ESK :: Volume #32

#3125: Scar of knife wound

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In the Universe Academy crowd, a figure is thin, the whole face scar of knife wound, has changed beyond all recognition, face fierce man. 乾坤书院的人群中,还有一位身形消瘦,满脸刀疤,已经面目全非,脸庞狰狞的男子。 Even is most familiar his person, sees this face, perhaps cannot recognize. 就算最熟悉他的人,看到这张脸,恐怕都认不出来。 dao law that this man cultivates, unlike others somewhat, seems to be hard accurately to judge its cultivation realm, possibly in the Earth Immortal level. 这位男子修炼的道法,似乎与旁人有些不同,难以准确判断其修为境界,可能在地仙层次上。 Hears the surrounding people to mention Su Zimo, this scar of knife wound man as if recalls anything, lowers the head slightly, moved. 听到周围众人提及苏子墨,这位刀疤男子似乎回想起什么,微微垂首,怅然若失。 In the meantime, the front street front surface walks a group of cultivator, about over a thousand numerous, are the person of head wears the scarlet-red raging flames long gown, by stars surrounding the moon crowding around. 就在此时,前方的街道迎面走来一大群修士,约有上千之众,为首之人穿着赤红色烈焰长袍,被众星拱月般簇拥着。 Looks quickly, Burning Sun Immortal Country Spirit Cloud Prince.” “快看,炎阳仙国灵霞郡王。” I heard, Spirit Cloud Prince is Xie Qingcheng, afterward after Universe Academy Su Zimo fell from the sky, conversation of that Xie Qingcheng and in Burning Sun Immortal King, but also acts recklessly contradicts several, was abandoned directly!” “我听说,原本灵霞郡王谢倾城,后来乾坤书院苏子墨陨落之后,那谢倾城炎阳仙王的交谈中,还不知死活的顶撞几句,直接就被废了!” What do you understand? Even if that Prince Qingcheng does not contradict, Burning Sun Immortal King will still find an excuse to discard him, after all is only inexpensive that servant lives, Burning Sun Immortal King cannot have a liking for him.” “你懂什么?就算那位倾城郡王不顶撞,炎阳仙王也会找个借口废掉他,毕竟只是一个下人生下来的贱种,炎阳仙王根本看不上他。” That's true, that seizing power war, no one favored Xie Qingcheng in the past radically, without Su Zimo appears, he simply does not have the opportunity high-rank.” “确实如此,当年那场夺印大战,根本没人看好谢倾城,若是没有苏子墨横空出世,他根本没机会上位。” Said that seizing power war is really also intense, flame prince that expert that academy that Su Zimo losses in a row several forecast Heaven List, even Burning Sun Immortal King most loves gave waste!” “说起来,那场夺印大战也着实激烈,书院那位苏子墨数位预测天榜强者,连炎阳仙王最宠爱的焱郡王都给废了!” Hears surrounding numerous cultivator's to discuss, Yang Ruoxu and Fairy Chi Hong in academy knit the brows, looks at each other one mutually. 听到周围众多修士的议论,书院中的杨若虚赤虹仙子都皱了皱眉,相互对视一眼。 Afterward, some Yang Ruoxu worries looked at an behind that scar of knife wound man, starts to speak but hesitates. 随后,杨若虚有些担心的看了一眼身后的那位刀疤男子,欲言又止。 As if detects anything, smiling of the scar of knife wound man self-ridicules, shakes the head saying: brother Yang, I am all right.” 似乎察觉到什么,刀疤男子只是自嘲的笑了笑,摇头道:“杨兄,我没事。” On that face, covers entirely the blood-color meat muscle, this smiles, appears the face unable to withstand uglily. 那张脸庞上,布满血色肉筋,这一笑,显得脸庞更加丑陋不堪。 Fairy Chi Hong looks at this face, loves dearly. 赤虹仙子看着这张脸庞,一阵心疼。 She turns head fiercely, looks to the crowd just said inexpensive type that cultivator, berated one: Shuts your dog mouth!” 她猛地回头,看向人群中刚刚说出‘贱种’的那位修士,喝斥一声:“闭上你的狗嘴!” What's wrong, your Universe Academy is so imposing, hasn't made us speak?” “怎么,你乾坤书院这么威风,还不让我们说话了?” That cultivator does not fear quite the same as, rebuts with sarcasm. 那个修士也浑然不惧,反唇相讥。 sect that he is , is also the Earth Level influence. 他所在的宗门,也是地级势力。 If trades does for ten thousand years ago, he naturally does not dare with the academy disciples to contradict the conflict, at present the academy no longer in the past, he also has nothing to fear. 若是换做万年前,他自然不敢跟书院弟子顶撞冲突,眼下书院不复当年,他也没什么好怕的。 ! The front hears an applause. 前方传来一阵鼓掌声。 Burning Sun Immortal King Spirit Cloud Prince is patting the palm, smiles, raises the sound said: Many years do not see, younger sister Chi Hong (scarlet rainbow), but are really the power and prestige.” 炎阳仙王灵霞郡王拍着手掌,满脸笑容,扬声道:“多年不见,赤虹妹妹,可真是威风啊。” In Spirit Cloud Prince behind, but also is standing a man, was past forecast Heaven List fourth. 灵霞郡王的身后,还站着一位男子,正是当年的预测天榜第四。 Seizes power in great formation, was suppressed twice Reincarnated True Immortal Lie Xuan by Su Zimo, at this time has practiced the True Immortal level. 夺印大阵中,被苏子墨镇压两次的转世真仙烈玄,此时已经重新修炼到真仙层次。 At that time, because of the plea of Xie Qingcheng, Su Zimo let off Lie Xuan. 当时,因为谢倾城的求情,苏子墨才放过烈玄 Reason that there is this, Su Zimo also considered, gives a Xie Qingcheng favor. 之所以有这一手,苏子墨也是考虑到,送给谢倾城一份人情。 Sure enough, after Xie Qingcheng becomes Spirit Cloud Prince, Lie Xuan then assists him, stands firm in Burning Sun Immortal Country, eliminates many hindrance. 果不其然,谢倾城成为灵霞郡王之后,烈玄便辅助他,在炎阳仙国中站稳脚跟,清除不少阻碍。 The matter that just, had afterward, Lie Xuan is also incapable of preventing. 只不过,后来发生的事,就连烈玄也无力阻止。 Yun Zhu can rescue from the Burning Sun Immortal Country prison Xie Qingcheng, Lie Xuan is one of them , plays the crucial role! 云竹能将谢倾城炎阳仙国的大牢中救出来,烈玄在其中,也起到了关键作用! At this time, the Lie Xuan vision crosses the crowd, sees in the academy disciples, the man of that whole face scar of knife wound, in the eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly not to endure. 此时,烈玄的目光越过人群,看到书院弟子中,那位满脸刀疤的男子,眼眸中掠过一丝不忍。 Your highness......” “殿下……” Lie Xuan divine consciousness passes message, said in a soft voice. 烈玄神识传音,轻声道。 That scar of knife wound man has not raised the head, is only divine consciousness passes on the sound said: brother Lie does not need so, original Xie Qingcheng dead.” 那位刀疤男子并未抬头,也只是神识传音道:“烈兄不必如此,原本的谢倾城已经死了。” Now only then calls makes Cheng Qing, cultivates Martial Dao Earth Immortal in Universe Academy.” “现在只有一位唤做‘程青’,在乾坤书院修炼武道地仙。” I am not your younger sister.” “我不是你妹妹。” Saying that Fairy Chi Hong coldly: I and Burning Sun Immortal Country, have no connection.” 赤虹仙子冷冷的说道:“我与炎阳仙国,已经没什么瓜葛。” Snort!” “哼!” Spirit Cloud Prince cold snort/hum, said: You for Xie Qingcheng that inexpensive type, then break off the relations with royal father, breaks off the relations with Burning Sun Immortal Country, you are the treason and heresy!” 灵霞郡王冷哼一声,道:“你为了谢倾城那个贱种,便与父王断绝关系,与炎阳仙国断绝关系,你这是大逆不道!” I as Spirit Cloud Prince, can suppress you momentarily, return to Burning Sun Immortal Country, pass/test Rutian is firm!” “我身为灵霞郡王,随时都可以将你镇压,送回炎阳仙国,关入天牢!” , Spirit Cloud Prince then gives Fairy Chi Hong to press down great sin in a few words. 三言两语间,灵霞郡王便给赤虹仙子按上一个大罪 Hehe......” “呵呵……” Fairy Chi Hong sneers, said: Xie Yu, your Spirit Cloud Prince is picks, without the Burning Sun Immortal King intervention, you do not match!” 赤虹仙子冷笑一声,道:“谢煜,你这灵霞郡王不过是捡来的,若是没有炎阳仙王干预,你根本不配!” Xie Yu!” 谢煜!” Yang Ruoxu sinking sound said: Chi Hong (scarlet rainbow) is my academy disciple, is my Yang Ruoxu dao companion, you want to move him, must first ask me!” 杨若虚沉声道:“赤虹乃是我书院弟子,更是我杨若虚道侣,你想动他,得先问过我!” Yo, who is this?” “呦,这是谁啊?” The Xie Yu squint looked at one, saying with a smile of cynical: Originally is Universe Academy current Sect Master, fierce, fierce!” 谢煜斜眼看了一眼,阴阳怪气的笑道:“原来是乾坤书院现任宗主,厉害,厉害!” Yang Ruoxu, you think that Universe Academy was like before?” 杨若虚,你以为乾坤书院还跟以前一样?” In the meantime, another sound conveys. 就在此时,另一道声音传来。 Sees only not far away, numerous cultivator walks, Heaven Level influence that truly rose in recent years, Wind-Fire Monastery! 只见不远处,一众修士走来,确实近年来崛起的天级势力,风火观 Is the person of head, is honored as Wind-Fire Monastery first True Immortal, Xuan Feng True Immortal! 为首之人,被誉为风火观的第一真仙,玄风真仙 It is said this Xuan Feng True Immortal, has touched together the supreme divine ability barrier, even hopeful competition next Nine Firmaments Assembly True Immortals List! 据说这位玄风真仙,已经触碰到一道无上神通的壁垒,甚至有希望角逐下一届九霄大会真仙榜 Xuan Feng True Immortal said with a smile lightly: Yang Ruoxu, I urged your best convergence point, in front of Spirit Cloud Prince polite, left such arrogant, so as to avoid invited trouble!” 玄风真仙轻笑道:“杨若虚,我劝你最好收敛点,在灵霞郡王面前客气点,别这么气盛,免得惹祸上身!” Is so lively.” “这么热闹。” Has sound together to transmit. 有一道声音传来。 Another Heaven Level influence, Soaring Void Palace numerous cultivator catches up. 另一个天级势力,冲虚宫的一众修士赶来。 Is the person of head, is Soaring Void Palace first True Spirit, Wu Xu sword immortal. 为首之人,乃是冲虚宫第一真灵,无虚剑仙 Two come just right.” “两位来得正好。” Xie Yu cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, said with a smile: This Chi Hong (scarlet rainbow) within the body, is flowing the bloodlines of Burning Sun Immortal King, but she because of a minor matter, must break off the relations with Burning Sun Immortal Country unexpectedly, I as Spirit Cloud Prince, suppress her, what issue can have?” 谢煜微微拱手,笑着说道:“这个赤虹的体内,流淌着炎阳仙王的血脉,可她居然因为一点小事,就要与炎阳仙国断绝关系,我身为灵霞郡王,将她镇压,可有什么问题?” Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没问题。” Wu Xu sword immortal nods, said: „The generation of such treason and heresy, everybody has the right to punish!” 无虚剑仙点点头,道:“此等大逆不道之辈,人人得而诛之!” Xuan Feng True Immortal said: Perhaps in my opinion, this female has fallen demonized saying that our generation correct path cultivator, from, when cuts the monster to eliminate the demon!” 玄风真仙道:“依我看,此女恐怕已经坠入魔道,我辈正道修士,自当斩妖除魔!” Universe Academy and Soaring Void Palace, Wind-Fire Monastery, naturally no conflict. 乾坤书院冲虚宫,风火观,当然没有什么冲突。 In recent years, Universe Academy cautious growth development, cautious, cannot offend these two big Heaven Level influences. 这些年来,乾坤书院小心翼翼的成长发展,如履薄冰,也根本得罪不到这两大天级势力。 But regarding Wind-Fire Monastery, Soaring Void Palace, naturally must stand in is Burning Sun Immortal Country of Heaven Level influence. 但对于风火观,冲虚宫而言,当然要站在同为天级势力的炎阳仙国这边。 Yang Ruoxu frowns greatly, sinking sound said: Fellow Daoist, here is Great Jin Royal City, the ban resorts to violence to spar in private.” 杨若虚大皱眉头,沉声道:“诸位道友,这里是大晋王城,禁制私下动武斗法。” Takes to me!” “给我拿下!” Xie Yu just likes has not heard, look ice-cold, waves directly, toward Fairy Chi Hong direction one finger/refers. 谢煜恍若未闻,神色冰冷,直接挥手,朝着赤虹仙子的方向一指。 Immediately five True Immortal move sideways, threw toward Fairy Chi Hong. 顿时有五位真仙闪身而出,朝着赤虹仙子扑了过去。 Lie Xuan knits the brows, has not gone forward. 烈玄皱了皱眉,并未上前。 If Yang Ruoxu and Fairy Chi Hong bear patiently the low key, perhaps Xie Yu ridiculed several, let off them. 若是杨若虚赤虹仙子隐忍低调,谢煜或许讥讽几句,也就放过他们了。 But under these two on the long street, are in the glare of the public eye, but also dares to talk back! 但这两人在长街上,众目睽睽之下,还敢顶嘴! Immediately aroused the killing heart of Xie Yu! 顿时激起了谢煜的杀心! You dare!” “你敢!” Yang Ruoxu is angry , the direct took out long sword, a noble spirit reverberates, soars to the heavens, clears away all directions, stops five True Immortal! 杨若虚大怒,也直接祭出长剑,一股浩然之气回荡,冲霄而起,涤荡八方,将五位真仙阻拦下来!
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