EMS :: Volume #3

#276: Test

Chapter 276 tests 第276章考验 Now inside Yuan Qi richly is similar to the viscous liquid, enough Xiao Yun practice. Kazakh 520 novels 如今里面的元气浓郁如同粘稠的液体,足够萧云修炼了。哈520小说 Xiao Yun does not have two words, immediately sits cross-legged on that Formation Stage starts revolution Swallowing the Heavens Arts, by this absorbs nearby Yuan Qi. 萧云也没有二话,立即盘膝在那阵台上开始运转吞天诀,以此吸收附近的元气 Whistling! 呼呼! Viscous Yuan Qi is similar to the river water turns toward vortex that Xiao Yun Dantian evolves to submerge generally. 粘稠的元气如同河水一般向着萧云丹田演化出来的气旋没入。 Xiao Yun is similar to drinks not the full big stomach king, that continuously Yuan Qi was refined all, integrates within the body. 萧云就如同喝不饱的大胃王,那源源不断元气尽数被提炼,融入体内 As the time passes the Xiao Yun aura also in promotion slowly, his whole body meridians link up unceasingly, often transmits one intermittently flip-flop the sound, that is the meridians is linked up, the mutual fusion transmits flip-flop sound, has not known how long Xiao Yun body fierce trembles. 随着时间流逝萧云的气息也在慢慢的提升,他全身经脉不断贯通,不时传来一阵阵噼啪之声,那是经脉被贯通,相互融合传来的噼啪声,也不知过了多久萧云身子猛的一颤。 True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment!” As the Xiao Yun body shakes, his imposing manner also along with it dramatic rise, within the body seemed to be the river water that flows rapidly is tumbling, now he steps into the True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment boundary finally, distance that perfection boundary approached several steps. 真元后期大成!”随着萧云身子一震,他的气势也随之飙升,体内似有奔流的河水在翻滚,如今他终于踏入了真元后期大成境,距离那圆满境又靠近了几步。 Here Yuan Qi also suffices my practice.” The Xiao Yun pupil opens, the glance four directions, discovery nearby Yuan Qi as before is rich, but can also help him to continue to promote, joyful under Xiao Yun not polite , to continue practice, strives to step into the late-stage Peak boundary at one fell swoop. “这里的元气还够我修炼。”萧云眸子睁开,扫视四方,却发现附近的元气依旧浓郁,还可以助他继续提升,欣喜下萧云也没有客气,继续修炼,争取一举踏入后期巅峰境。 True Yuan big accomplishment and Peak have separation, Yuan Qi that but needs is also an enormous number. 真元大成巅峰只有一线之隔,可是所需要的元气也是一个极大的数目。 Good Yuan Qi to be here rich, Xiao Yun has not needed to be worried for this reason. 好在这里元气浓郁,萧云还不用为此担心。 Shout! 呼! Swallowing the Heavens Arts revolves, that vortex simply is similar to an abyss, is absorbing nearby Yuan Qi crazily. 吞天诀运转起来,那气旋简直就如同一个深渊,疯狂的吸收着附近的元气 In front that Yuan Qi Spirit Pond, Yuan Qi tumbles, was similar to boiling generally, unceasing emitted toward outside. 在前方那元气灵池内,元气翻滚,如同沸腾了一般,不断的向着外面冒出。 Under the stimulation of movement of Xiao Yun, that Gathering Yuan Formation is revolving crazily, tows Yuan Pond below that Yuan Veins inside Yuan Qi strongly. 萧云的催动下,那聚元阵在疯狂运转,竭力牵引元池下方那元脉里面的元气 Because this Yuan Qi Spirit Pond goes nonstop to Yuan Veins, therefore gathers the Yuan Qi speed not to compare in elsewhere. 因为这元气灵池直通元脉,所以聚聚元气的速度远非在别处可比。 This is just like simply by the sea fetches water, has the continuously resources supplies. 这简直就好比在大海旁边取水,有着源源不断的资源供给。 After several days, the Xiao Yun imposing manner has achieved Peak, was very difficult to go a step further. 几天过后,萧云的气势达到了一个巅峰,很难在进一步了。 This is the True Yuan late-stage Peak boundary, wanting perfection actually to continue to sense.” Xiao Yun stopped practice, muttered, True Yuan perfection was to one sensibility of practice, to the summary of True Yuan Realm, did not absorb Yuan Qi to promote constantly.” “这是真元后期巅峰境,想要圆满却得继续感悟。”萧云停止了修炼,喃喃道,“真元圆满是对修炼的一种感悟,对真元境的总结,不是一味吸收元气就可以提升。” I have sensed many Martial Dao true meaning, regarding this had understood that now is not attacking perfection boundary anxiously, under was consolidates cultivation level of True Yuan Peak boundary to say first.” In the Xiao Yun heart a face is bright, is not eager for quick success and immediate gain, immediately stopped practice. “不过我已经感悟了诸多武道真意,对此有所了解,现在也不急着冲击圆满境,还是先稳固下真元巅峰境的修为在说。”萧云心中一脸明朗,也不急功近利,当下停止了修炼 Only the foundation can advance triumphantly steadily. 只有根基稳才可以一路高歌猛进。 If the foundation is not steady, even if will break through loudly will also collapse. 若是根基不稳,就算突破也会轰然倒塌。 A process of this need precipitation. 这需要一个沉淀的过程。 Now should exit.” A Xiao Yun pupil light revolution, left this Yuan Qi Spirit Pond in light of this. “现在该出去了。”萧云眸光一转,就此离开了这元气灵池 Present range Southern Border Battle Domain opened does not have how much time, if he in continue close up to miss this opportunity to be possible on the gain does not equal the loss, that Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold regarding Xiao Yun just like stepping into True Yuan perfection boundary was more important. 现在距离南疆战域开启也没有多少时间了,若是他在继续闭关下去错过了这次机会可就得不偿失了,对于萧云来说那天炎赤金俨然比踏入真元圆满境还要重要。 The boundary can promote at any time. 境界可以随时提升。 But this Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold actually at will may not result. 可是这天炎赤金却不是随意可得。 Went out of the cavern, Xiao Yun has related Palace Lord Jiang on according to Token. 走出洞窟,萧云就以腰牌联系了姜殿主 Palace Lord Jiang has left behind a brand mark on his magic token, now Xiao Yun has been able to contact with him directly. 姜殿主在他法牌上留下了一个烙印,现在萧云已经可以直接联系他了。 This is touches formation mark on Token by mind, under can record the words that you must express. 这是以心神触动腰牌上的阵纹,可以记录下你所要表达的话语。 After the transmission of formation mark, these words present on opposite party magic token. 经过阵纹的传递,那些话语将呈现在对方的法牌上。 This is extremely mysterious Token, stems from Item Palace. 这是一种极为玄妙的腰牌,都出自器殿 These Token seem like complicated, how the average man is very difficult to imagine him to refine. 这些腰牌看似繁复,常人很难想象他是如何炼制而出。 But this Token so long as actually carved the female sign other completely duplicated, therefore refined not to take the trouble. 可这种腰牌却只要刻下了母牌其它的则完全复制,所以炼制起来并不怎么费力。 Xiao Yun inquired that the Southern Border Battle Domain matter, obtained the reply of Palace Lord Jiang immediately. 萧云询问南疆战域的事情,立即得到了姜殿主的回复。 Has not opened.” Sees that reply slightly, in the Xiao Yun heart relaxed, own has not missed the time finally. “还没有开启。”见得那回复,萧云心中微微松了口气,自己总算没有错过时间。 However, behind Palace Lord Jiang also inquired Xiao Yun, plans Item Palace. 不过,后面姜殿主又询问萧云,是不是打算去器殿 The Xiao Yun reply, is having this plan. 萧云回复,正有此打算。 Quick, the Palace Lord Jiang reply, must accompany Xiao Yun to go to Item Palace together. 很快,姜殿主回复,要陪萧云一起去器殿 Looks at this appearance, will obviously be is afraid that Old Zhu to stay behind Xiao Yun, turns. 瞧这模样,显然是害怕那朱老会将萧云留下,拐走。 This makes Xiao Yun smile, after having enough strength, the treatment that has is really different! 这让得萧云不由莞尔一笑,有足够的实力后,那所拥有的待遇还真是不一样啊! If Xiao Yun enough strength, natural talent, who can't manage him? 若是萧云没有足够的实力,天赋,谁会管他? Dignity! The face, is not others gives, is own strives to come! 尊严!面子,不是别人给的,是自己争取而来的! So long as you have enough ability, will then have all! 只要你有足够的能力,便将拥有一切! Since the ancient times, this is famous saying highest good! 自古以来,这都是名言至理! The moment, the void together light escapes, the Palace Lord Jiang clothes robe waves against the wind, floating falls in this mountain stream. 才不过片刻,虚空中一道光影遁来,姜殿主衣袍迎风舞动,飘然落于这处山涧。 „Have you stepped into True Yuan late-stage Peak?” After inducing to Xiao Yun on reserved aura the Palace Lord Jiang brow selects, how many minute of surprise reveals, this how long, this has Xiao Yun unexpectedly at one fell swoop stepped into True Yuan late-stage Peak from True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment? “你踏入了真元后期巅峰?”当感应到萧云身上的所内敛的气息后姜殿主眉头一挑,露出几分诧异,这才多久,这萧云竟然从真元后期小成一举踏入了真元后期巅峰 So the practice speed, only feared that has flawless Heavenly Spirit Physique cultivator to be also mediocre? 如此修炼速度,只怕拥有无暇天灵体修者也不过如此吧? This surprising. 这让人惊讶。 This speed also reluctantly.” Xiao Yun smiles embarrasedly, if makes Palace Lord Jiang know how many day of Formation Dao he in pondering over came here practice, only feared that will be more shocking? However he already became accustomed. “这速度还勉强可以。”萧云讪讪一笑,若是让姜殿主知道他还是在琢磨了几天阵法之道与器道后才来这里修炼的话,只怕会更加震惊吧?不过对此他早就习以为常了。 Heavenly Spirit Physique is uncommon, but that practice several times how could with Swallowing the Heavens Arts comparable with? 天灵体再不凡,可那修炼数度又岂能与吞天诀堪比 Good, we go to Item Palace.” Palace Lord Jiang took a look at Xiao Yun, in the heart has been overjoyed, the latter had this practice speed he not to have what to be good to be worried, there is natural talent, the practice speed was also fast, such character does not want to become powerhouse is difficult. “好,我们去器殿吧。”姜殿主瞅了一眼萧云,心中甚喜,后者有这修炼速度他也没有什么好担心了,既有天赋,修炼速度也快,这样的人物就算不想成为强者都难。 Xiao Yun shrugs, escaped along with Palace Lord Jiang together to Item Palace. 萧云耸了耸肩,随姜殿主一起遁向了器殿 Arrives at Item Palace, after having pinched Magic Seal, the front rays of light twinkle, Yuan Xing immediately comes out to greet. 来到器殿,当掐了一个法印后,前方光芒闪烁,元惺马上就出来迎接。 Hehe, Junior Brother Xiao, you may come, the teacher talked over you for a long time!” Yuan Xing saw that Xiao Yun breaks into a hearty laugh, comes, Palace Lord Jiang, in requests personally.” Afterward he was bringing Xiao Yun and Palace Lord Jiang goes to Item Palace to wait. 呵呵,萧师弟,你可来了,师尊可是念叨你许久了啊!”元惺才一见到萧云就朗声一笑,“来,姜殿主,里面请。”随后他带着萧云姜殿主前往了器殿等候。 Enters Item Palace, how long Xiao Yun has not waited, heard a familiar sound. 进入器殿,萧云并没有等候多久,就听到了一道熟悉的声音。 Your this brat gave up to come to see the old man finally.” The Old Zhu personal appearance is slightly fat, at this moment supports the belly to take a step to come toward the main hall, when he looks at that to sit after the youth on chair, the eyelid turns, blows Hu Dengyan, aerobic scolding had not said. “你这兔崽子总算舍得来看老夫了。”朱老身形略胖,此刻挺着肚子向着大殿迈步而来,当他瞧得那坐在椅子上的青年后,眼皮一翻,吹胡瞪眼,没有好气的呵斥道。 Hehe, look didn't disciple come?” Xiao Yun sets out hastily, salutes to Old Zhu, says with a smile. 呵呵,这不,弟子不是来了吗?”萧云连忙起身,给朱老施礼,笑道。 True Yuan late-stage Peak?” Old Zhu is just about to reprove Xiao Yun two, shows potential of the elder, but after waiting he looks on the latter the reserved aura, that brow to select in the pupil to reveal surprised look, „do you promote in one month unexpectedly hence?” 真元后期巅峰?”朱老正要训斥萧云两句,展现一下长者之势,不过待得他瞧得后者身上所内敛的气息后那眉头不由一挑眸中露出惊讶之色,“你在一个月内竟然提升至此?” Old Zhu was also shaken shaking, one month ago this Xiao Yun is True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment! 朱老也是被震了震,一个月前这萧云可是才真元后期小成啊! Hehe, is.” Xiao Yun smiles embarrasedly. 呵呵,正是。”萧云讪讪一笑。 Old Zhu first was slightly the surprised, quick complexion gloomy, good, the boy, hasn't your this month closed up practice, it seems like observed and emulated the old man to your Item Dao's Major Explanation as well as Farmation Dao True Explanation? Do you have a face now Item Palace?” 朱老先是略微惊讶,很快脸色就阴沉了起来,“好啊,小子,你这一个月都去闭关修炼了,看来是没有观摩老夫给你的器道大解以及阵道真解了?你现在还有脸来器殿?” Old Zhu complexion remains, a face is discontented, sentimental boy previous time is to coax own. 朱老脸色都拉留下来,一脸不满,感情这小子上次就是忽悠自己 When really the old man I so am good to coax?” Old Zhu long aspirated that snow white beard blows Old tall. “真当老头我是那么好忽悠的吗?”朱老长吐了口气将那雪白的胡须吹得老高。 Hehe, this time press, Xiao Yun , if not promote the strength diligently, enters Southern Border Battle Domain is very difficult to return safely!” Jiang Dian smiles, was pleased to Xiao Yun this act, now this time, what Formation Dao but also studied is not the waste time? 呵呵,这时间紧迫,萧云若不努力提升实力,进入南疆战域也很难安然归来啊!”姜殿一笑,对萧云此举却是感到很满意,都现在这个时候了,还学什么阵道不是浪费时间吗? Snort, the old man does not manage.” Old Zhu face arbitrary saying, does not learn this Formation foundation, do not want that Spiritual Item.” “哼,老夫才不管。”朱老一脸蛮横的说道,“不学好这阵法基础,就别想要那件灵器。” Old Zhu throws out the chest, appears quite arbitrary, you study do not give your appearance. 朱老挺着胸,显得颇为蛮横,一副你不学就不给你的样子。 This......” Palace Lord Jiang speechless, 100 dozens -year-old people have we been able so not to be willful? “这……”姜殿主一阵无语,都100几十岁的老人了咱能不能别这么任性好吗? Although in heart discontented, Palace Lord Jiang actually does not dare to open the mouth, otherwise must refuse stubbornly to be possible by this old man palm of the hand racket. 心中虽然不满,姜殿主却也不敢开口,否则非得被这老头一巴掌拍死不可。 This... The teachers, I also had not said that hasn't pondered over this Farmation Dao True Explanation?” The Xiao Yun eyelid turns, to this master is also very speechless, what he had not said how to conclude own hasn't studied this Formation Dao and says? “这个…师尊,我又没有说未曾琢磨这阵道真解?”萧云眼皮一翻,对这个师傅也是很无语,他可是什么都还没有说,怎么就断定自己没有研究这阵道及器道了? „Did you ponder over?” Old Zhu stares, afterward said that do not think the old man I quite deceives, this, I test you, what does that Farmation Dao True Explanation general outline want the meaning is? Remember, do not think that the back came out to be OK, but must say the sensibility of own.” “你琢磨了?”朱老一愣,随后道,“你可别以为老头我好骗,这样,我考一考你,那篇阵道真解的总纲要意是什么?记住,别以为背出来就可以了,还得说出自己的感悟。” Remembers the general outline be easy, relies on the cultivator formidable memory not to need to spend how much time. 记住总纲容易,凭借着修者强大的记忆力根本不用花费多少时间。 But wants during comprehension deep meaning actually to ponder over earnestly turns may not. 可是想要领悟当中的奥义却非得认真琢磨一翻不可。 Moreover, this also needs excellent natural talent. 不仅如此,这还需要过人的天赋 Yes.” Xiao Yun smiles, afterward a face with deep veneration, Formation Dao, the mixture of truth and deceit, wants breaking the formation then first calmly, stands firm mind, is not flurried in Formation, can see clearly the actual situation in Formation, the actual situation of countless changes Formation...... Formation Dao big accomplishment, Through Heavens, can tow the potential of world, changes into absolute formation, world myriad things all to turn into formation, is similar to martial artist, takes the potential in the world, senses in the nature, actually Myriad Laws is interlinked, is a source, form different that's all. that but shows respectively “是。”萧云一笑,随后一脸肃然,“阵法之道,虚虚实实,想要破阵便先得凝神静气,稳住心神,在阵法中不慌不乱,才可以洞察阵法中的虚实,阵法之虚实变化无穷……阵道大成,亦可通天,能牵引天地之势,化为绝阵,天地万物皆可成阵,如同武者,取势于天地,感悟于自然,其实万法相通,皆为一源,只是各自展现出的形式不同罢了。 Finally, Xiao Yun said the sensibility of own. 最后,萧云说出了自己的感悟。 Good, good.” Old Zhu nods again and again, you, since can comprehend this point, obviously the natural talent non- average man may compare.” “不错,不错。”朱老连连点头,“你既然可以领悟此点,可见天赋非常人可比。” He is staring at Xiao Yun, the pupil dew appreciation, is very difficult to imagine one to be 17 youth to have this sensibility unexpectedly, 他盯着萧云,眸露欣赏,很难想象一个年方17的青年竟能有这种感悟、 , Old Zhu said that Formation Dao is also one of the world Myriad Dao, if to big accomplishment really like Martial Dao same all Through Heavens.” 顿了顿,朱老说道,“阵道也是天地万道之一,若到大成真的如武道一样皆可通天。” Good, Myriad Dao all passes, is a source, although this in the middle of well-known truth, but can have this to turn the sensibility is actually very difficult.” Palace Lord Jiang said. “不错,万道皆通,皆为一源,虽然人人皆知这当中道理,可是能有这翻感悟却是很难。”姜殿主说道。 Now Xiao Yun can sense Formation Dao and Martial Dao interlinked, is really commendable. 如今萧云能感悟出阵道武道的相通点,实属难能可贵。 You, although has the sensibility, but cannot make you go through a strategic pass easily, tests you to be good with Formation.” Old Zhu said. “你虽然有感悟,不过也不能让你轻易过关,得用阵法考考你才行。”朱老说道。 With Formation?” Xiao Yun brow one curved. “用阵法?”萧云眉头一弯。 This is inappropriate.” Palace Lord Jiang is also brows tightly frowns. “这不合适吧。”姜殿主也是眉头紧锁 You could rest assured that obsolete what uses is only primary Formation.” The Old Zhu brow selects, afterward sleeves sway, Yuan Qi sweeps across, is similar to the white clouds constrains Xiao Yun generally, afterward turns toward the back side of the mountain that Item Palace fog winds around to escape to fly to go. “你放心,老朽用的只是初级阵法。”朱老眉头一挑,随后衣袖拂动,一股元气席卷而出,如同白云一般将萧云拖住,随后向着器殿一处云雾缭绕的后山遁飞而去。 Here has primary Formation, is Five Elements Heavenly Yuan Formation, if you can rush out from inside then calculate that you initially entered the Formation Dao threshold.” The Old Zhu palm strokes, front fog dissipates, immediately presented a mountain valley, above light runes twinkle, is a giant seal. “这里有一个初级阵法,为五行天元阵,你若能从里面闯出便算你初入阵道门槛了。”朱老手掌一拂,前方云雾消散,顿时出现了一个山谷,上面光纹闪烁,为一个巨大的封印。 This is Formation evolves, inside becomes a piece of space. 这是阵法演化而成,里面自成一片空间。 Xiao Yun took a look at one front that piece light to print, at once the brow selects, said that disciple did try?” 萧云瞅了一眼前方那片光印,旋即眉头一挑,说道,“那么弟子就去试试?” Does the Palace Lord Jiang pupil dew hesitate, wants to drink to stop Xiao Yun, Formation can it be that can burst in casually? 姜殿主眸露迟疑,想要喝止萧云,阵法岂是能随便乱闯的? Once stalemate inside, if cannot breaking the formation that forever being stranded in middle! 一旦陷入里面,若不能破阵那么将永远的困在当中啊! Goes.” The Old Zhu big hand sways, was involved in that Formation , before Xiao Yun. “去吧。”朱老大手拂动,便将萧云卷入了那个阵法前。 ( ( …… ……
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