ESK :: Volume #32

#3126: abyss within a circle drawn on the ground

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In five True Immortal, there are two Insightful Emptiness Stage. 五位真仙之中,有两位洞虚期 Yang Ruoxu just stepped into True Martial Realm, True Martial Dao Body cultivates small accomplishment, if to Returns to Oneness Period True Immortal, can fight to win absolutely. 杨若虚只是刚刚踏入真武境,真武道体修炼到小成,若是对上归一期真仙,绝对可以一战而胜。 Even if facing Celestial Stage, he has strength of the war. 哪怕面对天人期,他都有一战之力。 But facing Abysmal Void Stage, he could not resist, let alone is two Insightful Emptiness Stage True Immortal. 但面对空冥期,他就抵挡不住了,更别说是两位洞虚期真仙 Almost is the instance that both sides fight, Yang Ruoxu falls on leeward, is in danger repeatedly, retreats in defeat again and again! 几乎是双方交手的瞬间,杨若虚就落在下风,屡屡遇险,节节败退! Fairy Chi Hong has not stepped into True Oneness Realm, facing this situation, is helpless. 赤虹仙子还未踏入真一境,面对这种局势,根本无能为力。 Hehe, this skill, but also over daring?” “呵呵,就这点本事,还敢出头?” Xuan Feng True Immortal curls the lip. 玄风真仙撇撇嘴。 Wu Xu sword immortal said: After all others is a lord, must make every effort to succeed.” 无虚剑仙道:“毕竟人家是一宗之主,总要争一口气。” Xie Yu laughs, said: In my opinion, his tone not only cannot struggle, but also was easy dead!” 谢煜大笑一声,道:“依我看,他这口气不但争不到,还容易断了气!” Oh.” “唉。” In the meantime, in the academy crowd, hears one to sigh lightly, in chaotic battlefield, almost thin inaudible. 就在此时,书院人群中,传来一声轻叹,在混乱的战场中,几乎细不可闻。 Sees only a beautiful female to leave the crowd, steps into the battlefield, immediately captures the innumerable say/way attention. 只见一位绝美女子离开人群,踏入战场,顿时吸引无数道目光。 Female not too big movement, but puts out a paint brush from storage bag, takes true essence as black ink, in front gently one stroke. 女子并没有太大的动作,只是从储物袋中拿出一根画笔,以真元为墨,在前方轻轻一划。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Among instant, in the line of sight of people, appears one exquisite silk universe, the whole wide world four seas, ten thousand li (0.5 km) mountains and rivers, form the picture scroll that shocks grandly, suppresses toward Burning Sun Immortal Country five True Immortal! 刹那间,众人的视线中,浮现出一片锦绣乾坤,八荒四海,万里山河,形成一幅壮阔震撼的画卷,朝着炎阳仙国五位真仙镇压下去! peer­less di­vine abil­ity, Rivers and Mountains as a Painting! 绝世神通,江山如画 The person of making a move, is of Painting Immortal Mo Qing three big fairy maidens! 出手之人,正是三大仙子之一的画仙墨倾 Around the long street, has been gathering many cultivator. 长街周围,已经聚集着不少修士 Before then, many people have not seen painting immortal, let alone, seeing painting immortal to act. 在此之前,很多人都没见过画仙,就更别说,看见画仙出手。 Until this moment, numerous cultivator realized, Mo Qing is three big fairy maidens, can have such reputation, is not only her Dao of Painting beautiful appearance. 直到这一刻,众多修士才意识到,墨倾之所以位列三大仙子,能有如此名声,不仅仅是她的画道美貌。 Because, on battle strength, Mo Qing is the True Oneness Realm peak! 更因为,在战力上,墨倾便是真一境的巅峰! Since obtaining «Gods, Ghosts, Immortals and Demons Painting», Mo Qing is getting deeper and deeper to Dao of Painting comprehension. 自从得到《神鬼仙魔图》之后,墨倾画道感悟越来越深。 After drawing Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) genuine appearance, her heart ties as if unties suddenly, above Dao of Painting, still further! 画出荒武真容之后,她的心结似乎突然解开,在画道之上,更进一步! Only is this Rivers and Mountains as a Painting, presses Burning Sun Immortal Country five True Immortal unable to gain ground, cannot move! 光是这道江山如画,就压得炎阳仙国五位真仙抬不起头,动弹不得! Sees this, the Xie Yu complexion sinks. 看到这一幕,谢煜脸色一沉。 Two Insightful Emptiness Stage True Immortal that just acted, in Burning Sun Immortal Country True Immortal, battle strength arranged sufficiently first ten, didn’t expect, by Painting Immortal Mo Qing one, was then suppressed conveniently! 刚刚出手的两位洞虚期真仙,在炎阳仙国真仙中,战力足以排进前十,没想到,被画仙墨倾随手一笔,便镇压下去! Heard, painting immortal battle strength is common, is only painting album, can took out come, to summon expert on many painting momentarily , helping in the fighting for it. 原本只是听说,画仙战力寻常,只是有一部画册,随时可以祭出来,召唤出众多画作上的强者,为其助战。 didn’t expect, does not draw support from the external object even, painting immortal battle strength, is still good! 没想到,就算不借助外物,画仙战力,依旧不俗! Good method, not to know that Fairy Mo Qing can catch the offensive of my several swords!” “好手段,不知墨倾仙子能接住我几剑的攻势!” Finishes barely the words, Wu Xu sword immortal has acted. 话音未落,无虚剑仙已经出手。 sword light flashes for the first time! 剑光乍闪! Buzz! 嗡! A sword startled great wild goose! 一剑惊鸿! This sword light just appeared, this such as the picture landscape chart, then has the trend of being split up, as if cannot withstand this swift and fierce sword qi. 这道剑光刚刚浮现,这副如画的江山图,便有四分五裂的趋势,似乎承受不住这道凌厉剑气 confined within a circle drawn on the ground.” 画地为牢。” The Mo Qing look is invariable, the pure white wrist/skill rotates gently, the paint brush outlined one in the under foot of Wu Xu sword immortal. 墨倾神色不变,洁白的手腕轻轻转动,画笔在无虚剑仙的脚下勾勒一笔。 Among instant, the Wu Xu sword immortal surroundings, appear a giant black prison, him is one of them sleepily! 刹那间,无虚剑仙的周围,浮现出一尊巨大的黑色牢狱,将他困在其中! This side prison, even his divine consciousness and true essence captivity. 这一方牢狱,甚至将他的神识真元囚禁在内。 Loses divine consciousness, the true essence support, that said that the sword light might plummets. 失去神识,真元的支撑,那道剑光的威力骤降。 If the picture grand landscape chart, consolidates again! 如画般壮丽的江山图,再度稳固下来! Dingdong! 叮叮当当! Wu Xu sword immortal knits the brows slightly, acts continuously, even releases several Sword Dao divine ability, cuts to fall in the surrounding black prison, but is unable to cut to break this shackles! 无虚剑仙微微皱眉,连续出手,甚至释放出几记剑道神通,斩落在周围的黑色牢狱上,但始终无法斩破这座牢笼! „Is painting immortal so unexpectedly strong?” 画仙居然这么强?” The Wu Xu sword immortal secret heart is startled. 无虚剑仙暗暗心惊。 Xie Yu looks to Xuan Feng True Immortal of not far away, divine consciousness passes on the sound said hastily: Also asked the Xuan Feng fellow daoist to act, in the future must have thanks again!” 谢煜看向不远处的玄风真仙,连忙神识传音道:“还请玄风道友出手,将来必有重谢!” Has heard the painting immortal given name, today sees, is really uncommon.” “早就听闻画仙大名,今日一见,果然不凡。” Xuan Feng True Immortal chuckle, raises the sound said: Meets rarely, asks for advice below.” 玄风真仙轻笑一声,扬声道:“难得遇见,在下也来讨教一番。” Sees only he stimulates to movement Dao Fruit, after the brain, to reappear light halo, condenses divine consciousness, pinches magic arts, toward Mo Qing distant one finger/refers, shouted lightly: Hurricane Disaster!” 只见他催动道果,脑后浮现出一道道光晕,凝聚神识,捏动法诀,朝着墨倾遥遥一指,轻喝道:“飓风天灾!” Giant black hurricane appears, is sending out pinnacle slaughter intent, inside spreads a shrieking and howling wildly sound, sweeps across ten thousand li (0.5 km) landscape! 一道巨大的黑色飓风浮现,散发着极致的杀伐之意,里面传出一阵鬼哭狼嚎之声,席卷万里江山! This peer­less di­vine abil­ity, in Ten Thousand Years Assembly, reincarnated immortal Feng Yin fought the Su Zimo's time in the past, had once released. 这道绝世神通,当年在万年大会中,一位转世仙人风隐大战苏子墨的时候,也曾释放过。 This divine ability power of murdering is extremely strong, Su Zimo at that time by " Prajna Nirvana Scripture » all states of impermanence seal, reduced and solved it. 这道神通杀伐之力极强,苏子墨当时还是以《般若涅槃经》中的诸行无常印,将其化解。 But at this time, this divine ability releases in the hand of Xuan Feng True Immortal, the might is more terrifying! 而此时,这道神通玄风真仙的手中释放出来,威力更加恐怖! Mo Qing just, showed the grand picture scroll in front of people, starts to become the illusory distortion, as if will be torn into shreds momentarily! 墨倾刚刚施法,展现在众人面前的壮丽画卷,都开始变得虚幻扭曲,仿佛随时都会被撕碎! On the Xuan Feng True Immortal mouth said that is asks for advice, but comes up is unretentive! 玄风真仙嘴上说是讨教一番,但一上来就是毫无保留! In this Hurricane Disaster, even contains supreme divine ability aura! 这道飓风天灾中,甚至蕴藏着一丝无上神通的气息! „It is not really concerned about face, so many people bully others one.” “真不要脸啊,这么多人欺负人家一个。” Fairy Mo Qing truly is also fierce, is seemingly delicate, unexpectedly is so strong.” 墨倾仙子也确实厉害,看似柔弱,居然这么强。” Many cultivator are discussing low voice. 不少修士小声议论着。 But making a move of Xuan Feng True Immortal, as if lets some Mo Qing vitality, sees only her light pressed Omei, coldly asks: „Didn't you have?” 玄风真仙的出手,似乎让墨倾有些生气,只见她轻蹙峨眉,冷冷问道:“你们没完了?” painting immortal unhappy battle, but if really begins, will not be softhearted! 画仙只是不喜争斗,但若真动起手来,也不会心慈手软! In the past in Blue Cloud Mountain, painting immortal wanted to protect Yang Ruoxu and Su Zimo, was taunted by Great Jin True Immortal, she had not explained, acted at the scene, cut to kill that True Immortal! 当年在苍云山,画仙想要保护杨若虚苏子墨,被一位大晋真仙嘲讽,她并未解释,当场出手,将那位真仙斩杀! Without murdering the method, the True Immortal stations of other influences, will only make the situation even more chaotic, even loses control! 若没有杀伐手段,还有其他势力的真仙站出来,只会让局势越发混乱,甚至失控! After Mo Qing brain, suddenly blooms light halo, sees only her to wield the paint brush, in Xuan Feng True Immortal and under Wu Xu sword immortal and that five True Immortal bodies, draws together jet black such as the line of black ink directly. 墨倾脑后突然绽放出一道道光晕,只见她挥动画笔,在玄风真仙无虚剑仙和那五位真仙身下,直接画出一道漆黑如墨的线条。 abyss within a circle drawn on the ground!” 画地为渊!” The Mo Qing cherry lips open lightly, put out four characters. 墨倾樱唇轻启,吐出四个字。 The aura that made the person palpitation burst out suddenly, in Xuan Feng True Immortal several people of under feet, that seemingly common heavy line, transformed a jet black dark abyss suddenly! 一股令人心悸的气息突然迸发,在玄风真仙几人的脚下,那条看似寻常的黑线,突然幻化出一座漆黑幽暗的深渊! As if was an ancient times giant beast, the opens the mouth big mouth, must the people unceasing swallowed to tear into shreds! 仿佛是一个远古巨兽,张口血盆大口,要将众人不断的吞噬撕碎! This divine ability strength and aura, have been far in excess of just now several big peer­less di­vine abil­ity. 这道神通的力量和气息,已经远远超越方才的几大绝世神通 supreme divine ability!” 无上神通!” Xuan Feng True Immortal changes color with amazement, calls out in alarm makes noise. 玄风真仙骇然变色,惊呼出声。 These four characters, bring in an uproar! 这四个字,引来一片哗然! Painting Immortal Mo Qing, comprehended supreme divine ability unexpectedly! 画仙墨倾,居然领悟了无上神通 Wu Xu sword immortal mind big quake. 无虚剑仙心神大震。 No wonder he just acted continuously, is hard to break open a painting immortal conveniently stroke of shackles. 怪不得他刚刚连续出手,都难以破开画仙随手一划的牢笼。 Comprehension together supreme divine ability, fleshly body and bloodline primordial spirit Dao Fruit, even is true essence will have the transformation, battle strength rises sharply! 领悟一道无上神通,肉身血脉元神道果,甚至是真元都会发生蜕变,战力大涨! Xuan Feng True Immortal and Wu Xu sword immortal and the others are incapable of resisting radically, can only look at that say/way jet black abyss of under foot helplessly, unceasing is pulling their body, little submerging darkness! 玄风真仙无虚剑仙等人根本无力抵抗,只能眼睁睁的看着脚下的那道漆黑深渊,不断的拉扯着他们的身躯,一点点的没入黑暗! No!” “别!” painting immortal forgives!” 画仙饶命!” In the abyss, spreads several to shout. 深渊中,传出几声呼喊。 Snort!” “哼!” In the meantime, the sound suddenly resounds together, is mixing with an anger and dignity. 就在此时,一道声音突然响起,夹杂着一丝怒气和威严。 Then is this light, Mo Qing's supreme divine ability, is defeated and dispersed instantaneously! 便是这一声轻哼,墨倾的无上神通,瞬间溃散! Xuan Feng True Immortal, the Wu Xu sword immortal seven people crash from dark abyss, Burning Sun Immortal Country two True Immortal, do not have the aura. 玄风真仙,无虚剑仙七人从黑暗深渊中坠落出来,炎阳仙国的两位真仙,已经没了气息。 Remaining five people, including Xuan Feng True Immortal and Wu Xu sword immortal, is the complexion is pallid, the facial expression is distressed, frightens heavily. 剩下的五人,包括玄风真仙无虚剑仙在内,也都是脸色煞白,神情狼狈,吓得不轻。
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