ESK :: Volume #32

#3117: Committing to flames

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Does not need to say anything again. 不需要再说什么。 This matter, Elder Ironcrown has not seen. 这种事,铁冠老者没看到也就罢了。 If he knew, will not sit by and do nothing! 他若得知,绝不会坐视不理! Elder Ironcrown this life, has killed countless evil people. 铁冠老者这一生,杀过无数恶人。 But so, probably White Firmament Immortal Emperor so utterly heartless, savage virulent is quite even rare. 可即便如此,像是琅霄仙帝这般丧尽天良,凶残恶毒的都极为少见。 What satirized, this assumed the White Firmament Immortal Territory many years, was known as Immortal Emperor! 更加讽刺的是,这位坐镇琅霄仙域多年,号称仙帝 Then is Demon Territory ferocious Demon Emperor, not necessarily is more flagitious than White Firmament Immortal Emperor! 便是魔域穷凶极恶的魔帝,都未见得比琅霄仙帝更凶残! White Firmament Immortal Emperor has prepared, responded that is also extremely quick, wields whisk, ties silk to become Gun, hits with the Elder Ironcrown sword sharp in the same place. 琅霄仙帝有所准备,反应也是极快,挥动拂尘,束丝成棍,与铁冠老者的剑尖撞在一起。 When! 当! The long stick is defeated and dispersed instantaneously, changes into the innumerable dust silk, swift and fierce sword qi that will burst out, gradually reduces and solves swallows. 长棍瞬间溃散,化为无数尘丝,将迸发出来的凌厉剑气,逐渐化解吞噬。 Zheng clank! 铮铮铮! A Elder Ironcrown holding up side sword qi world, inside sword cry sound is lingering on faintly, innumerable sword qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, burst out flaming eye-catching sword light. 铁冠老者撑起一方剑气世界,里面剑吟声不绝于耳,无数的剑气纵横,迸发出炽盛夺目的剑光 White Firmament Immortal Emperor also rapid holding up great perfection world, covers Heaven and Earth, at first multicolored sunlight fills the air, but, is the cold wind is in a while intermittent, demon qi is billowing, spreads the sound of resentful infant crying aloud. 琅霄仙帝也迅速撑起大圆满世界,笼罩天地,最初还是霞光弥漫,但没过多久,便是阴风阵阵,魔气滚滚,传出一阵怨婴啼哭之声。 Bang! 轰! Two great perfection world collide in together, erupts a shaking the heavens and earth loud sound! 大圆满世界碰撞在一起,爆发出一声惊天动地的巨响! White Firmament Immortal Emperor obviously falls on leeward, in his world spreads a baby pitiful yell sound, strange sad and shrill. 琅霄仙帝明显落在下风,他的世界中传出一阵婴儿惨叫声,诡异凄厉。 Nine-tailed Monster Emperor and Divine Elephant Monster Emperor also go forward one step, the holding up respective world, acts, suppresses toward White Firmament Immortal Emperor. 九尾妖帝神象妖帝也上前一步,撑起各自世界,纷纷出手,朝着琅霄仙帝镇压过来。 Frost Dragon Emperor, Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor are also eager to try, wait for the opportunity to act. 冰霜龙帝北鲲帝君南鹏帝君也是跃跃欲试,伺机而动。 White Firmament Immortal Emperor does not see that wonderfully, does not dare to stop over. 琅霄仙帝见状不妙,不敢逗留。 By his battle strength, even to Elder Ironcrown one person, not big odds of success. 以他的战力,即便对上铁冠老者一人,都没有多大胜算。 Let alone, besieges facing Emperor expert of several World Lord levels! 更何况,还是面对几位界主级的帝君强者围攻! White Firmament Immortal Emperor has not formed the potential of encirclement while Elder Ironcrown and the others, puts together one with Elder Ironcrown again hardly, later turns around to escape, directly soars Divine Firmament Immortal Territory to go. 琅霄仙帝趁着铁冠老者等人还未形成合围之势,与铁冠老者再度硬拼一记,随后转身就逃,直奔神霄仙域而去。 Only if the battle strength steamroll, or in the population has the overwhelming superiority. 除非战力碾压,或是人数上占据着绝对优势。 Otherwise, Pinnacle Emperor wants to run away wholeheartedly, others are very difficult to detain. 否则,一位巅峰帝君一心想要逃走,旁人很难留住。 In the war, the space shake was shattered, is unable to go through with the aid of space tunnel. 大战之中,空间震荡破碎,无法借助空间隧道穿行。 But Pinnacle Emperor movement speed, is much quicker. 巅峰帝君的身法速度,也快得惊人。 However suddenly, White Firmament Immortal Emperor has left the White Firmament Immortal Territory area, arrives at Bright Firmament Immortal Territory. 不过眨眼间,琅霄仙帝就已经离开琅霄仙域的疆域,来到景霄仙域 If the Elder Ironcrown surface the cold frost, sword qi in the world condenses unceasingly, finally gathers above the long sword, waves to cut forward! 铁冠老者面若寒霜,身后世界中的剑气不断凝聚,最终汇聚到手中的长剑之上,向前挥手一斩! Radiant incomparable sword light passed over gently and swiftly together, stretches across void, submerges in the White Firmament Immortal Emperor world instantaneously. 一道璀璨无比的剑光掠过,横跨虚空,瞬间没入琅霄仙帝的世界之中。 Titter! 噗嗤! The White Firmament Immortal Emperor back, was cut to be together deep and see the wound of bone by this sword, the dripping with blood! 琅霄仙帝的背后,被这一剑斩出一道深及见骨的伤口,鲜血淋漓! If not his a side world resists this sword light most injury, this sword, can cut two sections him! 若非他的一方世界抵挡住这道剑光大半的伤害,这一剑,能将他斩成两截! Has courage you to pursue!” “有胆你们就追过来!” White Firmament Immortal Territory tolerates the severe pain, loudly roared, the body is contaminating blood light, the speed is faster, has bridged over Bright Firmament Immortal Territory, enters Azure Firmament Immortal Territory. 琅霄仙域强忍剧痛,长啸一声,身上沾染着血光,速度更快,已经跨过景霄仙域,进入青霄仙域 That sword, as if also was quite just fierce to the consumption of Elder Ironcrown. 刚刚那一剑,似乎对铁冠老者的消耗也极为剧烈。 But his vision as before ice-cold, body killing intent is more abundant, raises the sword then to pursue! 但他目光依旧冰冷,身上杀机更盛,提剑便追! brother Ironcrown, do not impulse!” 铁冠兄,别冲动!” Northern Kun Emperor and Southern Peng Emperor two figure dodge, stops hastily Elder Ironcrown. 北鲲帝君南鹏帝君两位身形一闪,连忙将铁冠老者阻拦下来。 Seeing the Elder Ironcrown complexion is bad, Northern Kun Emperor said hastily: That White Firmament Immortal Emperor obviously wants to tempt us to pursue, Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor is very likely in that direction!” 铁冠老者脸色不善,北鲲帝君连忙说道:“那琅霄仙帝明显想引诱咱们追过去,九霄仙帝极有可能就在那个方向!” Here after all is Heavenly World, our these people, if really erupts emperors war with Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, perhaps cannot take what advantage.” “这里毕竟是天界,咱们就这几个人,真若是与九霄仙帝爆发帝战,恐怕占不到什么便宜。” The Southern Peng Emperor also sinking sound said. 南鹏帝君也沉声说道。 Then is such a delays, White Firmament Immortal Emperor has entered Divine Firmament Immortal Territory, the figure submerges Divine Firmament Palace, vanishes does not see. 便是这么一耽搁,琅霄仙帝已经进入神霄仙域,身形没入神霄宫,消失不见。 The Divine Firmament Palace surroundings, are filling extremely powerful qi field, divine consciousness of numerous position Emperor on the scene, is unable to investigate continually. 神霄宫的周围,弥漫着一股极为强大的气场,连在场众位帝君的神识,都无法探查进去。 Senior did not need to pursue, he lived is not long.” “前辈不用追了,他活不长。” In the meantime, Su Zimo divine consciousness passes on the sound said. 就在此时,苏子墨神识传音道。 In the Elder Ironcrown heart is unwilling, but at this time, gradually calms down. 铁冠老者心中不甘,但此时,也逐渐冷静下来。 Regarding the Su Zimo's words, he has not thought, thinks Su Zimo is comforting him. 对于苏子墨的话,他并未多想,以为苏子墨只是在安慰他。 Calms down, changes mind thinks, even if he pursues now, perhaps cannot massacre White Firmament Immortal Emperor, instead may fall into the strategic place. 冷静下来,转念一想,就算他现在追上去,恐怕也杀不掉琅霄仙帝,反而有可能身陷险地。 Facing that mysterious Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, he not grasps! 面对那位神秘的九霄仙帝,他毫无把握! Naturally, the Elder Ironcrown plan has not given up. 当然,铁冠老者并未打算就此放弃。 White Firmament Immortal Emperor is impossible to hide in the Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperor back forever, he would making an appearance. 琅霄仙帝不可能永远躲在九霄仙帝的背后,他总会露面。 So long as there is an opportunity, Elder Ironcrown will certainly act again! 只要有机会,铁冠老者一定会再度出手! Su Zimo leads the people, tearing the void, arrives in White Firmament Palace. 苏子墨带着众人,撕裂虚空,降临在琅霄宫中。 Frost Dragon Emperor looks at Su Zimo, said: This Ginseng Fruit Tree is rare spiritual root, does not need the baby to nourish, can have the Heaven and Earth spirit fruit, has to gather origin qi of Heaven and Earth, you happen to may carry off it.” 冰霜龙帝看着苏子墨,道:“这株人参果树是难得的灵根,不必婴儿滋养,也能结出天地灵果,更有聚集天地元气之用,你正好可将它带走。” Does not need.” “不必了。” Su Zimo is looking below Ginseng Fruit Tree, looks on the tree are hanging baby shapes fruits, vision ice-cold, shakes the head. 苏子墨望着下方的人参果树,看着树上挂着的一颗颗婴儿状的果实,目光冰冷,摇了摇头。 Probably Ginseng Fruit Tree such spiritual root, has awakened, has own spiritual wisdom surely. 像是人参果树这样的灵根,早就觉醒,必定有着自己的灵智 But regarding the so virulent savage matter, this Ginseng Fruit Tree, has not actually rejected, but is the choice allow nature to take its course, even caters to! 但对于如此恶毒凶残之事,这株人参果树,却没有拒绝,而是选择顺其自然,甚至是迎合! The body of this Ginseng Fruit Tree, is contaminating the blood of endless baby, is twining the innumerable innocent ghosts! 这株人参果树的身上,沾染着无尽婴儿的鲜血,缠绕着无数无辜亡魂! The so extremely tragic matter, this Ginseng Fruit Tree is also an accomplice! 如此惨绝人寰之事,这株人参果树也是帮凶! Su Zimo truly needs world spirit root, but he will not let this evil spirit evil spirit(s), takes root in his planes. 苏子墨确实需要天地灵根,但他绝不会让这种恶灵邪灵,扎根在他的界面中。 That this Ginseng Fruit Tree......” “那这株人参果树……” Frost Dragon Emperor slightly hesitates. 冰霜龙帝略有迟疑。 Burn!” “烧了!” Su Zimo condenses magic arts, the release four dao flames, coordinates fire of primordial spirit, forms five concealed dao fire, sprinkles toward Ginseng Fruit Tree. 苏子墨凝聚法诀,释放出四道火焰,配合元神之火,形成五昧道火,朝着人参果树洒落下去。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! This Ginseng Fruit Tree whole body shakes, exposes numerous sapodilla plum, submerges in the ground, refining up the essence in these sapodilla plum, the aura rises suddenly! 这株人参果树浑身一抖,将众多人参果抖落下来,没入地面之中,将这些人参果中的精华炼化,气息暴涨! The innumerable twig elongation spread, twines toward Su Zimo. 无数枝杈伸长蔓延,朝着苏子墨缠绕过来。 In an instant, this Ginseng Fruit Tree becomes murderous-looking! 转眼间,这株人参果树变得杀气腾腾 a cornered beast will still fight!” 困兽犹斗!” Su Zimo cold snort/hum, within the body qi and blood surges, releases bloodline phenomenon directly. 苏子墨冷哼一声,体内气血涌动,直接释放出血脉异象 Deep green azure lotus rises straight from the ground, breaks through primal chaos (hun dun), drags the emit light! 一株碧绿青莲拔地而起,冲破混沌,摇曳生光! Although Ginseng Fruit Tree is between Heaven and Earth rare spiritual root, but in front of Good Fortune Azure Lotus, weak were too many. 人参果树虽然算是天地间难得的灵根,但在造化青莲面前,却弱了太多。 It looks like bloodline suppression, the Ginseng Fruit Tree twig touches the body of Good Fortune Azure Lotus, not only cannot absorb any life primordial essence, instead withers rapidly, by Good Fortune Azure Lotus plundering vitality! 就像是血脉压制,人参果树的枝杈触碰到造化青莲的身上,非但没能汲取任何生命精元,反而迅速枯萎下去,被造化青莲掠夺生机! The branch of Ginseng Fruit Tree withers rapidly. 人参果树的树枝迅速萎缩。 five concealed dao fire arrives, fast combustion on the tree trunk. 五昧道火降临下来,在树干上迅速燃烧。 The fire intensity following the Ginseng Fruit Tree sturdy root hair spread, will put in order White Firmament Palace to cover to be one of them, forms piece of surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) raging flames. 火势顺着人参果树粗壮的根须蔓延,将整座琅霄宫都覆盖在其中,形成一片方圆百万里的烈焰 White Firmament Palace's numerous cultivator, smell there is something wrong, has diverged respectively. 琅霄宫的众多修士,见势不妙,早已各自散去。 Above raging flames, Su Zimo and the others treads the sky stands. 烈焰之上,苏子墨等人踏空而立。 This fire, not only Ginseng Fruit Tree burn to ashes, commits to flames White Firmament Palace, will also bury in the innumerable baby skeleton cremation of underground. 这片大火,不但将人参果树烧成灰烬,将琅霄宫付之一炬,还将埋葬在地底的无数婴儿尸骨焚化。 Until this moment, these innocent babies, obtain the true extrication. 直到这一刻,这些无辜的婴儿,才得到真正的解脱。
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