ESK :: Volume #32

#3132: The burning sun was abandoned

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Su Zimo has not thought, nods with a smile, then received this picture scroll. 苏子墨并未多想,笑着点点头,便将这幅画卷收了起来。 His vision crosses Mo Qing and the others, looks to the academy's crowd, seems seeking for anything. 他的目光越过墨倾等人,看向书院的人群,似乎在寻找着什么。 Quick, Su Zimo saw that lowers the head slightly, the man of whole face scar of knife wound. 很快,苏子墨看到了那个微微垂首,满脸刀疤的男子。 Perhaps others do not recognize him, but Su Zimo looks, he is Xie Qingcheng! 旁人或许认不出他,但苏子墨一眼就看出来,他就是谢倾城 The appearance that once that has devastatingly beautiful, continually numerous fairy maidens before him, the handsome man who must be not as good as, to conceal identity, cultivation in the academy, will injure this appearance unexpectedly. 曾经那个有着倾国倾城的容貌,连众多仙子在他面前,都要略逊一筹的美男子,为了隐姓埋名,在书院中修行,竟将自己伤成了这副模样。 Does not know that must bear the big pain, under meeting this cruel methods. 不知要承受多大的痛苦,才会下此狠手。 Xie Qingcheng lowers the head. 谢倾城低着头。 He as if detected the Su Zimo's vision, but his some do not dare to face Su Zimo. 他似乎察觉到了苏子墨的目光,但他有些不敢面对苏子墨 Not because of own appearance, because, Burning Sun Immortal King once participated to encircle in the past has killed Su Zimo! 不是因为自己的容貌,而是因为,当年炎阳仙王曾参与围杀过苏子墨 He knows Su Zimo to be well, in the natural heart likes, because of this matter, he also feels incomparably guilty. 他得知苏子墨无恙,自然心中欢喜,但因为此事,他也感到无比愧疚。 You two halt to me!” “你们两个给我站住!” Soaring Void Palace Wind-Fire Monastery Wu Xu sword immortal and Xuan Feng True Immortal sees the situation is not wonderful, prepares to retreat in secret, was stopped by calling out by Fairy Chi Hong. 冲虚宫风火观无虚剑仙玄风真仙见形势不妙,准备暗中退走,却被赤虹仙子叫住。 Fairy Chi Hong said: senior brother Su, just their these two people helped Xie Yu they bully us, but must catch Burning Sun Immortal Country me, Wind-Fire Monastery and Soaring Void Palace are the Heaven Level influences that the recent years rose.” 赤虹仙子道:“苏师兄,刚刚他们这两个人帮着谢煜他们欺负我们,还要将我抓回炎阳仙国,风火观冲虚宫都是近年来崛起的天级势力。” Su Zimo vision rotation. 苏子墨目光转动。 Wu Xu sword immortal and Xuan Feng True Immortal feels bone-piercing icy aura instantaneously, let alone escapes, two people present gearing do not dare to move! 无虚剑仙玄风真仙瞬间感受到一股彻骨寒意,别说是逃,两人现在连动都不敢动! Teacher, saves me......” “师尊,救我……” Wu Xu sword immortal looks to Soaring Void Palace Immortal King, the sound shivers. 无虚剑仙看向冲虚宫的一位仙王,声音颤抖。 Soaring Void Palace and Wind-Fire Monastery several Immortal King look at each other one mutually, bracing oneself stands, is saying with a smile to Su Zimo submissively: fellow daoist Su, in this perhaps some misunderstanding, but also looks......” 冲虚宫风火观的几位仙王相互对视一眼,硬着头皮站出来,对着苏子墨拱手笑道:“苏道友,这里面兴许有些误会,还望……” Your several do, want for them over?” “你们几个,想替他们出头吗?” Su Zimo has not waited for several people saying that then asked one lightly. 苏子墨没等几人说完,便淡淡的问了一句。 The tone is light, does not have murderous-looking. 语气平淡,也没有杀气腾腾 But why does not know, these Immortal King feel fearful and apprehensive! 但不知为何,这几位仙王都感到一阵心惊肉跳! Several Immortal King silent little, drew back silently. 几位仙王沉默少许,又默默退了回去。 Even King of Jin Heaven Punishment King was killed! 晋王天刑王都被杀了! Can Punishment Blade by this Su Zimo bare-handed crumb, who they shoulder this? 刑戮刀都被这个苏子墨徒手捏碎了,他们谁能扛住这一下? Let alone, side Su Zimo also has more than ten Rakshasa kings, Pseudo Emperor Yaksha, Lin Zhan this grade of character. 更何况,苏子墨身边还有十几位罗刹王,准帝夜叉,林战这等人物。 If closes, they feared that does not remain the dregs. 若是一拥而上,他们怕是连渣都不剩。 Sees several Immortal King actions, Wu Xu sword immortal and in Xuan Feng True Immortal two people eyes, flashes through wipes desperately. 看到几位仙王的举动,无虚剑仙玄风真仙两人的眼中,闪过一抹绝望。 Su Zimo!” 苏子墨!” In Xuan Feng True Immortal heart one horizontal, suddenly said: You are Immortal King, we are only True Immortal! Just now a war, is only True Immortal fights, you cannot bully the weak!” 玄风真仙心中一横,突然说道:“你是仙王,我们只是真仙!方才一战,也只是真仙争锋,你不能以大欺小!” You...... have not matched me to act.” “你们……还不配我出手。” Su Zimo looked that has not looked at two people one eyes, but returned to one lightly, later called one: Beiming.” 苏子墨看都没看两人一眼,只是淡淡的回了一句,随后又唤了一声:“北冥。” The Beiming Xue associative compound, shoulders the long sword, two people line goes toward Xuan Feng True Immortal and Wu Xu sword immortal. 北冥雪会意,背负长剑,朝着玄风真仙无虚剑仙两人行去。 Opportunity!” “机会!” Xuan Feng True Immortal and Wu Xu sword immortal feels, Beiming Xue cultivation realm, has not stepped into paradise. 玄风真仙无虚剑仙感受到,北冥雪修为境界,并未踏入洞天 So long as is True Spirit fights, they have 30% odds of success. 只要是真灵争锋,他们就有30%胜算。 If two people collaborate, the odds of success even can achieve 70%! 若是两人联手,胜算甚至能达到70%! Buzz! 嗡! Wu Xu sword immortal acts. 无虚剑仙出手。 ! 呼! Xuan Feng True Immortal also acts, two people collaborate, kill to Beiming Xue. 玄风真仙也同时出手,两人联手,杀向北冥雪 ...... …… brother Xie, did not plan that greeted with me?” 谢兄,不打算与我打声招呼吗?” Su Zimo has not looked to nearby tactical situation, but falls on academy crowd the face of form, asked slowly. 苏子墨并未看向旁边的战况,只是落在书院人群中的一道身影的脸上,缓缓问道。 The Xie Qingcheng whole body shakes, looks up. 谢倾城浑身一震,抬头望去。 As if sees the Xie Qingcheng thoughts, Su Zimo said: That matter does not blame you, brother Xie does not need therefore to rebuke oneself, but, I and......” 似乎看出谢倾城的心思,苏子墨道:“那件事不怪你,谢兄不必因此自责,只不过,我与……” Has not waited for Su Zimo saying that Xie Qingcheng takes off/escapes the tastes: Brother Su does not need to worry, I also just want to ask him to ask a matter!” 没等苏子墨说完,谢倾城脱口道:“苏兄不必有所顾虑,我也正想找他问一件事!” Good.” “好。” Su Zimo nods. 苏子墨点头。 In two people talked, that side war had ended. 就在两人交谈之际,那边的大战已经结束。 The however several breath, Beiming Xue has received the long sword, walked. 不过几个呼吸,北冥雪已经收起长剑,走了回来。 Wu Xu sword immortal and Xuan Feng True Immortal two people fall on the long street face up, stares the big eyes, the look is panic-stricken, the body does not have the least bit scar, within the body the vitality does not have! 无虚剑仙玄风真仙两人仰面倒在长街上,瞪大双眼,神色惊恐,身上没有半点伤痕,体内却已生机全无! A moment later, two people forehead, appear the sword cut that thin cannot be checked, seeps out a bloodstain. 片刻之后,两人的眉心处,才浮现出一条细不可查的剑伤,渗出一丝血迹。 Two people forehead, had been pierced by Beiming Xue. 两人的眉心,已被北冥雪洞穿。 Because Beiming Xue sword method is too quick, the wound snaps, almost cannot look! 由于北冥雪剑法太快,以至于伤口迅速闭合,几乎看不出来! Until after two people fall, the bloodlines stop pasting, this wound appears. 直到两人身陨之后,血脉停止流转,这道伤口才显现出来。 Beiming Xue has practiced to True Martial Realm perfection now, comprehends two supreme divine ability. 北冥雪如今已经修炼至真武境圆满,领悟两道无上神通 Even does not use supreme divine ability, in True Spirit, still few people can block her sword! 就算不动用无上神通,真灵之中,也没几人能挡住她的剑! Fairy Chi Hong looks to Xie Yu of not far away, sneers, said: Xie Yu, do not catch me? I told you, I and elder brother Qingcheng in this, you dare to begin!” 赤虹仙子看向不远处的谢煜,冷笑一声,道:“谢煜,你不是要来抓我吗?我告诉你,我和倾城哥哥都在这,你敢动手吗!” Xie Qingcheng?” 谢倾城?” The Xie Yu complexion changes, later as if thinks of anything, deep looked at a man of that whole face scar of knife wound, said: We walk!” 谢煜脸色一变,随后似乎想到什么,深深的看了一眼那个满脸刀疤的男子,道:“我们走!” He is not silly. 他也不傻。 The present situation, the Universe Academy that side has Su Zimo to assume personal command, he also rushes, fights a hopeless battle. 眼下的形势,乾坤书院那边有苏子墨坐镇,他还冲上去,就是以卵击石。 This matter, must go back to report royal father, does to decide again! 此事,得回去禀告父王,再做定夺! Did not use.” “不用回去了。” Su Zimo said: You want Burning Sun Immortal King? I gave you to bring.” 苏子墨道:“你是想要炎阳仙王吧?我给你带过来了。” Finishes speaking, void splitting of not far away, a form of dripping with blood was thrown from inside, falls layer on layer/heavily on the ground, has hair dishevelled, in an extremely difficult situation. 话音刚落,不远处的虚空裂开,一道鲜血淋漓的身影从里面被人扔出来,重重摔在地上,披头散发,狼狈不堪。 Follows, Rakshasa Ghost comes, the aura terrifying, unexpectedly is Pseudo Emperor expert! 紧随其后,一位罗刹鬼现身,气息恐怖,竟是准帝强者 This Rakshasa Ghost arrives in front of Su Zimo, said with a smile ferociously: This person detects the danger, wants to escape, was seized by me, has abandoned.” 这位罗刹鬼来到苏子墨面前,狞笑道:“这人察觉到危险,想要逃跑,被我逮住,已经废了。” This form is struggling, wants to stand up, but qi and blood passes too, reluctantly standing body, is on the verge of collapse. 这道身影挣扎着,想要站起身来,但气血流逝太多,勉强站直身躯,也是摇摇欲坠 Surrounding cultivator looks with rapt attention, suck in a breath of cold air! 周围修士凝神一看,不禁倒吸一口冷气 Burning Sun Immortal King! 炎阳仙王 Burning Sun Immortal King was also grasped! 炎阳仙王也被抓了过来! royal father?” 父王?” Xie Yu complexion big change. 谢煜脸色大变。 Burning Sun Immortal King is his final taking advantage. 炎阳仙王是他最后的依仗。 didn’t expect, this takes advantage to be useless, has abandoned! 没想到,这个依仗还没用到,就已经废了! Heard initially, intended to encircle kills Su Zimo, wanted to scheme the body of his Good Fortune Azure Lotus had Burning Sun Immortal King, now looks like, these people no one could run away.” “听闻当初,出手围杀苏子墨,想要图谋他造化青莲之身的就有炎阳仙王,如今看来,这些人谁都跑不掉。” A person heaves a deep sigh. 一人摇头叹息。 This Su Zimo what background, even Rakshasa sinful spirit(s) does Pseudo Emperor obey his arrangement?” “这个苏子墨什么来头,连罗刹罪灵准帝都听从他的安排?” Who knows, it is estimated that he takes revenge for this time, made what cooperation deal with Rakshasa sinful spirit(s). Even his big enmity must report, how long perhaps unable to live.” “谁知道,估计他为了此番复仇,与罗刹罪灵达成了什么合作交易。就算他大仇得报,恐怕也活不了多久。” Is a companion with Rakshasa sinful spirit(s), is no different seeks an impossibility, let alone, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens will not let off him.” “与罗刹罪灵为伍,无异于与虎谋皮,更何况,奉天界也不会放过他。” Some cultivator talked in whispers. 一些修士窃窃私语。 Xie Qingcheng looks at Burning Sun Immortal King of not far away, the look is complex, in the eye pupil reveals the intense hatred, walked slowly. 谢倾城看着不远处的炎阳仙王,神色复杂,眼眸中流露出强烈的恨意,缓缓走了过去。 Burning Sun Immortal King sees the tragic death King of Jin, in the Su Zimo hand is carrying King Yun You, had understood all. 炎阳仙王看到惨死的晋王,苏子墨手中拎着的云幽王,就已经明白了一切。 Afterward, he noticed that a man of whole face scar of knife wound walks toward him, the double fist grips tightly, the eyes as if can spout two dao fire flame. 随后,他看到一个满脸刀疤的男子朝他走过来,双拳紧握,双眼仿佛能喷出两道火焰。 As if because is extremely excited, the scar of knife wound on this face twists slightly, seems exceptionally fierce. 似乎由于太过激动,此人脸上的刀疤微微扭曲,显得异常狰狞。 Who are you?” “你又是谁?” Burning Sun Immortal King as Monarch of the country, even if reduces hence, still still has Immortal King stance proud intent, coldly asks. 炎阳仙王身为一国之君,就算沦落至此,也依然有着仙王的姿态傲意,冷冷问道。
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