ESK :: Volume #32

#3128: You no one killed

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senior brother Lin?” 林师兄?” Universe Academy numerous cultivator see this person, knits the brows. 乾坤书院的众多修士看到此人,都皱了皱眉。 This Lin Xuanji does obeisance Old Xuan for the master, few makes an appearance in Universe Academy, is quite mystical, didn’t expect stood in the academy danger moment unexpectedly! 这位林玄机玄老为师,在乾坤书院中鲜少露面,极为神秘,没想到居然在书院危难关头站了出来! After all can carry the Heaven Punishment King pressure on stand, has needed enough courage and courage. 毕竟能扛着天刑王的压力站出来,已经需要足够的勇气和胆魄。 Let alone, this senior brother Lin also dares to speak the ridicule, this obviously hugs must die the heart! 更何况,这位林师兄还敢出言讥讽,这明显是抱着必死之心! This senior brother Lin usually in does not take a walk with many academy disciples, seemingly cool thin, but at crucial moments, can actually bravely step forward, is really praiseworthy. 这位林师兄平日里不与众多书院弟子走动,看似凉薄,可在危难时刻,却能挺身而出,着实令人钦佩。 Comes one to bring death.” “又来一个送死的。” Heaven Punishment King said unemotionally. 天刑王面无表情说道。 brother Lin.” 林兄。” Yang Ruoxu sinking sound said: You lead others first to walk, does not need to manage me!” 杨若虚沉声道:“你带着其他人先走,不用管我!” He sees Lin Xuanji to come through space teleportation, guessed that Lin Xuanji mostly is Immortal King expert, perhaps is capable of saving some academy disciples. 他见林玄机通过空间传送过来,猜测出林玄机多半是仙王强者,或许有能力救下一些书院弟子。 I asked the person to come, what also walked?” “我叫人来了,还走啥?” Lin Xuanji shows the whites of the eyes, is pointing at front treads the sky vertical Heaven Punishment King, curls the lip saying: On this goods, we kills casually.” 林玄机翻了个白眼,指着前方踏空而立的天刑王,撇嘴道:“就这种货色,咱们随便杀。” What nonsense Heaven Punishment King, but also installed with our Universe Academy, immediately kills him!” “什么狗屁天刑王,还跟咱们乾坤书院装上了,马上就弄死他!” Many academy disciples look to gesticulate, mouthful priming Lin Xuanji, is dumbfounded. 众多书院弟子看着比比划划、满嘴飞沫的林玄机,一个个都是目瞪口呆。 The academy people even once suspected, this senior brother Lin brain has problems...... 书院众人甚至一度怀疑,这位林师兄脑子出了问题…… Hahaha!” 哈哈哈!” The surroundings transmit one to laugh. 周围传来一阵哄笑。 Looks on cultivator to look at Lin Xuanji, seems like looking at a joke. 旁观修士林玄机,就更像在看一个笑话。 Heaven Punishment King sighed gently, said: I also want to keep a slim chance of survival to others, now looks like, did not need.” 天刑王轻轻叹息一声,道:“我原本还想给其他人留一线生机,现在看来,没必要了。” Looks at your silly type!” “看你那个傻样!” Lin Xuanji is pointing at Heaven Punishment King, laughs to say face up: Your Great Jin Immortal Country must not have, but also is rampant with me in this!” 林玄机指着天刑王,仰面大笑道:“你们大晋仙国都要没了,还在这跟我嚣张呢!” Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, perhaps to verify the Lin Xuanji words, the Great Jin Royal Palace direction transmits a shaking the heavens and earth loud sound! 话音刚落,许是为了印证林玄机的话,大晋王宫的方向传来一声惊天动地的巨响! Flaming eye-catching thunderclap drops from the clouds together, pounds to fall in Great Jin Royal Palace. 一道炽盛夺目的惊雷从天而降,砸落在大晋王宫之中。 If Immortal King expert looked with rapt attention, can observe, in that said in thunderclap, was a long spear/gun, the thunder light electric arc surrounds unexpectedly! 若是仙王强者凝神去看,才能观察到,在那道惊雷之中,竟是一根长枪,雷光电弧环绕! Startling Evil Spear!” 惊邪枪!” The Heaven Punishment King complexion changes, knits the brows: Feng Cantian!” 天刑王脸色一变,皱眉道:“风残天!” Above Great Jin Royal Palace, the overcast sky, the thunderclap is billowing, the surroundings have formed flaming eye-catching thunder sea, as if must embezzle entire Great Jin Royal Palace! 大晋王宫之上,阴云密布,雷声滚滚,周围已经形成一片炽盛夺目的雷霆海洋,似乎要将整座大晋王宫吞没! In fact, regarding this day, King of Jin and Heaven Punishment King has the expectation early. 实际上,对于这一天,晋王天刑王早有预料。 Two people have officially informed Divine Firmament Immortal Emperor, if the Feng Cantian attack, hoping Divine Firmament Palace can act, reduces and solves this tribulation. 两人早就知会过神霄仙帝,若是风残天来袭,希望神霄宫可以出面,化解此劫。 Just, Divine Firmament Palace at present also no trend. 只不过,神霄宫目前还没有什么动向。 So long as that Emperor Huang Wu does not come, Heavenly Desolate Sect that but Feng Cantian leads, nothing to be afraid, Heaven Punishment King was not worried. 只要那位荒武帝君不来,只是风残天率领的天荒宗,不足为惧,天刑王也毫不担心。 In Great Jin Royal Palace, besides King of Jin, assumes about hundred Immortal King expert! 大晋王宫,除了晋王之外,坐镇近百位仙王强者 To break through Great Jin Royal Palace, without is so easy! 想要攻破大晋王宫,没那么容易! „Is this person who you called?” “这就是你叫来的人?” Facing such accident, Heaven Punishment King the manner was still free, occupies a commanding position, is staring at the Universe Academy people, said slowly: Decides the victory and defeat before that side, I first you kill!” 面对这样的变故,天刑王仍然神态自若,居高临下,盯着乾坤书院众人,缓缓说道:“在那边分出胜负之前,我先将你们杀了!” Has me, you no one could kill.” “有我在,你谁都杀不了。” The sound suddenly resounds together. 一道声音突然响起。 Hears this sound, Universe Academy Yang Ruoxu, Fairy Chi Hong, Xie Qingcheng and Mo Qing are the mind shake, in the eye pupil reveals the unbelievable color. 听到这个声音,乾坤书院杨若虚赤虹仙子谢倾城墨倾都是心神一震,眼眸中流露出难以置信之色。 On Mo Qing shoulder that butterfly, excited dances in the air, said near the Mo Qing ear repeatedly: Is he, he came back!” 就连墨倾肩膀上那只蝴蝶,都兴奋的飞舞起来,在墨倾耳边反复说道:“是他,他回来了!” That place that Lin Xuanji walks is void, has not closed. 林玄机走出来的那处虚空,始终没有闭合。 Just the attention and attention of people, were captured by Great Jin Royal Palace that side sound, has not paid attention, the increasing number of people walked from that space crack. 刚刚众人的注意和目光,都被大晋王宫那边的动静吸引过去,并未留意,越来越多的人从那处空间裂缝中走出来。 But that person who just now spoke, stood in the frontline of people, green shirt black haired, pretty, just like frail scholar. 而方才说话的那个人,就站在众人的最前方,青衫黑发,眉清目秀,宛如一介文弱书生 But in the hand of this scholar, is actually carrying a dripping with blood head, adds a bloodiness! 可这位书生的手中,却拎着一颗鲜血淋漓的头颅,平添一份血腥! Universe Academy numerous cultivator turns the head slowly, goes following the prestige, sees this person, subconscious opens the mouth slightly, at the scene. 乾坤书院的一众修士缓缓转头,循声望去,看到此人,不禁下意识的微微张口,愣在当场。 Junior Brother Su!” 苏师弟!” Yang Ruoxu first responded, in the heart the great happiness, could not bear excitedly shouted one. 杨若虚最先反应过来,心中大喜,忍不住激动的大喊一声。 Fairy Chi Hong also in unceasing beckoning, smiles. 赤虹仙子也在不断的招手,满脸笑容。 The Xie Qingcheng mind is excited, wanted the opens the mouth to say anything, later seems to have thinks of anything, look one gloomy, is silent. 谢倾城心神激动,原本也想要张口说些什么,随后有似乎想到什么事,神色一黯,沉默下来。 Mo Qing is looking at that say/way familiar and strange form, the eye socket slightly red, purses the lips not to speak. 墨倾望着那道熟悉又陌生的身影,眼眶微红,抿嘴不语。 Since she draws Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) genuine appearance, then guesses correctly the Su Zimo's status. 自从她画出荒武真容之后,便猜出苏子墨的身份。 Afterward, a Great Desolation World war shocked Three Thousand Worlds, she then knows, Su Zimo does not calculate really fell from the sky. 后来,大荒界一战震惊三千界,她便知道,苏子墨不算真的陨落。 Again later, hears Emperor Huang Wu and Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor two hand in hand leave the mountain, subsides the calamity of Curse, stills dragon and phoenix and Kunpeng two wars, at every place of visit, must have the astonishing action...... 再之后,听闻荒武帝君血蝶妖帝两位携手出山,平息巫毒之祸,平定龙凤、鲲鹏两场大战,每到一处,必有惊人之举…… She knows, originally Su Zimo has dao companion. 她才知道,原来苏子墨已有道侣 That shocking past and present, show disdain for myriad clans Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor! 还是那位惊艳古今,傲视万族血蝶妖帝 She has not seen that Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor. 她没有见过那位血蝶妖帝 May listen to outside some hearsay, in addition ice butterfly told, she can also think frequently, perhaps also only has Blood Butterfly Monster Emperor, can be joined to Emperor Huang Wu. 可听着外面一些传闻,再加上冰蝶的诉说,她也常常会想,或许也只有血蝶妖帝,才配得上荒武帝君 She understands, she and between Emperor Huang Wu, is unlikely. 她明白,自己与荒武帝君之间,已是不大可能。 In recent years, she can only that wisp of slightly shy feelings, bury in the heart gradually, is getting deeper and deeper. 这些年来,她只能将那一缕略显青涩的情愫,渐渐埋在心底,越来越深。 Hopes one day, can put down thoroughly. 希望有一天,能够彻底放下。 She will not therefore lose sadly. 她并不会因此伤心失落。 This depth buries the innermost feelings, the emotion that no one knows, she recalls occasionally, will feel a happiness. 这种深埋内心,无人知晓的情感,她偶尔回忆起来,也会感到一种美好。 Thinks Junior Brother Su is that Emperor Huang Wu, she also makes Junior Brother Su transmit to a Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) picture, unavoidably will give birth to angry, the face blushes. 只是,一想到苏师弟就是那位荒武帝君,她还让苏师弟转交给荒武一幅画,不免会生出一丝恼怒,脸庞羞红。 Su Zimo came back!” 苏子墨回来了!” He enters Emperor Tomb, has not died unexpectedly!” “他进入帝坟,竟然没死!” Heard that he has the body of Good Fortune Azure Lotus, unexpectedly also dares to come, did not fear that numerous position expert do compete?” “听说他拥有造化青莲之身,居然还敢现身,也不怕众位强者争夺?” After short dreariness, in the crowd starts a giant voice immediately. 短暂的沉寂之后,人群中顿时掀起一阵巨大的声浪。 Su Zimo? „ 苏子墨?“ Heaven Punishment King divine consciousness sweeps, in the eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes surprisedly, later nods, said: Dares to confront with me no wonder, has practiced paradise great accomplishment.” 天刑王神识一扫,眼眸中掠过一抹惊讶,随后点点头,道:“怪不得敢跟我对峙,原来已经修炼到洞天大成。” These words saying, immediately caused people in an uproar! 这句话说出来,顿时引得众人一片哗然! Ten thousand years ago, Su Zimo is only Earth Immortal, competition Earth List Competition. 万年之前,苏子墨才只是地仙,角逐地榜之争 Now, Su Zimo has stepped into paradise, becomes Peer­less Immortal King! 如今,苏子墨已经踏入洞天,成为绝世仙王 paradise great accomplishment, hehe.” 洞天大成,呵呵。” Heaven Punishment King smiled one suddenly, does not have the omen, suddenly acts, cold sound said: Dies to me!” 天刑王突然笑了一声,毫无预兆,突然出手,寒声道:“给我死!” The dead characters have not fallen, that blood qi is dense, chill in the air bone-chilling cold Punishment Blade has cut to fall, twinkling to! 死字还未落下,那柄血气森森,寒意凛冽的刑戮刀已经斩落下来,瞬息即至! Among instant, in the midair appears the endless bloody water, some as if innumerable lives struggle to seek livehood under the extremely tragic torture, exude to call out in grief the pitiful yell. 刹那间,半空中浮现出无尽的血水,仿佛有无数生灵在惨绝人寰的酷刑之下挣扎求生,发出一声声悲鸣惨叫。 Heaven Punishment King has released great perfection paradise, coordinates Punishment Blade, unretentive making a move, erupts the pinnacle to murder! 天刑王已经释放出大圆满洞天,配合刑戮刀,毫无保留的出手,爆发出极致杀伐! Su Zimo consistently stands in in the original place, motionless, does not seem to respond. 苏子墨始终站在原地,一动不动,似乎没有反应过来。 When Punishment Blade is going to touch his scalp, he was still one was carrying head that stained the blood stain, lifted single-handedly, grasped Punishment Blade directly in the palm! 直到刑戮刀将要触碰到他的头皮时,他仍是一手拎着沾满血污的脑袋,一手抬起,直接将刑戮刀抓在掌心中! The blade light and bloody water, vanish instantaneously do not see! 刀光、血水,瞬间消失不见! Hiss! 嘶! The people are panic-stricken. 众人惊骇。 Su Zimo by the flesh and blood, can hold Heaven Punishment King Punishment Blade single-handed, is entirely still! 苏子墨以血肉之躯,单手能将天刑王刑戮刀抓住,纹丝不动! So many years pass by, your least bit progresses does not have, might as well in my hand this. „ “这么多年过去,你半点长进都没有,还不如我手中这位。“ Su Zimo raises in the hand to stain the head of blood stain, shakes the head slightly, gives a calm smile. 苏子墨扬起手中沾满血污的头颅,微微摇头,淡然一笑。 Afterward, ! 随后,的一声! Punishment Blade, was broken. 刑戮刀,碎了。
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