EMS :: Volume #3

#275: Initially peeps a [say / way]

Chapter 275 initially peeps Formation Dao 第275章初窥阵道 All these are because he has sensed in that small sidereal revolution star river formation, slightly will have the understanding to Formation. Kazakh 520 novels 这一切都是因为他在那小周天星河大阵中有所感悟,才会对阵法略有了解。哈520小说 Although he was unable to endure to break these Formation actual situation thoroughly, but before comparing, had the obvious progress. 虽然他还无法彻底堪破那些阵法的虚实,可是相比之前已经有了明显的进步。 At once, Xiao Yun returned to Core Palace along with Palace Lord Jiang. 旋即,萧云随着姜殿主回到了核心殿 This enters Core Palace Yuan Qi Spirit Pond magic token, if you want to go in practice, can momentarily come and go out depending on this.” After returning to Core Palace Palace Lord Jiang took out magic token to give Xiao Yun, „, if here Yuan Qi insufficiently your practice can also go to Main Peak, so long as when the time comes asked me to be able.” “这是进入核心殿元气灵池法牌,你若要想进去修炼,可以凭此随时出入。”在回到核心殿姜殿主取出一个法牌递给了萧云,“若是这里的元气不够你修炼也可以前往主峰,到时候只要找我便可。” Em.” Xiao Yun received Token, in the heart micro happy, has not needed to be to him now the practice resources is worried. “恩。”萧云接过腰牌,心中微喜,到了现在他再也不用为修炼资源担心了。 Southern Border Battle Domain will open one month later, you must grasp the practice time.” Palace Lord Jiang after exhorting one then in light of this departs. 南疆战域将在一个多月后开启,你得把握好修炼时间。”姜殿主在嘱咐一句后便就此离去。 Xiao Yun is taking that Token, has not gone to Core Palace that Yuan Qi Spirit Pond practice immediately, instead went to the Rising Stars Peak residence. 萧云拿着那腰牌,并没有立即前往核心殿那个元气灵池修炼,反而前往了新秀峰的居所。 Now since obtained that Farmation Dao True Explanation, he naturally must look at to understand first. 如今既然得到了那阵道真解,他自然得先去看个明白了。 At once, Xiao Yun offered a sacrifice to that Scarlet Wings Flying Boat. 旋即,萧云祭出了那赤翼飞舟 This Scarlet Wings Flying Boat is fuses a scarlet fine iron stone refinement by the birds skeleton of Yuan Core 9-layer perfection boundary, Xiao Yun will offer a sacrifice , before the body , the light twinkle, simply is similar to the marriage of birds and flying boat, emerges out of thin air in former to send out mysterious fluctuation. 赤翼飞舟是由元丹九重圆满境的禽鸟骨骼融合一种赤精铁石炼制而成,萧云将之祭出,身前光影闪烁,简直如同一只禽鸟和飞舟的结合体,凭空出现在前散发出晦涩的波动 Although this flying boat is false Spiritual Item, actually also uncommon, is not only the quality of material, is ability far ultra general Magic Item. 这飞舟虽然是伪灵器,却也不凡,不仅是质地,还是能力都远超一般的法器 Stimulates to movement Magic Item its one to depend on True Yuan! 催动法器其一靠真元 Only then True Yuan is vigorous, during poured into activates inside formation mark to stimulate to movement Magic Item. 只有真元浑厚,注入当中激活了里面的阵纹才可以催动法器 The two then by mind, is Soul Power. 其二便是靠心神,也就是灵魂力 If Soul Power is strong, can stimulate these rune seal might completely. 若是灵魂力强,可以将那些符篆的威力完全激发而出。 Under same True Yuan, if there is formidable Soul Power coordination, the Magic Item might often can obtain a better activation. 在相同的真元下,若是有着强大的灵魂力配合,法器的威力往往能得到更好的激活。 During Xiao Yun pours into mind, that formation mark rays of light twinkle, middle the aura of brand mark was stimulated immediately. 萧云心神注入当中,那阵纹光芒闪烁,当中烙印的气息立即被激发。 This is refines Magic Item one energy of own staying behind, the imposing manner. 这是炼制法器着自身留下的一种能量,气势。 This strength is very mysterious, the non- average man may understand. 这种力量很玄妙,非常人可理解。 This false Spiritual Item is uncommon!” Feels the imposing manner that this formation mark is sending out, Xiao Yun secretly said. “这伪灵器就是不凡!”感受着这阵纹散发出来的气势,萧云不由暗暗赞道。 After formation mark was activated, that flying boat blooms dazzling rays of light to start by naked eye obvious speed unceasing increasing. 阵纹被激活后,那飞舟绽放出耀眼的光芒开始以肉眼可见的速度不断的变大。 A twinkling at present appears in Xiao Yun a zhang (3.33 m) allow Chang flying boat, above that crag wing sharp such as the blade is glittering scarlet light. 只是一眨眼就在萧云眼前浮现出了一个丈许长的飞舟,上面那岩翼锋利如刀闪烁着赤光 After stimulating formation mark, the Xiao Yun palm moves, during rich purple Fire Yuan pours into. 在激发了阵纹后,萧云掌心一动,浓郁的紫色火元注入当中。 After Fire Yuan pours into inside, the aura of this flying boat becomes vigorous. 在当火元注入里面后,这飞舟的气息变得浑厚了起来。 The Xiao Yun personal appearance moves, strolls on, immediately fell in the middle of that flying boat. 萧云身形一动,漫步而上,顿时落在了那飞舟当中。 Walks!” Xiao Yun drinks one lightly, that flying boat moves, immediately changes into the scarlet rainbow to run away toward front Rising Stars Peak together. “走!”萧云轻喝一声,那飞舟一动,当即就化为一道赤虹向着前方的新秀峰遁去。 Has the relation of mind, Xiao Yun so long as almost a thought can control this flying boat toward to run away willfully reverse. 有着心神的联系,萧云几乎只要一个意念就可以控制这飞舟往任意反向遁去。 Later, he then appeared in Rising Stars Peak. 不大一会,他便是出现在了新秀峰 Xiao Yun Senior Brother is good!” 萧云师兄好!” Xiao Yun Senior Brother!” Xiao Yun falls to the ground after receiving Scarlet Wings Flying Boat, Rising Stars Court some fellow apprentices of passing by went forward to give regards. 萧云师兄!”萧云落地在收起赤翼飞舟后,新秀苑一些路过的师兄弟纷纷上前问好。 Now Xiao Yun just like became the Heavenly Yuan Sect man of the hour. 如今萧云俨然成为了天元宗的风云人物。 Especially after Xiao Yun successive defeats Chen Jian and Lu Yuan, he without doubt became the God's favored one who Core Palace is worthy of the reputation. 特别是在萧云连败陈剑陆元后,他无疑成为了核心殿名副其实的天之骄子。 Xiao Yun and people greeted returned to the own courtyard. 萧云和众人打了招呼了回到了自己的院子里。 On the road he has not met Yan Zhen Yan Mo and the others. 路上他并没有遇到颜真颜漠等人。 Since Southern Sea Sword Sect comes this provocation, the people knew the own insufficiency, all in diligently closed-door cultivation. 自从南海剑派来此挑衅后,众人都知道了自己的不足,皆在努力潜修 During some people have sensed also fall into have closed up. 还有一些人则是有所感悟也陷入了闭关当中。 Other people want to try hard to promote cultivation level, but also emerges in the gate, strives other opportunities. 另外一些人则是想努力提升修为,还在门中脱颖而出,去争取其它的机会。 If attended five big Sect Southern Border Battle Domain small meetings. 如参加五大宗派南疆战域小会。 Also at one's convenience is Profound Yuan Battlefield. 还有便是玄元战场 So long as obtained True Yuan perfection boundary to have the opportunity to participate in Profound Yuan Battlefield. 只要获得了真元圆满境就有机会参加玄元战场 Although this may be goes to work as the cannon fodder, but some people hold the infinite daydream also to go to there one as before to find out. 虽然这有可能是去当炮灰,可是依旧有人抱着无限的遐想也要去那里一探究竟。 Because there has the dreams of all cultivator. 因为那里有所有修者的梦想。 After Xiao Yun returns to the courtyard, chatted a meeting with that Xiao Hong and Xiao Lian, has taken a hot bath, then started to ponder over Formation. 萧云回到院子后在和那小红小莲聊一会,又泡了一个热水澡,便开始琢磨阵法了。 Xiao Yun takes out that brand mark to have jade slip of Farmation Dao True Explanation content, the mind side touches jade slip he only to think that own entered an illusory space, at once at present in a flash, rows of writing appear in the line of sight, mind of whole person also resembles with that writing melts. 萧云取出那烙印有着阵道真解内容的玉简,心神方一触及玉简他就只觉自己似进入了一个虚幻空间,旋即眼前一晃,一排排文字就出现在了视线当中,整个人的心神也似与那文字相融。 Formation Dao, by the empty being puzzled person, extinguishes the enemy by the reality, empty has solid, in the reality has empty, the mixture of truth and deceit, truly empty...... 阵法之道,以虚惑人,以实灭敌,虚中有实,实中有虚,虚虚实实,实实虚虚…… In Xiao Yun mind is more inexplicable ancient writings, inside content is obscure, even if recorded has gotten down is also very difficult to understand to completely understand. 萧云心神中莫名多了一段古文,里面内容晦涩,就算记录了下来也很难读懂看透。 But Xiao Yun actually completely immerses when middle, in the heart when was reading this Formation Dao general outline unceasingly with the own confirmation. 可是萧云却完全沉浸在当中,心中在默读着这篇阵道总纲时不断与自己所得验证。 As confirms unceasingly, Xiao Yun felt as if that winds around gradually in the fog of own top of the head in opened out, he was even more clear to Formation Dao. 随着不断验证,萧云感觉似乎那缭绕在自己头顶的云雾在逐渐的被拨开,他对阵法之道越发清晰了。 Formation Dao, not only by actual situation trapped|sleepy enemy, but may also tow the potential of world, with the aid of universe deep meaning, under the cloth of heaven defying, extinguishes the enemy by a person of strength surely...... If Formation Dao big accomplishment, Through Heavens, does not have the potential not available, does not have thing not to turn into formation. 阵法之道,不仅以虚实困敌,还可牵引天地之势,借助乾坤奥义,布下逆天之阵,以一人之力灭敌千万……阵道大成,亦可通天,无势不可用,无物不可成阵 Formation Dao Supreme, graces all to turn into formation, when is built on certainly above the summit arrogantly. 阵道至尊,举手投足皆可成阵,当傲立于绝颠之上。 This can Formation Dao also climb up Peak?” Read finally, Xiao Yun mind shook. “这阵道也可攀上巅峰?”读到最后,萧云心神一震。 Grand Dao myriad, all may to become Zun!” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun remembered such a few words, in the heart has an inexplicable clear(ly) to become aware, world deep meaning, did not divide the height, some to this deep meaning strong and weak, this Formation Dao were also middle one.” 大道万千,皆可成尊!”蓦地,萧云似想起了这么一句话,心中有着一种莫名的明悟,“天下奥义,本不分高低,有的只是对这奥义的强弱,这阵道也是当中的一种。” Hence, Xiao Yun felt that the own vision became more open, had a new understanding to world deep meaning. 至此,萧云感觉自己的眼界变得更加开阔了,对天地奥义有了一个新的认识。 Before although he to world deep meaning, did not divide the height to understand, but in the heart did not have the true thorough sensibility. 以前他虽然对天地奥义,不分高低有所了解,可是心中还没有真正的彻底感悟。 Therefore he wants to become a own chassis by this regarding Formation Dao, by the to become Zun determination. 所以对于阵法一道他只是想以此成为自己一个底盘,并没有要以阵成尊的决心。 In the final analysis, he somewhat thinks otherwise to Formation Dao, but has regarded trump card. 说到底,他对阵道还是有些不以为然,只是当成了一种底牌 Method that's all. that one type deals with the crisis 一种应付危机的手段罢了。 But currently he had a new cognition. 可现在他却有了一个新的认知。 „The potential of hauling world, with the aid of universe deep meaning, under the cloth heaven defying formation, kills the enemy myriad by strength of the, looking disdainfully world!” In the Xiao Yun heart endlessly is duplicating these words, felt that inexplicable shock, as if saw at present situation that under a Formation Dao Grandmaster cloth heaven defying formation kills the enemy. “牵引天地之势,借助乾坤奥义,布下逆天大阵,以一己之力杀敌万千,睥睨天下!”萧云心中不断重复着这句话,感到一种莫名的震撼,眼前似乎看到了一个阵道大师布下逆天大阵杀敌的情况。 That scene should be the what kind shaking person heart and soul. 那种场景该是何等的震人心魄。 Should be what kind shocking! 该是何等的惊世! Formation, can actually extinguish myriad archenemies, even does not need own take action near body to fight. 只是一个阵法罢了,却能灭万千大敌,甚至都不用自己出手近身而战。 This is the Formation charm! 这就是阵法的魅力! Formation Dao, if big accomplishment, Through Heavens, does not have the potential not available, does not have thing not to turn into formation.” During Xiao Yun continues to ponder over deep meaning, „the meaning of these words as if martial arts deep meaning of [say / way] is somewhat close, Human Race cultivator can also kill the enemy with the aid of the potential of world.” 阵道大成,亦可通天,无势不可用,无物不可成阵。”萧云继续琢磨当中的奥义,“这句话的意思似乎和武学的道之奥义有些相近,人族修者也可以借助天地之势杀敌。” Inexplicable within, he had several clearly has become aware. 莫名间,他有多了几分明悟。 Myriad Laws all passes, originally real! 万法皆通,原来是真的! Formation Dao Supreme, graces, to turn into formation, when is built on certainly above the summit arrogantly! 阵道至尊,举手投足,都可成阵,当傲立于绝颠之上! This should be Formation Dao to high boundary.” Xiao Yun muttered, graces all to turn into formation, the boundary was extremely so faintly recognizable, simply was similar to that Martial Dao Supreme, graces has one to destroy the day to extinguish the place the imposing manner. “这应该是阵道的至高境界了吧。”萧云喃喃道,举手投足皆可成阵,如此境界太过飘渺了,简直就如同那种武道至尊,举手投足都有着一股毁天灭地的气势。 Shout! 呼! After reading off this general outline, Xiao Yun took a deep breath. 读完这总纲后萧云不由深深吸了口气 This general outline makes him harvest many, understood world Myriad Laws one deep meaning. 这篇总纲让他收获甚多,了解到了天地万法的一种奥义 Myriad Laws really interlinked, but changed some form that's all. 万法真的相通,只是改变了一些形式罢了。 However although has bright becoming aware, actually not representative Xiao Yun already to learn/to master Formation. 不过虽有明悟,却并不代表萧云就已经学会阵法 This was only makes him skim the doubts in heart, henceforth can clearer study Formation, as well as martial dao deep meaning. 这只是让他撇去了心中的疑惑,从此可以更加清晰的学习阵法,以及武道奥义 It seems like does not have what help, was makes the Xiao Yun soul obtain the sublimation actually, had the brand-new understanding to world deep meaning. 看似没有什么帮助,实际却是让萧云灵魂得到了升华,对天地奥义有了全新的了解。 This sublimation exceeds for several years diligent cultivation. 这种升华胜过数年苦修 If the people cannot become aware, even if the practice ten years are also useless, can only mark. 人若不能悟,就算修炼十年也是无用,只能原地踏步走。 Xiao Yun in deep inspiration after continues to watch this Farmation Dao True Explanation. 在深吸了口气后萧云继续观看这阵道真解 To study, must first to learn/to master breaking the formation! 欲学阵,必先学会破阵 This is the following first few words! 这是下面的第一句话! „To study, can first to learn/to master breaking the formation?” Xiao Yun muttered, afterward continued to look. “欲学阵,必先学会破阵?”萧云喃喃自语,随后继续看下去。 The actual situation of Formation, when by mind view it, mind is peaceful, maintains spirit clear and bright can break fabricatedly all...... 阵法之虚实,当以心神观之,心神安静,保持灵台清明才能破一切虚妄…… Saw that here Xiao Yun is fascinated gradually, because initially he maintained mind peacefully saw the Formation actual situation. 看到这里萧云逐渐入迷,因为当初他就是保持了心神安静才看出了阵法的虚实。 Farmation Dao True Explanation is very long, not only there are to the explanation of Formation, to even also evolved some small formation finally, making the person observe and emulate. 阵道真解很长,不仅有对阵法的讲解,到最后甚至还演化出了一些小阵,让人观摩。 Xiao Yun does not know how long immersed had in this study and understand. 萧云也不知沉浸在这种参悟中有了多久。 But with the lapse of time, he understanding Formation Dao actually in unceasing increase. 可是随着时间的推移,他对阵道的了解却在不断的增加。 Formation Dao also has very big request to cultivation level, only then the itself strength suffices to be able under the cloth, stimulates to movement formation.” Xiao Yun withdrew from heart to have an understanding from that jade slip to this Formation Dao basically, has even found out the arrangement of some small formation in. 阵法一道修为也有很大的要求,只有本身实力够强才可以布下,催动大阵。”萧云从那玉简中退出心中基本对这阵法一道有了一个了解,在里面甚至还摸清了一些小阵的布置。 Has a look at that Refiner Dao.” Afterward, Xiao Yun takes out another jade slip. “看看那炼器一道。”随后,萧云取出另外一个玉简 During mind sinks, presented some writing. 心神沉入当中,又出现了一些文字。 Relatively speaking, the introduction of Refiner is very simple. 相比而言,炼器的介绍很简单。 Wants Refiner first to control fire, next then has formidable Soul Power. 想要炼器首先得会控火,其次便是拥有强大的灵魂力 Again finally is also most important, that will be will inscribe rune seal, formation mark, will construct among Formation in Faqiang. 再最后也是重中之重,那就是得会铭刻符篆,阵纹,构建阵法于法强当中。 This final three, each is very difficult, is not the average person can for it. 这最后三条,每一条都很难,不是一般人的可以为之。 Inscribes rune seal, least also Yuan Core Realm cultivator has such formidable Soul Power. 铭刻符篆,最少也得元丹境修者才有这么强大的灵魂力 formation mark also only then Yuan Core Realm cultivator has the ability. 阵纹也只有元丹境修者才有着能力。 As for constructing among Formation in Faqiang, that was more difficult, Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse not necessarily can accomplish. 至于构建阵法于法强当中,那就更加难了,就连元婴境强者也不一定可以办到。 This is foundation Refiner Expert. 这还是基础炼器师 It seems like Refiner is very difficult.” Xiao Yun withdraws from jade slip. “看来炼器果然很难。”萧云玉简中退出。 Regarding Refiner he not too big interest, is not present he may be. 对于炼器他并没有太大的兴趣,也不是现在的他可为。 Now should go to Core Palace.” Xiao Yun retires from Practicing Martial Arts Room, at once offers a sacrifice to Scarlet Wings Flying Boat to escape to Core Palace. “现在该去核心殿了。”萧云练武室内退出,旋即祭出赤翼飞舟遁向了核心殿 This time had magic token, his own can enter in that Yuan Pond. 此次有了法牌,他自己就可以进入那元池内了。 Has not thought that two months of past here Yuan Qi was so rich.” Arrives by that Yuan Qi Spirit Pond cavern Xiao Yun to feel that rich Yuan Qi, the distance previous time has closed up at this time crosses for two months, he stopped in True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment also has two months. “没有想到两个月过去这里的元气已经如此浓郁了。”才来到那元气灵池的洞窟旁萧云就感觉到了一股浓郁的元气,此时距离上次闭关已经过了两个月,他停在真元后期小成也有两个月了。 This time must step into True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment at one fell swoop, or Peak.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, stimulates that seal by magic token, after light gate appears he then took a step to go toward that cavern, has arrived at initially on practice Formation Stage. “这次必须一举踏入真元后期大成,或者巅峰。”萧云眸光一凝,以法牌激发那个封印,当一个光门浮现后他便是向着那个洞窟迈步而去,走到了当初修炼阵台上。 ( ( …… ……
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