ESK :: Volume #32

#3122: Chief criminal

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A'Xie, is that little girl of Martial Dao main body in the dreamland. 阿邪,便是武道本尊在梦境中遇到的那位小女孩。 Also is Lord of the Beasts Path, Evil Emperor. 也就是畜生道之主,邪帝 That bitter experience, seems like that is only a dream. 那次遭遇,看似只是一场梦。 But in fact, Su Zimo in that dreamland, is actually bound by a common destiny with A'Xie, entire first! 但实际上,苏子墨却在那个梦境中,与阿邪相依为命,整整过了一世! He is not clear, true is Evil Emperor, is in the dreamland the A'Xie appearance. 他不清楚,真正的邪帝,是不是就是梦境中阿邪的样子。 A'Xie in that dreamland, the innermost feelings are filling naively, her stubborn believing, Heavenly Path has the samsara, the good person should obtain the lucky report, but the evil person should be punished. 那处梦境中的阿邪,内心充满着天真,她固执的认为,天道自有轮回,善良的人就该得到福报,而恶人就该受到惩罚。 But in the real world, where has what Reincarnation of Heavenly Dao. 但在真实的世界里,哪有什么天道轮回 If there is Reincarnation of Heavenly Dao, Nine Heavens already this/should destruction! 若有天道轮回,九天早就该覆灭! If there is Reincarnation of Heavenly Dao, Great Emperor of these, will not fall from the sky one after another, is shouldering several epoch, the charge of endless years! 若有天道轮回,那些古之大帝,也不会相继陨落,背负着数个纪元,无尽岁月的罪名! If there is Reincarnation of Heavenly Dao, hides in the back, shoulders War of Dragon and Phoenix, War of Kun and Peng, lets that person who the innumerable innocent lives are buried in the battlefield, should encounter the retribution, will not live now! 若有天道轮回,躲在背后,挑起龙凤之战,鲲鹏之战,让无数的无辜生灵葬身战场的那个人,早就该遭到报应,不会活到现在! But this person, the present sits in his opposite now. 而这个人,现在如今就坐在他的对面。 In the Martial Dao main body heart has a feeling. 武道本尊心中生出一种感觉。 Between Underworld and six paths, although has the complicated relation. 地府六道之间,虽然有着千丝万缕的联系。 Even War of Slaying the Heavens, is they initiates jointly, resists Heavenly Court. 甚至伐天之战,就是他们联手发起,对抗天庭 But Evil Emperor, at present this Heaven Burying Great Emperor, is not the type person. 邪帝,与眼前这位葬天大帝,并不是一类人。 Their say/way are different. 他们的道不同。 But Demon Lord? 魔主呢? Brahma Ghost Mother? 梵天鬼母呢? Martial Dao main body are not many to these contacts, is very difficult to make the accurate judgment. 武道本尊对这几位接触并不多,也很难做出准确的判断。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor was sipping the tea contentedly, actually feels opposite two scalding hot vision suddenly, looking straight ahead! 九霄仙帝原本正悠然自得的呷着茶,却突然感受到对面的两道灼热的目光,直视而来! Un?” “嗯?” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor selects the eyebrow slightly, looked the past, did not give way to traffic! 九霄仙帝微微挑眉,回望过去,毫不避让! Martial Dao main body wears silver mask, cannot see the facial expression, only reveals one pair profoundly such as the eye pupil of deep pool, seems like without the fluctuation. 武道本尊戴着银色面具,看不到神情,只露出一双深邃如渊的眼眸,看似毫无波动。 But Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor actually in this pair of eyes pupil deep places, feels a hostility and killing intent! 九霄仙帝却在这双眼眸深处,感受到一丝敌意和杀机 „Do you want to do?” “你想干什么?” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor narrows the eye to ask. 九霄仙帝眯眼问道。 Martial Dao main body not direct reaction, but from attending to saying: Initially, when Dragon World Dragon Island, in Lord of the Dragon World Victory Loathing Curse, had lost wisdom, in this case, the surroundings have numerous Dragon Clan to look at his look, is full of the frantic worship.” 武道本尊并未直接回答,而是自顾的说道:“当初,在龙界龙岛的时候,龙界之主中了厌胜诅咒,已经迷失心智,在这种情况下,周围有一众龙族看着他的眼神,都充满着狂热崇拜。” I felt at that time, this frantic look is somewhat familiar, suddenly has not thought.” “我当时就感到,这种狂热的眼神有些熟悉,一时间没想起来。” Afterward, guessed that your status, I recall, this look, I was once following Lord of Six Brahmas the bodies of these buddha sect(s) monk to see.” “后来,猜测出你的身份,我才记起,这种眼神,我曾在追随六梵天主的那些佛门僧人的身上看到过。” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor said: Actually, Victory Loathing Curse Dragon Clan were not many.” 九霄仙帝道:“其实,中了厌胜诅咒龙族并不多。” Good.” “不错。” Martial Dao main body nods, said: „ But you see clearly the will of the people, plays with the human nature, uses Lord of the Dragon World and other victory loathing puppets, urging Dragon Clan to go on an expedition everywhere, become enemy, initiates War of Dragon and Phoenix everywhere finally. „ 武道本尊点头,道:“但你洞察人心,玩弄人性,利用龙界之主等一些厌胜傀儡,促使龙族四处征战,到处为敌,最终引发龙凤大战。“ „ Does this blame me? „ “这怪我吗?“ Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor said with a smile lightly: You must know, I control Dragon Clan is not many, has no interest in controlling so many ants.” 九霄仙帝轻笑道:“你要知道,我控制得龙族并不多,也没兴趣控制那么多蝼蚁。” I gave them an opportunity, enabling that crowd of Dragon Clan to release the wickedness of heart deep place!” “我只是给了他们一个机会,让那群龙族可以释放他们内心深处的恶!” That crowd of Dragon Clan become is full of the hatred, confuses right and wrong, black and white inverts , because the heart deep place is hiding these gloomy things, but, I give the opportunity that they released.” “那群龙族变得充满仇恨,是非不分,黑白颠倒,都是因为他们自己内心深处就隐藏着这些阴暗的东西,只不过,我给了他们一个释放出来的机会。” On the face of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, reveals to wipe the strange frightened smile again, spooky saying: „Do you know? In the heart of everyone, is imprisoning a devil, matter that I do, but opens the door of this shackles gently......” 九霄仙帝的脸上,再度流露出一抹诡异惊悚的笑容,幽幽的说道:“你知道吗?每个人的心中,都囚禁着一个恶魔,我做的事,只是将这个牢笼之门轻轻打开……” This time Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, truly makes Martial Dao main body have one type has never had the terrified feeling! 此时的九霄仙帝,确实让武道本尊生出一种从未有过的悚然之感! He looks like one to hide the devil in darkness, uses the humane weakness, organizes the will of the people, finally becomes changes beyond all recognition, refusing to acknowledge family, the cold blood is brutal! 他就像是一个躲在黑暗中的恶魔,利用人性的弱点,摆布人心,最终将人变得面目全非,六亲不认,冷血无情! He does not even need to begin to kill people personally, then can cause the innumerable lives to fall from the sky! 他甚至都不必亲自动手去杀人,便可以造成无数生灵陨落! creatures of myriad clans in his front, looks like being a go-between puppet. 万族生灵在他的面前,就像是一个个牵线玩偶。 Actually, in seeing clearly the human nature, controls will of the people, Academy's Headmaster is also in this expert. 其实,在洞察人性,操控人心方面,书院宗主也是此中高手 In the past Universe Academy, academy disciple, when facing Academy's Headmaster, revealed that frantic. 当年的乾坤书院中,就有一众书院弟子在面对书院宗主的时候,流露出那种狂热。 Even if Academy's Headmaster orders, making them kill own relatives and friends, they can without hesitation. 哪怕书院宗主一声令下,让他们杀害自己的亲友,他们都会毫不犹豫。 Martial Dao main body said suddenly: In your method, with the aid of Poison of Dark Calamity, Victory Loathing Curse, should be able to control Academy's Headmaster easily, didn’t expect, you will easily let go him actually.” 武道本尊突然说道:“以你的手段,借助冥厄之毒,厌胜诅咒,应该可以轻而易举的控制住书院宗主,倒是没想到,你会轻易放走他。” By the Heaven Burying Great Emperor style and disposition, should not miss such opportunity. 葬天大帝的行事风格和心性,应该不会错过这样的机会。 Mentioned this matter, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor said with a smile: At that time, Academy's Headmaster looked for me, I truly had the thoughts in this aspect.” 提及此事,九霄仙帝笑道:“当时,书院宗主来找我,我确实动了这方面的心思。” But, this person extremely discrete, sees my is only together clone.” “只不过,这人太过谨慎,来见我的只是一道分身而已。” The cooperation that moreover, he says, truly makes me move. For these years, can who I appreciate not many, one talked, I somewhat did not give up unexpectedly, haha.” “另外,他提出来的合作,确实让我动心。这么多年来,能让我欣赏的人不多,一番交谈下来,我竟有些舍不得,哈哈。” Martial Dao main body is silent. 武道本尊沉默。 No matter what, Academy's Headmaster can move out in the Heaven Burying Great Emperor front, truly calculates his skill. 不管怎样,书院宗主能在葬天大帝的面前全身而退,确实算他本事。 War of Dragon and Phoenix, in War of Kun and Peng, died too many people.” 龙凤之战,鲲鹏之战中,死了太多的人。” Martial Dao main body sighed spookily. 武道本尊幽幽一叹。 The Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor hear Martial Dao main body tone some are not right, listens to these words the implication, unemotional asking: „Do you want a justice to them?” 九霄仙帝听出武道本尊的语气有些不对,也听出这句话的言外之意,面无表情的问道:“你要给他们讨个公道?” This account, must some people come.” “这笔账,总要有人来还。” Martial Dao main body light saying. 武道本尊淡淡的说道。 „Do you want to do accounts with me?” “你要跟我算账?” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor body slightly leans forward, looking at steadily is staring at Martial Dao main body, said slowly: Witch World, Poison World and Blood World also died many people, this account, I have not criticized with you!” 九霄仙帝身体微微前倾,目不转睛的盯着武道本尊,缓缓说道:“巫界毒界血界也死了不少人,这笔账,我还没跟你清算!” The Martial Dao main body look is usual, said: They damn, this is also the price that they should pay.” 武道本尊神色如常,道:“他们该死,这也是他们应该付出的代价。” Hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor laughs suddenly. 九霄仙帝突然大笑起来。 Afterward, his complexion suddenly changes, said: They damn, Dragon World and Parasol Tree World that over a thousand planes ants damn?” 随后,他脸色陡然一变,道:“他们该死,龙界梧桐界那上千个界面的蝼蚁就不该死?” You must know, once opens War of Slaying the Heavens, these planes will stand that side Heavenly Court, prevents our cuts down a day of road.” “你要知道,一旦开启伐天之战,这些界面都会站在天庭那边,阻挡我们的伐天之路。” Since fights with them unavoidably, I then slightly execute the method ahead of time, making them kill one another, can let our cut down a day of road, becoming is smoother.” “既然免不了与他们一战,我便提前略施手段,让他们自相残杀,也能让我们的伐天之路,变得更加顺利一些。” Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), I told you.” 荒武,我告诉你。” Saying that Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor coldly: No one cares about the life of Three Thousand Worlds myriad clans all living things radically, in the Heavenly Court eye, they are one flock of ants, the life such as worthless!” 九霄仙帝冷冷的说道:“根本没有人在乎三千界万族众生的性命,在天庭眼中,他们就是一群蝼蚁,命如草芥!” As a result of the Nine Heavens Great Formation reason, each War of Slaying the Heavens, must pass through Medium Thousandfold World. But Heavenly Court will let the Three Thousand Worlds life to front, prevents us to go on a punitive expedition against Heavenly Court.” “由于九天大阵的缘故,每一次伐天之战,都要经过中千世界。而天庭会让三千界生灵冲在前面,阻挡我们征伐天庭。” This matter, unnecessary came in the Three Thousand Worlds life volume. We from beginning to end, one goal, treads Heavenly Court.” “这件事,原本不必要将三千界的生灵卷进来。我们从始至终,都只有一个目的,就是踏碎天庭。” Is Heavenly Court involves Three Thousand Worlds, causes catastrophes times!” “是天庭三千界牵连进来,才导致一次次浩劫!” So-called turmoil Three Thousand Worlds, catastrophe of Heaven and Earth, is Heavenly Court one creates, Heavenly Court is the chief criminal!” “所谓的动乱三千界,天地浩劫,都是天庭一手造成的,天庭才是罪魁祸首!”
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