„Universe Academy, yourbiggallbladders!”
A mansuddenlyappears, treads the skystands, is serious-looking, the whole bodyfillsblood and ironslaughter intent, the waistis hanging the sharp blade.
一位男子突然出现,踏空而立,神色冷峻,浑身弥漫着铁血杀伐之意,腰悬利刃。Thisdrinksgreatly, is carrying the endlessdignity, inallnoisenoisyglandsRoyal Citygets downinstantaneously!
The peoplegofollowing the prestige, see the person, the complexionchanges.
众人循声望去,看到来人,不禁脸色一变。„Pays a visitHeaven Punishment King!”
“拜见天刑王!”NumerousGreat Jin Immortal Countrycultivatorworship on bended kneesto salutehastily.
众多大晋仙国的修士连忙跪拜行礼。Allinfluencecultivator of Divine Firmament Immortal Territory, bowsto salute.
来自神霄仙域的各方势力的修士,也都纷纷躬身行礼。Heaven Punishment King.天刑王。Heads the Great Jin Immortal Countrypenaltyandslaughtering, under a person, aboveten thousandpeople, unfeeling, murders the resolution!
执掌大晋仙国的刑罚和杀戮,一人之下,万人之上,冷酷无情,杀伐决断!GatherscountryHeaven Chosen, formsPunishment Guard, is illustriousinentireDivine Firmament Immortal Territory, inGreat Jin Immortal Country, isno onedaresto clashwithPunishment Guard.
聚拢一国天骄,组建刑戮卫,在整个神霄仙域都赫赫有名,在大晋仙国之中,更是无人敢与刑戮卫发生冲突。In recent years, Punishment Guardalsooncein the firstSu Zimo'shandatein the Heaven and Earthdoublelistowesoversized.
这些年来,刑戮卫也只是曾在天地双榜之首苏子墨的手中吃过大亏。„Universe Academythisgroup of peoplemustplant!”
“乾坤书院这群人要栽了!”„PastacademydiscipleSu Zimocutto killfirstPunishment Heaven GuardsSong Ce, but also the one person aloneintrudedGreat Jin Immortal Country, killedchild of Prince Yuan ZuoKing of Jin, burnsto extinguishAbsolute Thunder City, has becomeenemies.”
“当年的书院弟子苏子墨斩杀过第一刑戮天卫宋策,还孤身闯入大晋仙国,将晋王之子元佐郡王杀死,焚灭绝雷城,早就结下梁子了。”„That's true, Great Jin Immortal Countryhad not looked forUniverse Academyto do accountsin the past, perhapsisbecauseUniverse Academywithis the Heaven Levelinfluence, dreaded.”
“确实如此,当年大晋仙国没找乾坤书院算账,或许是因为乾坤书院同为天级势力,有所忌惮。”„Now, Universe Academyreduceshence, Great Jin Immortal Countrywill not easily let offthem.”
“如今,乾坤书院沦落至此,大晋仙国绝不会轻易放过他们。”In an numerouscultivatorheart of onlookingclear, the divine consciousnessexchange, watches changes quietlyin secret.
旁观的一众修士心中清楚,暗中神识交流,静观其变。„Heaven Punishment King, are youwhatintent?”
“天刑王,你这是何意?”Onegroup of overwhelmingrighteous qi of Yang Ruoxu in the chest, carries the Heaven Punishment Kingpressurehardly, the sinkingsoundasks.杨若虚凭着胸中一团浩然正气,硬扛着天刑王的威压,沉声问道。Saying that Heaven Punishment Kingcoldly: „YouasAcademy's Headmaster, don’t tell medo not knowinGreat JinRoyal City, custom that does not allowto sparto slaughterin private?”天刑王冷冷的说道:“你身为书院宗主,难道不知大晋王城中,不许私下斗法厮杀的规矩?”„This mattermistakenlynotinacademy!”
“此事错不在书院!”Yang Ruoxusinkingsound said: „IsBurning Sun Immortal CountryXie Yufirstacts, mustseizein the academy the person, weare forcedto counter-attack, cultivatoron the scene can otherstestifyforme!”杨若虚沉声道:“是炎阳仙国的谢煜先出手,要抓走书院中人,我们才被迫反击,在场的诸位修士都能为我等作证!”Incrowd a silence.
人群中一片沉默。In fact, Yang Ruoxusaidright.
实际上,杨若虚说得没错。cultivator that the surroundingssurroundis numerous, the entire processlooksin the eye, trulyis the hand that Xie Yufirstmoves.
周围围观的修士众多,整个过程都看在眼中,确实是谢煜这边先动的手。Just, whoforUniverse Academy, will offendBurning Sun Immortal Country, evenis the Great Jin Immortal CountrytwoHeaven Levelinfluences?
只不过,谁会为了一个乾坤书院,去得罪炎阳仙国,甚至是大晋仙国两个天级势力?Xie Yuhearing this, had not explained,does not seem to be worried, butwhole facetauntlooks atYang Ruoxu.谢煜闻言,都没有解释,似乎毫不担心,只是满脸嘲讽的看着杨若虚。„Pitifully, no onetestifiedtoyou.”
“可惜,没人给你们作证。”Heaven Punishment Kingshakes the head, unemotionalsaying: „The hand that even ifBurning Sun Immortal Countryfirstmoves, you will still Punishment Guard in seeking helpcity, not counter-attack.”天刑王摇了摇头,面无表情的说道:“就算是炎阳仙国先动的手,你们也应该求助城中的刑戮卫,不该反击。”Universe Academypeoplehearing this, isinfuriated.乾坤书院众人闻言,都是火冒三丈。Xie YusendsfiveTrue Spiritto besiegeYang Ruoxudirectly, simplyhas not kept the meaning of hand, waitsto runto seek helpPunishment Guard, Yang Ruoxuperhaps the horizontalcorpsestreet!谢煜这边直接派出来五位真灵围攻杨若虚,根本没有留手之意,等跑去求助刑戮卫,杨若虚恐怕已经横尸街头!Heaven Punishment Kingobviouslyintendsto favor, butthisreason , is extremely rather absurd.天刑王明显有意偏袒,但这个理由,也未免太过荒唐。EvenHeaven Punishment Kingthisattitude, calledPunishment Guardeven, there iswhatusing?
连天刑王都这个态度,就算叫来刑戮卫,又有何用?Yang Ruoxuso angry that they laughed, saidloudly: „Amongunder the Heavensalsohassuchtruth? Xie Yutheymustkillme, can actually not allowIrevolt? Oncerevolts, youthencangovernmycrime?”杨若虚气极反笑,大声道:“天下间还有这样的道理?谢煜他们要来杀我,却不许我反抗?一旦反抗,你便要治我的罪?”„Long timeheard that Heaven Punishment Kingheads the Great Jinpenalty, impartial and just, didn’t expect, the Great Jinlaw is so unexpectedly absurd, alldepending onyourreading!”
The Heaven Punishment Kinglookdoes not have the fluctuation, is onlyindifferently said: „Depending on your words, do not wantto liveis leavingGreat JinRoyal City!”天刑王神色毫无波动,只是淡淡道:“光凭你这句话,就别想活着离开大晋王城!”„Only do a few words, thenneedto decide the personcapital crime, Heaven Punishment Kingsohead the penalty?”
“只一句话,便要定人死罪,天刑王就是这般执掌刑罚的?”Mo Qingalsofrownstightly, toneice-coldasked.墨倾也紧皱眉头,语气冰冷的质问道。painting immortalinnumerouscultivatorhearts, has a biginfluenceafter all.画仙在众多修士心中,毕竟有着不小的影响力。
After Mo Qingstand, in the crowdalsocausesoneto move restlessly the noise, startssomepeopleto talk in whispers.墨倾站出来之后,人群中也引起一阵躁动喧嚣,开始有人窃窃私语。„Snort!”
“哼!”Heaven Punishment Kingvisionice-cold, looks all around, saidslowly: „In the Great Jin Immortal Countryarea, mywords, is the rule, mywill, is the law!”天刑王目光冰冷,环顾四周,缓缓说道:“在大晋仙国的疆域内,我的话,就是规则,我的意志,就是法度!”Blood and ironmurderous aura that the powerfulImmortal Kingpressure, in additiononHeaven Punishment Kingfills, annihilatesallquestionsoundsinstantaneously!
强大的仙王威压,再加上天刑王身上弥漫的铁血杀伐之气,瞬间将所有的质疑声湮灭!At this time, allinfluencelooked, Great Jin Immortal Countrywaspreparesto use something as a pretext, simplyhas not plannedto let offUniverse Academy.
此时,各方势力都看出来了,大晋仙国就是准备借题发挥,根本没打算放过乾坤书院。„How do youwant?”
The Yang Ruoxusinkingsoundasked.杨若虚沉声问道。At this timearguedagain, has been not meaningful.
此时再去争辩,已经没有什么意义。Heaven Punishment Kingsaid: „Yourcrimeuntil death, pitifully, youdid not only speak incorrectly the words. The speaking incorrectlywords, mustpay the price.”天刑王道:“你原本罪不至死,只可惜,你说错了话。说错话,就要付出代价。”„Therefore, youmustdieinthis.”
“所以,你得死在这。”Afterward, a Heaven Punishment Kingvisionrevolution, fallsonMo Qing's, said: „...... KilledtwoBurning Sun Immortal CountryTrue Spiritas forherinRoyal City, is difficultto escape......”
随后,天刑王目光一转,落在墨倾的身上,道:“至于她……在王城中杀了两个炎阳仙国的真灵,也难逃……”„Heaven Punishmentsenior.”
“天刑前辈。”In the meantime, Xie Yustandssuddenly, saidwith a smile: „WhatthisFairy Mo QingkillsismyBurning Sun Immortal Countryperson, but alsoaskedHeaven Punishment Kingto sellthinsurface, howgavemeBurning Sun Immortal Countryto handlethisfemale?”
Of painting immortalthreebigfairy maidens, seizeinoneselfspiritrosy cloudresting palace, light/onlythinks,Xie Yufeels an excitement, is hard to takedry and hot!
“也好。”Heaven Punishment Kingnods.天刑王点点头。
, Yang Ruoxu and Mo Qing'sdestiny, has been doomedin a few words.
三言两语之间,杨若虚、墨倾的命运,就已注定。„OriginallyGreat Jin Immortal CountryHeaven Punishment King, is not so concerned about face!”
“原来大晋仙国的天刑王,这般不要脸!”In the meantime, the distant placebroadcaststogether the femalevoice, words that said that was astonishingenough!
就在此时,远处传来一道女子声音,说出来的话,足够惊人!JustYang Ruoxu, questioned the Heaven Punishment Kinglaw enforcement, was decided the capital crime, whatresultthis does dareto scold the Heaven Punishment Kingperson to be?
The peoplegofollowing the prestige, at presentonebright.
众人循声望去,不禁眼前一亮。Sees only a bigsleevefloatingoutstandingly beautifultaoist nunto skiceto come, the attireis simple, but, actuallyrevealsindescribabledao rhyme!
只见一位大袖飘飘的绝色道姑疾行而来,衣着简单朴素,但举手投足间,却流露出难以言喻的道韵!Most noticeable, isthistaoist nunbehind, is shouldering a giantsquare shapecheckerboard.
最引人注目的,还是这位道姑的身后,背负着一张巨大的方形棋盘。Inthis moment, the peopleas ifhave a feeling, the femaleis shoulderingten thousandli (0.5 km)starry sky, arrives atthisplace!
在这一刻,众人仿佛生出一种感觉,女子背负着万里星空,来到此地!One of threebigfairy maidens, Chess Immortal Jun Yu!
三大仙子之一,棋仙君瑜!„didn’t expect, thisTen Thousand Years Assembly, threebigfairy maidenscametwo.”
“没想到啊,这次万年大会,三大仙子又来了两位。”„chess immortalhas stepped intoParadise Realm, achievementImmortal King, no wonderthere is such a energy.”
“棋仙已经踏入洞天境,成就仙王,怪不得有如此底气。”„Is onlyparadisesmall accomplishment, cannot stand offHeaven Punishment Kingby far.”
“只是洞天小成,远远敌不过天刑王。”In the crowdspreads a discussion.
人群中传出一阵议论声。„OriginallyisFairy Jun Yu, no wonderdaresto spout rhetoricbeforeme, Mountain and Seas Immortal Sectno onemanagedyou!”
“原来是君瑜仙子,怪不得敢在我面前大放厥词,山海仙宗没人管你了吗!”Heaven Punishment Kingvisiononehorizontal.天刑王目光一横。
, Trueparadisespiritual treasurePunishment Bladecomes out of the sheath, fillsendlessbloodymurderous aurainstantaneously, the Heaven Punishment Kingcoldsound said: „IfMountain and Seas Immortal Sectno oneteachesyou, IgiveyouforMountain and Seas Immortal Sect a lesson!”
嚓的一声,真正的洞天灵宝刑戮刀出鞘,瞬间弥漫出无尽血腥杀伐之气,天刑王寒声道:“若是山海仙宗没人管教你,我就替山海仙宗给你个教训!”Mountain and Seas Immortal SecttwoImmortal Kingstandhastily, blocksJun Yu, shoutedlowly: „Jun Yu, this matterhas nothing to dowithMountain and Seas Immortal Sect, do not mind others' business!”山海仙宗的两位仙王连忙站出来,将君瑜拦住,低喝道:“君瑜,此事与山海仙宗无关,别多管闲事!”„Anotherpasses on the sound said:”HereisGreat JinRoyal City, the eruptionconflict, three of uscannot leave! „
“另一位传音道:”这里是大晋王城,爆发冲突,我们三人都走不掉!“Jun Yukeeps silent.君瑜默不作声。Sheis also clear, oneselfare not the Heaven Punishment Kingopponent.
她也清楚,自己远不是天刑王的对手。Butshecannot get used to seeing, Heaven Punishment Kingsobullies the person.
但她只是看不惯,天刑王这般欺负人。„Many thanksfellow daoist Jun Yugood intention.”
“多谢君瑜道友好意。”Yang Ruoxusmilessuddenly, does not wantto implicate others, thenraises the sound said: „The matter of today, right and wrongblack and white, has the public opinion. Killsmeto be able, Ionly have a request, can let offotheracademypeople.”杨若虚突然笑了笑,不想连累旁人,便扬声道:“今日之事,是非黑白,自有公论。杀我可以,我只有一个请求,能否放过书院其他人。”„Sect Master!”
The academymanydiscipleschange countenance.
书院众多弟子动容。„Ruoxu, Iam accompanyingyou!”
“若虚,我陪着你!”Fairy Chi Honggoes forwardonestep, withYang Ruoxustands.赤虹仙子上前一步,与杨若虚站在一起。„You, the person of dying, will not matchwithmediscusses the condition.”
The Heaven Punishment Kingtoneis indifferent, flatly refuses.天刑王语气冷漠,一口回绝。At this time, the surroundingshave been gatheringmanycultivator, hadhas participated in the past Ten Thousand Years Assembly, evenwasDivine Firmament Meeting.
此时,周围已经聚集着不少修士,有很多都参加过当年的万年大会,甚至是神霄大会。Seesthis, shakes the headsecretly, sobs.
看到这一幕,都是暗自摇头,唏嘘不已。PastUniverse Academywhat kind ofscenery, onTen Thousand Years Assembly, Su ZimocapturedHead of the Earth Liststrongly.
当年的乾坤书院何等风光,万年大会上,苏子墨强势夺得地榜之首。OnDivine Firmament Meeting, erupts the shockingwarwithDivine Firmament Immortal TerritorystrongestHeaven ChosenYun Ting, is a focus of public attention, finallywins.神霄大会上,又与神霄仙域最强的天骄云霆爆发惊世一战,万众瞩目,最终胜出。Butnow, Universe Academyreducesunexpectedlyhence, was humiliated the insultat will.
“啧啧啧!”In the meantime, abovelong streetvoidsplits a slitsuddenly, insidespreads a strangesound.
就在此时,长街上方的虚空突然裂开一道缝隙,里面传出一阵怪异声响。Afterward, wheat flourdoes not need the greyrobemanfirstwalked, said: „Really is the power and prestige, whenmyUniverse Academyno one, is so goodto bully?”
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