EMS :: Volume #3

#274: Does the southern border fight the territory?

Chapter 274 Southern Border Battle Domain? 第274章南疆战域 Once this Heavenly Flame Halberd can repair, that Xiao Yun battle strength rises dramatically without doubt, can definitely jump the ranks to fight, even if will arrive at Profound Yuan Battlefield to be also many several points of background, such Palace Lord Jiang can also feel relieved, after all entered Profound Yuan Battlefield by Xiao Yun this cultivation level, but he hurried ruthless! 一旦这天炎戟得以修复,那萧云战力无疑飙升,完全可以越级而战,就算到了玄元战场也将多几分底蕴,这样姜殿主也就可以放心了,毕竟以萧云这点修为进入玄元战场,他可是慌的狠啊! Old Zhu is actually the eyelid turns, said that Heavenly Yuan Sect material most complete is my Item Palace, where can you also go to collect?” 朱老却是眼皮一翻,说道,“天元宗材料最齐的就是我器殿,你还能去哪里筹集?” Item Palace is Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple refines the Magic Item place specially, is the places of various material most enriching. Kazakh 520 novels 器殿是专门为天元宗弟子炼制法器的地方,本来就是各种材料最丰富之地。哈520小说 Now does not have the material including Old Zhu, even if assembles is not that easy. 如今连朱老都没有材料,就算去凑集也不是那么容易。 „Is that Old Zhu your meaning?” Palace Lord Jiang brow one curved, asked. “那朱老您的意思是?”姜殿主眉头一弯,问道。 If obsolete has not misread this Heavenly Flame Halberd is Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold quenchings, wants to make up its to seek for this Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold incompletely.” Old Zhu said that this Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold quite cherishes in Southern Border is also the rare Refiner material.” “如果老朽没有看错的话这天炎戟天炎赤金所淬炼而成,想要补其残缺就必须寻找到这天炎赤金。”朱老说道,“这天炎赤金颇为稀罕在南疆也是难得一见的炼器材料。” Is so rare?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, said that what feature that teacher you can have?” “这么稀罕?”萧云眉头一弯,道,“那师尊你可有什么眉目?” Since Old Zhu will open the mouth, definitely knows this Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold whereabouts, therefore Xiao Yun filled has hoped. 既然朱老会开口,肯定是知道这天炎赤金的下落,所以萧云充满了期许。 I indeed know that a place has Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold.” Old Zhu said. “我的确知道一处地方有着天炎赤金。”朱老说道。 Where?” Xiao Yun pupil dew happy expression, asked. “在哪里?”萧云眸露喜色,问道。 That is in Southern Border Battle Domain Heavenly Flame Mountain Range, there has a stock vestige, once was Ancient Sect controlled the flame lineage/vein, was that Sect destruction in the antiquity war, finally that piece of mountain range also changed into the ruins.” Old Zhu said that there also has the Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold stone as before, is only this material is quite rare, even if in Fire Vein is also hard to seek one.” “那便是南疆战域天炎山脉内,那里有着一处股遗迹,曾经是一个古宗派的所掌控地炎脉,可是在上古大战时那个宗派覆灭,最后那片山脉也化为了废墟。”朱老说道,“不过那里依旧还存有天炎赤金石,只是这种材料颇为稀罕,就算是一处火脉中也难以寻得一块。” Southern Border Battle Domain?” Xiao Yun pupil inquired the color, regarding this slightly was strange. 南疆战域?”萧云眸露询问之色,对此地略显陌生。 This Southern Border Battle Domain Heavenly Flame Mountain Range I also heard.” Palace Lord Jiang said. “这南疆战域天炎山脉我也有所耳闻。”姜殿主说道。 „Is that piece of ancient vestige?” Xiao Yun asked. “那是一片古之遗迹?”萧云问道。 Em.” Palace Lord Jiang said that this was the piece of vestige of Southern Border antiquity, once was many big factions the gathering place, what a pity because of the antiquity war, various factions changed into stretch of ruins, there also became piece of Ancient Battlefield, by person seal.” “恩。”姜殿主说道,“这是南疆上古的一片遗迹,曾经是诸多大派的聚集之地,可惜因为上古大战,各派化为了一片废墟,那里也成为了一片古战场,被人封印了起来。” Antiquity war?” In Xiao Yun heart surprised, what war Southern Border exactly had, can make major Sect in light of this annihilate unexpectedly? “上古大战?”萧云心中惊讶,南疆到底发生了什么大战,竟能使各大宗派都就此湮灭? „The history of antiquity war was hard to trace.” Palace Lord Jiang said that that Southern Border Battle Domain is actually controlled by various Southern Border factions now, moreover in each will send some disciple to enter after a period of time goes informed and experienced, this time informed and experienced will start one month later by chance.” “上古大战的历史难以追溯。”姜殿主说道,“不过那南疆战域如今却是被南疆各派所掌控,而且每过一段时间都会派一些弟子进入里面去历练,恰巧此次历练将在一个月后开始。” One month later starts?” The Xiao Yun pupil dew is pleasantly surprised, said that „in I can enter seek for that Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold?” “一个月后开始?”萧云眸露惊喜,道,“如此说来我可以进入里面去寻找那天炎赤金?” This made him see a hope. 这让他看到了一丝希望。 So long as found Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold, repairs successfully this Heavenly Flame Halberd, then he will enter Profound Yuan Battlefield to be also many several points of background. 只要找到天炎赤金,将这天炎戟修复成功,那么他进入玄元战场也将多几分底蕴了。 Palace Lord Jiang nods, said that you , to go, naturally can participate in this experience.” 姜殿主点头,道,“你若想去,自然可以参加这次历练。” Good.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, looks forward to go to that Southern Border Battle Domain to seek for that Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold now. “那好。”萧云眸光一凝,巴不得现在就去那南疆战域寻找那天炎赤金 Currently also has one month, you grasp time practice.” Palace Lord Jiang said that Southern Border Battle Domain this time informed and experienced will collect Southern Border five big Sect talent disciple, is occurred together for the first time, later this inside person will participate in Profound Yuan Battlefield mostly.” “现在还有一个多月,你就抓紧时间修炼吧。”姜殿主说道,“南疆战域此次历练将汇集南疆五大宗派的天才弟子,也算是首次交集,以后这里面的人多半都会参加玄元战场。” Five big Sect will disciple go?” Hears this word, Xiao Yun were more several points of interest. “五大宗派弟子都会去?”听得此言,萧云对此更加多了几分兴趣。 So he also happen to have a look at Southern Border five big Sect disciple background. 如此他也正好借此看看南疆五大宗派弟子底蕴 Also good, if you can seek that Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold in Southern Border Battle Domain, naturally can help you repair this Heavenly Flame Halberd for the master.” The Old Zhu slight bow, said that this Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror then can repair now, but must spend some time.” “也好,你若能在南疆战域寻得那天炎赤金,为师自然会帮你将这天炎戟修复好。”朱老微微点头,道,“不过这逆元天镜现在便可以修复,只是也得花费些时间。” But you to join for the master hanger-on, do not teach you anything, is not quite appropriate!” A Old Zhu face hesitates. “可是你才拜入为师门下,不教你点什么,也不太合适啊!”朱老一脸沉吟。 This might as well.” Xiao Yun said with a smile embarrasedly, you first repaired this Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror.” “这个无妨。”萧云讪讪一笑道,“您老还是先修复这逆元天镜吧。” Good, Hehe, has a lot of time for that in any case, after Xiao Yun, some are the opportunity learns Formation and Refiner Dao from you.” Palace Lord Jiang also smiles, for fear that Xiao Yun will be left behind by this Old Zhu, if therefore delayed the practice time to trouble. “不错,呵呵,反正来日方长,萧云以后有的是机会跟着您学习阵法炼器一道。”姜殿主也是一笑,生怕萧云会被这朱老留下,要是因此耽搁了修炼的时间可就麻烦了。 Has a lot of time for that?” The Old Zhu complexion sinks saying that you do work as obsolete is a three -year-old child? Less than a half year of that Profound Yuan Battlefield will open, but also has a lot of time for that? Such several months of he also will go to Southern Border Battle Domain, when can have studies?” “来日方长?”朱老脸色一沉道,“你当老朽是三岁小孩啊?还有不到半年那玄元战场就将开启,还来日方长?就这么几个月时间他还将去南疆战域,能有什么时间学习?” An old person face is not feeling well, shows the whites of the eyes continually, in the heart ponders darkly, is the father such easily is flickered likely? 老人家一脸不爽,连翻白眼,心中暗忖,老子像是这么容易被忽悠吗? This makes Jiang for a while speechless. 这让姜老一时无言。 Hehe, the teacher, you do not need extremely to worry, can first grants Junior Brother Xiao Formation and Refiner Dao basic secret, lets his slowly study and understand, as for the practice, later you personally is directing turns is not late, you must help Junior Brother Xiao to repair that Heavenly Flame Halberd in any case next time.” Nearby Yuan Xing actually shows a faint smile, offered an advice to this Old Zhu. 呵呵,师尊,你也不必太过着急,可以先将阵法炼器一道的基本要诀赠与萧师弟,让他慢慢参悟,至于实践吗,以后您在亲自指点一翻也不迟,反正您下次还得助萧师弟修复那天炎戟呢。”旁边的元惺却是微微一笑,又给这朱老出了一个主意。 This idea is good. „ hear speech/words, Old Zhu eye one bright, afterward said that in this jade slip has Item Dao's Major Explanation and Farmation Dao True Explanation, inside has various simple Refiner, the evolution of Formation, you must study to repair this Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror to well test obsolete your. „ “这主意不错。“闻言,朱老眼睛一亮,随后说道,”这玉简里面有器道大解阵道真解,里面有各种简单的炼器,阵法的演化,你可得好好学习等老朽修复完这逆元天镜可是要考你的。“ Then, his palm swayed, presented two jade slip. 说完,他手掌拂动,出现了两块玉简 This is the content that makes an enlargement from the old book, the complete brand mark in the middle of jade slip, can better studies for the person. 这是从古籍上扩印出来的内容,全部烙印在玉简当中,可以更好的供人学习。 Item Dao's Major Explanation, Farmation Dao True Explanation?” The Xiao Yun pupil dew is fiery, accepts these two jade slip hastily, said that many thanks teacher.” 器道大解,阵道真解?”萧云眸露火热,连忙将这两块玉简收下,道,“多谢师尊。” Don't anxiously thanking, after being obsolete, must test your, be not counting on scuffling.” Old Zhu stares to say. “别急着谢,老朽以后可是要考你的,可别指望着敷衍了事。”朱老瞪着眼睛说道。 Definitely cannot.” Xiao Yun received jade slip, face earnest saying. “肯定不会。”萧云接过玉简,一脸认真的说道。 Now he is lacking the direction of Formation Dao, obtains this jade slip, is like a fish in water, naturally well will study turns. 如今他正缺阵法一道的指引,得到这玉简,就如鱼得水,自然会好好研究一翻。 What can you have to request?” Old Zhu sees a Xiao Yun earnest appearance, the slight bow, asked. “你可还有什么要求?”朱老萧云一副认真的模样,微微点头,问道。 Hehe, disciple lacks flight Magic Item.” Xiao Yun has harassed the head, said with a smile. 呵呵,弟子缺一件飞行法器。”萧云扰了扰头,笑道。 Flight Magic Item?” Old Zhu pupil light concentrates, at once said that your body has Flawless Martial Spirit, my this happen to have fire attribute flight Magic Item, gave to you.” Then, in the Old Zhu hand the rays of light twinkle, took out Magic Item from Storage Ring. “飞行法器?”朱老眸光一凝,旋即道,“你身具无暇武魂,我这正好有一件火属性的飞行法器,就送给你了。”说完,朱老手中光芒闪烁,从一个储物戒中取出了一件法器 This was one by the scarlet fine iron said flying boat that refined. 这是一艘由赤色精铁说炼制成的飞舟。 The flying boat only then the palm of the hand size, above inscribes dense and numerous rune seal, sends out mysterious fluctuation. 飞舟只有巴掌大小,上面刻有密密麻麻的符篆,散发出一股晦涩的波动 If carefully looks that as well as peripheral has in the front of flying boat is similar to the wing general edge, appears quite mysterious. 若仔细看去,在飞舟的前沿以及周边都有着如同羽翼一般的边缘,显得颇为玄妙。 This flying boat named Scarlet Wings, is false Spiritual Item, not only can the manned flight, he also be able to carry on the defense to resist the attack.” Old Zhu said that you look at this flying boat edge these along the wing, you want touching above formation mark, by the mind control, its automatic assembling for ship, will change into a closed flying boat, on defense general cultivator by flying boat is hard to eradicate very much.” “这飞舟名为赤翼,是一件伪灵器,不仅可以载人飞行,他还可以进行防御抵挡攻击。”朱老说道,“你看这飞舟边缘这些沿翼,你只要触动上面的阵纹,以心神控制,它就会自动合拢,化为一个闭合的飞舟,凭借飞舟上的防御一般的修者很难以破除。” Naturally, stimulates to movement flying boat to need strength of massive Fire Yuan as well as the mind.” Old Zhu said that in fact Yuan Core Realm following cultivator is hard to stimulate to movement the Spiritual Item true might, even is false Spiritual Item also most little has quasi- Yuan Core Realm to be good.” “当然,催动着飞舟需要大量的火元以及心神之力。”朱老说道,“事实上元丹境以下的修者都难以催动出灵器的真正威力,甚至是伪灵器也得最少有着准元丹境才行。” Is so harsh.” Xiao Yun brows slightly wrinkle, if then, is unable to stimulate to movement by day present cultivation level this Scarlet Wings Flying Boat continually completely! “这么苛刻。”萧云眉头微皱,若是这么说来,以天如今的修为连这件赤翼飞舟也无法完全催动啊! That is natural, Spiritual Item is not general Magic Item may compare, the Yuan Qi non- average man who consumes can imagine by far.” Old Zhu said. “那是自然,灵器可不是一般的法器可比,所耗费的元气远远非常人所能想象。”朱老说道。 Xiao Yun hesitates slightly, at once in the heart feels relaxed, Spiritual Item in Southern Border is also quite rare treasure, natural no small matter. 萧云略微沉吟,旋即心中释然,灵器南疆也是颇为稀罕的宝器,自然非同小可了。 Scarlet Wings Flying Boat?” Xiao Yun is bringing several points of joy, received that to lend a scalding hot aura from that Old Zhu hand the flying boat. 赤翼飞舟?”萧云带着几分欣喜,从那朱老手中接过了那件散发出一丝灼热气息的飞舟。 This is only false Spiritual Item, so long as you trickled drop of blood essence to be able with it to fuse in middle.” Old Zhu said. “这只是一件伪灵器,你只要在当中滴下一滴精血就可以与之融合了。”朱老说道。 Em.” Xiao Yun corners of the mouth shows a smile, the breaking by biting fingertip, drops out drop of blood essence to submerge that to send out on the scarlet light flying boat immediately. “恩。”萧云嘴角露笑,当下咬破指尖,滴出一滴精血没入那散发着赤光的飞舟上。 blood essence drips into the flying boat, above piece of runes glitters, immediately absorbed this drop of blood essence, integrated in this Spiritual Item. 精血滴入飞舟中,上面一片符文闪烁,当即就将这滴精血吸收,融入了这灵器中。 Instantly, is as close as flesh and blood to emerge Xiao Yun mind, he had an inexplicable relation with this flying boat. 霎时,一股血肉相连涌入萧云心神,他与这飞舟有了一种莫名的联系。 That relation is similar to is as close as flesh and blood. 那种联系如同血肉相连。 Melts to me!” Xiao Yun mind moves, the flying boat rays of light twinkle of that palm, changes into illusory shadow submerged together the arm immediately, integrates with it thoroughly, carefully looks that seemed to be many on his arm model community of flying boat appearance. “给我融!”萧云心神一动,那掌心的飞舟光芒闪烁,立即化为一道虚影没入了的手臂,与之彻底融入,仔细看去,在他的手臂上似乎多了一个飞舟模样的纹身。 Flight Magic Item, I had own flight Magic Item finally!” Looks at this to integrate the flying boat on own arm, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, in the heart did not sob , after having this flying boat , after him, did not need the shuttle to be void by others. “飞行法器,我终于是有了自己的飞行法器啊!”看着这融入了自己手臂上的飞舟,萧云眸子微眯,心中不甚唏嘘,有了这飞舟后他以后也就不用靠别人带着穿梭于虚空了。 Furthermore, even if stepped into Yuan Core Realm this flying boat to be also essential. 再者,就算是踏入了元丹境这飞舟也将不可缺少。 Although Yuan Core Realm cultivator can walk flying in the sky, be the speed is slow, will also consume massive True Yuan. 元丹境修者虽然可以遁空而行,可是速度慢,还将耗费大量的真元 Magic Item is different! 法器就不一样了! These flight Magic Item speeds are not only fast, but can also by smallest True Yuan, flight more distances. 这些飞行法器不仅速度快,还能以最小的真元,飞行更多的路程。 This without doubt was the treasure that time-saving reduced effort. 这无疑是一个省时省力的宝贝了。 Except in addition, what need you also has?” Old Zhu sees a Xiao Yun face satisfactory appearance, in the heart is also happy, own had been approved by this boy finally, has a feeling of feeling proud and elated, his brow raises continues to ask. “除此外,你还有什么需要的?”朱老萧云一脸满意的模样,心中也是高兴不已,自己终于被这小子认可了,有着一种扬眉吐气的感觉,他眉头一扬继续问道。 Temporarily did not have.” Xiao Yun said with a smile, had this flight Magic Item, was enough. “暂时没有了。”萧云笑道,有了这飞行法器,足以。 Good, you as one likes, repaired this Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror obsolete.” Old Zhu told several, depart to say in light of this. “那好,你自便,老朽去修复这逆元天镜了。”朱老吩咐了几句,就此离去道。 Farmation Dao True Explanation?” Gazes after Old Zhu to depart, afterward Xiao Yun holds appreciatively that jade slip, in the pupil is revealing the whole face to be joyful. 阵道真解?”目送着朱老离去,随后萧云才把玩着那玉简,眸中露出满脸欣喜。 This Farmation Dao True Explanation regarding him also comes to cherish compared with flight Magic Item. 对于他来说这阵道真解比飞行法器还来得稀罕。 We go back first.” Sees Xiao Yun this joyful appearance, Palace Lord Jiang is actually brows slightly wrinkle sincere saying, „the present time press, you first promote cultivation level to be important.” Enters Profound Yuan Battlefield regarding Xiao Yun some of his as before worries. “我们先回去吧。”见萧云这幅欣喜的模样,姜殿主却是眉头微微一皱语重心长的说道,“现在时间紧迫,你还是先提升修为要紧。”对于萧云进入玄元战场他依旧有些担心。 My meeting.” Xiao Yun let go the palm to smile, he then does not worry regarding practice, so long as there is sufficient resources his cultivation level to advance triumphantly, therefore Xiao Yun does not have Palace Lord Jiang that type to worry that what now he needs is many trump card. “我会的。”萧云摊了摊手掌一笑,对于修炼他便不着急,只要有足够的资源他的修为就能高歌猛进,所以萧云并没有姜殿主那种担忧,现在他需要的是更多的底牌 Formation and Spiritual Item are Xiao Yun need obviously. 阵法灵器显然是萧云所需。 Palace Lord Jiang, Junior Brother Xiao, I deliver you to depart.” Nearby Yuan Xing smiles, said. 姜殿主,萧师弟,我送你们离去吧。”旁边的元惺一笑,说道。 That troublesome Yuan Senior Brother.” Xiao Yun shows a faint smile, has been full of the favorable impression to this Yuan Xing. “那麻烦元师兄了。”萧云微微一笑,对这元惺充满了好感。 This Yuan Xing as if very much knew about the Old Zhu temperament that can always solve something at crucial moment. 元惺似乎对朱老的脾气很了解,总是能在关键的时候解决一些事情。 If not for a moment ago he mediated, only feared that Old Zhu must grumble turn. 刚才若不是他打圆场,只怕那朱老还得磨叽一翻呢。 Afterward Yuan Xing is bringing Xiao Yun and Palace Lord Jiang runs away toward Item Palace. 随后元惺带着萧云姜殿主向着器殿遁去。 When passing by mountain ranges, Xiao Yun pupil light goes toward the four directions glance, now when looking at that fog can discover that obviously some special fluctuations, is indistinct, the fluctuation that he even can induce to hides Formation that sends out. 在路过山峦间时,萧云眸光向着四方扫视而去,如今在看那云雾时明显可以发现一些特殊的波动,隐约间,他甚至能感应到一些隐藏起来的阵法所散发出来的波动。 ( ( …… ……
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