ESK :: Volume #32

#3120: Dark Clan

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With the lapse of time, the light dark two strengths of Nian Qi within the body, stabilize gradually. 随着时间的推移,念琦体内的光暗两种力量,渐渐稳定下来。 But eight gems on her top of the head, the ray gradually is also gloomy. 而她头顶上的八颗宝石,光芒也逐渐暗淡。 In these eight gems contains extremely huge light divine power, normal, Nian Qi cannot withstand absolutely. 这八颗宝石中蕴藏着极为庞大的光明神力,正常来说,念琦绝对承受不住。 But in the Nether Glimmering divine stone front, eight bright gems seemed somewhat tiny. 但在幽荧神石的面前,八颗光明宝石就显得有些渺小了。 Arrived finally, eight bright gem in divine power are dry, in the gem even appears fissures, Nether Glimmering divine stone has no change. 到最后,八颗光明宝石中的神力都已经干涸,宝石上甚至浮现出一道道裂痕,幽荧神石都没什么变化。 Obtains the biggest advantage, naturally is Nian Qi. 得到最大好处的,当然就是念琦 Looks at the Nian Qi's condition, obviously has comprehended to «Yin-Yang Talisman Scripture», the light dark two strengths in within the body, no longer opposition, but fuses gradually. 念琦的状态,明显对《阴阳符经》有所领悟,体内的光暗两种力量,不再对立,而是渐渐融合。 Nian Qi's Dao Fruit, is also fluctuating unceasingly. 念琦的道果,也在不断变幻。 The previous quarter, is forever glorious. 前一刻,还是光芒万丈。 The next quarter, becomes the gloomy and cold darkness. 下一刻,就变得阴冷黑暗。 Su Zimo softly sigh of relief, suspends crossing into power of moon to Nian Qi within the body, whatever she continues to attack Paradise Realm. 苏子墨轻舒一口气,暂停向念琦体内渡入太阴之力,任由她继续冲击洞天境 Follows three God King that Nian Qi comes to see this, frowns greatly. 跟随念琦过来的三位神王看到这一幕,都是大皱眉头。 Bang! 轰! The Nian Qi's Dao Fruit disruption, erupts a tremendous strength, pierces instantaneously void, spreads unceasingly, forms paradise. 念琦的道果碎裂,爆发出一股巨大的力量,瞬间洞穿虚空,不断蔓延,形成一座洞天 Because absorbs massive light divine power and darkness power, after causing Nian Qi condenses paradise, power of paradise rapidly increases. 由于吸收大量的光明神力黑暗力量,使得念琦凝聚出洞天之后,洞天之力迅速攀升。 In a while, reaches the paradise small accomplishment peak! 没过多久,就达到洞天小成的巅峰! Only misses one step, then can enter first rank again, achieves paradise great accomplishment! 只差一步,便能再进一阶,达到洞天大成 In the meantime, two in three God King look at each other one mutually, divine thought exchanges, the slight nod, goes toward the Nian Qi line. 就在此时,三位神王中的两位相互对视一眼,神念交流一番,微微点头,朝着念琦行去。 Nian Qi just opened the eyes, then sees two God King lines. 念琦刚刚睁开双眼,便看到两位神王行来。 She as if thought of anything, the complexion changes, reveals panic-stricken, subconscious retreat half step. 她似乎想到了什么,脸色一变,流露出一丝惊恐,下意识的后退半步。 What two do need to make?” “两位要做什么?” Su Zimo keeps off before the Nian Qi body, blocks two God King ways. 苏子墨挡在念琦身前,拦住两位神王的去路。 After Nian Qi has this change, Su Zimo notices that three God King complexion is not right, two even give birth to killing intent to Nian Qi! 念琦出现这种变化之后,苏子墨就注意到那三位神王的脸色不对,有两位甚至对念琦生出一丝杀机 It‘s nothing.” “没什么。” The Sunshine God King look is usual, said submissively: „The matter, we prepared to bring Nian Qi to go back.” 日耀神王神色如常,拱手道:“此间事了,我们准备带念琦回去。” Another God King also sinking sound said: Nian Qi, here expert is numerous, does not need you here, returns to Radiance World with us now.” 另一位神王也沉声道:“念琦,这边的强者众多,不需要你在这里,现在跟我们返回光明界。” Su Zimo obviously can feel, hides is being afraid anything in his behind Nian Qi. 苏子墨明显能感受到,躲在他身后的念琦正在害怕着什么。 This matter does not explain, which Nian Qi will not go.” “此事不说个明白,念琦哪都不会去。” Su Zimo light saying. 苏子墨淡淡的说道。 Sunshine God King knits the brows slightly, the complexion sinks, said: fellow daoist Su, this matter has nothing to do with you, this is our Radiance World own matter, you have no right to question!” 日耀神王微微皱眉,脸色一沉,道:“苏道友,此事与你无关,这是我们光明界自己的事,你无权过问!” Right?” “是吗?” Su Zimo smiled, said: So also good, starting today, Nian Qi no longer was the Radiance World person.” 苏子墨笑了,道:“如此也好,从今天起,念琦就不再是光明界的人了。” Before met in Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, Nian Qi wanted to leave Radiance World, followed Su Zimo. 之前在奉天界见面,念琦就想要离开光明界,跟着苏子墨走。 At that time Su Zimo was listed Sword World, the conditions are not very ripe. 只是,当时苏子墨只是暂居剑界,时机也不够成熟。 At present, the Su Zimo preparation establishes planes that is the Lower Realm life, Heavenly Desolate people's homeland, Nian Qi does not want to treat in Radiance World. 眼下,苏子墨准备创立一个属于下界生灵的界面,天荒众人自己的家园,念琦更不想在光明界待下去了。 Let alone, her body, but also has the dark mutation situation. 更何况,她的身上,还发生黑暗异变的情况。 Returns to Radiance World, she will brutally write off immediately! 返回光明界,她会立即被无情抹杀掉! No one will protect her, sympathizes with her. 没有任何人会保护她,同情她。 Sunshine God King hearing this, looking at steadily is staring at Su Zimo, said slowly: Su Zimo, you had not possibly realized, you are saying anything!” 日耀神王闻言,目不转睛的盯着苏子墨,缓缓说道:“苏子墨,你可能还没意识到,你在说什么!” You are provoking my Radiance World rules and laws, with my God Clan become enemy!” “你在挑衅我光明界规则法度,与我神族为敌!” Saying that another God King also coldly: Su Zimo, I advised politely your one, best not to play dumb. You dare to give shelter to this dark mutation person, offended is not only my Radiance World!” 另一位神王也冷冷的说道:“苏子墨,我奉劝你一句,最好别犯傻。你敢收留这个黑暗异变的人,得罪的就不仅仅是我光明界!” Once Realm of the Mandate of Heavens knows, lowers the penalty, you, the people of all your these group of Heavenly Desolate, must follow she dead together!” “一旦奉天界知晓,降下惩罚,你,还有你们所有这群天荒之人,都要跟着她一起死!” Hehe......” “呵呵呵……” Su Zimo smiled. 苏子墨笑了起来。 Facing the threats of two God King, does not have the scared look, in his heart, only feels laughable. 面对两位神王的威胁,毫无惧色,他的心中,只感到一阵可笑。 Naturally, the overwhelming majority person does not know, Su Zimo is smiling anything. 当然,绝大多数人并不知道,苏子墨在笑什么。 Su Zimo said: If not looked that escorts Nian Qi to go through many places in you, just that threat, you are the deceased people.” 苏子墨道:“若非看在你们护送念琦一路辗转,刚刚那番威胁,你们就已经是死人了。” Sunshine God King three heart trembled. 日耀神王三位心中一凛 battle strength that Su Zimo just showed that is extremely truly terrorist. 苏子墨刚刚展现出来的战力,确实太过恐怖。 Three people collaborate, perhaps cannot block one round! 三人联手,恐怕都挡不住一个回合! Three God King cannot believe, this Su Zimo from Lower Realm, dares to kill their three God King in the presence of everyone! 只是,三位神王不太敢相信,这个来自下界苏子墨,敢当众杀了他们三位神王 This matter passes to Radiance World, will bring in the retaliation of Radiance World surely! 这件事传到光明界,必定会引来光明界的报复! Northern Kun Emperor coughs lightly, reminded with good intention: Su Zimo, you that may be Dark Clan behind.” 北鲲帝君轻咳一声,好心提醒道:“苏子墨,你身后那位,有可能是黑暗一族。” Dark Clan belongs to sinful spirit(s), myriad clans executes. 黑暗一族属于罪灵,万族共诛。 In Nine Great Sinful Lands, has Dark Sinful Land! 九大罪地之中,就有黑暗罪地 Gives shelter to dark sinner, is very easy to alarm Realm of the Mandate of Heavens. 收留黑暗罪灵,很容易惊动奉天界 These words, Northern Kun Emperor had not said that but his meaning is very obvious. 这些话,北鲲帝君没说,但他的意思已经很明显。 Dark Clan?” 黑暗一族?” Su Zimo selects the eyebrow slightly, smiles, said: Even if she is Dark Clan, still without the relations, who wants to move her, must first ask me.” 苏子墨微微挑眉,笑了笑,道:“就算她是黑暗一族,也没关系,谁想动她,都得先问过我。” indeed so!” 正是如此!” Su Xiaoning also said: No matter she is what clan, she came from Heavenly Desolate Continent, is our friend best friends.” 苏小凝也说道:“不管她是什么族,她都来自天荒大陆,都是我们的朋友至交。” Good, good, good!” “好,好,好!” Sunshine God King said repeatedly: Su Zimo, you seriously are the eye of bareness person, rampantly to the extreme! You think, tramples flat Pill Firmament Palace, suppresses king of the side immortal country, can resist with my Radiance World?” 日耀神王连声说道:“苏子墨,你当真是目空无人,嚣张到了极点!你以为,踏平一个丹霄宫,镇压一方仙国之王,就能与我光明界对抗?” In my Radiance World expert eye, destroys completely in your crowd of Heavenly Desolate the person, like being run over and dying an ant is so simple!” “在我光明界强者眼中,灭掉你们这群天荒中人,就像碾死一只蚂蚁那么简单!” You can try.” “你们可以来试试。” Su Zimo shows a faint smile. 苏子墨微微一笑。 You......” “你……” Sunshine God King just opened the mouth, only listens to Su Zimo spooky saying: I destroy completely your three now, thinks that being run over and dying ant is so simple, do you want to try?” 日耀神王刚刚开口,只听苏子墨幽幽的说道:“我现在灭掉你们三个,就想碾死蚂蚁那么简单,你们要不要试试?” The Sunshine God King complexion changes, to the aggressive statement of mouth, hit an revolutions, swallows back forcefully! 日耀神王脸色一变,到了嘴边的狠话,打了个转儿,硬生生咽了回去! We walk!” “我们走!” Sunshine God King suppressed for quite a while, said bitterly, turns around tearing the void, vanishes does not see. 日耀神王憋了半天,恨恨的说了一句,转身撕裂虚空,消失不见。 Sees this, Southern Peng Emperor knits the brows secretly, shakes the head, passes on the sound said with Northern Kun Emperor divine consciousness: This Su Zimo is really is extremely proud, planes has not established, first offends a Radiance World such archenemy.” 看到这一幕,南鹏帝君暗自皱眉,摇了摇头,跟北鲲帝君神识传音道:“这个苏子墨真是太过自负,界面还没创立,就先得罪光明界这么一个大敌。” That's true. „ “确实如此。“ Northern Kun Emperor passes on the sound said: These words, if Emperor Huang Wu also almost.” 北鲲帝君传音道:“这番话,若是荒武帝君来说还差不多。” Southern Peng Emperor sighs with emotion: Similarly is the Xiao Yao (free and unfettered) teacher, two people disparities were too big.” 南鹏帝君感慨道:“同样是逍遥的师尊,两人的差距太大了。” Elder Ironcrown and Frost Dragon Emperor eye pupil deep place, reveals to wipe the worried look. 铁冠老者冰霜龙帝的眼眸深处,也都流露出一抹忧色。 That just stepped into paradise Nian Qi, the bloodlines are special, now with Radiance World dashing, truly is also easy to take to Su Zimo this crowd of person total destruction! 那个刚刚踏入洞天念琦,血脉特殊,如今又与光明界冲撞,确实容易带给苏子墨这群人灭顶之灾! „Can young master, what bring to trouble to you?” 公子,会不会给你带来什么麻烦?” Nian Qi appears somewhat likes a cat on hot bricks, is somewhat guilty, weak saying: I really am not intentionally, this darkness power, I don't know either, how lives, cannot suppress completely.” 念琦显得有些局促不安,又有些愧疚,弱弱的说道:“我真不是故意的,这种黑暗力量,我也不知道,怎么就生出来的,完全压制不住。” I, I...... young master, or I walk.” “我,我……公子,要不我还是走吧。” All right.” “没事。” Su Zimo sprinkles however smiles, does not care at all, said: Your this dark sinner is anything, I also give shelter to important goods Rakshasa sinful spirit(s)!” 苏子墨洒然一笑,毫不在意,道:“你这黑暗罪灵算什么,我还收留一大帮罗刹罪灵呢!” These words, he has not covered the sound. 这句话,他没有掩盖声音。 Elder Ironcrown, Northern Kun Emperor and the others hearing this, have a scare. 铁冠老者北鲲帝君等人闻言,都吓了一跳。
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