ESK :: Volume #32

#3130: karmic retribution

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In fact, before the Su Zimo people preparation leaves to go to Heavenly World, Martial Dao main body has arranged Yaksha Fear King to lead more than ten Rakshasa kings to arrive at Heavenly World, is staring at King Yun You and the others the trends, awaits to dispatch momentarily. 实际上,在苏子墨众人准备动身前往天界之前,武道本尊就已经安排夜叉惧王带着十几位罗刹王降临天界,盯着云幽王等人的动向,随时听候差遣。 Yaksha Fear King comes back after White Firmament immortal country, then directly arrives around Great Jin Royal Palace, comes in nearby more than ten Rakshasa kings with the ambush, open slaughter! 夜叉惧王琅霄仙国回来之后,便直接来到大晋王宫附近,与潜伏在附近的十几位罗刹王现身,大开杀戒 At the same time, Rakshasa Yaksha Clan, in fleshly body and bloodline, in the movement speed, truly has certain advantage. 一方面,罗刹夜叉一族,在肉身血脉,身法速度上,确实占据一定优势。 On the other hand, Yaksha Fear King and the others appeared suddenly, killed to be caught off guard this about hundred Immortal King. 另一方面,夜叉惧王等人出现得突然,将这近百位仙王杀了个措手不及。 Let alone, Yaksha Fear King battle strength, facing King of Jin and the others, nearly has the absolute dominant strength! 更何况,夜叉惧王战力,面对晋王等人,近乎有着绝对的统治力! Rakshasa Ghost......” 罗刹鬼……” Periphery King of Jin looks at the shocking battlefield, the complexion is pallid. 晋王看着周围触目惊心的战场,脸色煞白。 He knows finally why King Anshi brings dozens King to go to Demon Territory Heavenly Desolate Sect, will be annihilated, moreover King Anshi only has a broken head, hangs in his resting palace entrance! 他终于知道,为何安世王带着数十位王者前往魔域天荒宗,会全军覆没,而且安世王只剩下一个残破脑袋,吊在他的寝宫门口! Such wound, was clearly nipped! 那样的伤口,分明是被人咬出来的! King of Jin had realized, if today Divine Firmament Palace does not act, not only he can the body fall, Great Jin Immortal Country also destruction! 晋王已经意识到,今日若是神霄宫不出手,不但他会身陨,大晋仙国也将随之覆灭! The distant place beacon is billowing, the flags flutter. 远处烽烟滚滚,旌旗飘荡。 Heavenly Desolate Sect and War Country two hundred thousand armies, under the Lin Lei Seven Emotions Demonic Generals people lead, is killing to this place! 天荒宗战国的二十万大军,在林磊七情魔将众人带领之下,正杀向此地! Suddenly, in the King of Jin heart flashes through the innumerable say/way thoughts, finally took a deep breath, sinking sound said: Feng Cantian, this is between you and me the gratitude and grudges , there is nothing to do others.” 瞬息间,晋王心中闪过无数道念头,最终深吸一口气,沉声道:“风残天,这是你我之间恩怨,无关他人。” Things have gotten to this point, your I fight, comes final settling!” “事已至此,你我大战一场,来个最后的了结!” Divine Firmament Palace does not have the sound, forces Feng Cantian with his independent war, is he so far, thought only vitality! 神霄宫始终没有动静,逼迫风残天与他单独一战,是他目前为止,想到的唯一生机! He understands Feng Cantian. 他了解风残天 Unyielding, the heroic spirit, disdains to do to bully few matters much, never humiliates the weak one. 铁骨铮铮,英雄气概,不屑干以多欺少的事,也从不欺凌弱者。 Feng Cantian in a blaze of passion, in heart fearless, will challenge expert! 风残天盛怒之下,心中无惧,甚至会向更强者挑战! King of Jin is clear, in Feng Cantian heart to his grateful hatred. 晋王清楚,风残天心中对他的那种刻骨铭心的仇恨。 It can be said that suffering that Feng Cantian 400,000 years withstands, spiritual devastation, is he creates single-handedly. 可以说,风残天四十万年承受的折磨,精神上的摧残,都是他一手造成。 Feng Cantian son daughter-in-law, was killed by King Anshi. 风残天的儿子儿媳,也被安世王所杀。 Feng Cantian wanted certainly to kill him personally! 风残天一定想要亲手杀了他! This is the opportunity that he can take. 这就是他可以利用的机会。 This is also the Feng Cantian weakness! 这也是风残天的弱点! Plans when the King of Jin heart, if grasps a series of escape routes after Feng Cantian, only listened to Feng Cantian to return to one lightly: „Do you also match?” 就在晋王心中算计,若是拿住风残天之后的一系列退路时,只听风残天淡淡回了一句:“你也配?” „?” “啊?” King of Jin is shocked, just all preparations, will vanish into thin air shortly. 晋王愣住,刚刚的所有准备,顷刻间烟消云散。 You......” “你……” King of Jin is staring Feng Cantian, for a while is at a loss for words. 晋王瞪着风残天,一时语塞。 The response of Feng Cantian, is completely more than he expected. 风残天的这个反应,完全超出他的意料。 If before 400,000 years, Feng Cantian will give a King of Jin opportunity. 若是四十万年前,风残天会给晋王一个机会。 The captivity that but this 400,000 years suffers injustice suffers, helplessly looks at numerous Lower Realm lives, in his massacres at present mutually, he withstood was too many. 但这四十万年不见天日的囚禁折磨,眼睁睁的看着众多下界生灵,在他的眼前互相残杀,他承受了太多。 Today, he only wants to revenge! 今天,他只想报仇! Not only for him, is their family, for these years, is buried in the innumerable Lower Realm life on Great Jin Immortal Country this lands! 不仅仅是为他,为他们一家人,为这些年来,葬身在大晋仙国这片土地上的无数下界生灵! Also is True Immortal Zang Ye! 也为葬夜真仙 Abandoned him!” “废了他!” Feng Cantian vision ice-cold, waves to order. 风残天目光冰冷,挥手下令。 Wind......” “风……” In the King of Jin heart in great surprise, will open the mouth, then feels an intense sense of crisis, arrives suddenly! 晋王心中大惊,正要开口,便感受到一股强烈的危机感,骤然降临! Thinks without enough time, his hastily revolution qi and blood, holding up paradise. 来不及多想,他连忙运转气血,撑起洞天 But his paradise, in Yaksha Fear King under fiercely attacks one after another, cannot support. 但他的洞天,在夜叉惧王的接连猛攻下,根本支撑不住。 After Lin Zhan acts, instantaneous collapse! 林战出手之后,瞬间崩溃! Jie Jie!” “桀桀!” Several Rakshasa kings close , the mouth sends out intermittent appalling strange to smile, in the hand is brandishing the sickle. 十几位罗刹王一拥而上,嘴里发出一阵阵令人毛骨悚然的怪笑,手中挥舞着弯刀。 Titter! 噗嗤! The both hands both arms of King of Jin, were cut by this group of Rakshasa kings unexpectedly, is only left over the head and torso, struggles in the midair, spout the blood. 晋王的双手双臂,竟被这群罗刹王生生斩了下来,只剩下脑袋和躯干,在半空中挣扎,喷涌着鲜血。 „!” “啊!” King of Jin called out pitifully, stimulated to movement qi and blood hastily, broke the arm rebirth, suddenly, restored such as beginning. 晋王惨叫一声,连忙催动气血,断臂重生,眨眼间,恢复如初。 But under more than ten Rakshasa king forms interlock, cuts off his four limbs again, blood splash, a scarlet! 但十几位罗刹王身影交错之下,再度将他的四肢斩断,鲜血飞溅,一片猩红! Then, Feng Cantian and the others come toward the Great Jin Royal City long street line. 就这样,风残天等人朝着大晋王城的长街行来。 But King of Jin under the innumerable cultivator's gazes, was treated as the toys to be the same by more than ten Rakshasa kings, cuts off the four limbs unceasingly, later grows again, cut off again. 晋王就在无数修士的注视之下,被十几位罗刹王当做玩物一般,不断斩断四肢,随后再度重新生长出来,再被斩断。 Immortal King expert can certainly the cutting off limb rebirth, but each rebirth, needs to consume qi and blood. 仙王强者当然可以断肢重生,可每一次重生,都需要消耗气血 This line, King of Jin does not know had cut off many hands and feet, qi and blood massive outflows, staggers along arrives at sky over the long street time, the strength of qi and blood has grown to break the arm insufficiently! 这一路行来,晋王已经不知被斩断过多少次手脚,气血大量流失,跌跌撞撞来到长街上空的时候,气血之力已经不足以生长出断臂! Bang! 砰! Loses King of Jin of four limbs, by optional discarding on the long street, the whole body was stained the blood stain soil, the pitiful yell sound becomes somewhat hoarse, is more miserable than King Yun You. 失去四肢的晋王,被随意的丢弃在长街上,浑身沾满血污泥土,惨叫声都变得有些沙哑,比云幽王还惨。 In fact, such penalty, compared with the captivity of it Feng Cantian that 400,000 years, is not really worth mentioning. 实际上,这样的惩罚,比之风残天四十万年的囚禁来说,实在不值一提。 From Divine Firmament Immortal Territory all parties' influence cultivator looks at this, the shock, in the heart has the infinite feeling. 来自神霄仙域各方的势力修士看着这一幕,震惊之余,心中又都生出无限感慨。 didn’t expect, this time Ten Thousand Years Assembly, had such big accident unexpectedly. 没想到,这次的万年大会,竟发生了这么大的变故。 Great Jin Immortal Country likely in light of this destruction! 以至于,大晋仙国很可能就此覆灭! King of Jin, Great Jin Immortal Country Monarch of the country, Open Earthen Region, ominous illustrious exist(ence), reduces to so the position today unexpectedly. 晋王,大晋仙国的一国之君,封疆裂土,凶名赫赫的存在,今日竟沦落到这般境地。 This King of Jin killed the several hundred thousand years Lower Realm life, in the end, came from the Lower Realm life to discard, ends up so the result.” “这晋王杀了数十万年下界生灵,到头来,还是被来自下界的生灵废掉,落得这般结局。” Perhaps, this is karmic retribution.” “或许,这就是因果报应吧。” In the crowd transmits several sighs. 人群中传来几声叹息。 Heaven Punishment King is looking in King of Jin that on the long street rolls to struggle, on the blood and iron callous face, appears finally a fluctuation. 天刑王望着在长街上滚动挣扎的晋王,铁血冷酷的脸庞上,也终于浮现出一丝波动。 He is afraid. 他在害怕。 Feng Cantian, the matter of past years, was Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor suggests us......” 风残天,当年之事,是神霄仙帝暗示我们……” The Heaven Punishment King returning to normal mind as far as possible, is trying the explanation. 天刑王尽可能的平复心神,尝试着解释。 I heard that in recent years, you established the innumerable torture.” “听说,这些年来,你创立了无数酷刑。” Feng Cantian asked suddenly: These torture, have you tried?” 风残天突然问道:“这些酷刑,你都试过吗?” In the Heaven Punishment King heart trembles. 天刑王心中一颤。 In recent years, torture that he creates, compared with King of Jin this situation brutal innumerable time, the killed Lower Realm life is countless. 这些年来,他创造出来的酷刑,比晋王这种情况残酷无数倍,害死的下界生灵不计其数。 He also has fun. 他也乐在其中。 Sees these servant each time, in the torture that in he wants to come out is in deep sorrow, he will feel exceptionally excitedly. 每次看到这些下人,在他想出来的酷刑中痛不欲生,他都会感到异常兴奋。 But he has never thought that these torture, will someday fall on oneself head. 可他从未想过,这些酷刑或许有一天,会落在自己的头上。 You, do you want to do?” “你,你要干什么?” Heaven Punishment King had not detected, his sound, is shivering slightly. 天刑王没有发觉,他的声音,都在微微颤抖。 This heads the Great Jin penalty, once controlled expert that the innumerable lives die, at this time also in fear! 这个执掌大晋刑罚,曾掌控无数人生死的强者,此时也在恐惧! Gives you an opportunity.” “给你个机会。” Feng Cantian said: You, if can support these torture that have wanted to come out, gives your strip way out.” 风残天道:“你若能撑过自己想出来的那些酷刑,就放你条生路。” No!” “别!” The Heaven Punishment King complexion big change, clenches teeth saying: Feng Cantian, you must kill then kill......” 天刑王脸色大变,咬牙道:“风残天,你要杀便杀……” Speaking of this, in the Heaven Punishment King eye pupil flashes through wipes to renounce, even wants to detonate primordial spirit, at the scene suicide! 说到这,天刑王眼眸中闪过一抹决绝,甚至想要引爆元神,当场自绝 But his divine consciousness just had the change, Yaksha Fear King has acted, before arriving at his body, his chest pierces, pinches to explode the heart, simultaneously locks in his sea of consciousness! 但他神识刚有异动,夜叉惧王就已经出手,来到他的身前,一手将他的胸膛洞穿,捏爆心脏,同时锁住他的识海 Leads him to get down, making him taste own these methods.” “带他下去,让他尝尝自己的那些手段。” Feng Cantian coldly said. 风残天冷冷说道。 Coming up that two Rakshasa kings harbor evil intentions, brought Heaven Punishment King, quick, not far away transmitted an intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell, hearing the people fearful and apprehensive. 两位罗刹王不怀好意的上来,将天刑王带了下去,很快,不远处就传来一阵阵凄厉的惨叫,听得众人心惊胆战。 In a while, that two Rakshasa kings came back. 没过多久,那两位罗刹王就回来了。 A person moistens one's lips with the tongue, saying of having not given full expression: „The torture that person wants to come out is really fierce, just tried seven types on him, he cannot withstand, the primordial spirit disruption, died......” 一人舔舔嘴唇,意犹未尽的说道:“那人想出来的酷刑着实厉害,刚在他身上试了七种,他就承受不住,元神碎裂,死翘翘了……”
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