ESK :: Volume #32

#3118: Immeasurable merit

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Ming Zhen lowers the head to bow, holds their palms together, in the mouth is reciting scrip­tures in a soft voice. 明真垂首躬身,双手合十,口中轻声吟诵着一段经文。 This scrip­tures are not long, only then 59 characters, 14, but heard unconscious is happy, as if eliminates all worries, not the resentment does not have the hatred. 这段经文不长,只有五十九字,十四句,但闻者都不自觉的心生欢喜,仿佛消除一切烦恼,无怨无憎。 Under Ginseng Fruit Tree, endless ghost of 1 million li (0.5 km) area burying, to the extrication, being reborn in paradise to be happy. 人参果树下,百万里疆域埋葬的无尽冤魂,也到解脱,往生极乐。 In the midair, indistinct appears has baby phantom, the pure limpid look, is looking at Ming Zhen, has a gratitude, on the immature face, reveals the innocence again the smile. 在半空中,隐约显化出一个个婴儿虚影,单纯清澈的眼神,望着明真,带着一丝感激,稚嫩的脸庞上,再度流露出童真的笑容。 This little monk buddhist technique is profound, has the mercy, is only True Spirit, recited this «Rebirth Mantra», then had such scene.” “这个小和尚佛法精深,心怀慈悲,只是一个真灵,吟诵这段《往生咒》,便有如此景象。” Northern Kun Emperor acclaimed one. 北鲲帝君赞叹一声。 Southern Peng Emperor shakes the head slightly, said: „The baby who here buries were too many, trillion ghosts, are congealing the endless resentment, this little monk realm is insufficient, wants to surpass trillion dead spirits, he definitely cannot withstand.” 南鹏帝君微微摇头,道:“这里埋葬的婴儿太多了,亿万亡魂,凝结着无尽怨气,这个小和尚境界不够,想要超度亿万亡灵,他肯定承受不住。” In fact, truly so. 事实上,也确实如此。 As Ming Zhen recited unceasingly, his complexion, obviously pale. 随着明真不断吟诵,他的脸色,也越显苍白。 These ghosts are resentful, if not pay attention, some complaints too keep world seriously, then may form various Yin spirit malicious ghost(s), the disaster world. 这些亡魂怨灵,若是不去理会,有些怨念太重留在世间,便有可能形成各种阴灵厉鬼,祸害人间。 Let their soul turn over to Heaven and Earth, escapes into the samsara, at least opportunity of reincarnation. 让他们魂归天地,遁入轮回,至少还有转世的机会。 To surpass trillion dead spirits, is too big to the consumption of Ming Zhen, his primordial spirit is even more weak, the figure is swaying slightly. 想要超出亿万亡灵,对明真的消耗太大,他的元神越发虚弱,身形都在微微摇晃。 But meaning that he had not stopped, the vision is firm. 但他仍没有停下来的意思,目光坚定。 On his body, as if has an unshakeable focus and faith. 在他的身上,似乎有一种不可动摇的执着和信念。 That is until the hell are empty, the focus of i will not become a Buddha! 那是地狱不空,誓不成佛的执着! That is all living things completely, Will I Attain Buddha faith! 那是众生度尽,方证菩提的信念! In Heavenly Desolate Continent, Great Clarity monk so unrivalled rare talent, facing Ming Zhen time, the vision can unconscious giving way to traffic, sighs with emotion one: Vajra Glare, is less than the Bodhisattva low eyebrow, today was the experience.” 天荒大陆,大明僧如此旷世奇才,面对明真的时候,目光都会不自觉的避让,感慨一声:“金刚怒目,不及菩萨低眉,今日算是见识了。” Ming Zhen regarding the understanding of buddhist technique, can be inferred. 明真对于佛法的理解,可见一斑。 nan no flatter ni multi- woman night......” “喃无阿咪多婆夜……” In the meantime , the sound resounds together, is " Rebirth Mantra » scrip­tures that recited, although some detentions, actually complete complete recited. 就在此时,又一道声音响起,也是吟诵的《往生咒》经文,虽然有些滞涩,却完整无缺的吟诵出来。 Actually is Tao Yao in the one side, hears Ming Zhen to recite buddhist technique, in the heart recalls with deep feeling, follows to recite together. 却是桃夭在一旁,听闻明真吟诵佛法,心中感怀,也跟着一起吟诵起来。 Tao Yao does not understand buddhist technique, has not looked at buddhist scripture. 桃夭不懂佛法,也没看过佛经 He only has a wholeheartedness, hopes that these ghosts have been extricated, having is good the home to return. 他只有一颗赤诚之心,希望这些亡魂得到解脱,有个好得归宿。 In the Nian Qi heart is somewhat moved, follows to recite. 念琦心中有所触动,也跟着吟诵一遍。 The increasing number of people, helping Ming Zhen recite this scrip­tures, shares the pressure. 越来越多的人,帮助明真吟诵这段经文,分担压力。 People in a low voice light language, but this every little bit sound, gathers unceasingly, finally erupts endless Wish Power, the brahman sound reverberation, various Buddha appears, surpass trillion ghosts! 众人只是低声轻语,但这一点一滴的声音,不断汇聚,最终爆发出无尽愿力,梵音回荡,诸佛显化,超度亿万亡魂! Also has not known how long, the people chanting, is gradually scattered, the surrounding resentment has also dissipated. 也不知过了多久,众人吟诵声,渐渐稀落,周围的怨气也早已消散。 Sky over White Firmament Palace's, was covering the dark clouds year to year, is difficult to see the light of day. 琅霄宫的上空,原本常年笼罩着阴云,难见天日。 But at this time, the sky of White Firmament Palace 1 million li (0.5 km) area, the clear weather, buddha light illuminating everything, brings a warmth to this lands on. 而此时,琅霄宫百万里疆域的上空,天朗气清,佛光普照,给这片土地上带来一丝温暖。 Ming Zhen was still staying the condition of holding their palms together, is shutting the eyes, the body is bathing first layer golden color multicolored sunlight, after the brain, appears light halo, the buddhist image is dignified, as if the next quarter, must lift rosy cloud ascend! 明真仍保持着双手合十的状态,闭着双眼,身上沐浴着一层金色霞光,脑后浮现出一道道光晕,宝相庄严,仿佛下一刻,就要举霞飞升 This is......” “这是……” The people detected that the Ming Zhen condition, the look moves. 众人察觉到明真的状态,神色一动。 Wants broke through! 突破了 Ming Zhen before this fights, but also is only Abysmal Void Stage True Spirit. 要知道,明真在这一战之前,还只是空冥期真灵 Even the breakthrough, still steps into Insightful Emptiness Stage, the strength that but at this time, Ming Zhen within the body sends out fluctuates, must step into Paradise Realm directly! 就算突破,也只是踏入洞虚期,但此时,明真体内散发出来的力量波动,明显是要直接踏入洞天境 This is equal to breaking through two realm continuously , one is big realm! 这等于连续突破两个境界,其中,还有一个是大境界 Northern Kun Emperor sighs with emotion: Surpasses trillion ghosts, this act is the boundless beneficence, has the so immeasurable merit to add the body, this little monk will have meanwhile meets.” 北鲲帝君感慨道:“超度亿万亡魂,此举可谓是功德无量,有这般无量功德加身,这位小和尚才会有此际遇。” Merit said, nihility misty, usually did not have the mark to seek.” “功德之说,虚无缥缈,素来无迹可寻。” Southern Peng Emperor shakes the head slightly, says with a smile: I believe actually, is he is well-prepared, successful.” 南鹏帝君微微摇头,笑道:“我倒是认为,是他厚积薄发,水到渠成。” Bang! 轰! In the meantime, in the crowd transmits a tremendous strength to fluctuate again! 就在此时,人群中再度传来一股巨大的力量波动! Sees only in Book Immortal Yun Zhu sea of consciousness, gradually flutters Dao Fruit that is glittering radiant brilliance, the strength rises rapidly, achieves the apex, later blasting open, the surroundings void collapse, faint appears has side paradise loudly! 只见书仙云竹识海中,缓缓飘出一颗闪烁着璀璨光华道果,力量迅速攀升,达到顶点,随后轰然炸裂,周围虚空塌陷,隐隐显化出一方洞天 Yun Zhu is breaking through, will soon step into Paradise Realm! 云竹正在突破,即将踏入洞天境 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! In the meantime, Nian Qi's within the body, spreads the sound of sea tide surging, qi and blood is turbulent, the whole body blooms ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, Dao Fruit appears slowly, is saving the strength unceasingly. 就在此时,念琦的体内,也传出一阵海潮涌动之声,气血汹涌,浑身绽放出万丈金光,一颗道果缓缓浮现,正在不断积蓄着力量。 Nian Qi is also preparing, possibly steps into Paradise Realm momentarily! 念琦也在准备,随时都可能踏入洞天境 In the crowd, spreads a fierce strength to fluctuate. 人群中,传出一阵剧烈的力量波动。 Suddenly, some unexpectedly many cultivator hearts have a feeling, makes the breakthrough. 一时间,竟有不少修士心有所感,做出突破。 Northern Kun Emperor looks to Southern Peng Emperor, asked with a smile: You also believe, the merit said that belongs to nihility misty?” 北鲲帝君看向南鹏帝君,笑着问道:“你还认为,功德之说,属于虚无缥缈吗?” Southern Peng Emperor shakes the head the forced smile. 南鹏帝君摇头苦笑。 These cultivator of breakthrough, overwhelming majority is the process long-term cultivation, the accumulation precipitates, probably Book Immortal Yun Zhu this type, stays in Insightful Emptiness Stage, but lacks a turning point. 突破的这些修士,绝大多数都是经过蛮长时间的修炼,积累沉淀,像是书仙云竹这种,在洞虚期停留,只是缺少一个契机。 But this time, under coordination of Ming Zhen, the people joint effort, surpasses trillion ghosts, lowers the immeasurable merit. 而这一次,在明真的牵头之下,众人合力,超度亿万亡魂,降下无量功德。 Merit truly nihility misty, but has the indescribable mighty force. 功德确实虚无缥缈,但却有着难以言喻的伟力。 The merit adds the body, many people therefore obtain a turning point of breakthrough! 功德加身,许多人因此获得一个突破的契机! Probably Su Zimo this type just stepped into paradise great accomplishment shortly, even if obtains a merit, realm still has no fluctuation. 像是苏子墨这种刚刚踏入洞天大成没多久,就算分得一点功德,境界也没有任何波动。 Has Emperor expert asylum, people in this place breakthrough, safest, will not receive any disturbance. 有诸位帝君强者庇护,众人在此地突破,最为安全,不会受到任何干扰。 Incessantly so, Yun Zhu, Ming Zhen and Nian Qi these people, step into Paradise Realm probably, cultivates dao law, although is different, but Grand Dao is interlinked. 不止如此,像是云竹明真念琦这些人,都是踏入洞天境,所修道法虽不同,但大道相通。 Mutual observing and emulating, can harvest. 相互观摩,都能有所收获。 When the matter, Su Zimo then can lead the people to go to Divine Firmament Immortal Territory, solves the final gratitude and grudges. 等此间事了,苏子墨便会带着众人前往神霄仙域,解决最后的恩怨。 Divine Firmament Immortal Territory King of Jin, Burning Sun Immortal King and Divine Firmament Palace Immortal King Qing Yang, once encircled with Academy's Headmaster initially jointly kills him! 神霄仙域晋王,炎阳仙王神霄宫青阳仙王,当初都曾与书院宗主联手围杀他! King of Jin also with Feng Cantian, has intense and deep-seated hatred! 晋王还与风残天,有着血海深仇 Su Zimo hesitates little, looks to Tao Yao, divine consciousness asks: In recent years, Burning Sun Immortal Country Xie Qingcheng now how?” 苏子墨沉吟少许,看向身边的桃夭,神识问道:“这些年来,炎阳仙国谢倾城现在如何?” King of Jin and Immortal King Qing Yang said that Burning Sun Immortal King after all was Xie Qingcheng and Princess Chi Hong father. 晋王青阳仙王都好说,炎阳仙王毕竟是谢倾城赤虹郡主的父亲。 Su Zimo and Xie Qingcheng and some Princess Chi Hong friendship, if looks for the Burning Sun Immortal King revenge, has to consider two people. 苏子墨谢倾城赤虹郡主都有些交情,若要找炎阳仙王复仇,就不得不考虑两人。 Mentioned this matter, Tao Yao looked not to endure, said: That Xie Qingcheng is quite miserable, since young master has an accident, his Spirit Cloud Prince status, was ordered to abolish by his father.” 提及此事,桃夭面露不忍,道:“那位谢倾城好惨,自从公子出事之后,他的灵霞郡王身份,就被他父亲下令废除。” Su Zimo knits the brows slightly. 苏子墨微微皱眉。 Initially, this Spirit Cloud Prince status, he helped Xie Qingcheng seize. 当初,这个灵霞郡王的身份,还是他帮着谢倾城夺下来的。 didn’t expect, after he has an accident, Burning Sun Immortal King will get angry immediately, abolishes the Xie Qingcheng prince status. 没想到,他出事之后,炎阳仙王会立即翻脸,废除谢倾城郡王身份。 Tao Yao continues saying: Afterward, Xie Qingcheng because of the matter of young master, inquires Burning Sun Immortal King, in this period contradicted several, stirs up Burning Sun Immortal King to fly into a rage, discards his cultivation base, infiltrates the prison!” 桃夭继续说道:“后来,谢倾城因为公子之事,去询问炎阳仙王,期间顶撞了几句,惹得炎阳仙王勃然大怒,将他修为废掉,打入大牢!” The Su Zimo complexion sinks. 苏子墨脸色一沉。 He has heard, because Xie Qingcheng mother comes the relations of Lower Realm, relates not well with Burning Sun Immortal King, never attached great importance. 他早就听说过,谢倾城因为母亲出身下界的关系,与炎阳仙王关系不好,始终不被重视。 didn’t expect, Burning Sun Immortal King is so unexpectedly cruel-hearted! 没想到,炎阳仙王竟如此狠心! Because contradicts several, then next this cruel methods! 只是因为顶撞几句,便下此狠手! Perhaps in the heart of this Burning Sun Immortal King, never regards as own bloodlines flesh and blood Xie Qingcheng. 在这位炎阳仙王的心中,恐怕从未将谢倾城视作自己的血脉骨肉。 Otherwise, is impossible so the unfeeling! 否则,绝不可能如此绝情! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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