„Didn't recognizeme?”
“认不出我了吗?”Xie Qingchengalmostbites the silver sliverstooth, stares atBurning Sun Immortal Kingstubbornly, in the gap between teethis showingseveralcharacters.谢倾城几乎咬碎银牙,死死盯着炎阳仙王,齿缝中透出几个字。Burning Sun Immortal Kingknits the browsslightly.炎阳仙王微微皱眉。Thissound, listenssomewhatto be truly familiar-sounding.
The thinkingmoment, Burning Sun Immortal Kingstared at the eyes of Xie Qingchengto look ata while, the complexionsank, coldsound said: „Isyou!”
“终于认出来了。”Smiling of Xie Qingchengself-ridicules, said: „Iam always curious, in recent years, youmayhavemeare regarded asyour son, can youoncelikemy mother?”谢倾城自嘲的笑了笑,道:“我始终好奇,这些年来,你可有将我看作是你的儿子,你可曾喜欢过我娘?”„You?”
“你?”Burning Sun Immortal Kinglaughs, said: „Do youalsomatchto inheritmybloodlines?”炎阳仙王大笑一声,道:“你也配传承我的血脉?”„In the pastgave birth toyou, butwasIemergesfor a while, otherwisebyyourmother'sLower Realmfamily background, howIto have a liking forher. The this Kingharembeautiful womanare innumerable, yourmotheris a maid, enters the qualifications of this Kingharemnot to have!”
“当年生下你,不过是我一时兴起,否则以你娘的下界出身,我怎会看上她。本王后宫美女无数,你娘不过是个婢女,入本王后宫的资格都没有!”Xie Qingchenghears the whole bodyto shiver, the doublefistmakes an effortis gripping, the knuckleis pale.谢倾城听得浑身颤抖,双拳用力的攥着,指节苍白。Burning Sun Immortal Kingwas abandonedcultivation base, Dao Heartcollapsed, knew perfectly well that todaymustdie, was ready for any sacrifice, sneers saying: „this Kinglifeheirover a thousandpeople, your family background, withmaking the bloodlines of myburning sun! Letyoulivetoday, is a mistake!”炎阳仙王被废了修为,道心崩溃,明知今日必死,也就豁出去了,冷笑道:“本王一生子嗣上千人,你这种出身,也配做我炎阳的血脉!让你活到今天,就是一个错误!”Zheng!
铮!Xie Qingchengcannot endure patientlyagain, pulls out the long sworddirectly!谢倾城再也忍耐不住,直接抽出长剑!sword bladeis cold, aims at the Burning Sun Immortal Kingsurfacegate, is sending out a chill in the air!
剑锋凛凛,对准炎阳仙王的面门,散发着一丝寒意!Burning Sun Immortal Kinghas degenerated into a disabled person, Xie Qingchengthisswordgets down, canpierceitabsolutely, cutsto killat the scene!炎阳仙王已经沦为一个废人,谢倾城这一剑下去,绝对可以将其刺穿,当场斩杀!„Begins!”
“动手啊!”Burning Sun Immortal Kinglaughs saying: „Youdareto killme, you are a disobedient son, kills one's sovereignto murder the person of father, mustbe reviledbyten thousandpeople, always can not turn over/stand up!”炎阳仙王大笑道:“你敢杀我,你就是个逆子,弑君弑父之人,必遭万人唾骂,永世不得翻身!”Xie Qingchenglong sword, slightlyshivering.谢倾城的长剑,微微颤抖着。In fact, both sidesdo not have the least bitemotion.
实际上,双方已经没有半点情感。Butthissword, heactuallycannot puncture.
The warmbloody waterspout, dispersedXie Qingchengone.
The head of Burning Sun Immortal King, onlyhas the half!炎阳仙王的脑袋,就只剩下半截!Inhisbehind, a tall and strongbigform, the honorablemouthis chewing, in the gap between teethis flowing the blood, saying that in the mouthwas foul-mouthed: „Thisperson of realhis motherquarrelled!”
在他的身后,一尊魁梧高大的身影,正大口嘴嚼着,齿缝中流淌着鲜血,口中骂骂咧咧的说道:“这人真他妈吵!”Afterward, YakshaFear Kingcracks into a smiletoXie Qingcheng, said: „Quack, youdo not dareto kill, fatherhelpsyoukill!”
随后,夜叉惧王冲着谢倾城咧嘴一笑,道:“嘎嘎,你不敢杀,老子帮你杀!”Only then, the peopleresponded,in the crowdsent outoneto call out in alarm.
直到此时,众人才反应过来,人群中发出一阵惊呼。Burning Sun Immortal Kinggnawed off the halfheadbythatYakshaPseudo Emperorunexpectedly, primordial spiritdies out, died at the scene!炎阳仙王竟然被那尊夜叉准帝咬掉半边脑袋,元神寂灭,当场身亡!Arm of Xie Qingcheng, weaklets fall, the lookis somewhat vacant, losingsoulfall soulis ordinary.谢倾城的手臂,无力的垂落下去,眼神有些茫然,失魂落魄一般。Fairy Chi Honggoes forwardhastily, inquiredin a low voice.赤虹仙子连忙上前,低声询问。Xie Qingchengas ifthought ofanythingsuddenly, palmonetight, grips the long sword, in the eyepupilrevealsdensekilling intent, looksto the Burning Sun Immortal Countrydirection!谢倾城似乎突然想到了什么,手掌一紧,又重新握住长剑,眼眸中流露出森然杀机,看向炎阳仙国的方向!Thatgroup of people who in the pastkilled mother, are also living!
当年害死母亲的那群人,都还活着!Byhispresentstrength, even ifre-entersBurning Sun Royal Palace, is still hardto take revenge.
只是,凭他如今的力量,就算重回炎阳王宫,也难以复仇。As ifsees the Xie Qingchengintention, Su Zimohesitateslittle, lookstoYakshaFear King, said: „Accompanieshimto go backto have a look.”
似乎看出谢倾城的意图,苏子墨沉吟少许,看向夜叉惧王,道:“陪他回去看看。”YakshaFear Kingobtains the instruction of Martial Dao main body, todayallarrangements, obey the Su Zimo'sdirection.夜叉惧王早就得到武道本尊的指示,今日一切安排,听从苏子墨的指挥。Whyalthoughhedoes not know, does not dareto violate, thennods.
虽然他不知为何,也不敢违背,便点了点头。„Brother Su, many thanks.”
“苏兄,多谢。”Xie Qingchengcups one hand in the other across the chest.谢倾城拱手。HasthisYaksha Ghostto accompany, not necessarilyis usefulheto act, the lightisthisYaksha Ghosttoward a Burning Sun Immortal Kingharemdrill, thatgroup of haremimperial concubinesmustfrightenthe soul flies away and scatters!
有这尊夜叉鬼陪着,都未必用得上他出手,光是这尊夜叉鬼往炎阳仙王的后宫一钻,那群后宫妃都得吓得魂飞魄散!YakshaFear KingbringsXie Qingcheng, drills intodirectlyvoid, vanishesdoes not see.夜叉惧王带着谢倾城,直接钻入虚空中,消失不见。
……Great Jin Immortal Countryheresituation, completelyduringSu Zimo'scontrols, Elder Ironcrown, Northern Kun Emperor, Frost Dragon Emperorand the othersinnot far away, stand by, has not acted.大晋仙国这边的局势,完全在苏子墨的掌控之中,铁冠老者、北鲲帝君、冰霜龙帝等人就在不远处,作壁上观,并未出手。Butseesto runmore than tenRakshasakings, trulymakesthembe startled.
但看到跑出来十几位罗刹王,确实让他们大吃一惊。King Yun Youthat words saying right, ifthismatterpasses toRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, does not deal withright, is very likelyis the total destruction!云幽王那番话说得没错,这件事若传到奉天界,应付不对,极有可能就是灭顶之灾!BeforeSu Zimospokea few words, the peopletreated as the joke.
之前苏子墨说了一句话,众人都只是当做玩笑。didn’t expect, hereallycantransfermore than tenRakshasakingsunexpectedly!没想到,他竟然真能调动十几位罗刹王!„Xiao Yao (free and unfettered)theteacheris playing with fire.”
“逍遥的这位师尊在玩火啊。”Northern Kun Emperorshakes the headslightly.北鲲帝君微微摇头。Southern Peng Emperoralsosaid: „Beforehad the conflictin the White Firmament Immortal Territorythat sideandRadiance World, now, exposesmore than tenRakshasasinful spirit(s), how longcould not want, this matterwill pass toRealm of the Mandate of Heavens.”南鹏帝君也说道:“之前在琅霄仙域那边与光明界发生了冲突,如今,又将十几个罗刹罪灵暴露出来,要不了多久,此事就会传到奉天界。”BesidesHeavenly World, the Three Thousand Worldspeopledo not know,Heavenly Desolate SectandHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)havewhatrelations.
除了天界之外,三千界的众人并不知道,天荒宗与荒武有什么关系。Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)to become famoustruly a Three Thousand Worldswar, in the Great Desolation World'stime.荒武真正扬名三千界一战,是在大荒界的时候。ProbablyHeavenly Desolate Sectlike thisinsect that Demon Territoryrules in one corner of the kingdom, Heavenly Worldis numerous, will not arouse the interests of variousmajor plane.
像是天荒宗这样在魔域偏安一隅的宗门,天界众多,并不会引起各大界面的关注。IfnumerouspositionEmperorexpertcanknow,Martial Dao main bodyonceestablishedHeavenly Desolate Sect, perhapsthencanguess,waswhodestroyedRakshasasinful land.
众位帝君强者若能知道,武道本尊曾创立天荒宗,或许便能猜测出,是谁打碎了罗刹罪地。Elder Ironcrownhesitates saying: „Is onlymore than tenRakshasa, not necessarilysinful spirit(s) that escapesfromRakshasasinful land.”铁冠老者沉吟道:“只是十几个罗刹,未必是从罗刹罪地逃出来的罪灵。”„Even, thismatterstill is very so difficultto explain.”
“就算如此,这种事也很难解释。”Frost Dragon Emperoralsoshakes the head, said: „Realm of the Mandate of Heavensjustsuffered a lossin the Emperor Huang Wu'shand, the face countenancelosescompletely, the prestigeinThree Thousand Worldsfalls into the valley.”冰霜龙帝也摇了摇头,道:“奉天界刚在荒武帝君的手中吃了大亏,颜面丢尽,在三千界中的威望跌到谷底。”„Now, the great misfortune, Realm of the Mandate of Heavenswill be very likelyto draw support fromthis matterto set up the prestige!”
“如今,大劫将至,奉天界极有可能借助此事来立威!”Frost Dragon Emperorinpeopleoldest, experiencingwere too many, looksquiteto the matteris also long-terminsightfully.冰霜龙帝在众人中年岁最长,经历了太多,对事情看得也较为长远通透。Collaborateswithsinful spirit(s), thiswas equal to that is challengingRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, evenchallengesbehindRealm of the Mandate of Heavensthatcolossus!
The Great JinRoyal Citycrowd, is diverginggradually.大晋王城的人群,正在渐渐散去。After such giantaccident, Great Jin Immortal Countrydid not have, Ten Thousand Years Assemblynaturallycannot hold.
经过这样巨大的变故,大晋仙国都没了,万年大会自然也举行不下去。Seesheresituationto decide, there is nolively to look,allinfluencethenretreatsin abundance.
见这边局势已定,没有什么热闹可看,各方势力便纷纷退去。Elder Ironcrownand the otherswalked.铁冠老者等人走了过来。Su Zimomoves forward to meet somebody, salutessubmissively, said: „Many thanksseniorcomesto assist, ifin the futurewill establishone, will inviteseniorto cometo be a guestagain.”苏子墨迎上去,拱手行礼,道:“多谢诸位前辈前来相助,将来若是创立一界,再邀请诸位前辈前来做客。”Northern Kun EmperorandSouthern Peng Emperorlook at each otherone, heysmilesone, has not saidanything.北鲲帝君、南鹏帝君对视一眼,嘿笑一声,没说什么。Elder Ironcrowndivine consciousnesspasses on the sound said: „Zimo, establishes the planesincident, might as welldragbackward?”铁冠老者神识传音道:“子墨,创立界面一事,不如向后拖一拖?”„What's wrong?”
“怎么?”Su Zimoasked.苏子墨问道。Elder Ironcrownsinkingsound said: „On the one hand, yougive shelter tothatdark mutationGod Clan, has splitwithRadiance World, is very likelyto alarmRadiance WorldEmperorexpert.”铁冠老者沉声道:“一方面,你收留那位黑暗异变的神族,已经与光明界交恶,极有可能惊动光明界的帝君强者。”„On the other hand, what is also is thorniestwasyoursidethesemore than tenRakshasa Clanexposes!”
“另一方面,也是最棘手的是你身边这十几位罗刹族暴露了!”„Seniordoes not needto worry,this matterIhave the arrangement.”
“前辈不必担心,此事我自有安排。”Su Zimoshouldsaywith a smile.苏子墨笑着应道。Since he choicemakestheseRakshasa Clanleave the mountainmake an appearance, has been ready, mustwithRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, evenisHeavenly Courtmakes war!
The Elder Ironcrownlookis dignified, silentlittle, urged: „Such being the case, ifwere lookedbyRealm of the Mandate of Heavens, yourten million/surelymustdealcarefully, certainlycannotacknowledgethesemore than tenRakshasa Clan, fromRakshasasinful land.”铁冠老者神色凝重,沉默少许,又叮嘱道:“既然如此,若是被奉天界找上,你千万要小心应对,一定不能承认这十几位罗刹族,来自罗刹罪地。”„Hereistogethercommunication talisman, if your sideencounterswhatdanger, thentears into shredsthistalisman, Iwill know.”
“这里是一道传讯符箓,若是你那边遇到什么危险,便将这道符箓撕碎,我自会知晓。”Is saying, Elder IroncrownwhilegivesSu Zimocommunication talisman.
It looks like inElder Ironcrown, thisHeavenly Worldoneline, Su Zimothisgroup of peopletrulysettledin the past the gratitude and grudges, butalsolaid down the giantdisaster, possiblydrew fire to oneselfmomentarily!
在铁冠老者看来,此次天界一行,苏子墨这群人确实了结当年恩怨,但也同时埋下巨大的祸患,随时都可能引火烧身!Hisnot possibletimeto protectsideSu Zimo's, thistalisman, couldplaysomeroles.
( This chapterends)
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