In fact, thiscommunication talismantoSu Zimo, alreadynotbiguse.
实际上,这枚传讯符箓对苏子墨而言,已经没有多大的用处。Butafter all is the Elder Ironcrowngood intention, hehas not declined.
但毕竟是铁冠老者的好意,他也并未推辞。Northern Kun EmperorandSouthern Peng Emperorhave the intention to leaveearly, seesHeavenly Worldall thingsto settle down, thentakesXiao Yao (free and unfettered), preparesto return toKunpeng World.北鲲帝君、南鹏帝君早有去意,见天界诸事尘埃落定,便带上逍遥,准备返回鲲鹏界。Butthistime, Xiao Yao (free and unfettered)did not have the excuse, can only the little darlingfollowstwoWorld Lordto leave.
而这一次,逍遥也没了借口,只能乖乖的跟着两位界主离开。Elder Ironcrownalsopreparesto bringBeiming Xue, returns toSword World.铁冠老者也准备带着北冥雪,返回剑界。ProbablyBeiming Xue, Xiao Yao (free and unfettered)thistype, hasSword World, Kunpeng Worldas the asylum, Su Zimowas not worried, side does not needto keepthem.
像是北冥雪,逍遥这种,有剑界,鲲鹏界作为庇护,苏子墨并不担心,也没必要将他们留在身边。Let alone, Beiming XueisSword Worlda peak lord.
更何况,北冥雪乃是剑界一峰之主。Xiao Yao (free and unfettered)isKunpeng Worldyoung master, key that twomajor planecombine, ifcarried offbySu Zimo, twomajor planeare also easyto disintegrate.逍遥乃是鲲鹏界少主,两大界面合二为一的关键,若是被苏子墨带走,两大界面也容易分崩离析。On point of departure before, Elder Ironcrownurged: „Zimo, the matter, youleftas soon as possible, godo not go towhatDivine Firmament Palace.”
„ Immortal Territoryhad/left such bigsound, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorhad not come, likely wasbecause anything or anyone constrained. „
“仙域出了这么大动静,九霄仙帝始终没现身,很可能是因为什么事或者什么人拖住了。“„Whilethistime, leavesas soon as possible, so as to avoidcauses complications.”
“趁这个时机,尽早离开,免得节外生枝。”Su Zimonodswith a smile, shows neither approval nor disapproval.苏子墨笑着点点头,不置可否。ButLong Randoes not planDragon World, butfollowsSu Zimo, goes tonewplanes.
而龙燃不打算回龙界,而是跟着苏子墨,前往新的界面。Frost Dragon EmperorandHornless Dragon Kingreturn toDragon World, keptLong Li, makingherfollowLong Ranto go tothatnewplanesto have a look, istravels.冰霜龙帝和螭龙王返回龙界,却将龙离留了下来,让她跟着龙燃去那个新的界面看看,算是游历一番。Hou Zi (monkey), Old Tiger, Qingqingand the others, naturallydo not planto return toGreat Desolation World.猴子、老虎、青青等人,自然也不打算返回大荒界。Theirbrothersare then going on an expeditioninHeavenly Desolatetogether, now the rarereuniongathers, is not naturally willingto separate.
他们兄弟在天荒便在一起征战,如今难得重逢相聚,自然不愿分开。Su ZimoalsosaidtoLin ZhanandImmortal King Linglongownidea, invitingtwosame placesto leaveHeavenly World, establishedsideplanes.苏子墨也将自己的这个想法跟林战、玲珑仙王说了一下,邀请两位一起离开天界,创立一方界面。„Whatconcretedestination can Zimohave?”
“子墨可有什么具体去处?”Lin Zhanasked.林战问道。Su Zimoshakes the head, said: „Roughly the directionhasactually, far away fromThree Thousand Worlds, as for the exact location, is as far as possible indefinite.”苏子墨摇摇头,道:“大体方向倒是有,尽可能远离三千界,至于具体位置,还不确定。”„Such being the case, whynotinHeavenly World?”
“既然如此,为何不在天界?”Lin Zhanhesitates saying: „Now, the Azure Firmament Immortal Territorywithout owner, wecanattemptto establish a sideinfluenceinAzure Firmament, canattractHeavenly Worldnumerouslives.”林战沉吟道:“如今,青霄仙域无主,我们可以尝试在青霄建立一方势力,也可以吸引天界的众多生灵。”ProbablyWar Countrythistype, wanting the whole nationto migrate, the scale is too big.
像是战国这种,想要举国迁移,规模实在太大。Manycultivator have long been used to Azure Firmament Immortal Territory, makingthemleavewithLin Zhanand the otherstogether, goes tounknownplace, manypeoplewill have the contradiction.
很多修士在青霄仙域早已习惯,让他们随着林战等人一起离开,前往一个未知之地,很多人都会心生抵触。Newplanes, placeunknown.
也没有什么根基。It can be said that thisplanesall, areunknown.
可以说,这个界面的一切,都是未知。Withoutmany people are willingto takesuchrisk.
没有多少人愿意冒这样的风险。InHeavenly World, origin qi of Heaven and Earthrelativelyis at least rich, hascertainsafeguard, cultivationunobstructive.
在天界,至少天地元气相对浓郁,有一定保障,修行无碍。Whoknows that whatnewplanesdoes have?
谁知道新的界面有什么?Moreover, Su Zimohad just said that mustbe far away fromThree Thousand Worlds.
而且,苏子墨刚刚说过,要远离三千界。Far away fromThree Thousand Worlds, means that origin qi of Heaven and Earthis thinner.
远离三千界,就意味着天地元气越稀薄。Iftonewplanes, cultivationoneyear, could not compareto cultivate for dayinHeavenly World, from afar, whole familymigration?
“不妥。”Su Zimolooksto the Divine Firmament Palacedirection, shakes the head saying: „Heavenly Worldis notgood, stays here, possiblyhas the catastropheto arriveanytime!”苏子墨看向神霄宫的方向,摇头道:“天界已非善地,留在这里,随时都可能有大祸降临!”Su Zimohas not spoken, butLin ZhanandImmortal King Linglonglisten to the backbad risk.苏子墨没有明言,但林战、玲珑仙王都听出背后的凶险。CanletSu Zimo, orEmperor Huang Wufeltcatastrophe that dreads, theydid not deal withabsolutely!
“我明白了。”Lin Zhannods, sinkingsound said: „Ireturn toWar Countrynow, conveningcultivatoras far as possible, everyoneleavestogether!”林战点点头,沉声道:“我现在就返回战国,尽可能的召集修士,大家一起离开!”Immortal King Linglongasked: „Weprepareappropriately, towhatplaceset?”玲珑仙王问道:“我们准备妥当,到什么地点集合?”Su Zimohesitateslittle, said: „OutsideHeavenly WorldhasDragon Pool Star, there set.”苏子墨沉吟少许,道:“天界外有一颗龙渊星,在那里集合。”„Good!”
The Lin Zhanpeopleshould , first stepleave.林战众人应下,先一步离开。Feng Cantiansaid: „Ialsoreturn toHeavenly Desolate Sectnow, having a look atmany people willingto leavetogether.”风残天道:“我现在也回天荒宗,看看有多少人愿意一道离开。”„Thismattergives others to manage.”
“这件事交给其他人去办。”Su Zimosaid: „big brother Feng, a whilewego toDivine Firmament Palace.”苏子墨道:“风大哥,一会儿我们去神霄宫。”Hearsthese wordsbrightly, King Yun Youat presentone!
听到这句话,云幽王眼前一亮!Hethinks,todaymustdiewithout doubt.
他本以为,今日必死无疑。didn’t expect, thisSu Zimocourts deathunexpectedly, mustgo toDivine Firmament Palace!没想到,这个苏子墨居然自己找死,要去神霄宫!It seems like before King of Jinat the point of deaththatwords, plays the role.
看来晋王临死前的那番话,还是起到了作用。ButKing Yun Youchanges mindanotherto think,nowvariousmajor planeEmperorexperthave left, inSu Zimothisgroup of people, strongest is also Lin ZhanandYakshaFear Kingand otherPseudo Emperor.
但云幽王转念又一想,如今各大界面的帝君强者都已经离开,苏子墨这群人中,最强的也就是林战、夜叉惧王等几位准帝。HebringsFeng Cantian, daresto go toDivine Firmament Palace, is it possible thatalsohaswhatsubsequent hand?
他带着风残天,就敢去神霄宫,莫非还有什么后手?Feng Cantianknows,Su Zimoleadshimto go toDivine Firmament Palace, tolook forDivine Firmament Immortal Emperordoes accounts.风残天知道,苏子墨带着他去神霄宫,就是为了找神霄仙帝算账。„Canhave the trouble?”
“会不会有麻烦?”Feng Cantianasked.风残天问道。„All right.”
“没事。”Su Zimoshows a faint smile.苏子墨微微一笑。Goes toDivine Firmament Palace, not onlyforDivine Firmament Immortal Emperor, that sidealsoseveralpeople, happen tocansolvetogether!
Before leaving, Su ZimolookstoYang Ruoxuand otheracademydisciple, said: „brother Yang, fellow daoist Mo Qing, was inferior that along withmetogether, goes tonewplanes, canreconstruct the academy there , to continue to inheritacademydao law.”
“这……”Yang Ruoxuslightlyhesitates.杨若虚略有迟疑。Althoughheis the lord of presentacademy, butthismatterinvolvesacademy's everyone, hecannot make up mindsuddenly.
“好。”Almostnothesitant, Mo Qingfirstnodsto comply.
几乎没有犹豫,墨倾第一时间点头答应。Su Zimogawked.苏子墨愣了一下。Hepoursdidn’t expect, Mo Qingwill complyimmediately.
他倒没想到,墨倾会立即答应下来。Newplanes, toomanyunknown.
新的界面,太多未知。Only thenhas the unretentivetrusttohim, will not have the least bithesitantcomplies.
只有对他有着毫无保留的信任,才会没有半点犹豫的答应下来。Yang Ruoxuponders overlittle , the nodsaid: „Alsogood, Iwent backto saywith the academydisciples, ifsomepeopleare willingto leave, Itookthemto leavealong withBrother Sutogether!”杨若虚思忖少许,也点头道:“也好,我回去跟众位书院弟子说一下,若有人愿意离开,我就带上他们一起随苏兄离开!”Su Zimothinks, lookstoYun Zhu.苏子墨想了想,又看向云竹。Withoutheopened the mouth, Yun Zhuthenshakes the head, the forced smilesaid: „Iwantto followyouto go tonewplanesto have a looktogether, butIunderstandroyal father, hebecause ofyoura few words, the whole nationwill not then migrate.”
没等他开口,云竹便摇了摇头,苦笑道:“我是想跟着你们一起去新的界面看看,但我了解父王,他不会因为你一句话,便举国迁移。”Su Zimonods.苏子墨点点头。SaidregardingYun Zhu, inhisheartunderstood.
对于云竹所言,他心中理解。Purple Pavilion Immortal Countrybases for manyyearsinDivine Firmament Immortal Territory, the foundationis solid, almost allresourcesfoundations, here.紫轩仙国在神霄仙域立足多年,底蕴深厚,几乎所有的资源根基,都在这里。Except forLin Zhanand othernumerousHeavenly Desolateold friend, whobecause of his thought that withleavingnative land, does herecedeanother region?
除了林战等一众天荒故人,谁会因为他一个念头,就跟着离开故土,他远走他乡?„Can Heavenly World...... have an accident?”
“天界……要出事了吗?”Yun Zhulooks atSu Zimo, askedin a soft voice.云竹看着苏子墨,轻声问道。Somematters, do not need the Su Zimoexplanation is too many, Yun Zhucanguessprobably.
有些事,不需要苏子墨解释太多,云竹就能猜测出大概。CanmakeSu Zimosodrag in lots of people, evensaidHeavenly Worldto fear the words of catastrophe, possiblydid not say things just to frighten people!
能让苏子墨如此兴师动众,甚至说出天界恐有大祸的话,绝不可能是危言耸听!Although, sheis not clear, the source of thiscrisiswhere.
“可能。”Su Zimonods, the lookis dignified, said: „Ifreallyhas an accident, Iwill preventwith every effort, but actually canbewhatresult, Icannot reach an agreement.”苏子墨点点头,神色凝重,道:“如果真出事,我会尽力阻止,但究竟会是什么结果,我也说不好。”„Brother Su, many thanks.”
“苏兄,多谢。”Yun Zhusmilessubmissively, the facial expressionis free and easy.云竹拱手一笑,神情洒脱。„ShouldbeIthanksyouto be right.”
“应该是我谢你才对。”Su Zimosincerely said: „In recent years, hasyouto look afterTao YaoandLiu Pingluckily, has been protectingXiaoningin secret, ourbrother and sistercanhave a reunion.”苏子墨正色道:“这些年来,幸好有你照顾桃夭、柳平,一直暗中保护着小凝,我们兄妹才得以重逢。”Su Xiaoningalsowalks, is raising slightlyto express gratitudetoYun Zhu.苏小凝也走过来,对着云竹欠身道谢。„OursuchthanksLaixiewent, poursseemsestranged.”
“我们这样谢来谢去,倒显得生分了。”Yun Zhusaid with a smile: „Foundnewplanes, remembers that toldmeone, Ialsohad a look atplanes that youestablished, waswhat kind ofscene.”云竹笑道:“等找到新的界面,记得告诉我一声,我也去看看你们创立的界面,是怎样的景象。”„Said it and meant it!”
“一言为定!”Su Zimosaid.苏子墨说道。Yun Zhuholds up the palm, with a smilelooks atSu Zimo.云竹举起手掌,笑吟吟的看着苏子墨。Su Zimoassociative compound, lifts the palm, pattedgentlywith the palm of Yun Zhu.苏子墨会意,也抬起手掌,与云竹的手掌轻轻拍了一下。Two peoplesmile.
( This chapterends)
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