursurely!
更何况,两人一旦交手,爆发出来的动静,必定会惊动天庭和四道!Heavenly Courtwill definitely stand by.天庭肯定会袖手旁观。Whatattitudeinfourthatthree can be?
四道中那三位又会是什么态度?Except thatLord of Hellwas suppressedinAvici Great Hell, Hungry Ghosts Path, Beasts Path, Asura Pathhas the extremelycloserelationwithKingdom of the Underworld.
除了地狱之主被镇压在阿鼻大地狱中,饿鬼道,畜生道,阿修罗道都与阴曹地府有着极为密切的联系。EachWar of Slaying the Heavens, istheycollaborates.
每一次伐天之战,都是他们联手。Brahma Ghost Mother, Evil EmperorandDemon Lordare impossibleto standhim.梵天鬼母、邪帝、魔主不可能站在他这边。Ifthesethreecanstand by, is the bestaspect.
这三位若能作壁上观,已经算是最好的局面。Ifintheirthree, the fatehelpsFengdu, the situationwill lose controlimmediately!
若是他们三位之中,有一位下场帮助酆都,局势都会立即失控!Two peoplesuchconfront, has not knownhow long, alwaysmaintained total silence.
两人就这样面面对峙,也不知过了多久,始终都是一语不发。But the respectivethoughts, are actually revolvingrapidly.
但各自的心思,却都在飞速运转。Long ago, Martial Dao main bodyhad even once thought that ifsomeopportunitiessawLord of the Underworld, theninquired that Su Hongandsoul of Yaoxueseveralold friendsescapedinto the Underworldlaterwhereabouts.
很久之前,武道本尊甚至曾想过,若有机会见到地府之主,便询问一下苏鸿、瑶雪几位故人的魂魄遁入地府之后的去向。Buthas experienced the Fengdumethod, healsoreceivedthisthoughts.
但见识过酆都的手段,他也将这个心思收了起来。Inquiredagain,is equal tomoreweaknessexposingin front ofFengdu!
再去询问,等于将更多的弱点暴露在酆都面前!Naturally, theseare only the thoughts in the Martial Dao main bodymindflashing through.
当然,这些都只是武道本尊脑海中闪过的念头。IfFengdureallywantsto actat this moment, hehas also preparedwithitwar, ahead of timebranches out the life and death!
“呵呵呵呵……”Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorsmiledsuddenly.九霄仙帝突然笑了起来。Thissmiles, amongkilling intenttwo peopledilutesmuch.
这一笑,将两人之间的杀机冲淡不少。„Amongus, doesn't need, youto say?”
“我们之间,没必要如此,你说呢?”Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, firstdrew backunexpectedlyonestep, askedwith a smile.九霄仙帝这边,竟先退了一步,笑着问道。
The Martial Dao main bodyvisionis tranquil, shows neither approval nor disapproval.武道本尊目光平静,不置可否。In fact, Martial Dao main bodyhasscruples, Heaven Burying Great Emperoralsoquitedreadedtohim!
实际上,武道本尊有所顾忌,葬天大帝这边对他也是颇为忌惮!Hepoursis not afraidoneselfsafety.
他倒并非害怕自己的安危。Because, Martial Dao main bodyis impossibleto killhim.
因为,武道本尊根本不可能杀死他。ButBury Heavenwas worriedthree corpses that oneselfcut, will be ruinedbyMartial Dao main body, falls short.
但葬天担心自己斩下来的三尸,会被武道本尊毁掉,功亏一篑。three corpses that thiscuts, has practicedPinnacle Emperor, in recent years, undersacrificial refining of numerousghost, onlymisses the laststep.
这一世斩下的三尸,都已经修炼到巅峰帝君,这些年来,在众多亡魂的祭炼之下,只差最后一步。Wantsto becometrueGreat Emperor, to him is too difficult.
想要成为真正的大帝,对他来说实在太难。Martial Dao main bodysaidright, hedoes not havefleshly body.武道本尊说得没错,他没有肉身。Butwantsproved the DaoGreat Emperor, he can only try another method.
而想要证道大帝,他只能另辟蹊径。Did not mean,hehasprimordial spirit of Great Emperorrank, is seeking forGreat Emperorfleshly body, bothmelt, is trueGreat Emperor.
那就想得太简单了。Hedoes not needto spendgreatlyflustered, cutsthree corpses, with the aid ofGreat Emperor's tomb, dies and is reborn.
他也不必大费周章,斩下三尸,又借助大帝之墓,死而复生。EvenhasGreat Emperorfleshly body, ineacha drop of bloodmeat, containsthatGreat Emperordao law, withhisprimordial spirit, not possibleperfectconjunction.
就算有大帝肉身,每一滴血肉中,都蕴藏着那尊大帝的道法,与他的元神,不可能完美契合。primordial spirit, infleshly bodyandbloodlines, so long asa littleconflicts, dao lawnot possibleperfection.元神,肉身、血脉之间只要有一点冲突,道法就不可能圆满。
It is not Great Emperorin the true sense!
就并不是真正意义上的大帝!Only then he charitable disposition, evil thoughts, after self-obsessioncuts, corpseachievementGreat Emperor, meltswithitagain, perfectconjunction!
只有他将自己善念,恶念,自我执念斩下来之后,尸身成就大帝,再与之相融,才会完美契合!benevolent corpse that becausecuts, evil corpse, self corpse, ishe himself!
The entire process, looking like the armcontinuesmeetsto be the same.
整个过程,就像是断臂续接一样。„YourIhave practicedthislevel, standsinsuchaltitude, youhave a look outside thatcrowd of lives......”
“你我已经修炼到这个层次,站在这样的高度,你看看外面那群生灵……”Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorpoints at the distant place, the vision seems coveringonentireHeavenly World, said: „Actually, inyourmyeye, theylooks like the antsto be the same, youdo not absolutely needto care.”九霄仙帝指着远方,目光仿佛覆盖在整个天界上,道:“其实,在你我眼中,他们就像是蝼蚁一般,你根本没必要在意。”„Outside the main hallis standingthatseveral, actually, is the bigpointants.”
“就连大殿外站着那几位,其实,也不过是大一点的蝼蚁罢了。”„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), Ido not wantwithyourbecome enemy.”
“荒武,我不想与你为敌。”Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorsaidwith a smile: „Youandtheyseem likesomegratitude and grudges, toshow the sincerity, Igivesyouto handlethem, how?”九霄仙帝笑着说道:“你与他们似乎有些恩怨,为表诚意,我将他们交给你处置,如何?”
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