ESK :: Volume #32

#3129: Kill!

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Under the gaze of innumerable say/way vision, this is representing the Great Jin Immortal Country penalty and slaughtering, is contaminating divine weapon of endless blood, was pinched the fragment by the Su Zimo's palm, scatters place! 无数道目光的注视下,这柄代表着大晋仙国刑罚和杀戮,沾染着无尽鲜血的神兵,被苏子墨的手掌捏成碎片,散落一地! This......” “这……” The group cultivates changes countenance in an uproar! 群修哗然变色! What strength is this? 这是什么力量? Punishment Blade, is the symbol of Great Jin Immortal Country. 刑戮刀,就是大晋仙国的象征。 The disruption of Punishment Blade, seems to be also indicating the Great Jin Immortal Country destiny. 刑戮刀的碎裂,似乎也在预示着大晋仙国的命运。 Heaven Punishment King also has a big shock, pupil contraction, unbelievable looks at this, the eye pupil deep place flashes through one with amazement! 天刑王也是大惊失色,瞳孔收缩,难以置信的看着这一幕,眼眸深处闪过一丝骇然! Su Zimo this, not only crumb Punishment Blade. 苏子墨这一下,不仅仅捏碎了刑戮刀 Also the Heaven Punishment King imposing manner, self-confident, killing intent, pinched smashing! 也将天刑王的气势、自信、杀机,捏的粉碎! This Punishment Blade sews Feng Cantian on the stone column, entire 400,000 years. 这柄刑戮刀风残天钉在石柱上,整整四十万年 This was equal to, Feng Cantian is withstanding the penalty and suffering that Punishment Blade contains frequently! 这等于,风残天时时刻刻都在承受着刑戮刀本身蕴藏的刑罚和折磨! In the past Su Zimo when Absolute Thunder City rescued Feng Cantian, this Punishment Blade also once slaughtered with the shatter Hell Suppressing Cauldron war. 当年苏子墨绝雷城救出风残天的时候,这柄刑戮刀还曾与破碎的镇狱鼎大战厮杀。 But now, by the Su Zimo empty-handed crumb! 而如今,被苏子墨空手捏碎! Looked quickly, Book Immortal Yun Zhu also came!” “快看,书仙云竹也来了!” Some people are sharp-eyed, see in the void crack in midair, Yun Zhu brings two dao child to follow in Su Zimo's behind, walked. 有人眼尖,看到半空中的虚空裂缝中,云竹带着两位道童跟在苏子墨的身后,走了出来。 Well, that blonde female, probably in God Clan the person, unexpectedly is God King! „ “咦,那位金发女子,好像是神族中人,竟然还是一位神王!“ powerful does monster qi, where run so many Monster Clan expert, don’t tell me from Great Desolation World?” 好强妖气,哪里跑出来这么多妖族强者,难道来自大荒界?” Sword World sword cultivator!” “还有剑界剑修!” Kunpeng World also came the person......” 鲲鹏界也来人了……” Dragon World......” 龙界……” In Su Zimo's behind, walks numerous expert one after another, although the population are not many, actually came from each superior world! 苏子墨的身后,陆陆续续走出来一众强者,人数虽不多,却都来自各个超级大界 So weaponry......” “如此阵仗……” Numerous cultivator look at the secret heart to be startled. 众多修士看得暗暗心惊。 Such battle formation, let alone Ten Thousand Years Assembly, even if Divine Firmament Meeting cannot accommodate! 这样的阵势,别说一个万年大会,就算是神霄大会都容不下! Looks at this stance, Su Zimo this time returns, was the preparation must settle in the past the gratitude and grudges.” “看这架势,苏子墨此番归来,是准备要了结当年恩怨了。” Heard initially several Immortal King, wanted to scheme his fleshly body and bloodline, these people feared anyone unable to escape.” “听闻当初几位仙王,想要图谋他的肉身血脉,这些人恐怕谁都逃不掉。” In his hand is carrying that head/number of people, looks that probably somewhat looks familiar, where as if has seen.” “他手中拎着的那颗人头,看着好像有些眼熟,似乎哪里见过。” At this time, the Heaven Punishment King complexion is ugly, vision rotation, falls in that head/number of people. 此时,天刑王脸色难看,目光转动,也落在那颗人头上。 This head/number of people stains the blood stain, has hair dishevelled, he has not recognized suddenly. 这颗人头沾满血污,披头散发,他一时间没认出来。 Until at this moment, identified carefully , the complexion changes, shouted lowly: King Yun You!” 直到此刻,仔细辨认了下,脸色一变,低喝道:“云幽王!” The head of King Yun You was cut, the primordial spirit seal is one of them, cannot seek livehood, asked unable , was carried by Su Zimo is walking around, already ashamed and resentful angry, shameful. 云幽王的脑袋被斩下来,元神封印在其中,求生不得,求死不能,又被苏子墨拎着到处走动,早已羞愤恼怒,无地自容。 He as Immortal King, where receives this grade of insult! 他身为仙王,哪里受过这等侮辱! Here gathers so many people, King Yun You has not been speaking, was worried that was recognized. 这边聚集着这么多人,云幽王始终没吭声,就是担心被人认出来。 didn’t expect, under big crowd of people, was exposed by a Heaven Punishment King language! 没想到,大庭广众之下,被天刑王一语点破! King Yun You, Mr. of White Firmament Immortal Territory that country?” 云幽王,琅霄仙域那位一国之君?” Is he, I had seen one side him fortunately, didn’t expect, is sheared the head by Su Zimo today unexpectedly, reduces hence.” “就是他,曾经我有幸见过他一面,没想到,今日竟被苏子墨割了头颅,沦落至此。” In the crowd transmits a discussion. 人群中传来一阵议论。 Heaven Punishment King looks unable to hide, the insanity laughs to say generally: Heaven Punishment, you also acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, today we no one can escape, everyone dies together, Hahaha!” 天刑王一看也隐藏不下去,疯魔一般大笑道:“天刑,你也认栽吧,今日咱们谁都逃不掉,大家一起死,哈哈哈哈!” Heaven Punishment King hearing this, look gloomy and uncertain, said slowly: Victory and defeat also cannot know, depending on Heavenly Desolate Sect that person, cannot take Great Jin Royal Palace!” 天刑王闻言,神色阴晴不定,缓缓道:“胜负还未可知,凭天荒宗那点人,拿不下大晋王宫!” At the same time, Heaven Punishment King anticipated that side King of Jin can win, catches up with the support. 一方面,天刑王期待晋王那边可以取胜,赶过来支援。 After all that side King of Jin, there are about hundred Immortal King to assume personal command! 毕竟晋王那边,有将近百位仙王坐镇! On the other hand, so long as Divine Firmament Palace acts, Su Zimo these people naturally nothing to be afraid. 另一方面,只要神霄宫出面,苏子墨这些人自然不足为惧。 Heaven Punishment King this thought has not fallen, that side Great Jin Royal Palace seems to have decided the victory and defeat...... 只是,天刑王这个念头还未落下,大晋王宫那边似乎已经分出胜负…… That war, people imagination is much quicker than! 那一战,比众人想象中的要快得多! ...... …… Great Jin Royal Palace. 大晋王宫 Startling Evil Spear drops from the clouds, punctures the royal palace main hall, the endless thunder sea falls in torrents, contains the destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth imposing manner! 惊邪枪从天而降,刺破王宫大殿,无尽雷霆海洋倾泻而下,蕴藏着毁天灭地的气势! Feng Cantian, I have expected will have today, had waited there for some time!” 风残天,我早就料到会有今日,已经等候多时!” The King of Jin sound resounds. 晋王的声音响起。 In the past, King Jin's Heir went to Demon Territory to be killed, the head was hung outside his resting palace, King of Jin has felt a crisis. 当年,晋王世子前往魔域被杀,头颅都被挂在他的寝宫外面,晋王就已经感受到一丝危机。 This tribulation, hiding cannot hide. 这一劫,躲是躲不过去。 Let alone, making him abandon existing all, the status, the position, flees Heavenly World, conceals identity, he does not give up. 更何况,让他抛弃现有的一切,身份,地位,逃离天界,隐姓埋名,他也舍不得。 Requests fellow daoist, encircles kills this person!” “烦请诸位道友,围杀此人!” King of Jin arrives in the midair, confronts with Feng Cantian. 晋王来到半空中,与风残天对峙。 As he orders, in the Feng Cantian surroundings, appears instantaneously about hundred Immortal King expert, holding up side paradise, forms the potential of encirclement, encircles Feng Cantian is one of them! 随着他一声令下,在风残天的周围,瞬间浮现出将近百位仙王强者,一个个撑起一方洞天,形成合围之势,将风残天围在其中! In Feng Cantian behind, Lin Zhan and Mr. and Mrs. Immortal King Linglong also walked. 风残天的身后,林战玲珑仙王夫妇也走了出来。 In the past Heavenly Desolate Continent that the person of ascend, only had their three. 当年天荒大陆那一世的飞升之人,就只剩下他们三个。 King of Jin sneers slightly, said: Originally has Mr. and Mrs. War King as the helper, no wonder dares to kill my Great Jin Royal Palace.” 晋王微微冷笑,道:“原来是有战王夫妇作为帮手,怪不得敢杀到我大晋王宫。” King of Jin, you must die today!” 晋王,你今日必死!” Lin Zhan vision ice-cold, grasps great halberd, fighting intent is dreadful. 林战目光冰冷,手持大戟,战意滔天。 Hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!” King of Jin laughs, said: „To kill me, depends on your three, but also falls far short!” 晋王大笑一声,道:“想杀我,就凭你们三个,还还差得远!” Feng Cantian, I can suppress your one time, can suppress your second time!” 风残天,我能镇压你一次,就能镇压你第二次!” King of Jin said loudly: However this time, I will not give you any opportunity, prepares to start off!” 晋王大声道:“而这一次,我不会给你任何机会,准备上路吧!” Lin Zhan gives me, others make a move full power, encircle kill Feng Cantian and Immortal King Linglong! „ 林战交给我,其余人全力出手,围杀风残天玲珑仙王!“ King of Jin orders, direct holding up side paradise. 晋王一声令下,直接撑起一方洞天 In this paradise, even contains wisp of power of world. 在这座洞天之中,甚至蕴藏着一缕世界之力 King of Jin already achievement Pseudo Emperor! 晋王已经成就准帝 Facing this, the Feng Cantian look is invariable, but waves, coldly said: Kills to me!” 面对这一幕,风残天神色不变,只是挥了挥手,冷然道:“给我杀!” Un?” “嗯?” King of Jin knits the brows. 晋王皱了皱眉。 This movement, is somewhat strange. 这个动作,有些奇怪。 The Feng Cantian side, only has Lin Zhan and Immortal King Linglong. 风残天的身边,只有林战玲珑仙王 But Feng Cantian the hand signal, is directing anything probably. 风残天的这个手势,像是指挥着什么。 Has not waited for King of Jin to respond, in battlefield void splits a slit suddenly, in the facing set comes out more than ten forms, plunges Great Jin here Immortal King expert! 还没等晋王反应过来,战场上的虚空突然裂开一道缝隙,里面钻出来十几道身影,扑向大晋这边的仙王强者 These more than ten people, does not know that hidden in neighbor how long, from beginning to end, no one detected. 这十几个人,也不知隐藏在附近多久,从始至终,都无人察觉。 Moreover, as a result of the King war, holding up numerous paradise, causing the space shake to twist, is unable space teleportation. 而且,由于王者大战,撑起众多洞天,导致空间震荡扭曲,根本无法空间传送 But more than ten people, actually arrive baseless, enters the battlefield! 但十几个人,却凭空降临下来,杀入战场! What is more fearful, the movement speed of this group of people was too fast, is ordinary like the ghosts and demons, when numerous position Immortal King responded, this group of people have killed the near! 更为可怕的是,这群人的身法速度太快了,如同鬼魅一般,等众位仙王反应过来,这群人已经杀到近前! These more than ten expert live extremely uglily, the fiendish features, the body young man has a pair of meat wing, grasps the curve exaggerating sharp sickle! 这十几位强者都生得极为丑陋,青面獠牙,身后生有一对儿肉翼,手持弧度夸张的锋利弯刀! Rakshasa Ghost!” 罗刹鬼!” Numerous position Immortal King call out in alarm one. 众位仙王惊呼一声。 Titter! 噗嗤! bloody mist spout! 血雾喷涌! Among instant, then more than ten Immortal King expert heads fall to the ground! 刹那之间,便有十几位仙王强者人头落地! This crowd of Rakshasa Ghost cultivation realm, is Pinnacle King, coordinates the ghosts and demons terrifying the movement speed, enters in the crowd, causes the huge damage instantaneously! 这群罗刹鬼修为境界,都是巅峰王者,配合鬼魅恐怖的身法速度,杀入人群中,瞬间造成巨大的伤害! What is more fearful, is that say/way tall and strong big form of head, the movement is quicker, the method is more flagitious, looked that the person bites, sees the person to eat! 更可怕的是,为首的那道魁梧高大的身影,身法更快,手段更加凶残,看人就咬,见人就吃! Even peak Immortal King before him, supports one round! 连巅峰仙王在他面前,都撑不过一个回合! In the battlefield, was dashed back and forth several times by him, is a piece of stump residual limb breaks the arm, rivers of blood! 战场上,被他来回冲撞几次,已经是一片残肢断臂,血流成河! Sees only this form to stop occasionally, stands in the blood river, eats to the heart's content. 只见这道身影偶尔停顿,站在血河中,大快朵颐。 In the sharp staggered gap between teeth, is flowing the scarlet blood slowly, is coordinating that fierce terrifying face, the bulge eyeball, looks at the numerous position Immortal King look to be panic-stricken, the heart raises an intermittent chill in the air, scalp tingles! 锋利交错的齿缝中,缓缓流淌着猩红鲜血,配合着那张狰狞恐怖的脸庞,凸起的眼珠,看得众位仙王神色惊恐,心底升起一阵阵寒意,头皮发麻! Ghost......” “鬼啊……” Is the Yaksha Ghost king......” “是夜叉鬼王……” Some Immortal King cannot withstand, the mind collapses, calls out pitifully, turns around to escape. 有的仙王承受不住,心神崩溃,惨叫一声,转身就逃。 The frightened spread, remaining numerous position Immortal King do not fight to burst! 恐惧蔓延,剩下的众位仙王不战而溃!
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