ESK :: Volume #32

#3121: Same clan remnant

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Many years ago , Rakshasa sinful land Nine Great Sinful Lands was destroyed, innumerable Rakshasa sinful spirit(s) escape alive, into thin air seems to be ordinary, vanishes thoroughly does not see, gone without a trace. 多年前,九大罪地之一的罗刹罪地被人打碎,无数罗刹罪灵逃出生天,仿佛人间蒸发一般,彻底消失不见,杳无踪迹。 Realm of the Mandate of Heavens even issued the wanted order, spreads over Three Thousand Worlds, in recent years, no one discovers that crowd of Rakshasa sinful spirit(s) trace. 奉天界甚至下了追杀令,传遍三千界,这些年来,都没有人发现那群罗刹罪灵的踪影。 At this time, Su Zimo emits such a few words suddenly, truly has a scare to the people. 此时,苏子墨突然冒出这么一句话,确实给众人吓了一跳。 The people have not thought that subconscious thinks Su Zimo to comfort Nian Qi, will have a big mouth said one. 众人并未多想,都下意识的认为苏子墨为了安慰念琦,才会口无遮拦的说了一句。 Elder Ironcrown is worried about the Su Zimo careless talk makes trouble, sincerely said: Zimo, this words may probably pay attention to some from now on, cannot say randomly.” 铁冠老者担心苏子墨祸从口出,正色道:“子墨,这种话今后可要注意些,不可乱讲。” Su Zimo shows a faint smile, had not explained that but turns the head to look to Nian Qi, asked: dark mutation what's the matter?” 苏子墨微微一笑,也没有解释,而是转头看向念琦,问道:“黑暗异变是怎么回事?” Nian Qi said: Every God Clan, in the cultivation process before True Oneness Realm, may have this transformation. But in Radiance World, thinks that this transformation is quite evil, will cause the cultivator disposition big change.” 念琦道:“凡是神族,在真一境前的修行过程中,都有可能发生这种转变。而在光明界,认为这种转变极为邪恶,会使得修士心性大变。” Radiance World will have dark mutation God Clan to regard as the heresy, will brutally write off.” 光明界将发生黑暗异变神族视作异端,会被无情抹杀。” Probably my type, is stepping into Paradise Realm to have dark mutation, is actually uncommon.” “像是我这种,在踏入洞天境才发生黑暗异变,倒是并不常见。” Darkness World, Dark Clan......” 黑暗界,黑暗一族……” Su Zimo softly muttered, looking pensive. 苏子墨轻喃一声,若有所思。 Even in Realm of the Mandate of Heavens Devils Battlefield, he has contacted Dark Clan are not many. 即便在奉天界邪魔战场中,他接触过的黑暗一族也并不多。 If according to Nian Qi said that that proved a matter. 若按照念琦所言,那就证明了一件事。 So-called Dark Clan, is God Clan! 所谓的黑暗一族,原本也是神族 Also a little, can verify his guess. 还有一点,可以印证他的这个猜测。 Initially on Heavenly Desolate Continent, he had once fought with Lower Realm God Clan. 当初在天荒大陆上,他曾与下界神族交过手。 But in then God Clan, dark regiment! 而当时的神族之中,还有黑暗军团! But in Upper Realm, in God Clan does not have any darkness power. 但在上界,神族中没有任何黑暗力量 Actually past did Radiance Epoch and Darkness Epoch have what?” “当年的光明纪元黑暗纪元究竟发生了什么?” Radiant Great Emperor and Darkness Great Emperor had once participated in War of Slaying the Heavens, person but who in Nine Great Sinful Lands, does not have Radiant God Clan...... 光明大帝黑暗大帝都曾参加过伐天之战,但九大罪地中,却没有光明神族的人…… In the Su Zimo's heart, thinks of an answer faintly. 苏子墨的心中,隐隐想到一个答案。 Just, this answer is extremely frightened, is extremely cruel! 只不过,这个答案太过惊悚,也太过残忍! ...... …… Divine Firmament Immortal Territory. 神霄仙域 Divine Firmament Palace. 神霄宫 In the main hall, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor and Martial Dao main body sit facing each other. 大殿之中,九霄仙帝武道本尊相对而坐。 „Is Dark Clan, God Clan?” 黑暗一族,原本就是神族吧?” Martial Dao main body asked suddenly. 武道本尊突然问道。 Naturally.” “当然。” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor said: Only dark mutual promotion of the five elements accompanying, between Heaven and Earth, has the light, has the darkness inevitably. God Clan was divided into two big bloodlines, one is radiant divine body, another is dark divine body.” 九霄仙帝道:“光暗相生相伴,天地之间,有光明,就必然有黑暗。神族原本就分为两大血脉,一个是光明神体,另一个便是黑暗神体。” „After past Radiance Epoch and Darkness Epoch War of Slaying the Heavens, what had?” “当年的光明纪元黑暗纪元伐天之战后,发生了什么?” Martial Dao main body asked. 武道本尊问道。 Related Radiance Epoch and Darkness Epoch, he did not have to inquire Demon Lord at that time with enough time, Demon Lord leaves in advance. 有关光明纪元黑暗纪元,当时他没来得及询问魔主,魔主就先行离开。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor said: In original Three Thousand Worlds, simply does not have Radiance World, only then Gods World, inside has the light and dark two lineage/vein God Clan.” 九霄仙帝道:“在原本的三千界,根本没有光明界,只有神界,里面有光明、黑暗两脉神族。” Afterward, in Radiant God Clan was born Great Emperor, cut down the day with us jointly, finally was defeated, Radiant Great Emperor fell from the sky, Gods World deterioration.” “后来,光明神族中诞生一尊大帝,与我们联手伐天,最终落败,光明大帝陨落,神界衰败。” Afterward, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens imprisoned numerous God Clan in sinful land, named Gods' Sinful Land.” “后来,奉天界将众多神族囚禁在一处罪地中,名为神之罪地。” Hehe!” “嘿嘿!” Speaking of this, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor smiles one strangely, said: „Under Radiance Epoch finished, enters epoch, but previous War of Slaying the Heavens, frightened part of God Clan thoroughly.” 说到这,九霄仙帝怪笑一声,道:“光明纪元结束,进入下个纪元,但上一次伐天之战,彻底将一部分神族打怕了。” „The shock and awe of Gods' Sinful Land, many God Clan do not dare to look for the Heavenly Court revenge again in addition, does not dare to offend Realm of the Mandate of Heavens.” “再加上神之罪地的震慑,许多神族根本不敢找天庭复仇,也不敢得罪奉天界。” Another crowd of God Clan, then must for the Radiant Great Emperor revenge, prepare to cut down the day again.” “另一群神族,则要为光明大帝复仇,准备再度伐天。” both sides conflict even more fiercely, part of God Clan decide to leave Gods World, independent establishment another planes, is under epoch Darkness World.” “双方冲突越发剧烈,一部分神族决定离开神界,单独创立另一个界面,便是下个纪元黑暗界。” However in Darkness World, was born another Great Emperor, was afterward Darkness Great Emperor!” “而在黑暗界中,诞生了另一尊大帝,便是后来的黑暗大帝!” Three Thousand Worlds has the historical record, but also less than ten epoch. 三千界有史料记载的,还不到十个纪元 But God Clan is actually born two Great Emperor! 神族却诞生两尊大帝 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor continues saying: Dark proved the Dao Great Emperor, first destroyed Gods' Sinful Land, rescues these years to be imprisoned the clansman there, then cuts down the day again, finally is defeated, the Darkness World casualties are serious.” 九霄仙帝继续说道:“黑暗证道大帝,先是打碎了神之罪地,救出这些年来被囚禁在那里的族人,而后再度伐天,最终落败,黑暗界伤亡惨重。” Darkness Epoch the War of Slaying the Heavens, Radiance World has not participated.” 黑暗纪元的这次伐天之战,光明界并未参加。” War of Slaying the Heavens finished, Heavenly Court is furious, must venting anger entire God Clan, but Radiance World then World Lord and Emperor chose to submit to Heavenly Court, was loyal, started to slaughter Dark God Clan wantonly!” 伐天之战结束,天庭震怒,原本要迁怒整个神族,但光明界当时的界主和诸位帝君选择臣服天庭,为表忠心,开始大肆屠杀黑暗神族!” Same clan remnant! 同族相残! In the Martial Dao main body mind, flashes through these four characters. 武道本尊的脑海中,闪过这四个字。 Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor sneers slightly, said: You think, past Darkness World was destroyed completely by Heavenly Court? Heavenly Court and Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, some truly people make a move to help, but destroys completely Darkness World, what kill to the last one is that crowd is representing bright God Clan!” 九霄仙帝微微冷笑,道:“你以为,当年的黑暗界是被天庭灭掉的吗?天庭奉天界,确实有人出手帮忙,但灭掉黑暗界,赶尽杀绝的是那群代表着光明的神族!” In the past, Su Zimo and Nian Qi in Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, had once chatted Darkness World. 当年,苏子墨念琦奉天界中,曾聊过黑暗界 Nian Qi has mentioned a matter, Radiance World after Darkness Epoch, why does not know, can rapidly rise, develops to become superior world. 念琦提过一件事,光明界黑暗纪元之后,不知为何,得以迅速崛起,重新发展成为超级大界 Now thinks, should by the merit of this war, win the trust of Realm of the Mandate of Heavens. 如今想想,应该就是凭借此战之功,得到了奉天界的信任。 Naturally, is only this war, but also being insufficient lets part of Radiant God Clan avoid by the destiny of Realm of the Mandate of Heavens captivity.” “当然,只是这一战,还不足以让一部分光明神族免于被奉天界囚禁的命运。” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor said: Therefore, this crowd of Radiant God Clan make the commitment in front of Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, once in the clan has Dark God Clan born, does not need Realm of the Mandate of Heavens to act, they will then write off it!” 九霄仙帝道:“于是,这群光明神族奉天界面前立下承诺,族内一旦有黑暗神族诞生,不需要奉天界出手,他们便会将其抹杀!” Therefore, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens Gods' Sinful Land, turned into present Dark Sinful Land.” “于是,奉天界神之罪地,变成了现在的黑暗罪地。” Martial Dao main body is silent. 武道本尊默然。 Hears this result, said from the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor mouth, he still felt incomparably cruelly! 听到这个结果,从九霄仙帝的口中说出来,他仍是觉得无比残忍! On behalf of bright God Clan, is actually doing the matter of so dark cold blood! 代表着光明的神族,却干出了如此黑暗冷血之事! In recent years, Dark God Clan that is born is how innocent, because just in the bloodlines contains darkness power, was brutally put to death by Radiant God Clan! 这些年来,诞生下来的黑暗神族何其无辜,只不过因为血脉中蕴藏着黑暗力量,便被光明神族无情诛杀! Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor as if thought of anything, smiled one, said: These God Clan to let this slaughter becomes right, then finds out an excellent reason, since has spread.” 九霄仙帝似乎想到了什么,笑了一声,道:“那些神族为了让这场杀戮变得正当,便想出一个绝妙的理由,一直流传至今。” As long as awakens the power of darkness person, the disposition big change, degenerates into sinful spirit(s).” “但凡觉醒黑暗之力的人,都将心性大变,沦为罪灵。” Has this rule, they slaughter the same clan, will then not have the slight burden. In their concepts, even Dark God Clan, does not regard as own clansman, begins, is relentless!” “有这个规则在,他们屠戮同族,便不会有丝毫负担。在他们的观念中,甚至已经不将黑暗神族,视为自己的族人,动起手来,毫不留情!” Martial Dao main body is silent. 武道本尊沉默不语。 Pitiful God Clan had/left bright and dark two Great Emperor, the later generation actually ended up a same clan the remnant fate. 可怜神族出了光明、黑暗两位大帝,后世却落得个同族相残的下场。 So the tragedy, naturally must blame in the past these spiritless and timid Radiant God Clan. 如此悲剧,当然要怪当年那些懦弱、胆小的光明神族 But the source of this tragedy, actually must be on Heavenly Court! 但这场悲剧的源头,却要算在天庭头上! Martial Dao main body remembers, Azure Lotus True Body in that group of dark knights who Land of Day and Night runs into, in the mouth repeatedly is speaking the words: surrounded by Darkness, the mind in the Light......” 武道本尊不禁想起,青莲真身昼夜之地遇到的那群黑暗骑士,口中反复说着的话:“身处黑暗,心向光明……” That crowd of Dark God Clan, yearned light, is not the Radiance World light, but hits the blockade of Potian (splitting heaven) courtyard, light of being delivered from oppression! 那群黑暗神族,向往的光明,并非是光明界的光明,而是打破天庭的封锁,重见天日的光明! Initiates puts to death the Dark God Clan that several Radiant God Clan Emperor, has no good end.” “发起诛杀黑暗神族的那几位光明神族的帝君,也没什么好下场。” Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor also said: Afterward, they stared by A'Xie, entrains Beasts Path forcefully, since by the present cannot rebirth through reincarnation, several epoch, always withstand suffering in Beasts Path.” 九霄仙帝又道:“后来,他们被阿邪盯上,强行拽进畜生道,到现在都没能转世重生,数个纪元以来,始终都在畜生道中承受着折磨。”
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