ESK :: Volume #32

#3123: The road of Bury Heaven

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Said?” “说完了吗?” Martial Dao main body hear, but asked one lightly. 武道本尊听完,只是淡淡的问了一句。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor can feel, after his these words, Martial Dao main body to his hostility, and does not have any reduction! 九霄仙帝能感受得到,在他这番话之后,武道本尊对他的敌意,并没有任何减少! What's wrong, don't you believe?” “怎么,你不信?” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor selects the eyebrow to ask. 九霄仙帝挑眉问道。 Martial Dao main body said: I believe, Heavenly Court is a chief culprit, the sources of all turmoils.” 武道本尊道:“我相信,天庭是首恶,一切动乱的源头。” I also believe that once War of Slaying the Heavens opens, Heavenly Court will urge Three Thousand Worlds myriad clans all living things, prevents to cut down a day of road.” “我同样相信,一旦伐天之战开启,天庭会驱使三千界万族众生,阻挡伐天之路。” Actually, after Demon Lord talked, Martial Dao main body had understood the Realm of the Mandate of Heavens significance. 其实,在与魔主谈话之后,武道本尊就已经明白了奉天界的意义。 Realm of the Mandate of Heavens exist(ence), not only for the supervised tour Three Thousand Worlds trend. 奉天界存在,不仅仅是为了监视巡查三千界的动向。 Also for the thought of devil tumultuous times, the root plants in the creatures of myriad clans mind, therefore had Devils Battlefield exist(ence). 也为了将邪魔乱世的念头,根种在万族生灵的脑海中,所以才有了邪魔战场存在 The Three Thousand Worlds most talented True Spirit expert accumulation here, making them cut to kill devil, can receive in exchange for the reward. 三千界最有天赋的真灵强者聚集在这里,让他们斩杀邪魔,可以换取奖励。 Once War of Slaying the Heavens erupts, so-called devil reappears, creatures of myriad clans naturally has most branch to stand Heavenly Court. 一旦伐天之战爆发,所谓的邪魔重现,万族生灵自然有大部分会站在天庭这边。 Since addition the endless years, Heavenly Court aloof and remote, has not defeated. 再加上无尽岁月以来,天庭高高在上,未曾一败。 Only is Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, in the heart of creatures of myriad clans, has the dignity that is inconceivable, let alone is behind Realm of the Mandate of Heavens the colossus! 光是奉天界,在万族生灵的心中,都有着难以想象的威严,更何况是奉天界背后的这尊庞然大物! A Martial Dao main body thread of conversation revolution, vision like a torch, looks straight ahead the eyes of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, said slowly: But, this is not you shoulders War of Dragon and Phoenix, reason of War of Kun and Peng.” 武道本尊话锋一转,目光如炬,直视九霄仙帝的双眼,缓缓道:“但,这不是你挑起龙凤之战,鲲鹏之战的理由。” In recent years, you kill the innumerable lives, to not cut down day, is only for yourself!” “这些年来,你害死无数生灵,根本不是为了伐天,只是为了你自己!” The Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor look is usual, but gives a calm smile, asked: What are you saying?” 九霄仙帝神色如常,只是淡然一笑,问道:“你在说什么?” You with the aid of Poison of Dark Calamity, Victory Loathing Curse, in addition you see clearly the human nature, controls the will of the people the method, only needs cutting down tells myriad clans all living things naively, naturally can strive for numerous planes to come, resists Heavenly Court together.” “你借助冥厄之毒,厌胜诅咒,再加上你洞察人性,操控人心的手段,只需要将伐天真相告诉万族众生,自然可以争取众多界面过来,一起对抗天庭。” Martial Dao main body said: But you do not have.” 武道本尊道:“但你没有。” You instead choose to shoulder two superior world planar war, sweeps across over a thousand every large or small planes, innumerable creatures of myriad clans participation in, massacres mutually, raises continues to count of thousand years bloody rain and foul winds!” “你反而选择挑起两场超级大界界面战争,席卷上千个大大小小的界面,无数万族生灵参与其中,互相残杀,掀起持续数千年之久的血雨腥风!” I once consulted some ancient book to record, since several epoch, Blood World, Tomb World, Poison World and Witch World...... these planes under your control, have never participated in War of Slaying the Heavens!” “我曾查阅过一些古籍记录,数个纪元以来,血界墓界毒界巫界……这些在你掌控下的界面,从未参与过伐天之战!” „Since also because of this, these planes can last, has never exposed.” “也正因为如此,这些界面可以一直存续至今,从未暴露过。” Hears here, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor receives the smile on face gradually, looks at Martial Dao main body, the complexion gradually is also cloudy. 听到这里,九霄仙帝渐渐收起脸上的笑容,看着武道本尊,脸色也逐渐阴沉下来。 Your true goal, never cuts down the day!” “你的真正目的,从来就不是伐天!” Martial Dao main body is staring at Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, saying one word at a time. 武道本尊盯着九霄仙帝,一字一顿的说道。 The atmosphere between both sides, suddenly changes, plays out! 双方之间的气氛,陡然一变,剑拔弩张起来! Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor narrows the eyes, the five fingers is holding appreciatively the teacup in hand, spooky saying: Said over and over again, you want to these ants over, to do accounts with me, hehe......” 九霄仙帝眯着双眼,五指把玩着手中的茶杯,幽幽的说道:“说来说去,你还是想给那些蝼蚁出头,跟我算账,呵呵……” Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), if I have not misread, you just stepped into Emperor Realm shortly.” 荒武,如果我没看错,你才刚刚踏入帝境没多久。” Speaking of this, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor puts down the teacup, sets out slowly, within the body bursts out terrifying aura that made the person palpitation, occupying a commanding position is staring at Martial Dao main body, cold sound said: You have several lives, dares to ask me to do accounts!” 说到这,九霄仙帝放下茶杯,缓缓起身,体内迸发出一股令人心悸的恐怖气息,居高临下的盯着武道本尊,寒声道:“你有几条命,敢来找我算账!” From beginning to end, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor has always restrained. 从始至终,九霄仙帝始终有所收敛。 Until this moment, he reveals the fierce fang, sends out to belong to Heaven Burying Great Emperor, the Lord of the Underworld powerful pressure! 直到这一刻,他才流露出狰狞獠牙,散发出属于葬天大帝,地府之主的强大威压! In the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor surroundings, is covering invisible qi field. 九霄仙帝的周围,笼罩着一种无形的气场 This is not the strength that cultivation realm brings. 这并非是修为境界带来的力量。 This was lived several epoch, since the endless years have accumulated the imposing manner of precipitating, are very difficult to resist! 这是活了数个纪元,无尽岁月以来积累沉淀下来的气势,很难抵挡! In the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor front, will cannot help but have a tiny base and low feeling! 九霄仙帝的面前,会不由自主的产生一种渺小卑微之感! Trades to make other Emperor expert, perhaps in the moment that Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor stands, the mind has collapsed. 换做其他帝君强者,恐怕在九霄仙帝站起来的一刻,心神就已经崩溃。 But Martial Dao main body carries the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor powerful pressure, stands up slowly! 武道本尊扛着九霄仙帝的强大威压,也缓缓站起身来! This movement is very slow, seems bearing the tremendous pressure. 这个动作很慢,似乎承受着巨大压力。 But Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor qi field, actually cannot suppress setting out of Martial Dao main body! 九霄仙帝气场,却压制不住武道本尊的起身! Two people relative and vertical, the middle tea table, under two people invisible and powerful qi field, has changed into the fragment powder quietly. 两人相对而立,中间的茶几,在两人无形而强大的气场下,已经悄无声息的化为齑粉。 I truly just stepped into shortly after Emperor Realm.” “我确实刚踏入帝境不久。” Martial Dao main body does not give way to traffic the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor vision, saying of stones split and heavens quake: But your Fengdu, is not true Great Emperor!” 武道本尊毫不避让九霄仙帝的目光,石破惊天的说道:“但你酆都,也不是真正的大帝!” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor is unemotional, the pupil actually contracted slightly. 九霄仙帝面无表情,瞳孔却微微收缩了一下。 Actually, these words, is only the probe and speculation of Martial Dao main body. 其实,这句话,也只是武道本尊的试探和推测。 Initially, he and in Demon Lord conversation, has involved Lord of the Underworld, Great Emperor Fengdu. 当初,他与魔主的交谈中,涉及过地府之主,酆都大帝 Demon Lord to the first response of Great Emperor Fengdu, is somewhat strange, later evades the subject. 魔主酆都大帝的第一反应,有些奇怪,随后避而不谈。 At that time, Martial Dao main body had such a strange feeling. 当时,武道本尊就生出这样一种奇怪的感觉。 Perhaps Fengdu, is not true Great Emperor. 或许酆都,并不是真正的大帝 Afterward, in the Witch World war, the Nether Witch Peak upper layer had Nether Witch forbidden technique together, Great Emperor Fengdu remained. 后来,在巫界的大战中,冥巫峰上层有一道冥巫禁术,正是酆都大帝留下来的。 That said that forbidden technique strength, has been far in excess of Pinnacle Emperor, is very likely to be the Great Emperor level. 那道禁术的力量,已经远远超越巅峰帝君,极有可能达到大帝的层次。 This and initial speculation of Martial Dao main body, some conflicts. 这与武道本尊的起初的推测,有些冲突。 Until just with the conversation of Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor disclosed that an information, makes Martial Dao main body think of a possibility. 直到刚刚与九霄仙帝的交谈中,九霄仙帝无意间透露出一个信息,才让武道本尊想到一个可能。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor once word, three corpses in this, had the different bottlenecks, is unable to break through, treads the last step, achievement Great Emperor. 九霄仙帝曾言,三尸在这一世,都遭遇到不同的瓶颈,始终无法突破,踏出最后一步,成就大帝 Therefore he chooses another road, making three corpses die and be reborn, awakening remembers. 所以他选择另一条路,让三尸死而复生,觉醒记忆。 association to the specialness of Kingdom of the Underworld, " Heaven Burying Scripture » great strength , Great Emperor Fengdu a series of actions, Martial Dao main body thinks of this possibility in recent years. 联想阴曹地府的特殊,《葬天经》的强大,这些年来,酆都大帝的一系列举动,武道本尊才想到这个可能。 So-called Great Emperor Fengdu, but is primordial spirit is the Great Emperor level!” “所谓的酆都大帝,只不过是元神达到大帝层次!” Martial Dao main body stuns the world again. 武道本尊再度语出惊人。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor is unemotional, but his qi field, after Martial Dao main body these words, obviously experiences a fluctuation. 九霄仙帝面无表情,但他的气场,在武道本尊这句话之后,明显出现一丝波动。 Three Corpses Great Technique is truly powerful, but after all also some limits. 三尸大法确实强大,但毕竟还有一些限制。 Probably past Emperor Bo Xun, was Pinnacle Emperor, three corpses that cultivated, is actually not able to step into Emperor Realm. 像是当年的波旬帝君,身为巅峰帝君,修炼出来的三尸,却始终无法踏入帝境 But Great Emperor Fengdu in the good and evil double corpse that this cuts, self corpse, is unable to tread the last step. 酆都大帝在这一世斩下来的善恶双尸,自我尸,也都无法踏出最后一步。 three corpses that cuts, can cultivation, before without awakening, even has the self-awareness, is an independent individual. 斩下的三尸,可以自行修炼,没有觉醒之前,甚至拥有自我意识,就是一个单独个体。 But on realm, is unable to exceed the main body eventually. 但在境界上,终究无法超越本尊。 So-called Heaven Burying Great Emperor, possibly is also only primordial spirit achievement Great Emperor. 所谓的葬天大帝,可能也只是元神成就大帝 Martial Dao main body even suspected, under Demon Territory Heaven Burying Great Emperor that big grave, burying is not the Heaven Burying Great Emperor corpse, but is other Great Emperor! 武道本尊甚至怀疑,魔域葬天大帝的那座大墓下,埋葬的并非是葬天大帝的尸身,而是其他大帝 Martial Dao main body continues saying: You had just said that you in this, choose another road.” 武道本尊继续说道:“你刚刚说过,你在这一世,选择另一条路。” However this road, should be dominated by you, takes Three Thousand Worlds as the grave, buries creatures of myriad clans to come sacrificial refining three corpses, pushes to the pinnacle the three corpses strength, finally three corpses unites, making three corpses fleshly body be the Great Emperor level!” “而这条路,应该就是以你为主,以三千界为墓,埋葬万族生灵祭炼三尸,将三尸的力量推向极致,最终三尸合一,让三尸肉身达到大帝层次!” Finally this Great Emperor corpse and your Great Emperor primordial spirit fusion, are true Great Emperor!” “最终这具大帝尸身与你的大帝元神融合,才是真正的大帝!” These words fall, the aspect that two people confront, in the imposing manner reverses immediately! 这番话落下,两人对峙的局面,气势上立即逆转! Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor obviously falls in leeward. 九霄仙帝明显落於下风。 This is extremely virulent savage, offers a sacrifice to the method of myriad clans all living things exactly! 这是极为恶毒凶残,活祭万族众生的手段! The road of this Great Emperor, will overspread the skeleton of myriad clans all living things! 这条大帝之路,将铺满万族众生的尸骸! Heaven Burying Great Emperor is a oneself selfish desire, each life in Three Thousand Worlds, possibly degenerates into his innocent dead spirit! 葬天大帝为一己私欲,三千界中的每个生灵,都可能沦为他脚下的无辜亡灵! War of Dragon and Phoenix and War of Kun and Peng, are only his first step! 龙凤之战鲲鹏之战,只是他的第一步!
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