ESK :: Volume #32

#3131: Now cannot look

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Feng Cantian!” 风残天!” King of Jin is tolerating the severe pain of body, the look is fierce, clenches teeth saying: Even if you killed me, your crowd of servant cannot accomplish!” 晋王强忍着身体的剧痛,神色狰狞,咬牙道:“就算你杀了我,你们这群下人也成不了事!” Has Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor, will not tolerate you to break the Heavenly World class rule!” “有神霄仙帝在,绝不会容忍你们破坏天界的阶层规矩!” It seems like King of Jin before the point of death struggling, but actually, his these words, have its sinister intention. 看似晋王只是在临死前的挣扎,但其实,他这番话,有其险恶用心。 Nothing but wants Feng Cantian, directs Divine Firmament Palace, with the Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor showdown! 无非就是想要将风残天,引到神霄宫,与神霄仙帝对决! But this time Divine Firmament Palace, has Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor incessantly, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor! 而此时的神霄宫,不止有神霄仙帝,还有九霄仙帝 So long as Feng Cantian dares to visit there, he must die without doubt! 只要风残天敢踏足那里,他必死无疑! This is the King of Jin final counter-attack. 这就是晋王最后的反击。 We whether to accomplish, you did not have the opportunity to see.” “我们能否成事,你没机会看到了。” Feng Cantian sneers, said: Last that your life sees, is the Great Jin Immortal Country destruction!” 风残天冷笑一声,道:“你此生看到的最后一幕,就是大晋仙国的覆灭!” Bang! 轰! Feng Cantian ejects Startling Evil Spear in hand, changes to together the electric light, stabs the head of King of Jin, instantaneous blasting open, the bloody water fills the air! 风残天抛出手中的惊邪枪,化作一道电光,刺中晋王的脑袋,瞬间炸裂,血水弥漫! King of Jin, falls! 晋王,陨! Surrounding is gathering the Divine Firmament Immortal Territory all influence, cultivator are innumerable, dense and numerous gathers, exceptionally is peaceful. 周围聚集着神霄仙域的各方势力,修士无数,密密麻麻的聚集在一起,却异常安静。 Belongs to Great Jin Royal City cultivator, has scattered in all directions to escape. 一些属于大晋王城修士,早就四散逃去。 Just like Feng Cantian said, Great Jin Immortal Country ended! 正如风残天所说,大晋仙国完了! Compared with it Heaven Punishment King fate, King of Jin also very many. 比之天刑王的下场,晋王也好不了多少。 King of Jin never treats as people to look Lower Realm cultivator. 晋王从未将下界修士当做人看。 But he before, by more than ten Rakshasa king Zhanduan four limbs, was tumbled in the midair like the toys at the point of death, loses all dignity. 而他在临死之前,被十几个罗刹王斩断四肢,在半空中翻滚如同玩物,失去所有的尊严。 Probably a dead dog, stains the blood stain, optional was discarded on the long street. 像是一条死狗,沾满血污,随意的被人丢弃在长街上。 Once treated numerous Lower Realm life such like him. 就像他曾经对待众多下界生灵那样。 It looks like a samsara. 就像是一种轮回。 King Yun You looks at all these occurrences, the fear in heart is getting deeper and deeper. 云幽王看着这一切的发生,心中的恐惧越来越深。 Heaven Punishment King died. 天刑王死了。 King of Jin also died. 晋王也死了。 But he is also living! 但他还活着! Until at this moment, Su Zimo has not killed him. 直到此刻,苏子墨还没有杀他。 He does not know, Su Zimo must treat him with what way! 他根本不知道,苏子墨要用什么方式来对待他! don’t tell me compared with the Heaven Punishment King torture, but also is fearful? 难道天刑王的酷刑,还要可怕? don’t tell me he will die King of Jin is more pitiful, without dignity? 难道他会比晋王死得还要凄惨,没有尊严? Once this thought raises, is unable to contain. 这种念头一旦升起,就无法遏制。 But each breath, to King Yun You, is huge suffering! 而每一个呼吸,对云幽王来说,都是巨大的折磨! So long as Su Zimo does not kill him, he must live frequently in one unknown fear, trembles, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence! 只要苏子墨不杀他,他就时时刻刻都要活在一种未知的恐惧之中,瑟瑟发抖,苟延残喘! Suddenly! 突然! King Yun You looks at that crowd of appearance ugly Rakshasa Ghost, in the mind flashes through together miraculous. 云幽王看着那群容貌丑陋的罗刹鬼,脑海中闪过一道灵光。 He could not have lived, but Su Zimo do not think! 他已经活不成,但苏子墨也别想好! Hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!” King Yun You laughs suddenly, said: Su Zimo, Rakshasa sinful land was shattered, that crowd of Rakshasa Ghost vanish does not see, originally your here!” 云幽王突然大笑一声,道:“苏子墨,罗刹罪地破碎,那群罗刹鬼消失不见,原来是在你这里!” You give shelter to Rakshasa sinful spirit(s) arbitrarily, is waiting penalty that accepts Realm of the Mandate of Heavens!” “你擅自收留罗刹罪灵,就等着接受奉天界的惩罚吧!” The peaceful crowd heard these words, blasted out the pot instantaneously, erupts an intermittent voice. 原本安静的人群听到这句话,瞬间炸开了锅,爆发出一阵阵声浪。 In the past, Token of the Mandate of Heavens issued the wanted order, spread over Three Thousand Worlds, many cultivator were clear. 当年,奉天令下达追杀令,传遍三千界,很多修士都清楚。 May until the present, Three Thousand Worlds not discover the Rakshasa sinful spirit(s) trail. 可直到如今,三千界也没发现罗刹罪灵的踪迹。 didn’t expect, unexpectedly in Su Zimo and the others the sides, discovered more than ten! 没想到,竟然在苏子墨等人的身边,发现了十几个! Although numerous cultivator naive thinking, will not destroy Rakshasa sinful land, has what relations with Su Zimo this group of people. 虽然众多修士不会天真的以为,打碎罗刹罪地,与苏子墨这群人有什么关系。 But the side more than ten Rakshasa kings, this matter is also very difficult to explain, once passes to Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, brings the total destruction to this crowd of Lower Realm lives sufficiently! 但身边有十几个罗刹王,此事也很难解释,一旦传到奉天界,足以给这群下界生灵带来灭顶之灾! King Yun You laughs saying: This place is gathering innumerable cultivator, even if you kill me now, this matter cannot conceal the truth! Su Zimo, you ended!” 云幽王大笑道:“此地聚集着无数修士,就算你现在杀了我,这件事也瞒不住!苏子墨,你完了!” The Su Zimo look is indifferent, has not broken King Yun You. 苏子墨神色淡然,并未打断云幽王 Even under the observation of people, Su Zimo as if regarding the threat of King Yun You, does not care, just likes has not heard. 甚至在众人的观察下,苏子墨似乎对于云幽王的威胁,根本就不在乎,恍若未闻。 Su Zimo arrives in front of the academy people, looks to Yang Ruoxu Fairy Chi Hong and the others, shows a faint smile, said: „, Has been well since last meeting.” 苏子墨来到书院众人面前,看向杨若虚赤虹仙子等人,微微一笑,道:“诸位,别来无恙。” Su master......” “苏师……” Yang Ruoxu just opened the mouth, later shakes the head to say with a smile: „It is not right, now cannot say that you for Junior Brother Su, you now are Immortal King, wants to be on intimate terms with you are unqualified.” 杨若虚刚刚开口,随后摇头笑道:“不对,现在不能称你为苏师弟,你如今是仙王,想跟你称兄道弟都不够资格了。” brother Yang now is the lord of academy, I may compared with not on.” 杨兄如今是书院之主,我可比不上。” Su Zimo should also say with a smile. 苏子墨也笑着应道。 Among two people, naturally is not the sentiment of simple same side. 两人之间,自然不是简单的同门之情。 In the past in the academy, Yang Ruoxu is bearing the tremendous pressure, once acted to help Su Zimo repeatedly. 当年在书院之中,杨若虚承受着的巨大的压力,曾多次出面帮助苏子墨 Su Zimo also once went to Avici Hell, comes back the Worryless Fruit belt/bring, rescues a Yang Ruoxu life. 苏子墨也曾前往阿鼻地狱,将无忧果带回来,救下杨若虚一命。 Fairy Chi Hong said with a smile: senior brother Su, you now are quite fierce, I was about not to recognize. Wants initially, we to participate in immortal sects' grand selection together, but now......” 赤虹仙子笑道:“苏师兄,你现在好生厉害,我都快认不出了。想当初,咱们还是一同参加仙宗大选呢,可如今……” More than 10,000 years pass by, among two people the disparity, is bigger and bigger. 一万多年过去,两人之间的差距,已是越来越大。 The Su Zimo's vision, falls on Mo Qing like the picture face on, limpid such as the eye pupil of water looks at each other with that pair, suddenly is a little afraid. 苏子墨的目光,落在墨倾如画般的脸庞上,与那双清澈如水的眼眸对视一下,突然有点心虚。 in all fairness, in academy's during that time, Senior Sister Mo Qing helped big him. 平心而论,在书院的那段时间,墨倾师姐对他帮助不小。 Senior Sister Mo Qing is unhappy slaughters the battle, usually rarely leaves the cave mansion. 墨倾师姐不喜厮杀争斗,平时都很少离开洞府。 But that time, actually because of his a few words, then the decision personally acts, drives the gorgeous boat, carries him to go to Blue Cloud Mountain, rescues Feng Ziyi. 而那一次,却因为他一句话,便决定亲自出面,驾驶画舫,载着他前往苍云山,去搭救风紫衣 Even, but also intended to cut Great Jin Immortal Country True Spirit! 甚至,还出手斩了一位大晋仙国真灵 Naturally, Su Zimo also knows, Senior Sister Mo Qing looked mostly in reason that he and Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) gets to know each other well. 当然,苏子墨也知道,墨倾师姐多半是看在他和荒武相熟的原因。 But Su Zimo is afraid, is afraid in this regard. 苏子墨心虚,也是心虚在这一点上。 Because, he is Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)...... 因为,他就是荒武…… The previous time, Senior Sister Mo Qing makes him transmit to a Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) picture, now is still putting in his storage bag corner. 上一次,墨倾师姐让他转交给荒武一幅画,现在还在他储物袋的角落里放着呢。 Moreover, Su Zimo always felt that this return, Senior Sister Mo Qing looks at his look, seems passing a strangeness. 而且,苏子墨总感觉这次归来,墨倾师姐看他的眼神,似乎透着一丝古怪。 Su Zimo nods with a smile, then the escaping vision, did not plan that exchanged greetings with Mo Qing. 苏子墨笑着点点头,便逃开目光,不打算跟墨倾寒暄。 Junior Brother Su......” 苏师弟……” Mo Qing actually opens the mouth suddenly, walks up, puts out a picture scroll from storage bag, handed over. 墨倾却突然开口,走上前来,从储物袋中拿出一幅画卷,递了过来。 Su Zimo reads the picture scroll that hands over, coughs lightly, asked: Makes me transmit to......” 苏子墨看着递过来的画卷,轻咳一声,问道:“还是让我转交给……” Without he said, Mo Qing then shakes the head, said: This gives to you.” 没等他说完,墨倾便摇了摇头,道:“这是送给你的。” Oh......” “喔……” The academy people see this, in the mouth make a strange sound, creates a disturbance visits two people. 书院众人看到这一幕,口中发出一阵怪异声响,起哄似的看着两人。 „!” “嚓!” Lin Xuanji could not bear jump, complained: I strove for several times, fellow daoist Mo Qing does not give me a picture!” 林玄机忍不住跳了出来,抱怨道:“我求了好几次,墨倾道友都不送给我一幅画!” Afterward, Lin Xuanji is staring the eyes resentfully, the whole face looks at Mo Qing, asked: Moreover, you were not said to me, your picture never did see somebody off?” 随后,林玄机瞪着双眼,满脸愤懑的看着墨倾,问道:“而且,你不是对我说,你的画从不送人吗?” Mo Qing lowers the head not to speak. 墨倾垂首不语。 This naturally is only an excuse that she finds. 这当然只是她找的一句借口而已。 The people on the scene can also look. 在场众人也都看得出来。 How to expect, Lin Xuanji feels the chin, an eyeball revolution, hesitates saying: I understood! Su Zimo, he is not a person!” 怎料,林玄机摸着下巴,眼珠一转,沉吟道:“我明白了!苏子墨,他不是人!” Then, Lin Xuanji runs away, brings in one to laugh. 说完,林玄机撒腿就跑,引来一阵哄笑。 Su Zimo also cannot help laughing. 苏子墨也哑然失笑。 Their these Heavenly Desolate old friends are experiencing together were too many, only then they can run on like this mutually, teased, will not have any obstruction. 他们这些天荒故人在一起经历了太多,也只有他们可以这样相互挤兑,打趣,而且不会有任何芥蒂。 Su Zimo looks at Mo Qing, somewhat is actually surprised, does not know why Mo Qing will give him a picture. 苏子墨看着墨倾,倒是有些惊讶,不知墨倾为何会送给他一幅画。 He does not know, in this picture scroll the picture is anything. 他也不知,这幅画卷中画得是什么。 Su Zimo is just about to open the picture scroll, Mo Qing actually stretches out the palm to hold down suddenly, shakes the head slightly, saying of faint smile: Now cannot look, when you idle to look again.” 苏子墨正要打开画卷,墨倾却突然伸出手掌按住,微微摇头,似笑非笑的说道:“现在不许看,等你闲下来再看吧。”
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