ESK :: Volume #32

#3119: dark mutation

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Tao Yao said: „The Xie Qingcheng mother, wants to see right in front of one Burning Sun Immortal King to give Xie Qingcheng to ask favor, finally her Burning Sun Immortal King surface had not seen, was caught up.” 桃夭道:“谢倾城的母亲,想要面见炎阳仙王去给谢倾城求情,结果她连炎阳仙王的面都没看到,就被赶了出来。” Afterward, heard that she was summoned by Burning Sun Royal Concubine, dies in the harem.” “后来,听说她被炎阳王妃召见,死在了后宫里。” Su Zimo hears to frown greatly. 苏子墨听得大皱眉头。 Tao Yao said: Afterward the Yun Zhu princess inquired in every way, knew the Xie Qingcheng mother experiences suffering the humiliation in the harem, the imperial concubine by harem was suffered lethal, is quite pitiful.” 桃夭道:“后来云竹郡主多方打听,得知谢倾城的母亲在后宫中受尽凌辱,被后宫的众位妃子折磨致死,极为凄惨。” Su Zimo look ice-cold. 苏子墨神色冰冷。 This matter, Burning Sun Immortal King must know. 这种事,炎阳仙王不可能不知道。 Without his connivance, how dare these harem imperial concubines make this grade of evil conduct! 没有他的默许,那些后宫妃子怎敢作出这等恶行! Xie Qingcheng how?” 谢倾城怎么样?” Su Zimo asked. 苏子墨问道。 Xie Qingcheng cultivation base discards, was detained in the prison, definitely also meets the experiencing suffering misery, how long is not necessarily able to support. 谢倾城修为废掉,被关押在大牢中,肯定也会受尽苦难,未必能支撑多久。 Tao Yao said: Universe Academy shortly after young master has an accident, encounters the accident, deteriorates, Princess Chi Hong wants to rescue Xie Qingcheng, actually has a mind to be incapable, therefore comes Purple Pavilion Immortal Country, asking the Yun Zhu princess to help.” 桃夭道:“乾坤书院公子出事不久后,就遭遇变故,衰败下来,赤虹郡主想要救出谢倾城,却有心无力,所以来紫轩仙国,请云竹郡主帮忙。” Princess spends a time, crossing the sea by a trick, changed secretly from the prison Xie Qingcheng secretly. Rescues, he is oil lamp with no oil in it, perhaps if the moon/month, has died in inside again in the evening, some people do not know.” “郡主花费一番功夫,瞒天过海,才将谢倾城从大牢中偷偷换了出来。救出来的时候,他已经是油尽灯枯,若是再晚上个把月,恐怕已经死在里面,都不会有人知道。” Afterward?” “后来呢?” Su Zimo asked. 苏子墨问道。 Tao Yao said: Did not have cultivation base, Xie Qingcheng to raise several years of wound in Purple Pavilion Immortal Country, saved the life reluctantly, had a sickness, day after day was thin.” 桃夭道:“没有修为,谢倾城紫轩仙国养了几年伤,也只是勉强保住性命,落下一身病,日渐消瘦。” Heard news that mother leaves the world, his spirit becomes extremely bad, the old wound often recurs, the body also becomes worse and worse.” “听说母亲离世的消息,他的精神变得极差,旧伤时常复发,身体也是每况愈下。” Su Zimo is silent. 苏子墨默然。 This a series of attack, were too big to Xie Qingcheng! 这一连串的打击,对谢倾城实在太大了! Without the hope of revenge, in addition mother tragic death, who trading to do is, perhaps is hard to buoy up. 没有复仇的希望,再加上母亲惨死,换做是谁,恐怕都难以振作起来。 Tao Yao continues saying: Afterward, Yang Ruoxu found Xie Qingcheng, teaches law of martial dao to him, making him see a hope of revenge.” 桃夭继续说道:“后来,还是杨若虚找到谢倾城,将武道之法传授给他,让他看到一丝复仇的希望。” Elder Ironcrown teaches Martial Dao to the matter of Yang Ruoxu, once had raised with Su Zimo. 铁冠老者武道传授给杨若虚之事,曾跟苏子墨提过。 Martial Dao, the itself/Ben prepares for the average person. 武道,本就是为普通人准备的。 Even if no Elder Ironcrown preach the Dao, Su Zimo will still find the opportunity, inherits Martial Dao. 就算没有铁冠老者传道,苏子墨也会找机会,将武道传承下去。 Tao Yao said: Xie Qingcheng with the aid of law of martial dao , the body gradually restores in recent years, although cultivation realm has not restored, but has straightened out, now cultivation in the academy, is concealing identity.” 桃夭道:“谢倾城借助武道之法,这些年来,身体逐渐恢复,修为境界虽然没有恢复,但已经步入正轨,如今正在书院中修行,隐姓埋名。” Person also in good.” “人还在就好。” Su Zimo puts out the one breath gently. 苏子墨轻轻吐出一口气。 At this time, just obtained cultivator of turning point, has broken through one after another finished, majority have succeeded, some breakthroughs are defeated, can only the future attack again. 此时,刚刚得到契机的修士,都已经陆陆续续的突破结束,大多数都已成功,有的突破失败,只能将来再去冲击。 Several people, still in condition of breakthrough, without result. 还有几个人,仍在突破的状态中,没有结果。 Nian Qi is. 念琦就是其中一个。 Su Zimo just exchanged with Tao Yao divine thought, without paying attention to that side Nian Qi, at this time the vision sweeps, actually knits the brows slightly. 苏子墨刚刚与桃夭神念交流,没有注意念琦那边,此时目光一扫,却微微皱眉。 Nian Qi's breaks through, as if had/left a condition. 念琦的突破,似乎出了点状况。 Nian Qi is the Radiance World goddess, has experienced the God Clan light divine pond baptism, shed the mortal body and exchange the bones, the bloodlines already incomparably pure, bright sacred! 念琦属于光明界神女,经历过神族光明神池的洗礼,脱胎换骨,血脉早已无比精纯,光明神圣! But at this moment, Nian Qi's within the body, surges unexpectedly a gloomy and cold dark strength. 但此刻,念琦的体内,竟涌动出一丝阴冷黑暗的力量。 Others could not have detected, because Su Zimo in the left eye is hiding Nether Glimmering divine stone, produces internal qi to induce. 旁人还察觉不到,苏子墨因为左眼中隐藏着一颗幽荧神石,才产生一丝气机感应。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” In the Su Zimo heart has doubts. 苏子墨心中疑惑。 Nian Qi has not broken through, is that wisp of gloomy and cold dark strength that because within the body lives. 念琦迟迟没有突破,就是因为体内生出来的那一缕阴冷黑暗的力量。 But this strength, under royal crown suppression that in the Nian Qi top of the head wears, cannot erupt thoroughly, forms the deadlock condition. 而这股力量,在念琦头顶戴着的王冠压制之下,始终没能彻底爆发,形成僵持状态。 With the lapse of time, that gloomy and cold darkness power of Nian Qi within the body is even more obvious. 只是,随着时间的推移,念琦体内的那种阴冷黑暗力量越发明显。 On her Dao Fruit, even overflows dark aura! 她的道果上,甚至都溢出一丝黑暗气息 Normal, this strength should not present on God Clan that poses as in by brightly. 正常来说,这种力量绝不应该出现在以光明自居的神族身上。 Moreover Nian Qi or God Clan goddess! 而且念琦还是神族的神女! This type of aura......” “这种气息……” In the Su Zimo heart moves. 苏子墨心中一动。 In Devils Battlefield and Land of Day and Night, he once met within the body to send out this type of aura cultivator, is Dark Clan! 邪魔战场昼夜之地中,他都曾遇到过体内散发着这种气息的修士,正是黑暗一族 In the past Darkness Great Emperor established Darkness World, as cut down day to be defeated, the Darkness World thorough destruction, Dark Clan also brutally wrote off by Heavenly Court. 当年黑暗大帝创立黑暗界,但随着伐天失败,黑暗界彻底覆灭,黑暗一族也被天庭无情抹杀。 The part of Dark Clan later generation, was imprisoned in Dark Sinful Land forever. 还有一部分黑暗一族的后人,被永远囚禁在黑暗罪地中。 At this time, the change of Nian Qi within the body, has brought to the attention of others. 此时,念琦体内的变化,已经引起其他人的注意。 darkness power?” 黑暗力量?” The Elder Ironcrown look moves, knits the brows slightly. 铁冠老者神色一动,微微皱眉。 Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor look at each other one, divine consciousness pass on the sound said: don’t tell me legend real?” 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君对视一眼,神识传音道:“难道传说是真的?” dark mutation!” 黑暗异变!” In the meantime, in the crowd spreads one to drink severely. 就在此时,人群中传出一阵厉喝。 This time, comes to have three God King expert with Nian Qi together, two male and one female. 此次,同念琦一道过来有三位神王强者,两男一女。 Just exuded this to shout, is these three God King! 刚刚发出这声呼喊的,正是这三位神王 At this time, that two God King men look at the Nian Qi's vision, becomes exceptionally ice-cold, even reveals to wipe killing intent! 此时,那两位神王男子看着念琦的目光,变得异常冰冷,甚至流露出一抹杀机 That female God King, the look somewhat is also complex, as if some do not endure, has no alternative. 那位女性的神王,神色也有些复杂,似乎有些不忍,却又无可奈何。 As the Dao Fruit strength saves unceasingly, inside contains darkness power, is also increasing unceasingly, eventually reaches a limit, radical eruption! 随着道果的力量不断积蓄,里面蕴藏着的黑暗力量,也在不断攀升,最终达到一个极限,彻底爆发! Eight gems that in the Nian Qi top of the head the royal crown mounts, actually bloom sacred brilliance, flows divine power, is ordinary like the waterfall, is washing out the Nian Qi's body and Dao Fruit. 念琦头顶上王冠镶嵌的八颗宝石,却绽放出神圣光华,流淌出一道道神力,如同瀑布一般,冲刷着念琦的身体和道果 On the royal crown eight gems, divine power is boundless, absolutely is the God King expert writing skill! 王冠上八颗宝石,神力磅礴,绝对是神王强者的手笔! „!” “啊!” The Nian Qi look pain, stuffy snort/hum, the whole body shivers. 念琦神色痛苦,闷哼一声,浑身颤抖起来。 divine power that on the royal crown sends out, get the absolute winning side, is to strangle to death darkness power of Nian Qi within the body thoroughly. 王冠上散发出来的一道道神力,占据着绝对上风,就是要彻底将念琦体内的黑暗力量绞杀。 But this darkness power, has accompanied with the Nian Qi mutual promotion of the five elements. 而这种黑暗力量,已经与念琦相生相伴。 Strangles to death darkness power, is equal to writing off the Nian Qi's vitality! 绞杀黑暗力量,等于抹杀念琦的生机! Facing such situation, that three God King watch critically, meaning that simply has not intended to save others. 面对这样的情形,那三位神王只是冷眼旁观,根本没有出手救人的意思。 The Su Zimo figure moves, arrives at side Nian Qi instantaneously. 苏子墨身形一动,瞬间来到念琦身边。 The left eye is jet black, Nether Glimmering divine stone appears. 左眼漆黑,幽荧神石浮现。 The Su Zimo divine consciousness stimulation of movement, Nether Glimmering divine stone sends out wisp of power of moon, floods into Nian Qi's within the body. 苏子墨神识催动,幽荧神石散发出一缕太阴之力,涌入念琦的体内。 This wisp of power of moon contains darkness power, integrates in the Nian Qi's bloodlines, immediately makes darkness power of her within the body expand! 这缕太阴之力本身就包含着黑暗力量,融入到念琦的血脉之中,顿时让她体内的黑暗力量壮大起来! Has the help of Nether Glimmering divine stone, the darkness power continuous growth of Nian Qi within the body, forms gradually with the potential of light divine power meeting as an equal. 幽荧神石的帮助,念琦体内的黑暗力量不断壮大,渐渐形成与光明神力分庭抗礼之势。 But in this case, Nian Qi had not broken out of the crisis. 但这种情况下,念琦仍未摆脱危机。 Under two extreme strength collisions, let alone steps into paradise, she even has possibility body dies and Dao disappears! 两种极端力量碰撞之下,别说是踏入洞天,她甚至有可能身死道消 Nian Qi, you must keep sober.” 念琦,你要保持清醒。” Su Zimo divine consciousness passes on the sound said: I read mnemonics to you, you felt the change in within the body, as far as possible comprehension.” 苏子墨神识传音道:“我给你念一段口诀,你感受体内的变化,尽量领悟。” Su Zimo more than 600 characters «Yin-Yang Talisman Scripture», teaches to Nian Qi. 苏子墨将六百余字的《阴阳符经》,传授给念琦 The Nian Qi present situation, has no other alternative, can only look at her own to be able in the critical juncture, comprehends many «Yin-Yang Talisman Scripture» thing. 念琦如今的情况,别无他法,只能看她自己能在危急关头,领悟多少《阴阳符经》的东西。 Su Zimo with the aid of Nether Glimmering divine stone, unceasingly to power of moon that Nian Qi within the body sends , after the evolution is darkness power, with the light divine power resistance that in the royal crown gem releases unceasingly, maintains the balance. 苏子墨借助幽荧神石,不断向念琦体内送入的太阴之力,演变为黑暗力量之后,与王冠宝石中不断释放的光明神力对抗,保持平衡。
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