EMS :: Volume #3

#277: Was startled the chin?

Was Chapter 277 startled the chin? 第277章惊掉了下巴? If cannot breaking the formation, you well study several days of Formation elementary knowledge along with the old man. Kazakh 520 novels Old Zhu lightly saying. “若不能破阵,你就随老夫好好在研究几天阵法基础知识吧。哈520小说”朱老淡淡的说道 Five Elements Heavenly Yuan Formation?” Xiao Yun smiles lightly, at once slightly narrows the pupil in taking a look at that Formation latter step took then to step into middle. 五行天元阵?”萧云淡淡一笑,旋即眸子微眯在瞅了一眼那阵法后一步迈出便踏入了当中。 The present is he examines the own obtained opportunity, naturally is not willing to miss. 现在正是他检验自己所得的机会,自然不愿意错过。 Must know, if in other place falls into formation to be possible nobody take action to rescue. 要知道,若是在别的地方陷入大阵中可没有人出手相救。 Here at least also some people look. 在这里至少还有人看着。 Teacher, this Five Elements Heavenly Yuan Formation is might not weak Formation, did Junior Brother Xiao initially peep Formation Dao to test him to be able with this Formation too difficult a point?” Saw Xiao Yun to enter in the middle of Formation, nearby Yuan Xing brows slightly wrinkle, took a look to Old Zhu. “师尊,这五行天元阵已经算是一个威力不弱的阵法了,萧师弟才初窥阵道用这阵法考验他会不会太难了一点?”见萧云进入了阵法当中,旁边的元惺眉头微微一皱,瞅向了朱老 Hehe, how the non- difficulty he knows Formation Dao was uncommon?” Old Zhu smiles, the pupil narrows the eyes to bring several points of cunningness, in the heart to ponder darkly, this boy natural talent is extraordinary, if can leave behind him along with me studies several months of Formation is also good.” 呵呵,不难点他怎么知道阵法一道的不凡了?”朱老嘿嘿一笑,眸子眯起带着几分狡黠,心中暗忖,“这小子天赋非凡,若是能将他留下随我学几个月阵法也是不错。” Thinks of here, in his heart blossomed happily. 想到这里,他心中乐开了花。 Had unsurpassed Formation in the body, but also feared that can't deal with these enemies in Profound Yuan Battlefield? 有了无上阵法在身,还怕不能在玄元战场应付那些敌人吗? Snort, the old man wants heaven defying, lets this boy by heavens frightening under.” A Old Zhu face is favorite, planned that makes Xiao Yun blossom in radiant splendor in Profound Yuan Battlefield by Formation, thinks in this matter his heart on the inexplicable excitement, for hundred years Heavenly Yuan Sect, but nobody depends on this to surface in Profound Yuan Battlefield! “哼,老夫就要逆天,让这小子以阵惊天下。”朱老一脸得意,打算让萧云凭借阵法玄元战场大放异彩,想想此事他心中就莫名的兴奋,百年来天元宗可是没有人凭此在玄元战场脱颖而出啊! He must found this to arrange in order first. 他就要开创这个先列。 Sees a Old Zhu cunning appearance, nearby Palace Lord Jiang brow closely wrinkles. 朱老一副狡黠的模样,旁边的姜殿主眉头紧紧皱起。 Yeah, this old man.” Palace Lord Jiang is resigned-looking, actually also only then watched changes quietly. “哎,这老头。”姜殿主一脸无奈,却也只有静观其变了。 Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, front seal light runes trembles, flood ripples. 蓦地,前方的封印光纹一颤,泛起了一阵涟漪。 Palace Lord Jiang and the others stood on a hillside, overlooks to go to that light toward under seal all things to receive in the eye. 姜殿主等人站在一个山坡上,向着下方俯视而去将那光印里面的一切事物皆收在眼中。 This is a Formation space, inside has the mountain, rivers, forest, but also has the sea of fire, even also has the golden light shining mountain of sword. 这是一个阵法空间,里面有着山岳,河流,森林,还有着火海,甚至还有金光灿灿的刀山。 mysterious fluctuation fills the air in this piece of space, in the Xiao Yun side entered felt an uncommon aura. 一股晦涩的波动在这片空间弥漫,萧云方进入里面就感到了一丝不凡的气息。 This Formation is uncommon!” After during marching into, in the Xiao Yun heart moves, the pupil dew is vigilant, starts carefully to observe the four directions. “这阵法不凡!”步入当中后萧云心中一动,眸露警惕,开始仔细观察着四方。 Here mountains rivers and mountains spread all over, the average person looked that is hard to discover anything, but the Xiao Yun careful induction went to one to discover middle mystery, inside has the strength of special Five Elements to exist, should be in the middle of Formation so-called formation pillar, phenomenon that or formation flag evolved. 这里山川河岳遍布,普通人看去难以发现什么,可是萧云仔细感应而去一眼就发现了当中的玄妙,里面有着特殊的五行之力存在,应该是阵法当中所谓的阵柱,或者阵旗演化出的异象。 This is the Formation foundation, is the Formation attack source. 这是阵法的基础,也是阵法的攻击源头。 formation pillar or formation flag, by rune seal that the Formation Grandmaster quarter has printed! 阵柱或者阵旗,都被阵法大师刻下了相印的符篆 This Five Elements Heavenly Yuan Formation was carved rune seal of strength of Five Elements, simultaneously among these formation flag also has the formation mark hauling mutually, a Formation might display pinnacle, making Five Elements complement one another, becomes true formation, may be stranded the archenemy. 五行天元阵就被刻下了五行之力的符篆,同时这些阵旗间相互还有着阵纹牵引,将阵法的威力发挥道极致,使得五行相辅相成,成为一个真正的大阵,可困大敌。 Except in addition, the Formation key position is also. 除此外,阵法还有一个枢纽所在。 That is formation plate or formation eye. 那便是阵盘或者阵眼 This is the routing control formation pillar formation flag key, such as a brain of person, the control is coordinating the four directions. 这就是连接控制阵柱阵旗的关键,也如一个人的大脑,控制协调着四方。 These in the middle of Formation indispensable. 这些在阵法当中缺一不可。 Xiao Yun enters inside, is taking a step carefully the step, is inducing the fluctuation of four directions. 萧云进入里面,小心迈步着步伐,感应着四方的波动。 Buzz! 嗡! One step takes, Formation space flood ripples. 一步迈出,阵法空间一阵泛起了一阵涟漪。 Obviously Formation was touched. 显然阵法被触动了。 Wants breaking the formation to touch Formation to discover the flaw from middle first. 想要破阵就必须先触动阵法在从当中找出破绽。 Unexpectedly, distant place void flake gold light blooms to change into a handle handle sharp knife blade is similar to the blade rain tilts to Xiao Yun under. 蓦地,远处虚空一片金光绽放开来化为一柄柄利刃如同刀雨般向萧云倾覆而下。 This is the strength of Gold Element! 这是金行之力! The strength of Five Elements promotes and constrains mutually, nearby the Xiao Yun observation, the personal appearance moves, such as but with the wind the line fluttered to other one side. 五行之力相生相克,萧云观察附近,身形一动,如随风而行飘向了另外一边。 That is a sea of fire. 那是一片火海。 Afterward strength of Gold Element, dissipates unexpectedly in light of this. 随后金行之力一顿,竟然就此消散。 Fire [gold/metal], the strength of Gold Element dissipates voluntarily, making Xiao Yun avoid strikes. 火克金,金行之力自行消散,让萧云避开一击。 Afterward, a distant place piece of current of water curls, is similar to Heavenly River tilts, makes crash-bang the sound, threatens to submerge Xiao Yun. 随后,远处一片水流卷来,如同天河倾覆,发出哗啦啦的声音,气势汹汹要淹没萧云 This is the attack of Water Element. 这是水行的攻击。 In the Xiao Yun heart relaxed, the personal appearance moves, evades other one side. 萧云心中大定,身形一动,避到另外一边。 That is a mountain, the earth to subdue|grams water, that dreadful flood is defeated and dispersed automatically, cannot the near. 那是一座山岳,土克水,那滔天洪水自动溃散,不能近前。 This is Formation repels one another, attacks does not keep off bursts. 这是阵法相克,攻击不挡即溃。 Speaks the truth that Five Elements has promoted and constrained mutually in Farmation Dao True Explanation, Xiao Yun engraving on one's memory, now utilizes like a fish in water. 阵道真解中就讲过五行相生相克的道理,萧云将之铭记于心,如今运用起来如鱼得水。 This boy unexpectedly has several points of perception!” In outside, the Old Zhu slight bow, is quite satisfactory to the Xiao Yun table. “这小子竟然有几分悟性!”在外面,朱老微微点头,对萧云的表颇为满意。 Palace Lord Jiang also relaxed, Xiao Yun natural talent has far exceeded his imagination. 姜殿主也是松了口气,萧云天赋远远超出了他的想象。 This youth as if has astonishing natural talent in various aspects, if diligent cultivation all may become a useful adult with concentration. 这青年似乎在各方面都有惊人的天赋,若潜心苦修皆可成材。 Studies too mixed shares the time unavoidably, is very difficult to step Peak, this also makes him somewhat be worried. 只是学得太杂难免分担时间,很难踏上巅峰,这也让他有些担心。 As the Five Elements attack appeared turned, received Formation changes, the wind and cloud color deterioration, the strength of Five Elements sent out the attack unexpectedly together. 随着五行攻击出现了一翻,接下阵法一变,风云变色,五行之力竟然一起发出攻击。 In the Formation space, the mountain, the sea of fire, sieges to come, to resemble to Xiao Yun to him block. 阵法空间内,山岳,火海,都向萧云围困而来,似要将他封锁。 These attacks do not have the actual situation, is the true attacks, only then resists strongly, has a bloody road to get out of trouble.” The Xiao Yun induction four directions, had discovered middle actual situation, mind moves afterward, the body falls in the middle of a below stretch of mulde there has mysterious fluctuation to fill the air, here should be formation eye is, so long as broke formation eye I to leave safely.” “这些攻击没有虚实,都是真正的攻击,只有竭力抵挡,杀出一条血路才可脱困。”萧云感应四方,发现了当中的虚实,随后心神一动,身子落在下方的一片凹地当中那里有着晦涩的波动弥漫,“这里应该就是阵眼所在,只要破了阵眼我就可以安然离开了。” After finding formation eye, Xiao Yun grasps Heavenly Flame Halberd strongly take action, kills a path, arrived at that formation eye to be. 在找到阵眼后,萧云手持天炎戟竭力出手,杀出一条路子,来到了那阵眼所在。 „Had this boy quickly such found formation eye?” Outside Old Zhu stares, is surprised. “这小子这么快就找到了阵眼?”外面的朱老一愣,感到惊讶。 This natural talent is uncommon.” The Yuan Xing slight bow, said. “这天赋不凡。”元惺微微点头,赞道。 Has not thought that this Xiao Yun also has this natural talent on Formation Dao.” In the Palace Lord Jiang heart is startled, pupil stares the Boss. “没有想到这萧云阵道上也有这天赋。”姜殿主心中一怔,眸子瞪得老大。 At this moment, several people were startled the chin, obviously has not expected Xiao Yun to have this natural talent. 这一刻,几人都惊掉了下巴,显然都没有料到萧云有此天赋 Whoosh ! 刷! Also moves in this time Xiao Yun Heavenly Flame Halberd, cut halberd glow to fall on that formation eye in the sky together unexpectedly. 也就在此时萧云天炎戟一动,当空斩下一道戟芒竟然落在了那阵眼上。 Buzz! 嗡! halberd glow falls, the under rays of light twinkle, reappeared a disc of table size. 戟芒落下,下方光芒闪烁,浮现出了一个桌子大小的圆盘。 This disc inscribes five rune seal, some above also formation mark tow, impressively is formation plate. 这圆盘刻有五道符篆,上面还有一些阵纹牵引,赫然是一个阵盘 After Xiao Yun this halberd falls, that formation plate blooms piece of light runes, resists that heavens frightening to strike. 萧云这一戟落下后,那阵盘绽放出一片光纹,抵挡着那惊天一击。 Formation is not what a pity strong, strikes formation mark to be defeated and dispersed in Xiao Yun, that halberd glow fell on that formation plate immediately. 可惜阵法不强,在萧云一击下阵纹溃散,那戟芒当即就落在了那阵盘上。 Buzz! 嗡! halberd glow falls, the imposing manner is dreadful, that formation plate cracked unexpectedly cracks, trembled along with crack appearance this piece of Formation space, all attacks were defeated and dispersed in light of this, see only the square fog to wriggle, the ravine sight of green was fragrant, the Xiao Yun glance four directions, discovered own impressively in a small valley. 戟芒落下,气势滔天,那阵盘竟然崩裂出了一道道裂纹,随着裂纹的出现这片阵法空间一颤,所有攻击就此溃散,只见得四方云雾蠕动,山间绿意芬芳,萧云扫视四方,赫然发现自己处在一个小山谷内。 Inscribes several formation pillar by the mountain valley, is having the strength of Five Elements. 在山谷旁刻有几根阵柱,拥有着五行之力。 This Formation was broken by Xiao Yun obviously. 阵法显然已经被萧云所破。 Hehe, this Formation was broken.” Sees this, Palace Lord Jiang caresses must smile, appears very happy. 呵呵,这阵法被破了。”见此,姜殿主抚须而笑,显得很高兴。 I go...... Quickly!” “我去……这么快!” Old Zhu foams with rage, has exploded the sentence thick mouth, obviously has not thought that this Formation will be broken easily. 朱老吹胡子瞪眼,不由爆了句粗口,显然是没有想到这阵法会那么轻易被破掉。 The average people fall into the middle of Formation, will square inch chaos, want to find formation eye so to be how can there be easy? 一般人陷入阵法当中,都将方寸大乱,想要找到阵眼岂有那么容易? Even after some people fall into Formation, by in dire straits. 甚至有人陷入阵法后生生被困死。 Hehe, the teacher, isn't this quickly good?” Nearby Yuan Xing smiles, said that this precisely explained Junior Brother Xiao extraordinary natural talent, so long as later he had free time, you taught him again several, was making him study slowly may also become one generation of Grandmaster.” 呵呵,师尊,这快还不好吗?”旁边的元惺一笑,说道,“这正好说明萧师弟天赋异禀,以后只要他有空,您再教他几手,在让他慢慢学习也可成为一代大师了。” Also is.” Old Zhu nods, afterward the brow selects, throws out the chest, makes a elder imposing manner, takes a look to the youth in that mountain valley, the sinking sound track, looked that this time has not haggled over for the master with you in your natural talent good share, but should not be proud, this Five Elements Heavenly Yuan Formation is only primary, most superficial Formation, the changes of many Five Elements have not evolved, furthermore does not have manned controllable Formation, otherwise you think that breaking the formation so is not simple.” “也是。”朱老点头,随后眉头一挑,挺着胸,做出一副长者气势,瞅向那山谷中的青年,沉声道,“看在你天赋不错的份上此次为师就不和你计较了,不过你也别骄傲,这五行天元阵只是初级,最肤浅的阵法,很多五行的变化没有演化出来,再者也没有人控制阵法,不然你想破阵可没有这么简单。” disciple will always remember that the teacher teaches.” Xiao Yun salutes in the mountain valley, pupil completely is the happy expression. 弟子自会铭记师尊教诲。”萧云在山谷中施礼,眸子尽是笑意。 This practice made him to Formation Dao more several points of interest. 此次实践让得他对阵法一道更加多了几分兴趣。 So good.” The Old Zhu slight bow, the big hand strokes, World's Yuan Qi inspiring, is similar to fog picks up Xiao Yun, afterward the people returned to the middle of Item Palace together, regarding this test, although some accidents may Old Zhu quite be happy. “如此甚好。”朱老微微点头,大手一拂,天地元气引动,如同一片云雾将萧云托起,随后众人一起回到了器殿当中,对于这次考验,虽然有些意外可朱老却颇为高兴。 Palace Lord Jiang is also surprised. 就连姜殿主也是惊讶不已。 One month, this Xiao Yun has stepped into late-stage Peak from True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment, had studied in this period also Formation Dao. 只是一个月罢了,这萧云就从真元后期小成踏入了后期巅峰,期间还学习了阵法一道 This shocking natural talent! 这得多惊艳的天赋啊! When the extravagant chair of Old Zhu place on palace stage, his hand strokes the beard, pupil light is taking a look to below Xiao Yun nods again and again. 朱老座在殿台上的一张阔椅上,他手捋着胡须,眸光瞅向下方的萧云时连连点头。 Good, you have strong natural talent to Formation Dao, so long as is directing to be possible for the master to have an achievement slightly in this field of endeavor.” Old Zhu said that was a pity you must go to Southern Border Battle Domain immediately, later cannot stay for a long time Heavenly Yuan, otherwise this Item Palace legacy must you inherit may not.” “不错,你对阵法一道有很强的天赋,只要为师在略加指点必可在此道上有所成就。”朱老说道,“可惜你马上就要去南疆战域,以后也不能久留天元,不然这器殿衣钵非得你继承不可。” disciple can study some teacher superficial knowledge / fur sufficiently to defend self.” Xiao Yun Hehe said with a smile. 弟子能学得师尊一些皮毛足以防身了。”萧云呵呵一笑道。 Your this boy.” The Old Zhu brow selects, afterward said that this was Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror has helped you repair.” “你这小子。”朱老眉头一挑,随后说道,“这是逆元天镜已经帮你修复好了。” The Old Zhu palm moves, the palm reappeared a valuable mirror of black light twinkle. 朱老手掌一动,掌心浮现了一面乌光闪烁的宝镜。 Now this Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror above runes the engagement was completely good, some above rune seal also completely patch. 如今这逆元天镜上面的符文已经完全衔接好,上面一些符篆也全部修补完毕。 This valuable mirror, has mysterious fluctuation to fill the air immediately. 这宝镜一出,当即就有着一股晦涩的波动弥漫开来。 Xiao Yun induces to go by mind to feel that obviously the aura of this heaven defying Yuan mirror was more vigorous than before. 萧云心神感应而去明显可以感觉到这逆天元镜的气息比以前要浑厚了。 The Old Zhu palm strokes, this heaven defying Yuan Heaven Mirror fluttered to Xiao Yun. 朱老手掌一拂,这逆天天镜就飘向了萧云 Catches a heaven defying Yuan mirror, in the Xiao Yun pupil completely is the happy expression, this is Spiritual Item! 接住逆天元镜,萧云眸中尽是笑意,这可是一件灵器啊! Present range Southern Border does Battle Domain start also several days, along with me how Xiao Yun first here studies Formation?” Old Zhu takes a look to Palace Lord Jiang, said. “现在距离南疆战域开始还有几天,萧云就先在这里随我修习一下阵法如何?”朱老瞅向姜殿主,说道。 This.” Palace Lord Jiang smiles embarrasedly, since this Old Zhu has opened the mouth he also to have no reason the rejection. “这个可以。”姜殿主讪讪一笑,既然这朱老已经开口了他也没有理由拒绝。 So good, when the time comes you in meet him.” Old Zhu said. “如此甚好,到时候你在来接他。”朱老说道。 Em.” Palace Lord Jiang sets out, afterward takes a look to Xiao Yun said that you first study along with Old Zhu for several days, when the time comes I in meet you.” “恩。”姜殿主起身,随后瞅向萧云道,“你就先随朱老学习几天,到时候我在来接你。” Now Xiao Yun obtained complete Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror to be equal to several points of background, therefore Palace Lord Jiang was also short worried. 现在萧云已经得到了完好的逆元天镜等于多了几分底蕴,所以姜殿主也少了些担忧。 After telling Xiao Yun one Palace Lord Jiang departs in light of this. 在吩咐萧云一句后姜殿主就此离去。 Xiao Yun follows Old Zhu, starts to study Formation. 萧云则是跟随朱老,开始学习阵法 Although Xiao Yun had the understanding of initial-stage to Formation, but also some abstruse things need the Expert direction. 虽然萧云已经对阵法有了初步的了解,可是还有许多深奥的东西需要高手指点。 „The trapped|sleepy enemy who this Formation Dao, is fastidious about, extinguishes the enemy in the strength of according to Formation......” in a side hall, Old Zhu sits on an extravagant chair, starts to explain Formation Dao to Xiao Yun, sits cross-legged as for Xiao Yun on a rush cushion calmly listens respectfully. “这阵法一道,讲究的困敌,在以阵法之力灭敌……”在一个偏殿中,朱老坐在一张阔椅上,开始向萧云讲解阵法之道,至于萧云则是盘坐在一个蒲团上静静聆听。 And a Formation Dao body, the method of concrete Refiner all you seeks that Heavenly Flame Scarlet Gold after Southern Border Battle Domain in letting you feel in side, if can true to learn/to master Refiner, have many advantage regarding the later growth.” Old Zhu words, turns toward Xiao Yun to say afterward. “器道与阵道可谓一体,具体的炼器之法一切等你从南疆战域寻得那天炎赤金后在让你在旁感受,若是能真正的学会炼器,对于以后的成长也有着诸多的好处。”朱老话语一顿,随后向着萧云说道。 ( ( …… ……
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